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"Lady" title for female Sith


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Could you please add the "Lady" title as OPTION for female Sith characters?

It's a bit weird to me to see my female Sith Marauder named "Lord <namehere>".

It fits the lore too, e.g. Darth Maladi was also called "Lady Maladi" (actually she was mostly called that way, rarely if ever "Darth", and never "Lord").


This shouldn't take too much developer time :)



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I vote we make Lord AND Lady available for both genders.

Except it's not canon. Females were called Lord or Lady, males Lord, that's it. I can also see the potential abuses here... definitely a bad idea in my opinion.


Im a fan of "Mistress" myself.

Would maybe fit a "dark dungeons of the hutt" game, but definitely not a Jedi ;)


There was already a Lady title in Beta, then it was taken out for the more gender-neutral Lord.
Bah, why remove something that works and fits the lore? :( Edited by Korrigan
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Would maybe fit a "dark dungeons of the hutt" game, but definitely not a Jedi ;)



Mistress is a term of respect for a Lady Sith already ingame. It is also a term of respect used for the lady of the house by servants in real life. In fact, it's even used by equals in real life, such as a man politely asking "May I get the door for you mistress?" in lieu of saying "my lady", or "ma'am".

Edited by Zorvan
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Mistress is a term of respect for a Lady Sith already ingame. It is also a term of respect used for the lady of the house by servants in real life. In fact, it's even used by equals in real life, such as a man politely asking "May I get the door for you mistress?" in lieu of saying "my lady", or "ma'am".
Ah for a Sith lady yeah, I thought he wanted "Mistress" as Jedi title as counterpart of "Master" :)


Even then, it's only a term of respect very occasionally used, not a real title, which are Lord/Lady and Darth. There's a problem too, Jedi get Master, so if you give Mistress to Sith Ladies, you'll have the males who gonna want "Master" too... a bit too confusing in my opinion.

Edited by Korrigan
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Good point, however! what your asking for, doesn't quite match your forum avatar....:D



Could you please add the "Lady" title as OPTION for female Sith characters?

It's a bit weird to me to see my female Sith Marauder named "Lord <namehere>".

It fits the lore too, e.g. Darth Maladi was also called "Lady Maladi" (actually she was mostly called that way, rarely if ever "Darth", and never "Lord").


This shouldn't take too much developer time :)



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Also, why do all female sith lords have male names ?


Zash, Tytonus, etc... Everytime I hear I'm going after a sith lord, I'm surprised it's actually a she.

Well, in the lore, you have of course names like "Lumiya" and "Maladi" which sound female, but you can't say "Talon" is very female.


Also if you look at http://starwars.wikia.com/wiki/Sith_Lord , the Sith order seems to be very misogynistic... not many female "Lords" (Ladies) in the list...


OMG No..... Lady just loses the essence of Sith for me what next Darthess!!!
I can tell you Lady Maladi is definitely a Sith, and a quite sadistic one. Read the Legacy comics, they are awesome!


Not to mention the havoc it would cause with the voice acting. :D
That's not a problem. "My Lord" would work just fine. Edited by Korrigan
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Good point, however! what your asking for, doesn't quite match your forum avatar....:D
And your point is?


I'm playing both male and female characters in game (and have done so in every MMORPG I've played the last 20 years). This is not the topic anyway.


I don't even have a character named Korrigan... I never use my char name on a public forum, it avoids little smart griefers to steal my real in game names just because I disagreed with them on the forum ;)

Edited by Korrigan
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I never said it was a problem, just thought it odd asking for a female title when using a male avatar on the forum, well not odd, just inquisitive. Any way Countess would sound better than Lady;)


And your point is?


I'm playing both male and female characters in game (and have done so in every MMORPG I've played the last 20 years). This is not the topic anyway.


I don't even have a character named Korrigan... I never use my char name on a public forum, it avoids little smart griefers to steal my real in game names just because I disagreed with them on the forum ;)

Edited by Tronics
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OMG No..... Lady just loses the essence of Sith for me what next Darthess!!!


Not to mention the havoc it would cause with the voice acting. :D


It wouldn't hurt the voice overs at all.


A "Lady" would still be equally entitled to the "Lord" title as well. "Lady/Lord" are just two respectful terms for the same person. So NPC's calling you "Lord" would not diminish the "Lady" in your title.

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I never said it was a problem, just thought it odd asking for a female title when using a male avatar on the forum, well not strange, just inquisitive. Any way Countess would sound better than Lady;)
Your concern would be justified if we could have several forum avatars... sadly we can only have one, so when we play both sexes in game, we have to choose ;)



For everybody (and not just Tronics):

Anyway, as I said, this is not what is discussed here - discussion over, back to the topic, which is, I remind you, about the title "Lady" which is "canon" in Star Wars for female siths. Try not to digress too much on other fantasist titles please, or create your own thread.

Edited by Korrigan
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Any way Countess would sound better than Lady as sw was always on the grand scale...



Your concern would be justified if we could have several forum avatars... sadly we can only have one, so when we play both sexes in game, we have to choose ;)


Anyway, as I said, this is not what is discussed here - discussion over, back to the topic, which is, I remind you, about the title "Lady" which is "canon" in Star Wars for female siths. Try not to digress too much on other fantasist titles please, or create your own thread.

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I never said it was a problem, just thought it odd asking for a female title when using a male avatar on the forum, well not odd, just inquisitive. Any way Countess would sound better than Lady;)


Only if she was the owner/ruler of a sizable plot of land or married to an Earl or Count. Political society in Star Wars seems to mirror British aristocracy; i.e. Duke/Duchess, Count/Countess, Baron/Baroness, etc.


Again, a title you may see for a Sith, but never a Jedi.

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