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Today I hit level 50


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Getting 50 is the same like becoming level 10 again. With no Gear you are nothing and you need to play PvP to get that gear.. so its going to be frustrating till you have at least 7% expertise..

But at 50 i noticed that it was at least balanced. Republic/Imps win quite normally and equally about 50%. Not like long time ago when 50's could play against 10's. Then it was just ridiculous.


But queue is horrible at 50. They need to do something with it.. Galactic PvP with all servers or something

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Name an MMO with more than 300k current subscribers and no time sinks

Take your time


name a game since 2000 that has not had these time sinks. the mmo market has gone in a bad direction. and there is a huge sentiment for a new style. just everyone wants WoWs money. so they think thats the best choice.


edit, and it is 3am so it took a min. Guild Wars.

Edited by Padgemoe
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name a game since 2000 that has not had these time sinks. the mmo market has gone in a bad direction. and there is a huge sentiment for a new style. just everyone wants WoWs money. so they think thats the best choice.


Because it's the only profitable way to make a subscription game

The game industry doesn't have a hive mind, lolll... They'll do what turns money

But by all means, go try to make a subscription mmo with no time sinks, and see how badly it turns out



Oh and for the edit... Guild Wars wasn't a subscription MMO, and thus they did not steadily release large pieces of new content and did not have time sinks.

Edited by CupieFoxtail
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Easy solution. PvP on the way to 50. Allow lower levels to purchase centurion gear with commendations. Problem solved. You are geared enough the moment you hit 50 if you are a dedicated pvp player.


Will they do it? Uh 1.1.??? Nerfing classes to the ground???


I doubt it.


In Vanilla WOW I hit rank 10 at level 59. While 60 pvp sucked donkies I at least had enough gear so that wasn't the truly wrecked part of the experience. I'm all for your solution.

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Because it's the only profitable way to make a subscription game

The game industry doesn't have a hive mind, lolll... They'll do what turns money

But by all means, go try to make a subscription mmo with no time sinks, and see how badly it turns out



Oh and for the edit... Guild Wars wasn't a subscription MMO, and thus they did not steadily release large pieces of new content and did not have time sinks.


there were no sub fees cause they did not need them. Factions, Nightfall, Eye Of The North, all new pieces of content.

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I do not know what you all are crying about. I just made 50 on my Marauder and i still can be 3-4 on damage-kills and no i am not rage spec... If you are running around by yourself and are getting smacked around it is your own fault.


Once you gear up a bit you can be a bit of a lone wolf......SO gear up it is what i am doing.

Edited by Badlander
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Really, players should be able to start farming the Centurion gear after 40 (still not usable until 50) so that the gap is not so bad. That, I think would help a lot.


This. This. A thousand times this. I'm doing this on my Sniper (currently 32) after purchasing my level 40 gear so when I hit 50, I'll have a few pvp pieces to give me a shot (because I'm a Sniper). OP said "I should have listened and stayed 49.." so he was aware that geared 50's would be a problem, yet he did nothing to jumpstart his gear acquisition?


Bad planning for a poor situation.


And yes, it is going to suck hard for fresh 50's who don't read the forums. Best solution I can think of short of removing expertise is to implement a larger-style battle a la Alterac Valley wherein you can lean on your teammates for support more reliably. Or the Expertise/Adventuring gear idea someone posted not long ago.

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PVP at level 50 is truly a joke. It is only the gear. Nothing else.


A level 50 without PVP gear is melting when i hit him. A level 50 with full PVP gear is not getting any damage (i am a bit in the middle, half PVP gear).

This is not right and not good. The gasp is to big between full and no PVP gear. Maybe its 20% for damage, midigation and heal, but in the end it is +20% damage and -20% damage recieve. Thats a difference of 40%. No way in hell can someone without any PVP gear kill someone with full PVP in 1vs1. No matter about the skill.


I notice the difference as well on my damage and kills in warzones. When i didnt had any PVP gear, i could not kill or damage anyone. Now with already half gear in PVP i really do damage. I dont even want to know how it will be with full PVP gear. But getting to this point that you get the first PVP items, is REALLY hard when you cant win and finish your daily quests.


Its time to balance it now, or lose player becauce of an unbalanced system.

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Name an MMO with more than 300k current subscribers and no time sinks

Take your time


Wow, vague much?


There are time sinks and then there are time sinks. For example, the time sink in AC1 and UO was the death penalty, which only made PVP more exciting, intense and personal - it also held people accountable for their actions, and made people play smart, instead of mindlessly attacking/tombestone rushing etc...


Where as the time sink in most MMO's todays is the actual PVP itself. To hell with dynamic large scale PVP, here's some meaningless instanced shoebox PVP, now off you go... grind away... you will be rewarded whether you win or lose. Enjoy!


HUGE difference don't ya think?


Because it's the only profitable way to make a subscription game


Tell that to all the cookie cutter AAA MMO's with lame, instanced PVP gear grinds that have failed recently (especially at maintaining there PVP players). Maybe that's a sign that it's time to take the MMO training wheels off and get back to skill based enjoyable PVP that people do... for FUN? *gasp*.

Edited by Jebi
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@50 you can still compete with good PVE gear just don't expect not to die. Don't stand in aoes, stay with the pack and learn when to run or just die fighting. Its not like your being penealized for dying in pvp anyways, 15 secs max and your back into the action.
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I think what keeps people playing a game is not the gear, it's the experience. If people are having a good time playing COMPETITIVELY then they will stick around.


As it stands now (quite clearly) it's ridiculous. I hit 50 the day they set the brackets and it was just going right back to being bent over by these lucky people who somehow think they are elite even though they clearly got their gear handed to them.


We can talk about it all day, but ultimately it doesn't matter. I'm doing the only realistic thing I can. When Saturday hits and I have to renew my subscription on Sunday, I'm simply not going to. I am going to quit playing this broken game and I'm going to wait for Mass Effect 3, then Diablo 3 (as long as it isn't pay to play). Good luck to you guys and it really is a shame because this game had huge potential. I just don't see any fixes; it is too late.

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You aren't that bright or?


10-49 = skill > gear


Not true, gear is heavily taken into account in the bolster system, for example as a level 20 with full pvp gear i had 44% damage reduction.


As a level 35 with some blue and green i am down to 33%


Also when you hit level 40+ and get your ultimate + acess to level 40 pvp gear you will find yourself roflstomping everything in warzone.


Also many class cant perform untill they get key talent or abilities.


I think the OP is over reacting because he was facerolling low level and hes now the one being facerolled.

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Easy solution. PvP on the way to 50. Allow lower levels to purchase centurion gear with commendations. Problem solved. You are geared enough the moment you hit 50 if you are a dedicated pvp player.


Will they do it? Uh 1.1.??? Nerfing classes to the ground???


I doubt it.


yes please. Yea its the low tier pvp gear but its something. Or at the very least give more cent tokens with the bags. 200/200 wz/merc tokens net me 3 cent tokens? does bioware have a korean studio?

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Not true, gear is heavily taken into account in the bolster system, for example as a level 20 with full pvp gear i had 44% damage reduction.


As a level 35 with some blue and green i am down to 33%


Also when you hit level 40+ and get your ultimate + acess to level 40 pvp gear you will find yourself roflstomping everything in warzone.


Also many class cant perform untill they get key talent or abilities.


I think the OP is over reacting because he was facerolling low level and hes now the one being facerolled.


Damage reduction is calculated against a target of your own level in the character screen...as you level up your damage reduction decreases until you update your gear.

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To the OP,


listen kiddo u just dinged 50 still having crap as s gear and crying other ppl dominating u in pvp.. well i wonder why.... For the sake of god stop these idiotic forum post rlly it is rtarded BIG time.


Some example lets say u play wow u dinged 85 and u going to play arenas or Bg's geared 85 ppl will 2 shoot u easy.


So i guess u would wonder again and say omg pvp is broken cos ppl 2 shoot u in your crap gear, well kiddo go play NOT AN MMO cos all MMO are based on that principal. Get gear + skill = dominate and stop crying.


PS: ppl crying about lvl 50 only warzones broken and want 10- 50 warzones back well plz think think u would have lvl 16 vs 50 fully tiered gear hey thats fun right!! >< just stop these nonsense and get real or quite the game.

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Damage reduction is calculated against a target of your own level in the character screen...as you level up your damage reduction decreases until you update your gear.


So ? i m talking about my stat inside the warzone with the bolster buf applied.


The relative quality of your gear for your level is taken into account by the bolster system its all im saying.


Just look at the HP pool of a level 40 full PvP gear ( and by full i mean full ) and another level 40 with level 35 ish green, inside a warzone, its self explanatory

Edited by Vindor
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not sure but the only way I found to get expertise is to rip it out of max level PVP weapons , costly yes, but I pvp alot , had have 1000 merc badges when I hit 50.

1bag in inventory + 5 bags ,

6 bags... right away if you plan ahead.


Weapons was cheaper before at 330 now 550 to get weapons. WHY..

triumphant enhancment 20 gives 25 expertice , one I go for, 3.7k to rip out level 45

so you can get expertice before 50 , only 125 I think.

550x6 warzone so alot of pvp , at level 45.


and why, can one only join whit 4 people , I have more friends that 4 that I want to pvp whit in warzones, "ops group cant join pvp WHY"



just wondering why I cant find enhancement whit expertise in them , Iam a 400 cybertech so no expertice in mods or armoring. though have epic level 49 mods and armoring.


bit annoying that riping mods out of pvp armor , does not include the expertice. cost 30k credits for each mod... they are 56 epics so worth it if you get duplicate gear.


Iam BH merc running around in part juggernout level 40 pvp armor , black hood and cape , death from above just looks cooler ,

pvp armor look not my style,

now picking up what ever modable armor (look) you want, is more fun ,

but nooo we need set armor bonus,



add armoring mods,for head, chest, pants, boots, gun ,

that combined would give PVP/PVE set bonus , would be more fun since there is alot of modable gear...

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Well if you actually take a look at the difference between 10-49 and the 50s we see two things:

1. Getting gear becomes a ****** RNG system to get your 50 equipment which could prevent people from gearing up at all for PvP based on their luck.

2. Expertise is introduced to equipment for PvP which inevitably caused the need for 50s only brackets and in some servers that is enough to bring PvP to a hault


So in summary what happened is at 50 you get to gamble for PvP gear and expertise is introduced, that's pretty much it.


Wrong, at 50 you have to actually play and not zerg the center of the map for 15 straight minutes like the lemmings that you are.


It's unreal how much people cry about a game that's a month old. If you hate it so much, PLEASE do us a favor and go away.

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Because it's the only profitable way to make a subscription game

The game industry doesn't have a hive mind, lolll... They'll do what turns money

But by all means, go try to make a subscription mmo with no time sinks, and see how badly it turns out



Oh and for the edit... Guild Wars wasn't a subscription MMO, and thus they did not steadily release large pieces of new content and did not have time sinks.


The trick is making the time sinks fun

Edited by da_krall
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To the OP,


listen kiddo u just dinged 50 still having crap as s gear and crying other ppl dominating u in pvp.. well i wonder why.... For the sake of god stop these idiotic forum post rlly it is rtarded BIG time.


Some example lets say u play wow u dinged 85 and u going to play arenas or Bg's geared 85 ppl will 2 shoot u easy.


So i guess u would wonder again and say omg pvp is broken cos ppl 2 shoot u in your crap gear, well kiddo go play NOT AN MMO cos all MMO are based on that principal. Get gear + skill = dominate and stop crying.


PS: ppl crying about lvl 50 only warzones broken and want 10- 50 warzones back well plz think think u would have lvl 16 vs 50 fully tiered gear hey thats fun right!! >< just stop these nonsense and get real or quite the game.


Anyone understand a word of this post?

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