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I have an idea that would make everyone happy


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i honestly dont get player housing, it serves no purpose beyond ***** and giggles for about a hour or so.


Dont get me wrong, i love building stuff, simcity \o/ =) but player housing + mmos = waste of effort vs reward.


You have 3000 - 8000 accounts per server, one house for each of those, where do you place them? it becomes instanced.


When it is instanced, who sees it? you and thats it. Maybe you'll drag some crazy person into it and they go "err, yeah great lets get back to killing stuff".


Effort vs Reward =\


Until such a time that you can actually make true cities in mmos that serve as a place of impact on the games economy, resources and open world pvp its just pointless eye candy.


its clearly not for you, but I spent many hundreds of hours building houses in SWG and utterly loved this part, game a real feel of acomplishement and ownership at each stage.

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Rather than player housing...


More types of Ship and Ship customisations would be better (as has been mentioned)


Also some PvP Free-Roaming ship battles to show them off!!!


Damn I would love something like an X-Wing (Yea I know they aren't around for 3000 years whatever)


The game needs to have more player environment interaction if it's going to be successful in the long term. Player housing would help with this.


The world of SWTOR as of now is almost dead. It's just a series of linear zones that become pointless after the player completes the quests. They need to start adding some new game-play designs that actually utilize the different environments and give players something fun and productive to do in them.


Just repeating the same dailies every day at level 50 isn't going to cut it.

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now if they made it so it was like a moving battlefield.


Think of an eve fleet pvp battle, you go into a fight sometimes your ship can be worth billions of isk. Now what if you were in a corp and someone attacked your station? You make sure you get from wherever the fu*k you are and join in the fight! If they could bring that same level of attachment to your "house" in swtor then yea it might work but there is still my first points above.



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Actually housing could work, but it would need to be implemented properly so everyone can benefit of it. Have a that doesnt invovle regular quests/leveling. Give us the option to buy a house. Let there be chat channels connected to the fleet so you can trade and look for a group. Let there be a neutral AH + trade channel that connects both the republic and the empire. Not far from the housing area there could be a warzone/pvp area we know from Ilum. Let the planet be connected with ships that fly to every planet for easy/fast travel. This doesn't make the game a sandvox mmo, but unstead gather people, which this game badly needs.
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This would be a good thing to work on in a future expansion, The housing system in Galaxies was probably my favorite in an MMO, so anything close to that would be great.


They could even incorporate the Legacy system in, where you would have one house shared by all of your alts. Maybe even give you a plot of land, and depending on your legacy level give you the ability to place more buildings on to it.

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Ugh. Enough with the player housing. EQ2 did this and it was pointless. "Come by my house, I have some really neat pictures on the walls and I have a chest I can store stuff!!!11!one".


There's a point when enthusiastic role-playing becomes time to get help.

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i honestly dont get player housing, it serves no purpose beyond ***** and giggles for about a hour or so.


Dont get me wrong, i love building stuff, simcity \o/ =) but player housing + mmos = waste of effort vs reward.


You have 3000 - 8000 accounts per server, one house for each of those, where do you place them? it becomes instanced.


When it is instanced, who sees it? you and thats it. Maybe you'll drag some crazy person into it and they go "err, yeah great lets get back to killing stuff".


Effort vs Reward =\


Until such a time that you can actually make true cities in mmos that serve as a place of impact on the games economy, resources and open world pvp its just pointless eye candy.



but we actually had real player citys in year 2004 in game called SWG !!!

and it was real fun.

was like guild territory, guild hall building, cantina, other... + alot of guild members houses.

so m8, i don't really know where u got that idea of "instanced" housing.. maybe LotRO ?

Edited by Exellence
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This idea would not make me happy even a little, in fact would piss me off to no end. The only game I have ever seen do non-instanced housing the right way was Asherons Call 1, set "towns" with EMPTY houses players had to buy and pay rent on with most players not getting a house to prevent urban sprawl.


Urban sprawl is horrible, always has been going back to Ultima Online and it completely RUINED SWG for me...nothing like urban sprawl on a desert planet thats supposed to have a low population due to the envoirment!


No thank you. Keep "housing" to ships or instanced zones in this game.

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You're wrong about this.


Allowing players to have their own housing not only opens up a entirely new game-play element for the developers to build on (something this game desperately needs) but it also personalizes the world and makes you feel more a part of it. And this game needs more of that, a lot more in fact.


Immersion ftw!


Seriously though, player housing( non-instanced ) adds so much more than just a cool place to hang out. These are all options:


1. Rested xp

2. Portals to certain areas maybe gained througg legacy

3. Beds to sleep to get stat bonuses like using a flask

4. Eat to get a food buff, both of these last through death

5. Place for guild to meet and get these buffs so they can run to the operative together. Again for immersion


This would also promote world PvP! I know I'd love to camp inside an imperial player housing town on my shadow!

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I have a hard time thinking there would be enough land for 1 million players to buy and make stuff.


I don't think it's gonna work out.


Same here. I don't really think the land thing is a good idea. But I'm all for the addition of a new sandbox oriented planet!

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Actual planet based housing in ToR? Eh, no. I hated constantly running into giant sprawling player towns and resource gathering 'farms' in SWG.


But making the ships customizable? That'd be great. Combined with the big guild capital ships that are allegdely in development and we'll have 'player towns' and 'player houses' without cluttering up the planets.

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There's not 1 million players on one server. derp.


Ok even if there's only 1k on each server, that's still a lot of houses to cram on one map. Houses aren't needed with the ships anyway. They just need to allow us to customize them and decorate them.

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a housing sector in each factions main cities would surfice (I prefer appartment living anyhow). tower block, lifts, instanced, everyone can have thier own pad to do what they wish with and no hidious sprawl


Yeah if they were going to do housing in this game that's how I always pictured it. Houses don't really fit in Star Wars, but apartments do! I wouldn't mind having one on Nar Shadaa.

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