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Increase heat and casting time of tracer missiles


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Until yesterday I thought tracer missiles were fine. But then I saw this



He plays noobstyle,(although he isnt) against other noobs and clearly shows that those missiles are overpowered.

If he would face experienced pvp ers he could use his knockbacks, stuns, vent heat, and he would still own them.


To all those who have no trouble beating the tracer spam, imagine what you could do if you had such skills available in your class.


So tune it down a tiny little bit. Make them generate 2,3 points more heat, and increase the casting time by 0,1 or 0,2 seconds. I guess those changes would already help a lot.

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I'm really just surprised that more people didn't notice and interrupt him


It is obvious that his enemies had no skill, but he intentionaly plays like the average skillless warzone noob too. And he should not own like this in a noob vs noob battle.

Edited by beyou
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Breaking News.


Bad players get owned by someone playing badly. Class needs a nerf.


Tracer Missile and Grav Round aren't the problem. It is the number of procs and abilities tied into these abilities that is the problem. The spec rewards spamming this ability with procs to the point where it is almost pointless to use other abilities.


I almost can't wait for the inevitable Trooper/BH nerf so I can try out my other tree and get some of the idiots off my class and back into their dresses.

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Why should we care how someone playing like a noob does when playing other noobs? Is that the bar we're setting for balance?


I care a lot more how the spec performs against competent players. In which it is perfectly fine.

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Until yesterday I thought tracer missiles were fine. But then I saw this



He plays noobstyle,(although he isnt) against other noobs and clearly shows that those missiles are overpowered.

If he would face experienced pvp ers he could use his knockbacks, stuns, vent heat, and he would still own them.


To all those who have no trouble beating the tracer spam, imagine what you could do if you had such skills available in your class.


So tune it down a tiny little bit. Make them generate 2,3 points more heat, and increase the casting time by 0,1 or 0,2 seconds. I guess those changes would already help a lot.


As irritating that I find these tracer missile spammers, the fact still stands that it is Not a good way to go.. You can easily interrupt/LoS them, and most of these noobs just stands there right out in the open, giving our dps a golden opportunity to steamroll them.


Even in games where I've seen 5-7 BH's I've not felt them as being much of a problem. The average tracer missile spamer doesn't even bother using his own interrupts/cc etc alot.

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Breaking News.


Bad players get owned by someone playing badly. Class needs a nerf.


Tracer Missile and Grav Round aren't the problem. It is the number of procs and abilities tied into these abilities that is the problem. The spec rewards spamming this ability with procs to the point where it is almost pointless to use other abilities.


I almost can't wait for the inevitable Trooper/BH nerf so I can try out my other tree and get some of the idiots off my class and back into their dresses.


Breaking news...

No one should be able to deal that kind of dammage with one button.


And namecalling those who point that out does not change anything.

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Even in games where I've seen 5-7 BH's I've not felt them as being much of a problem. The average tracer missile spamer doesn't even bother using his own interrupts/cc etc alot.


Probably because no DPS commando has an interrupt.

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As irritating that I find these tracer missile spammers, the fact still stands that it is Not a good way to go.. You can easily interrupt/LoS them, and most of these noobs just stands there right out in the open, giving our dps a golden opportunity to steamroll them.


Even in games where I've seen 5-7 BH's I've not felt them as being much of a problem. The average tracer missile spamer doesn't even bother using his own interrupts/cc etc alot.


Now imagine those 7 using their knockbacks stuns etc...

Now imagine those 7, on top of using other abilities getting really good in pvp. Like doing good positioning, focus firing, stunning the healer, etc,

Edited by beyou
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Your kidding me nerf it. He wasn't attacked at all I think he was interrupted three times. Everytime he went one on one he died except once towards the end when he beat his equal a commando with a heavy. Who by the way should have went at him stronger where he was froze. Your point should be why did they allow him to get away with it. He just ducked fights and switched to the weaker target. His three deaths were pretty bad and his last two were funny to watch cause he was powerless to it. He died the third time within seconds of getting to the fight. My question again is why let him turret. He used no other abilities except on respawn to buff himself. Come on nerf it my foot. Play better they were a bunch of 50's they just thought other targets were more important guess they were wrong and the other team won the match. So it's not like he alone changed the outcome of the match. You need to come up with him pwning the whole match all you did was prove there strenghts and merc terrible weakness. Edited by jackalious
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No one should be able to deal that kind of dammage with one button.


And namecalling those who point that out does not change anything.


You're absolutely right. Which is why they need to move the procs around amongst the various damaging abilities, which will force people to, and I know this is a shocker, use more than one button.


What a concept.


Grav Round enables HIB, Grav Round applies armor debuff, Grav Round resets my FA cooldown and makes it deal 25% more damage, Grav Round gives me a 10% damage shield as long as I keep using it. Grav Round empowers my Demo Bolt. Grav Round cooks me breakfast and buys me a round at the bar.


If Grav Round did 60% of it's current damage, people would STILL be spamming nothing but Grav Round. And they'd still be destroying people, it'd just take one more.


Cure the disease, don't just treat the symptoms.

Edited by AtmaTheWanderer
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You're absolutely right. Which is why they need to move the procs around amongst the various damaging abilities, which will force people to, and I know this is a shocker, use more than one button.


What a concept.


Grav Round enables HIB, Grav Round applies armor debuff, Grav Round resets my FA cooldown and makes it deal 25% more damage, Grav Round gives me a 10% damage shield as long as I keep using it. Grav Round empowers my Demo Bolt. Grav Round cooks me breakfast and buys me a round at the bar.


If Grav Round did 60% of it's current damage, people would STILL be spamming nothing but Grav Round. And they'd still be destroying people, it'd just take one more.


Cure the disease, don't just treat the symptoms.


All they need to do to fix Grav/Tracer spam is turn charged bolts into your "primary nuke" and just make grav round the debuff nuke you try to only use when you need to get more debuffs up on the target.


Ie, nerf grav/tracer slightly, buff charged bolts by gravity votex/heat signatures.

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Until yesterday I thought tracer missiles were fine. But then I saw this



He plays noobstyle,(although he isnt) against other noobs and clearly shows that those missiles are overpowered.

If he would face experienced pvp ers he could use his knockbacks, stuns, vent heat, and he would still own them.


To all those who have no trouble beating the tracer spam, imagine what you could do if you had such skills available in your class.


So tune it down a tiny little bit. Make them generate 2,3 points more heat, and increase the casting time by 0,1 or 0,2 seconds. I guess those changes would already help a lot.




i totaly and i mean totaly agree with this


tracer missile and grav round need to cost more heat/rounds and need a 15 to 20 second cooldown.


they will still be very effective except people will have to learn how to play there class and rotate abilitys instead of pwning everying with 1 button spamming

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i totaly and i mean totaly agree with this


tracer missile and grav round need to cost more heat/rounds and need a 15 to 20 second cooldown.


they will still be very effective except people will have to learn how to play there class and rotate abilitys instead of pwning everying with 1 button spamming


tell me the rotation you will use with the suggestions you just made. I am curious

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People can say the video is full of bad players all they want, however:


when 2 commandos/BHs are well coordinated they can drop a Sorcerer in 2-3 casts timed at the same time, so roughly around 4-6 seconds. Two sorcerers can force lightning you for 4 seconds and greatly snare you, but you'll still be 70% life after 4 seconds.


It's sad but the truth is the ability is fine when it's 1 on 1, but not fine when there is just 2 commandos/BH's who are well coordinated - they can spike squishies down too fast.

Edited by Gravestrike
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You people act like 4 seconds is forever or like they have no other abilities. Unload ticks for 2k are dumb.


Only on people with no expertise and when those ticks crit, assuming you don't lose a tick to damage.


Commandos/Mercs are fine, I'd be targeting sorcerors next.

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1- I play a pyro merc. Anyone who is any good as a merc knows that pyro merc is better for pvp, at least against good players. Arsenal mercs only do well against the mouth breathers in pugs who pay no attention to anything. You feel it should be nerfed because it is too "noob friendly," fine. But let's not pretend that it is actually something good in pvp.


2- People really need to get to 50 and gear up before talking about balance. So someone in a warzone with levels 10-49 owned someone else. So what? How can that ever be balanced?

But at 50, and with just a few pieces of centurion/champion gear, people start having more than 15k hp. With the expertise dmg reduction, all these pretty 4k crits on lowbies start looking more like 2k crits on people who have a ton more HP. Hell, in a week I went from 12k hp as a lvl 50 to 17k.

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1- I play a pyro merc. Anyone who is any good as a merc knows that pyro merc is better for pvp, at least against good players. Arsenal mercs only do well against the mouth breathers in pugs who pay no attention to anything. You feel it should be nerfed because it is too "noob friendly," fine. But let's not pretend that it is actually something good in pvp.


2- People really need to get to 50 and gear up before talking about balance. So someone in a warzone with levels 10-49 owned someone else. So what? How can that ever be balanced?

But at 50, and with just a few pieces of centurion/champion gear, people start having more than 15k hp. With the expertise dmg reduction, all these pretty 4k crits on lowbies start looking more like 2k crits on people who have a ton more HP. Hell, in a week I went from 12k hp as a lvl 50 to 17k.



Expertise increases reduction and dammage. The crit hits higher too, ergo the dammage stays the same.


17 k hp is due to more endurance on your armor. Guess what, power and surge are increased by that same armor too. It takes maybe 1 more tracer to kill you.



To all others: yes he can be interupted etc.....

But the point still stands:


This class has everything it needs for dammage on one button. I cant imagine why anyone would find that right. Or even defends this.

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Only on people with no expertise and when those ticks crit, assuming you don't lose a tick to damage.


Commandos/Mercs are fine, I'd be targeting sorcerors next.


Hell, a 1k tick from Unload is dumb considering how many times it ticks.


No one is asking to decimate Mercs like they did Operatives. What the smart people are asking is to make it so it's at least the Marauder level of difficulty to do ANYTHING with the class. You shouldn't be able to kill a level 10 without bolster unless you have a decent amount of skill. I don't think this is unreasonable.

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