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Operative Medical Therapy does not work


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you know that near top talent you inverest in to make your dots do 10% healing? it doesnt work at all.


did you know the talent that adds a damage reduction debuff sleeping dart makes to the mobs its applied on breaks and agros the entire group? 2 points in that tree gimps you and 3 points in the other does nothing.


5 points in healing tree you need to take in order to get enough points in to get 31 point talent. completely wasted and makes you a worse healer.


but hey nerf the con tree


Yup it truly is exacerbating to be an Op/scoundrel right now. Bioware should be looking into the reason why most players went to the few abilities that actually give results when playing and why the other two trees are considered hobo workers who stand around yelling "Look! I'm worse than anyone else but at least I'm different!".


We have broken talents and functionally broken design in two of our trees since day 1 that have not even been looked at ... yet basically one ability out of one tree that gave a slight edge when stim stacking was allowed gets PRIORITY NUMBER 1!!!! ahead of massive game bugs, lacking features and glaring class imbalance on many other levels.


Here's a tip Bioware: Before kicking someone in the gonads, try buttering them up with things like, "hey guys, we fixed your broken talents and tweaked some of your weaknesses ... but um, listen we also need to talk about that stealth opener of yours ...".


Pretty sure the players would be more civil in response over your ninja nad nuke approach.


Also to add to Diagnostic Scan being so useless: Bioware just get rid of that power and apply it to our gun like merc/commando. Give us our free energy heal that can be used ON THE RUN and scales. Rework those talents entirely. Every player hates them along with the current skill. It isn't even on my bars and I REFUSE to be further stuck in one sport with such a crappy heal. We are a skirmish class with limited range on most abilities yet for some reason the designer of the medicine tree wants to plant us like trees in the ground. With no KB and no gap closers our basic mobility is ALL WE HAVE!

Edited by Tamanous
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Med therapy: does not work.


Evasion talent that increases movement speed while activated: does not work.


Sleep Dart talent: does work but when it drops will put you in combat and that mob along with every other mob will aggro you. Untalented, works as intended.


3 talents that I KNOW of that are broken.


Our 31 point talent RN is also garbage and most Ops don't even spec it (yet it has two sets with bonuses for it, laugh!).


To add to all this, we are now being dropped from raids and replaced by above classes since we suck compared. I feel like I am playing my vanilla druid all over again.

Edited by fixit
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bumping this again


operative healing needs a severe overlook in a decent time frame (not 3-4 months down the line). While I do get to raid as a operative often in a op/sorc setup it's very frustrating to see that our spec has a few very annoying low points compared to a sorc healer.


-Recuperative nanotech should be a "smart heal" bassicly targeting players at lowest hp (also remove the hard player targets, to bring it more in line with the sorc 31 point talent)


-Medical therapy (at the least fix this talent please, getting it bumped up to +20% healing wouldn't hurt either)


-kolto infusion, what's the point of this spell tbh? It's only a 5 less energy cost and we expend a TA for it, that and the low ammount healed makes it kind of useless to the point where most op healers just don't have it on their bars anymore.


-Kolto probe, it's not worth putting a 1 stack of this on anyone, need 2 stacks for it to heal anything worthwile, other then that the HoT doesn't give anything else other then abit of mobility on our class.`


-Shield probe, it would be usefull if we could cast it on other targets then ourselves.


just a few of the points they should look into regarding operative healing, that and fix the damn talents already, it's `shamefull that we are a a month into the game and that has been there 0 response from development on this.

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They don't reply to anything - other than 3 automated cut'n paste replies


- the thread locked one

- the keep things civil

- closed as being discussed ---->


makes me miss Trion and WoW who at least acknowledge concerns and try to at least let you know things are being passed on and being looked at. We need some class liason's on the forums to pass on concerns and give feedback to the class.

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There are multiple operative skills that do not work. I don't mean, "they're underpowered." I mean they have no effect. Examples:


- Corrosive Microbes. You'll never see a second tic.

- Evasive Imperative. You're not faster when evasion is up.

- Medical Therapy. As discussed in this thread.


Wouldn't it be fantastic if Bioware worked on fixing nonfunctioning skills, as well as nerfing the ones that do work? Also, wouldn't it be great if they remembered that not all Operatives are Concealment spec? Both Medicine and Lethality have serious functionality issues.


Right now, building a non-concealment operative is an exercise in deciding which useless, non-working skills you dump points in.

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Corrosive Microbes workes; there are double ticks. But I just tested it and there were 13 double ticks from a total of 102 ticks (with 2 points in the talent). I will test this again later, but it seems to be buggy as well.






Overall: 37/306 = 12,1%


I'm not good at statistics, but this looks very strange... :D

Edited by Wulffion
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did you know the talent that adds a damage reduction debuff sleeping dart makes to the mobs its applied on breaks and agros the entire group?


OOOOOO! I have had this happen a number of times, wasn't sure the cause.


GG Bioware.

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From my own personal testing I can also verify that both med therapy and the evasion talent don't work. I will ticket both in game but really would love to see some acknowledgment here not just for the bugs but also hopefully for some upcoming changes to make us a little more competitive.


Having played the op healer in several versions of beta they did make some good changes to this class overall but it seems they never really went in and tweaked or polished everything to bring it up to where it should be. Our costs on KP and RN are just too high for the numbers they produce and I would love to see Medical Consult be reworked a little to be more of a static buff instead.

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It would greatly eas my mind if they Acknowledge that its not working and promise a fix is in the works.


When they don't acknowledge a topic that has been around for a while which is simply does it work or not then I worry that its intended and they dont want us to have the talents working.

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