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What I expect from mercenaries in pvp or re-rolling


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I have played over 130 levels from beta to now and well over 2000 warzones as a bounty hunter. Played both classes The power tech and the merc to 50 and pvp'd a bit in beta and hardcore in live as mercenary.


The powertech is far superior in every way for pvp. A pyro specced powertech in any occasion does more damage can get more medals easier and generally perform better than an arsenal or pyro specced mercenary. The powertech has more usable escape and cc options and MUCH higher burst than arsenal or pyro merc right off the bat. You can pull people away from objectives or into fires which is far more useful than jet they also generally have higher hp stats and do more aoe than any merc.


What I expect is some balance and after extensive playtime as a mercenary I suggest these changes to be made ASAP.


Electro Dart Cooldown is waaaay too long. This ability needs to be on a 10-15 second cooldown to be really effective and useful. I get that it may be game breaking in pve but I really dont think so.


JET ESCAPE NEEDED *** we have a jetpack and every single "hunter" class in any game has a move away button. Why does the mercenary not have one. Ever watch Clone Wars? Cadd bane is pretty much a mercenary and uses his jetboots to escape jedi melee ALL THE TIME. Get rid of the useless shoulder charge and replace with a jet pack escape of at least 15 meters extended by talents that is called JET ESCAPE mercenaries would be on even ground with melee and powertechs if we have these options.


Cleanse NEEDS to be able to remove GUARD and SHIELD off enemies, all you need is a few juggernaughts/guardians and 2 or more healers and they are unkillable you will never be able to take them down ever in an 8 on 8 situation. You will see this in rated warzones. You wont be able to kill them. And is unbalanced as all hell. This should be a talent for the healer tree at least and placed on a higher cooldown if given to all specs.


I am not complaining about damage. Mercs left to there devices are deadly...but if a smart team has any sense they will focus you down instantly. Merc Arsenal is the way to go or healer / arsenal hybrid. ATM pyro is garbage. You cannot effectively dot kite like the tree looks to be intended to do without better escape options.


Please I can't be the only one who thinks these are smart and relevant changes that NEED to made. Please support me in this cause to bioware to send some love our way.


Thank you for reading. good hunting.

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Most Merc's suck because all they do is spam Tracer Missile. I love interrupting them and watch them stand there like, "*** do I do now?" for 4 seconds.


As far as how the damage compares, I don't really know honestly, and I highly doubt either of these posters do either.

12 year olds wanting their class to get buffed? No way, this never happens ... I honestly don't see why PT burst or DPS is any better. Ranged is way more overpowered and more safe than melee, in any game. Honestly, all ranged classes should do less than melee to begin with, due to this. See DAoC for example.


From what I have seen Mercs are fine. Their DPS is great, and they can heal VERY well. And if both classes have Pyro being the top DPS tree ... then how is it really that different to begin with?

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Im 27 bro.


Anyways not a flame post.


At the very least we need a escape. Can't see why this change would not be exceptable.


Cleanse is second on the list.... when you fight a premade of 2 tanks and 2 healers that guard/shield everyone you will understand : ) They will roll you in every warzone except maybe alderaan and even then there zerg will be unstoppable and will roll you everytime they go to take a point so your forced to try and stay ahead of there zerg..good luck with pugs and not having a ful op to coordinate that.


Pyro is NOT top dps for merc..... ROFL for powertechs all day it is it is disgustingly good because they have more utilization of the tree. BH heals are single target and ok for heal botting someone around. You can heal alright Operatives are a far better healing class than bh atm, and sorc circle is pretty key. BH don't really stand out in the healing scheme except for they wear heavy armor.


2 peice t3 rest battlemaster arsenal 5/33/3 is best for pvp atm for merc....don't really care dispute as you wish It's the only way to go for merc dps in wz atm to stand next to the big dogs. I.E. sorc/op/smug/sniper

Edited by LoloStarwind
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Most Merc's suck because all they do is spam Tracer Missile. I love interrupting them and watch them stand there like, "*** do I do now?" for 4 seconds.


As far as how the damage compares, I don't really know honestly, and I highly doubt either of these posters do either.

12 year olds wanting their class to get buffed? No way, this never happens ... I honestly don't see why PT burst or DPS is any better. Ranged is way more overpowered and more safe than melee, in any game. Honestly, all ranged classes should do less than melee to begin with, due to this. See DAoC for example.


From what I have seen Mercs are fine. Their DPS is great, and they can heal VERY well. And if both classes have Pyro being the top DPS tree ... then how is it really that different to begin with?


You mean they can do great damage OR heal very well, I think.


The Tracer Missile thing is getting on my nerves. It's the bread and butter of the Arsenal tree. It sets up every other one of our attacks. If you are fighting an Arsenal merc and they don't use TM, they're failing. Every class in the game has skills like that.

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i rolled PT the difference is like day and night


funny thing is there are guys who usually smashed me in a duel as a merc that called me a noob that does not know how to use his class


now that Im PT the same guys are getting facestomped by me and starded to claim that my class is too freaking op and that i should feel bad for playng this class.



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You mean they can do great damage OR heal very well, I think.


The Tracer Missile thing is getting on my nerves. It's the bread and butter of the Arsenal tree. It sets up every other one of our attacks. If you are fighting an Arsenal merc and they don't use TM, they're failing. Every class in the game has skills like that.


Pyro spec better than Arsenal imho. Movement ftw.

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I dont really see how PT does more dps than Merc in Pyro. PT has a pull and Merc has a push. PT has an AoE stun that Merc doesnt have. FB is internal damage but does less damage than PS.


Besides that Mercs two RS resets are ranged so if not focused they can do much more damage. Its rare a melee gets to dps uncontested in PvP.


Merc actually still have heals in Pyro while PT is not a tank.


But please enlighten me of the base for your claims.

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I am not complaining about damage. Mercs left to there devices are deadly...but if a smart team has any sense they will focus you down instantly. Merc Arsenal is the way to go or healer / arsenal hybrid. ATM pyro is garbage. You cannot effectively dot kite like the tree looks to be intended to do without better escape options.


I don't buy this. Any class focused down is screwed, no exceptions. Merc at least gets a quick knockback from their middle tree. If you can get near a pillar to avoid cast time hitters, you can survive much better then a lot of other classes. The only thing that is going to save you if you are being focused, is a well timed forced stealth, which only 3 classes have.

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I dont really see how PT does more dps than Merc in Pyro. PT has a pull and Merc has a push. PT has an AoE stun that Merc doesnt have. FB is internal damage but does less damage than PS.


Besides that Mercs two RS resets are ranged so if not focused they can do much more damage. Its rare a melee gets to dps uncontested in PvP.


Merc actually still have heals in Pyro while PT is not a tank.


But please enlighten me of the base for your claims.



Not only is PT simply more viable in PVP then Merc.


But PT~Pyro trees/talents have more modifiers to increase Pyro damage then Mercs. Not to mention Explosive Fuel being used with stims/trinkets/buffs to create higher burst with Pyro specifically.


Yes, Mercs can heal. But a full DPS spec Merc cannot and will not heal himself through one good melee/player. 3-4k castable max crits are nothing unless you can hard LOS people or run, which again is very situational.


With proper spec PTs can not only juggle 4-5 constant interupts, but at the end of the day are more suited for team play and even 1v1 solo.


Mercs in DPS are a gimmick spec.



PS: I do however think Merc healing is good. my whole rant is not at all dogging merc heals~

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I don't buy this. Any class focused down is screwed, no exceptions. Merc at least gets a quick knockback from their middle tree. If you can get near a pillar to avoid cast time hitters, you can survive much better then a lot of other classes. The only thing that is going to save you if you are being focused, is a well timed forced stealth, which only 3 classes have.


If were talking Premade PVP here. No good premade is going to let a Merc live ever. And when i mean ever i mean having 1-2 tanks up your *** with a dps to boot.


Mercs even with heals simply cannot and will not give there team an advantage because its simply SO easy to lock them out from doing there job.


You say they have a AOE knockback?..... yea..... but lets not list the numerous classes with gap closers, lets be real here.


I dont know of ANY highend PVP premade atm that would rather take a Merc DPS over -almost- anything else. When gear and skill are not a factor. They simply do not give anything to a team another class does not and will not do better with proper support.

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You put in 130 levels, and choose mercenary..


dont come complain about trying to get buffed, their arsenal spec is really good, compare that to powertechs middle tree which is a joke. Advanced prototype is in way more need of help than anything for the merc which has 3 competetive trees.


yes I have 50 Bh and 50 commando.


Different playstyles, not better or worse.

Edited by Khadorian
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What i want to know is everyone says merc is ranged how are we ranged when all gap closers are 30 meters and sorcs can hit us from 35 meters. Explain this how we have the advantage with a range no greater than others. make it valid and I will no longer complain about the non existent utility mercs have.
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compared to most other classes mercs have way more cheese skills. Play an op or mara then you will see. Mercs have 2 knock backs 2 stuns a shield, health regain and prema slows. Your a glass turret that can take out anything. If you disagree then your not playing your class right.
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This post is full of LULZ.


Yeah "Total Damage" might be higher at the end of the round as a PT Pyro (because dots tic after you die), but a GOOD Merc will always have more kills and more medals thanks to their heals.


And part of that is because when they focus people, they die. PT Pyro has to hope for good crits and chaining refresh procs for railshot.


And LOL @ Grapple being better than Jet Boost. After they made the 50s bracket you just run into more and more geared people who don't care about being pulled into the fire. But knocking people off ramps or into the pit is usually pretty clutch since even with Jumpers you can just break LOS or get more range.


I'm not saying PT Pyro is BAD... I wouldn't be maining it if it were, but you are full of it trying to say its HANDS DOWN better than DPS Merc.

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I'm a Pyrotech Merc, in mostly champion gear. I find that Pyrotechs do very good damage and their burst can be insane when you line it up. Sure Powertechs have all the neat toys like grapple and charge, but Mercs have tons of ranged power.


Perhaps they could spice up our abilities and add pvp effects to the useless ones.


First I like the idea the other poster said about shoulder slam being replaced with some kind of disengage type ability.


Second I'd really like Flare (Your PvE threat drop) to cause enemies to lose target. Kind of like how taunts reduce damage in PvP.


And finally give us an interrupt, so annoying to not have one when everyone else does.

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All I hear is "good merc" this, "good PT" that...

If half this thread is true BH's should be god incarnate, Jesus in a powerarmor...


Breathe people, it's a game it's not the end of the world.


You'll have problems against some classes, you'll have an easy to too easy time with others. You'll be swarmed by locusts in one Warzone and counting skulls on the next. You win some and you lose some.


Inhale, exhale. Breathe. It's okay, your future as a human being does not depend on you getting 10mill killing blows in the next warzone.

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JET ESCAPE NEEDED *** we have a jetpack and every single "hunter" class in any game has a move away button. Why does the mercenary not have one. Ever watch Clone Wars? Cadd bane is pretty much a mercenary and uses his jetboots to escape jedi melee ALL THE TIME. Get rid of the useless shoulder charge and replace with a jet pack escape of at least 15 meters extended by talents that is called JET ESCAPE mercenaries would be on even ground with melee and powertechs if we have these options.



This is a must. All else is nice to have. This one tweek will put all Merc classes on par, and not make them OP.

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I'm a Pyro Merc and I also feel kinda ripped off when comparing my abilities to a Pyro PT.


They get a much wider spectrum of PvP utility compared to us, plus the talents they can pick up from other trees synergize much better with Pyro (60% extra armorpen for Rail Shot from the AP tree springs to mind). In addition they get a spammable on demand slow where as ours is completely RNG based.


I'd switch AC if that was an option.

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compared to most other classes mercs have way more cheese skills. Play an op or mara then you will see. Mercs have 2 knock backs 2 stuns a shield, health regain and prema slows. Your a glass turret that can take out anything. If you disagree then your not playing your class right.


All of which is instantly negated by interrupt and a gap closer.


Noobs complain about tracer missle because they don't know how to play their toon. Pros see mercs as a easy kill.


Oh.. And for a DSP class we are owned in damage by sorc/sage who also outheal us in the same match. Merc is a one trick pony which is easily midigated when fighting experianced players.

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Me and my bro play a duo as a Power tech and a mercenary


The Powertech has no problem pulling similar stats to me, while being tankier. But mercenary has no problem killing anyone and everyone. Just being on my Merc guarantees a place amongst top damage and top kills.


I have no problem with the Powertech being as nasty as they are. Melee range classes need to be more effective because they will always be the most available target


I also play juggernaut. Immortal spec at the moment, mainly because I generally have 4-6 guys all unloading on me at all times. I am always the most available target and have to stick with targets that kite deeper and deeper into the enemy lines. Not only this, but when reinforcements arrive, I will be the first to feel their arrival. I cannot sit back out of attentions range and nuke like ranged dps classes. Not only that, but if it becomes necessary to disengage, Melee classes have a much harder time of it. This only gets worse as the number of players increase.


Ranged Classes are easier and always have the advantage.


Melee cant compete with range at range, Range should never compete with melee in melee.

Edited by Kalliadies
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To the OP, you must have not actually used Merc Pyrotech spec very much or honestly need to L2P it. It is superior to Arsenal it every way except heat management. Pyro is better for burst, mobility, and overall DPS. Makes it hard to believe you have truly played 130 lvls or 2000 warzones or whatever. At level 50, if I run into 10 Mercenaries there will be 1 or 2 Arsenal's among them with the rest being Bodyguard or Pyrotech.


Merc has 2 "trinket" abilities (when pyro spec), the self heal DoT, an instant cast stun, and potentially another instant cast stun, big heal, or big nuke when you use Power Surge. Combined with my +355 defense relic that lasts 20 seconds, I almost always have the fewest deaths in a WZ while putting up the most damage and kills.


I agree with you on the point that I think that it would be VERY useful to be able to dispell enemy's buffs. There is not enough dispelling or countering in this game period - it is far too easy to stack bonuses to make invincible players. This wouldn't matter so much if the game wasn't 90% Huttball, but it is.

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I have played over 130 levels from beta to now and well over 2000 warzones as a bounty hunter. Played both classes The power tech and the merc to 50 and pvp'd a bit in beta and hardcore in live as mercenary.


The powertech is far superior in every way for pvp. A pyro specced powertech in any occasion does more damage can get more medals easier and generally perform better than an arsenal or pyro specced mercenary. The powertech has more usable escape and cc options and MUCH higher burst than arsenal or pyro merc right off the bat. You can pull people away from objectives or into fires which is far more useful than jet they also generally have higher hp stats and do more aoe than any merc.


What I expect is some balance and after extensive playtime as a mercenary I suggest these changes to be made ASAP.


Electro Dart Cooldown is waaaay too long. This ability needs to be on a 10-15 second cooldown to be really effective and useful. I get that it may be game breaking in pve but I really dont think so.


JET ESCAPE NEEDED *** we have a jetpack and every single "hunter" class in any game has a move away button. Why does the mercenary not have one. Ever watch Clone Wars? Cadd bane is pretty much a mercenary and uses his jetboots to escape jedi melee ALL THE TIME. Get rid of the useless shoulder charge and replace with a jet pack escape of at least 15 meters extended by talents that is called JET ESCAPE mercenaries would be on even ground with melee and powertechs if we have these options.


Cleanse NEEDS to be able to remove GUARD and SHIELD off enemies, all you need is a few juggernaughts/guardians and 2 or more healers and they are unkillable you will never be able to take them down ever in an 8 on 8 situation. You will see this in rated warzones. You wont be able to kill them. And is unbalanced as all hell. This should be a talent for the healer tree at least and placed on a higher cooldown if given to all specs.


I am not complaining about damage. Mercs left to there devices are deadly...but if a smart team has any sense they will focus you down instantly. Merc Arsenal is the way to go or healer / arsenal hybrid. ATM pyro is garbage. You cannot effectively dot kite like the tree looks to be intended to do without better escape options.


Please I can't be the only one who thinks these are smart and relevant changes that NEED to made. Please support me in this cause to bioware to send some love our way.


Thank you for reading. good hunting.


Welcome to the world of PVP. Yeah i know that does not help at all but...........

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Jet Charge is a shieldtech skill in PT, not pyro. You can get it with a hybrid spec, but you'll not get all pyro goodies since it's pretty high up the shieldtech tree. Also, it's not really an escape button, you need an enemy to jump to (which you're then in melee with), you can't jump away from enemies with it. Edited by Kanana
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