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When will there be a "SERVER MERGE?"


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After enduring an hour long queues on US Mind Trick our whole guild dropped their mains and rerolled on The Razor which claims standard population. At peak the most I've seen on Imperial Fleet was 55 ppl. Planet population ranges from 4-15 ppl. Most ppl have to skip most or all flashpoints which makes it a real pain leveling because there are not many quests available on many planets. I'm going to level to 50 soon and unless they implement server transfers or mergers I'm going to cancel my subscription. I refuse to drop another leveled and geared toon. I'm starting to think playing pandas might be fun after all. At least there are going to be 1000 pandas running around.
This was a serious post, right? I shall treat it as such. Mind Trick has a killer populous and probably low to no queues by now. Impatience hurt you there, but fear not. Character transfers are planned and are a high priority. Dev is working feverishly on it and will release it the moment it proves stable.


I personally have found questing with 4 players to be more difficult than doing flashpoints with 4 players. In large part questing together entails the group helping each other out with their class quests, unless they opt to split up and meet at the heroics. Add in the zillion side quests and there's plenty for a full party to do. Though it can mean a lot of traveling together. That is unless skipping everything just to max out for the sake of maxing out is why you play.


FPs? Not so much. Simply click your fleet pass, buff up and walk right in. Why do you say that most ppl have to skip most or all flashpoints? What need have you created that requires it? My take is they are skipping them because they are choosing to, not because they have to.

Edited by GalacticKegger
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This the reason I quit rift. They didn't introduce transfers quick enough so I quit since I didn't want to pay them money for another 1-2 months playing on a half deserted server. If they had been swifter with this they'd probably at least gotten 6 more months out of me since I liked the game. Might even still been playing it.

Learned my lesson from that and I'm on one of the most populated eu server. Sure the hours of queues at the start sucked at times but it was easily worth it for a healthy server down the line.


You'd think companies would learn and be alot faster with introducing server transfers/mergers since pretty much every new mmo have this issue. Bioware is probably losing alot of customers at the moment because of this. Like trion lost me in rift.

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I play on Tott Doneeta - Republic


the as of now- LOWEST POPULATED server.


It was Std when I joined and i know its my own fault and blah blah blah....


All I wanted to say uhm

1)20 ppl @ fleet -> PEAK TIMES

2)No big guilds they have all fallen apart

3)Nothing to do

4)Nobody to do it with


Oh yes and 3-5h PVP QUEUEs.

Once they are there they pop for about 3-5 games then ppl quit and its another 3-5h.


Please merge some servers...

maybe have a High - Standard (Imp - Rep) display or restrict ppl from joining a fraction if there is too many of the other fraction , excluding anything below lvl 30-40ish



population index: light = 1, standard = 2, heavy = 3, very heavy = 4, full = 5

Tott Doneeta » ø 0.97

Edited by Tischbeinchen
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Alot of "Heavy" and "standard" servers are that way because one side massively overpopulates the other. My server the imps are around 3/4-1 vs repubs and we are listed as standard. Yet any time before/after prime fleet hovers around 40 peeps and que's take 20+ mins to pop.
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I have only participated in 3 MMO releases. Each of them added more servers to accommodate the onslaught of players buying the game on release and screaming about the queue times. (And I admit, having to wait 2 hours to get into a game just plain is awful.) And after the attrition happened they were left with either utterly outbalanced servers or servers with too low of a population to support the player base.


I don't know anything about the technical end of making a game or setting up servers, but there has to be some other solution than making all those servers at the release of the game and only having the option of mergers and/or server transfers once the game gets to its normal level.


There are what, over a hundred US servers? IMO they really need to trim them and offer something, like server transfers, like Rift did, to move people around so that things normalize.


And all of you who are poo-pooing the OPs concern, you are probably not on one of those servers. You can tell them to grow up or whatever insult u come up with, but nothing is worse than logging into a game and not being able to get enough people to play it with you... especially when it is becoming apparent that there are quite a few servers that are like that.

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Having lost my shard in Rift and at the time being pretty angry I soon realised the benefits cus suddenly Sanctum was buzzing. And now all the EU English shards are generally on Medium which basically means when the invasions pop I can guarantee a group of us having fun. When I reflect on the first couple of months of Rift it was still a blast even on the shard they shut and the zones were very heavy with group activity.


I love this game cus its a solo challenge pretty much all the time. Just feels like one big green door all the time. I'm on my fourth zone now and Level 22 and I haven't grouped with one person yet. There is nothing in chat what so ever and I like see five six players all night. Doesn't bother me as I say, the game is more console than MMO. When I want a bit of MMO I go play WoW or Rift, and if I want the space travel I go play STO. This game is more Final Fantasy than serious MMO. But cus I like the story its fine. So I'm not bothered with mergers cus when I get to 50 I'll just start another char and play my other games for group stuff. Can't see it happening here.


And my goodness, whats with the masses of servers do you really need that many. Bit ambitious I have to say. Interestingly my WoW server Nordrassil which I have been on since time began is still hectic and I guarantee if I logged now the AH would be full and Stormwind awash with flying mounts and shiny gear... Including my own. Games just can't match that kind of activity. Even the space dock at STO has way more ships than I see players in Fleet or what ever its called.


Enjoying the game though. Its just different to WoW.

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Port Nowhere (6:50 PM EST)


Levels 1-10



Levels 11-20



Levels 21-30



Levels 31-40



Levels 41-49



Level 50



Total of 406 Republic. Server is listed as Standard.






I dont know what bio is doing but I have noticed that a standard server feels empty, there caps are off. Only the heavy very heavy servers feel populated, standard is just not enough people, if bio thinks standard is enough to make the game feel populated, they dont know what it is like to play mmos.

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Rift Servers (North America - 7:00PM EST):


1/16 Heavy

13/16 Medium

2/16 Light



Star Wars: The old Republic (North America - 7:00PM EST)


1/123 Heavy

96/123 Standard

26/123 Light


Which means.... nothing. Nothing because swtor has never defined what constitutes light/standard/heavy/etc.


I play on a server that is mainly standard/heavy during peak and it feels underpopulated to me. Well underpopulated compared to wow when it launched. Of course all the wow servers were slammed at launch.


I would rather be in a queue trying to get onto a packed server then getting on a server with barely anyone around. It is supposed to be a MMO isn't it?

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Given the choice between heavily overpopulated, queued servers and too many medium pop servers, i'll take too many servers anyday. Getting online and actually getting anything done without people constantly kill stealing in desperation the first week was dreadful.


Never happened. There is no such thing as kill stealing in this game. You tag it, you own it.

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Whitebeam Run @ 8:28 p.m. EST


Standard Population


1-20: 63

21-30: 47

31-40: 45

41-50: 71


Total: 226


Whitebeam Run @ 8:31 p.m. EST


Standard Population


1-20: 98

21-30: 53

31-40: 43

41-50: 50


Total: 244


Total Republic & Empire: 470


Those numbers are awfully low for primetime. It also occurs to me that the threshold for "Standard" must be pretty low.

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Which means.... nothing. Nothing because swtor has never defined what constitutes light/standard/heavy/etc.


I play on a server that is mainly standard/heavy during peak and it feels underpopulated to me. Well underpopulated compared to wow when it launched. Of course all the wow servers were slammed at launch.


I would rather be in a queue trying to get onto a packed server then getting on a server with barely anyone around. It is supposed to be a MMO isn't it?



Well, lets say Imps outnumber Republic by 2-1 on Port Nowhere, that leaves 806 Imps + 403 Republic for a total of 1209 players.


1200 players constitutes Standard. That seems awfully low. What are the caps? 5000?


Servers are probably being dinged Standard with a total population of 800.


I'll do it again later and add in Imp numbers (Not close to computer right now).


What I got from doing this is:


SWTOR has way to many servers. 50/70 (with 70 pushing it) would be ideal, I think.


You'd probably have over half being Very Heavy, about 10+ being full etc.


We'll see. They'll address it sooner or later, because truthfully, the low-population, dead-world feeling is more likely to make players like myself quit than any nerfs/bugs, etc.


I just got my bill actually. Bought the 6 Month sub plan and it costed me 92$. Doubt I'll go another 6months.

Edited by Azumio
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Game is pretty much dead on planets which are level 35+.


People find it frustrating to level their characters after a certain level because even the stories get repetitive.


Anyway, server merging is inevitable.


BW had a so-called perfect launch but people just did not keep their subscription. What happened to all those queues ? Game has got nothing new for a MMO and people are leaving for it.


The only new thing is the class story part and you can watch all class stories on Youtube. No reason to work too hard on your character.

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Standard means nothing, my server is standard and its still a hard task to get groups together due to lack of players.


And with faction imbalance meaning most servers are 2:1 Imp:Rep the situation is magnified for Republic players even on servers with supposedly good populations.


Bioware created too many servers, far too fast and diluted the population signifcantly and needlessly to keep early access queues down, and its come back to bite us all on the ***.


Well said... Too many servers too fast now I'm bored out of my mind waiting 2+ hours for a warzone??????? Get real... That is rediculous...........

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I love this game, so don't get me wrong.


It just appears that Bioware messed up on so many levels, the server caps at launch were a joke, a complete joke.


Now we are littered with empty servers. Standard means low pop in my eyes, even when it says heavy it feels empty. The most important part of an MMO is plenty of people to play with.


The Hero engine in another disgust of mine, they coding in this game sucks, but that's for another topic.


I hope SWTOR does succeed as I am having fun, it just could of been so much better...

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