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synthweaving or artifice?


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i'm level 13 almost 14, this is my first mmo and i'm wondering what you guys would recommend; synthweaving or artifice? i was also wondering what i should focus on aside from strength (i've been kind of working on willpower and endurance is that a good idea?). thanks for the help.
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All of the raiders I speak to Say Bio FTW…

The reasoning is that almost everything you can make in Artifice or Synth you can buy off the GTN from someone else Once, and then you have it for ever and ever Amen.

But consumables… Go take a look at what top end stims are selling for on the GTN and you will understand.

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I've got a 400 artifice I've leveled up, and a 400 synthweaver (who's just level 18). I'm not very impressed with synthweaving. I never seem to find the armor that valuable. Artificing, yeah I use the hilts and other bits all the time, but there are alternative sources.


But everyone is right - you can buy these things from others. Biochems best stuff requires having biochem to use. It depends how you like to play.


If you like crafting, and you're thinking big picture, there are.... alternatives.


For instance, on your main, take bioanalysis, archaeology, and scavenging. Go forth into the world and gather like mad.


Make an alt. Give the alt artificing. Send crystals over.

Make another alt. Give the alt cybertech (or whatever) and send mats.

Make another alt, give them mission skills. No level requirements, just credits to level them.


And so on. Of course this doesn't get you biochem on the main but you could easily adjust. I think one of my "regrets" is I didn't think to divert the mission skills over to an alt and free up that slot for gathering or slicing.

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Between Artifice and Synth, I'd highly suggest Artifice.


You'll be able to craft hilts (the most important piece of your lightsaber), enhancements (usable in all items) and crystals. I've made a fair bit of money myself flooding the market with crystals, since anyone with orange-grade weapons need them and you can't get those from commendations.


It allows me to keep my weapons upgrades. I'm not thinking about end-game, but if I really need to eventually switch to Biochem, I can just go ahead and level it at that time, since Artifice doesn't seem like it will have much use at 50.

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All of the raiders I speak to Say Bio FTW…

The reasoning is that almost everything you can make in Artifice or Synth you can buy off the GTN from someone else Once, and then you have it for ever and ever Amen.


Unless you have noticed like myself that more and more people are going biochem and there are less and less pieces on the GTN. I cant find anyone who is making armor pieces or mods for Sentinels on the GTN. I am stuck making my saber hilts and crystals with enhancements myself.


I am not going biochem because that profession is screaming nerf and its going to come hard. I dont like nerfs but unless they somehow make the other professions viable in the end game a nerf bat is coming and you all know it. when it does there will be gnashing of teeth in this forum you can bet.


It reminds me of all the people who went gunslinger or scoundrel because of how bad sentinels are in PvP. Just mark my words, its coming and when people are crying about having to respec now because Biochem is nerfed. It does not pay to jump on the flavor of the month train sometimes. Biochem is just that the flavor of the month.

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I'd recommend Biochem as well, I leveled to 50 with Synthweaver, and while it was nice during leveling, it's not of much value at level 50.


There are no alternatives to a Rakata Adrenal in the game as is (because npc vendors don't sell adrenals, and there are no green quality craftable adrenals, only blue quality, so the crafted adrenals that can be traded or sold are prohibitively expensive for a non-biochem).

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I cant wait for biochem to be nerfed into the ground. Its straight up rediculous there's only one viable end game crafting proff...

I have also noticed the complete lack of parts on the GTN. Especially strength ones.


Hence why I've been cashing in with Artifice. Nobody seems to want to produce crystals (used in all weapons) and enhancements (used in everything, although available from commendation vendors). Last time I finished a crafting run I put up about 20 crystals. By the time I logged in the next day I had sold 15 of them and cleared out the rest by the next time I logged.


Since I'm still leveling it's been good for me and good for my pockets so far. As I said before, end game it'll be mostly useless but I can always dump in then.


But I have to agree - with the consensus from most people being that Biochem is the only useful crafting, it smells like a nerf is just around the corner.

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I only have synth weaving to 250 but so far I like it. It's provided good gear for myself and companions as well as plenty of cash. I'm a bit of a business nerd and love selling things on the market to see if I can make a profit. I've been lucky to sell stuff but not sure how it'll work at high levels. You may be able to do this with biochem as well though because it sounds like theirs a demand.


I considered bio chem but personally, I'm a purist, I don't like gimmicks and exploits. In pvp I want to be able to beat someone with my own skill and understanding of the class...so I tend to avoid that stuff. There has also been dev talk about a nerf coming, which is due.

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I did Artifice because I liked the idea of 'constructing my own lightsaber'. But you really just construct the parts.


As a Sentinel, having the best hilts (damage) is important so it's quite nice to be able to keep up with the flow.


But I took Biochem on an alt and wow. It is the bomb. To give you an example, the starting medpac that every character gets is something like 300 max health. The starting med pack that you can build via Biochem gives you 800 health. And if you turn it into a blue, it'll heal another 300 over a number of seconds.


So Biochem is pretty powerful, right off the bat.

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I cant wait for biochem to be nerfed into the ground. Its straight up rediculous there's only one viable end game crafting proff...

I have also noticed the complete lack of parts on the GTN. Especially strength ones.


Nerfing Biochem will do nothing, Buff all other Trade skills to be in line with Biochem. Problem solved.

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lol nerf biochem?

that nerf would be affecting like ... 100% ??? ;)

like said before... buff the other crew skills


buff > nerf



if u have no biochem char yet ... biochem...

but if u do (like me, I got 2) send ur alt stims and medpacs... go artifice

Edited by Ordric
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okay well i guess i'll just stick with artifice and see what happens. Besides i'm only level 15 so there's going to be lots of time to switch and see what's what. i'm also wondering what tree i should focus on; focus or watchman? Also does willpower really do anything for sentinels?
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