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To much Crowd Control


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WARHAMMER learned the hard way after losing subs.


Lots of crowd control isn't a good thing.


I am not a WOW fan but, I believe they got right when it comes to limiting crowd control.


Resolve is a joke in this game. It builds up to slowly and goes away to quickly.


Every class has a lot of abilities with some form of CC. It is non-stop and puts a negative spin on pvp combat.


No one with an intelligent brain wants to continually deal with a negative situation when their spending their free time to have fun.


Please remove, limit, improve, destroy, get rid of...the limitless crowd control and improve this negative part of pvp combat please.



It is way over the top!

I think the main problem is you're going to the wrong group of people for input on pvp combat.

The failed WARHAMMER game of combat designers is bad for input on pvp.


Crowd Control is OUT of CONTROL!


Melee classes have it so bad it has become a joke among friends and guildies.


If this game did not have story line it would probably be just another has been new game.


Edited by XosoX
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WARHAMMER learned the hard way after losing subs.


Lots of crowd control isn't a good thing.


I am not a WOW fan but, I believe they got right when it comes to limiting crowd control.


Resolve is a joke in this game. It builds up to slowly and goes away to quickly.


Every class has a lot of abilities with some form of CC. It is non-stop and puts a negative spin on pvp combat.


No one with an intelligent brain wants to continually deal with a negative situation when their spending their free time to have fun.


Please remove, limit, improve, destroy, get rid of...the limitless crowd control and improve this negative part of pvp combat please.



It is way over the top!

I think the main problem is you're going to the wrong group of people for input on pvp combat.

The failed WARHAMMER game of combat designers is bad for input on pvp.


Crowd Control is OUT of CONTROL!


Melee classes have it so bad it has become a joke among friends and guildies.


If this game did not have story line it would probably be just another has been new game.



I kinda agree to a point.


I dont have a huge problem with CC but there should be choices made. If you go with a high CC spec you gotta give up something but this game they give you everything. Tanks with DPS, Healers with DPS, Everyone with CC..


Nothing wrong with having it in game as a support spec or class but the fact its so generic and abundant is kinda a let down tbh.

Edited by Razot
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Remember back in the day when it was 3 on 1 (you been the 1) and it was actually possible to win?


These days, chances are, if it's 3 vs 1 you will be stunned the whole fight.


Best way to remove player skill from the equation? CC.


And yeah, PVP matches where I'm bounced around like a ping pong ball are great fun. It's definitely sign of good PVP when I'm simply a spectator.



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The problem isn't the CC itself, the problem is that too many CC abilities don't break on damage or last WAY too long.


That is what WoW got right, all CC's either:


a)broke on damage


b)lasted a short amount of time(at least against players)


c)made you immune to damage while being immobilized.


TOR really need to learn that lesson, it is extremely frustrating completely losing control of your character for a full 6 seconds.

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When I get stunned for a long duration it's usually because I got myself out of position.


That being said, 4s long stuns are a bit long, but that's 800 resolve so ANY other CC on the resolve system will max out your resolve. The max you can really be stunned for is 8 seconds, which is kind of an eternity in PvP, but after that you get a whopping 20 seconds of immunity, so idk, it seems to be working pretty well for me.


Part of the issue also be misuse of the CC breaker. It's very powerful.


the "too much cc" croud would probably like to see the resolve cap reduced from 1k to 800, this would make all the 4s stuns and 8s mezzes max out your resolve (which is the durration of many mezzes/stuns )

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When I get stunned for a long duration it's usually because I got myself out of position.


That being said, 4s long stuns are a bit long, but that's 800 resolve so ANY other CC on the resolve system will max out your resolve. The max you can really be stunned for is 8 seconds, which is kind of an eternity in PvP, but after that you get a whopping 20 seconds of immunity, so idk, it seems to be working pretty well for me.


Part of the issue also be misuse of the CC breaker. It's very powerful.


the "too much cc" croud would probably like to see the resolve cap reduced from 1k to 800, this would make all the 4s stuns and 8s mezzes max out your resolve (which is the durration of many mezzes/stuns )


The problem is, as you say 8 seconds in an eternity in pvp, I'd say a good 9/10 I'm dead before my resolve bar fills up, and sometimes that happens without me being able to use a single ability, depending on what class or classes I'm up against.

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After they fixed it, I loved the DAoC CC system. It was stupid at release but the increased resists (spellcrafting and better gear being made available), AoE dropoff on CC duration, cures, long immunity timers, purge, etc made it so that I was CC'd far less often than I have been in any game since.


It rewarded good players and organized groups. If you were smart and only purged melee stuns and roots (unless you were a demezzer and had to purge mez to demezz your group) you were rarely CC'd for more than a couple of seconds and then often had a minute immunity timer.


Again, that game's CC was a PITA at release. But it got to be very good eventually. I am always surprised when everyone copies WoW's lots of smaller CC's with little to no immunity than DAoC's counterable CC system with long immunity timers.

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The game in general just has way to much crowd control.


No other game has this much CC in pvp. It is so out of control.


Normally in other games one class will have the main job of crowd control but, in this game everyone has a plenty of CC.


The resolve bar is such a joke.


If I left the game it would be because, they don't improve this issue.

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The only time i feel that i am getting excessively CC'd is when the imps are all ops and sorcs, mostly sorcs, and they are a good team.


when they focus fire... 2 or 3 sorcs and an op i die with knives sticking out of my chest. Thats frustrating.


If its a pug vs pug the CC is manageable.


With a little healing i can survive that onslaught and then im immune.


I think one of the issues with the resolve is that i don't fully realize when its working.


I have not quite got that thing figured out so that i can use it.

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WARHAMMER learned the hard way after losing subs.


Lots of crowd control isn't a good thing.


I am not a WOW fan but, I believe they got right when it comes to limiting crowd control.


Resolve is a joke in this game. It builds up to slowly and goes away to quickly.


Every class has a lot of abilities with some form of CC. It is non-stop and puts a negative spin on pvp combat.


No one with an intelligent brain wants to continually deal with a negative situation when their spending their free time to have fun.


Please remove, limit, improve, destroy, get rid of...the limitless crowd control and improve this negative part of pvp combat please.



It is way over the top!

I think the main problem is you're going to the wrong group of people for input on pvp combat.

The failed WARHAMMER game of combat designers is bad for input on pvp.


Crowd Control is OUT of CONTROL!


Melee classes have it so bad it has become a joke among friends and guildies.


If this game did not have story line it would probably be just another has been new game.



1.5 knockdown is my entire CC to full resolve come tomorrow.


Yeah WAY TO MUCH CC.......

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I personally liked the DAoC system.


Have CC with long effects (7,9,12sec stuns, and 1min+ sleeps) but when you get hit by a stun, you are immune to stun for a minute, when hit with a sleep, immune to sleep for a minute. (Now you can drop that to 20sec or something like that) but then long impacting CC's would make it of value for classes to use there CC breaks and more importantly it makes the classes that have CC cures, more useful.


DAoC made CC vicious, but it also allows for 'Purge' which is like our CC break and then healers could 'de-mez/sleep' etc. It becomes more teamwork to create success, CC still has its value, but you can't be overwhelmed with CC and play infinite stutter step.

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When I get stunned for a long duration it's usually because I got myself out of position.


ehhh What?? There is nowhere you can go that someone can't jump to you or go themselves. I'm Valor 61 and after all the matches and learning where to be and what to do, it just takes one person noticing my 1k lighting spam hits or 3.5k chain hits to get targeted for the entire match.


There is nowhere you can go and not get CC'd if somone wants to. I can be running on Civil War and get CC'd over and over by a stealth repub and virtually just sit there.


I think all cc's should be like whirlwind, they break on damage. 8 seconds with two people attacking you is just instant death if they have decent gear and skill. Give my 8 seconds and I can take 15k off you easy.

Edited by XDOUBLEX
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The thing is, you can't take out the CC at this point. If you did, any class that relies on it to get away from melee classes would be screwed. Without the CC, melee guys with even 1 gap closer (which they all do) wouldn't need anything more.


As an example, I play a Healing specced consular, so I expect to get zerged and killed within the duration of a couple of stuns, because I'm a prime target. But if for whatever reason I end up in a 1 vs 1, the CC I have will let me get survive long enough to go and find friends (whether or not they actually help me is another issue entirely). Obviously with no DPS worth mentioning I'm just about never going to take anyone down, so it makes sense that I should have something to keep me alive, for a while at least. Unless it's a DPS specced Pyrotech... they eat me for breakfast what with their slow they seem to be able to endlessly re-apply.


So if you take it out, everyone will need to have decent melee capabilities to make up for their inability to escape. And that's just as impractical as the amount of CC going round, because then classes will be good at Melee and Ranged, and other just melee.

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The thing is, you can't take out the CC at this point. If you did, any class that relies on it to get away from melee classes would be screwed. Without the CC, melee guys with even 1 gap closer (which they all do) wouldn't need anything more.


As an example, I play a Healing specced consular, so I expect to get zerged and killed within the duration of a couple of stuns, because I'm a prime target. But if for whatever reason I end up in a 1 vs 1, the CC I have will let me get survive long enough to go and find friends (whether or not they actually help me is another issue entirely). Obviously with no DPS worth mentioning I'm just about never going to take anyone down, so it makes sense that I should have something to keep me alive, for a while at least. Unless it's a DPS specced Pyrotech... they eat me for breakfast what with their slow they seem to be able to endlessly re-apply.


So if you take it out, everyone will need to have decent melee capabilities to make up for their inability to escape. And that's just as impractical as the amount of CC going round, because then classes will be good at Melee and Ranged, and other just melee.


I think that CCs should have a use for tactical advantage depending on which class you use, like you said yours are helpful for getting away to find help. No issues with that. Unfortunately so many players are just spamming them for an offensive tactics only. The harder hitting the character you have DPS-wise, the less CCs you should have IMO. When everyone has them it's obviously going to benefit DPS players far more than other players. Would love to see more CCs break on damage and be almost solely for support characters.

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Need some massive overhaul in order to reduce the cc in this game and is not realistic(imo) that this will happen soon!


Ranged need gap openers,bw gave knockback and stun to all of them!That ruins a bit too much melee game play!They need to rework gap openers since just giving immunities would ruin too much ranged gameplay

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it kind if depends on warzone and class, a tank spec powertech can lock you down for 13 seconds of continual damage thru grapple root, carbonize, stun dart (full resolve finally...), charge (doh! root).


a dps spec jugg can what? charge root, grip, push, charge? for about 11 seconds (obviously they'll use a smash inbetween but i'm talking just cc potential for the sake of cc.


Every other class tops out at about 6 seconds of continual cc taking damage, the 2 rogues are 5.5 and 6s stun/kd worth.


The longest u can be stunned by any class is a carbonize/electro dart ptech for 7 seconds.


Certainly beats 9 second kidney shot happening in that other game....

Edited by Adzzy
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CC is awesome. Slugging it out until someone drops is not. With the CC breaker and resolve it's a great system. But I still see stupid people spamming their CC breaker at every chance they get.


CCing hits stupid people really hard I admit, but then again, I don't think this game was designed specifically for the intellectually challenged.

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