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Who Is To Blame For Server Imbalance: We Are


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Can you name an mmo with factions that does have mechanisms like these in place? WoW doesn't. Rift doesn't. Aion doesn't. Or at least, none of them did back when I played them. Why is Bioware expected to be different?


WAR successfully implemented exp/valor incentives to balance out the population. It worked....but by that time the damage had already been done and it was on the decline.

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Well see, i wanted to play either a consular or a inquisitor when i saw the game was coming out, but then it came down to either being able to shoot lightning from my fingertips or throwing pebbles at people...


but but but...they are very big pebbles!! Oh ok, you win...

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The solution will be up to Bioware though. And many people, myself included have offered suggestions that don't involve telling players what faction they can be. Its up to BW to acknowledge the issue, and determine what solution they will implement.


I vote for an "instakill" skill only for Republic players. It works like this:


- you target an area of roughly 5 meters in radius

- every imperial player outside that radius instantly dies


I think that would greatly improve Republic's appeal

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This. It gives me a head ache how much people complain.




With all due respect, Bioware doesn't have the luxury of waiting around until that happens. The fate of MMO's are decided in the first few months. With AAA MMO titles coming out as often as they do, people don't have the patience to wait around if something is broken. First impressions very often make or break MMO's.

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I vote for an "instakill" skill only for Republic players. It works like this:


- you target an area of roughly 5 meters in radius

- every imperial player outside that radius instantly dies


I think that would greatly improve Republic's appeal


Is this server wide? Because I would troll the heck out of my guildmates when I know they're playing their Imperials. And I'd make sure I was in Mumble with them at the time. >:D

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Bioware can't fix server imbalance, not ever, because we as players decided as a majority to go sith instead of republic, so please stop complaining about a problem Bioware did not create.


Anyone care to prove me wrong?


It's called game DESIGN for a reason dude.


If you think theirs a design document at bioware that says "pvpers will all be on one side and not the other, and we want one side to steamroll the other so they get rewards faster then the other" then you are right.


But until you explain why this reality could possibly be their design, bioware has a development responsibility to do what they can to put everyone in a half way even pool.


I don't care how they do it. They have to try and figure this puzzle out though because by their own choice, they DESIGNED a game based around an old and broken two faction system. You are right in that ultimately you can't control people, but you can heard us around like cattle using gear and achievements and points and shiny things etc..


I'm not the smartest man, but I suspect that's where they are gonna start.

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I chose republic myself, and personally don't like the concept of working with the empire at all. I was a villain in DCUO so it's not that I don't like being evil, I just want to be evil for the republic.


That being said, if I'm a jedi that becomes evil clearly I've abandoned the code and would seek out the knowledge of shooting lightning from my fingertips. Though I'm sure this would make balancing tough.


Also, as for the guy commenting about pebbles -I doubt they feel like pebbles when they've been buffed 3x and crit % increased by 60% and they heal me.

Edited by Ragearo
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Is this server wide? Because I would troll the heck out of my guildmates when I know they're playing their Imperials. And I'd make sure I was in Mumble with them at the time. >:D


Of course, server wide and phases wide. My original idea was Data Center wide and even a small 2000 volts spìke down the phone line of a selected sample of whiners :)

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It's called game DESIGN for a reason dude.


If you think theirs a design document at bioware that says "pvpers will all be on one side and not the other, and we want one side to steamroll the other so they get rewards faster then the other" then you are right.


But until you explain why this reality could possibly be their design, bioware has a development responsibility to do what they can to put everyone in a half way even pool.


I don't care how they do it. They have to try and figure this puzzle out though because by their own choice, they DESIGNED a game based around an old and broken two faction system. You are right in that ultimately you can't control people, but you can heard us around like cattle using gear and achievements and points and shiny things etc..


I'm not the smartest man, but I suspect that's where they are gonna start.


Hmmmm, lore wise (especially with KOTOR in mind) how would you put in a third faction?

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Simple: The criminal element (Exchange, etc). Or Revanites. Both groups are enemies of both the Republic and the Sith.


The Revanite position is ambiguous at best and they aren't suficiently 'different' from Sith.

The criminal element, is a bit weak from a lore point of view, feels 'meh'.


Also, having 3 or more factions doesn't equate success, for example in PotBS you have 3 nations plus the pirates and of course everyone either rolls British or Pirate....


at the end you can only try to sway people toward a faction by bribing them (with prizes for example)

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I'll bite...


Say I create a house with two rooms, but you can only enter one.


In one room is a boring dude with a brown robe who will offer to teach you to meditate. In the other room is a bad***** with a sweet black robe who offers to teach you the secret of power.


Which room do you choose?


In a 2 faction game, if one side is way more attractive to players than the other...guess where they will go?


I agree with this. I chose to play Republic to hope turn the tide on my server, pvp wise. I know one man can't do much, but its my choice.

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I have my two cents to had.

First nobody can blame Lucas and the movie for way Jedi or Sith are. The movie is set 4,000 year later. There are four major era. The New Republic created after Return of Jedi by Luke and the others. Galatic Civil War which is the orginal movies. The Republic which is the prequals, and the Old Republic which is where we are. The main source for this time; Knigh of the Old Republic video game, and Jedi Tales; The Knights of the Old Republic comic books.


Second: The imbalance is subjective and Factial. It is subjective about armory and ability coolness and better story and acting. But here the Fact. Republic get TWO exclusive race to the Imperial THREE races. Many of the Repubilic mirror abilities take a second longer to go off from the Imperial abilities.

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The Revanite position is ambiguous at best and they aren't suficiently 'different' from Sith.

The criminal element, is a bit weak from a lore point of view, feels 'meh'.


Also, having 3 or more factions doesn't equate success, for example in PotBS you have 3 nations plus the pirates and of course everyone either rolls British or Pirate....


at the end you can only try to sway people toward a faction by bribing them (with prizes for example)


Ever play the expansion for Star Wars: Empire at War? The criminal element can be incredibly powerful. Remember it was a bunch of smugglers that broke through the Mandalorian blockade, because the Republic was unable to. They should have assigned the BH's and Smugglers to a third faction, added in a couple more classes, and viola. The real challenge now would be creating a criminal faction knowing full well that the bounty hunter and smuggler classes are already taken.


The Revanites...well, they are supposed to be the true neutral jedis...taking the learnings of both the dark side and the light side...so I see them as a clearly defined third party.


I'm sure the writers could think of another faction easily.

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Ever play the expansion for Star Wars: Empire at War? The criminal element can be incredibly powerful. Remember it was a bunch of smugglers that broke through the Mandalorian blockade, because the Republic was unable to. They should have assigned the BH's and Smugglers to a third faction, added in a couple more classes, and viola. The real challenge now would be creating a criminal faction knowing full well that the bounty hunter and smuggler classes are already taken.


The Revanites...well, they are supposed to be the true neutral jedis...taking the learnings of both the dark side and the light side...so I see them as a clearly defined third party.


I'm sure the writers could think of another faction easily.


The consortium was a bad idea... It worked in the campaign but in the galactic war mode? A joke, no cartel could rival the Empire and the Rebellion like that... And they were op to boot. Anyway, a third faction is not needed and is anti-thematic.


There's nothing wrong with the Reps, people just make excuses to justify the fact they think "evul is coolz!", there was nothing wrong with the order faction on WAR but everyone went Destruction because being emissary of the devil is perceived as better than being a Paragon of God, there's nothing wrong with the alliance in wow but since bc people are mostly horde on majority of realms I know.


I myself have alts on both sides and so far the ones I can really talk about are Sith Warrior, Trooper and Jedi Knight. The quality is about the same in story and attention to detail imo.

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The consortium was a bad idea... It worked in the campaign but in the galactic war mode? A joke, no cartel could rival the Empire and the Rebellion like that... And they were op to boot. Anyway, a third faction is not needed and is anti-thematic.


There's nothing wrong with the Reps, people just make excuses to justify the fact they think "evul is coolz!", there was nothing wrong with the order faction on WAR but everyone went Destruction because being emissary of the devil is perceived as better than being a Paragon of God, there's nothing wrong with the alliance in wow but since bc people are mostly horde on majority of realms I know.


I myself have alts on both sides and so far the ones I can really talk about are Sith Warrior, Trooper and Jedi Knight. The quality is about the same in story and attention to detail imo.


Well to bucket everyone as some mongling "eVuL is k0olz" just because they picked Empire is silly.


Personally my decision making is this:


1) Group role - Tank/Healer/DPS

2) Race choices - Which looks best (because I'm going to be staring at it for long enough)

3) Class choice - Based on Role/Race above what can I pick? Which has the best looking armor/characters


EQ where I played most of my games I played a Half Elf tank because the graphics were better, even though the evil choices (Ogre and Troll) were statistically better.


I always wanted to play a Beastlord but I would have to have played a Barbarian, Ogre, Troll or Lizard race, none of which appealed to me to start at, so I never rolled one.


For me and I guess a large proportion of the people playing, the Empire class/race choices and looks sway people over to that.


I agree they could have made the Old Republic far more in the shades of grey, many Jedi's struggling with the code in the face obliteration and given more options to play different alignments.


D&D did it very well. I would see the Republic being Lawful but that still gives scope for evil or neutral characters.


Bioware also have realised and accepted they have not catered for the players who want to stay neutral in the Light/Dark struggle.

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True, Bioware can influence; but not make your mind for you... The subscriber ultimately has the final say on what character they play and choose. Bioware is not at your house holding a gun to your head, telling you to choose to play Imperials...
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this is where you fail.


we're talking about popularity of empire/republic.


popularity is NEVER a fact. it is the sum of many opinions.


and most opinions i have read so far do all agree: republic armor, companions and most importantly story SUCKS when compared to the empire.


And this is where you fail. See, most opinions I have read or heard tend to be split between the two. So where does that leave us? With a complete lack of support for your claim as a deciding factor in balance.


But go ahead and pretend that your opinion is somehow more valid than anyone elses.



People were telling FROM THE START that majority of players will go Empire. Most of us want to have dark hood, red lightsaber, cool creepy mask and cast lightning from our fingers and choke people to death.

Not too many people want to run around with yellow lightsaber, brown skirt, throw dirt at people and blue clouds :p Sorry.


Bioware should think about 3rd faction at that point or make Republic a little more cool. So it's not like our fault. We play what we want to be. It's game designer job to think what will happen. People were saying it from the start but Bioware didn't listen.


They even make this worst when they didn't allow lvl 50 to join people under lvl 50 (at least 36-50) because now we can't even do proper PVP. Ilium is empty (not even lvl 13-14 exploiters to kill) and it's hard to play hutball because soon we got info that "there is not enough player". And jumping from hutball to planet back and forth all the time is really annoying.


And just as many people FROM THE START were saying that the majority would go Republic. In fact, the pre-release polls on the topic were largely balanced, with SI being most popular, followed by JK.

Edited by Jxspyder
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