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10 Good
  1. Exactly, that was the buff. Now it is business as usual.
  2. Boba Fett faced Vader alone and it was a stalemate.
  3. I was supposed to quote the OP... Now it came out really wrong .
  4. True PvP is about skill and tactics in a fair fight. PvP in an MMO is about putting in enough time and deaths to grind gear that makes you unbeatable for new players. Imagine how they gave everyone handguns in an FPS and when you have played 100 hours you get armor and a machine gun. Very fun... It would not be difficult to give PvP rewards that dont impact the balance a lot. It has been done in many FPS games. Everyone has the exact same PvP gear now anyway.
  5. It seems you dont know that much. No pun intended. Look at your talent trees. The left one is the tanking tree. The middle and right are dps trees. Depending on where the points are you are in a tank or a dps role.
  6. Can you smell it? The electricity in the air... No wind... Strange sunlight... High air pressure...
  7. Most of he other classes have similar utility and as base skills.
  8. Is it just me or does the damage still trigger many times even if you are not in melee range? Just as long as you are in range when you tigger the attack. 05:44 in this video. Could be he has a DoT on him...
  9. I dont really see how PT does more dps than Merc in Pyro. PT has a pull and Merc has a push. PT has an AoE stun that Merc doesnt have. FB is internal damage but does less damage than PS. Besides that Mercs two RS resets are ranged so if not focused they can do much more damage. Its rare a melee gets to dps uncontested in PvP. Merc actually still have heals in Pyro while PT is not a tank. But please enlighten me of the base for your claims.
  10. The numbers of a class is not a balancing concern. Especially when we have mirrors. The Sorc/Sage will win against any other AC if you eliminate human error and gear differance. They have the most PvP tools in this game. Thats why everyone is rolling them and thus why they are overpopulated. I predict a balancing of Sorc/Sage and a lot of characters left in some cantina around level 20-30.
  11. Joskara

    Sorcerer Nerf....

    Yes, you can. As I wrote in the post. All this at the same time.
  12. Joskara

    Sorcerer Nerf....

    Sorc actually has the most usefull PvP stuff which you can have at the same time. Knockback 3s sleep when bubble breaks 2s root after knockback 60s sleep with 45s cooldown, stuns for 2s on break 4s stun on a 50s cooldown, can be used twice in a row with CTF 6s silence on 1 skill Speed Tractor beam on friendly CC break Absorb shield Channeled slow Cast slow Good damage Cleanse Heals Who ever made this class was tired of getting killed by melee. Inquisitors are definetly the class with the most tools. These skills are not OP since all classes have variations of them. Its having all of them which makes it the best class really.
  13. Nooooooooooooo! That would make it Force Lightning!
  14. They have two attacks with CDs which are internal. Affliction and Deathfield. Sorc has no defence except bubble = small HP boost and an interrupt on 1 skill against Merc. Use IM, TD, RS, Cast PS -> They interrupt, Unload, RS again. They run or try to heal. Stun.
  15. Arsenal sucks for PvP witout a team. But it rules for PvE! For PvP, spec Pyrotech. More or less permanent snare in CGC. IM, TD, RS, PS, RS? does nice burst. IM, TD, RS, Unload, RS is even better if you have the time. IM, TD, RS, MB, Rapid S, MB, Rapid S. Run for allies. Works good for kiting. 1 knockback 1 stun 1 bubble with anti snare, cd is good with ER talent Heavy armor Heals
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