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Explain to me the point of PVP again?


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Watching a horde of Empire circle around central in Ilum while you can't do anything?


Watching as your team is down by 2 in a WZ since 2 are bots, boy that one has been reported god knows how many times.


Opening your 20th bag to find yet another bag of nothing.


Maybe it's the random use of my abilities, you know they work half the time.


Or perhaps it's Bm geared alts as opposed to the BM geared mains we have no chance in hell of catching up to?


I'm just not getting it any more, IT'S NOT FUN, IT'S A CHORE.

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The point of MMO PvP is to desensitize you to the mind-numbing effect of grinding until you actually believe that getting better gear not only makes you better at PvP, but also is the ultimate form of reward.


If you want real PvP you have to strip all of the RPG aspects out of it and make it my skill bar versus your skill bar.

Edited by Darth_Philar
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pvp is for fun. if you are not having fun with it try something else. simple as that.

im sorry people dont cater to all of your needs because a few people dont have fun.

i guarentee that for every person on the forums complaining about pvp there are at least 3 that never visit here and have a blast.

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The point of PvP is having fun doing PvP. I'm sorry you're so fixated on the gear and such that it makes it not-fun for you.


Yes, but needing to get gear to be able to actually do pvp isn't fun. I could care less about gear except that I can't kill any empire players in gear when I don't have any, and I can't heal my teammates with their damage output.


Frankly i'm on a pvp server and having far more fun leaving the pvp alone with its current frustration level. Oh the fun times of earning 800 tokens to buy a bag that has nothing. Or giving a sorcerer everything I have, then he two shots me. Really fun. *looks at the unsubscribe button.* BTW, when I say pvp I mean ALL pvp not just warzones. Try doing any of the illium quests without a group or pvp gear and see your repair bills soar.

Edited by Tetrablade
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There is a simple explanation. It should be objective oriented PvP. The objective should be controlling Ilum (because Sith/Jedi need the crystals there). This is what the devs hoped to be. But there is a big flaw in the whole system that Gabe's team overlooked. It is revealed in the next line:




The real objective for going to Ilum is to ultimatively get the PvP gear. Meanwhile crafters sit around feeling useless. How to fix that grind with a simple step?




This is how I see the whole Ilum problem.

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Yes, but needing to get gear to be able to actually do pvp isn't fun.


Oh sure, I'd rather have a PvP system where everyone is on equal footing right from the start and rewards are more cosmetic or prestige-oriented, but eh. I'm not going to rage over it, PvP is fun either way.

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Oh sure, I'd rather have a PvP system where everyone is on equal footing right from the start and rewards are more cosmetic or prestige-oriented, but eh. I'm not going to rage over it, PvP is fun either way.


The sad truth is that a level playing field would bring even more whining. The bad players would remain bad. At least if their gear improves over time, they'll eventually be able to compete with the ungeared, fresh 50's.

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There is a simple explanation. It should be objective oriented PvP. The objective should be controlling Ilum (because Sith/Jedi need the crystals there). This is what the devs hoped to be. But there is a big flaw in the whole system that Gabe's team overlooked. It is revealed in the next line:




The real objective for going to Ilum is to ultimatively get the PvP gear. Meanwhile crafters sit around feeling useless. How to fix that grind with a simple step?




This is how I see the whole Ilum problem.


The problem is, MMOs aren't designed around fun. They're designed around shiny acquisition.

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That IS the fun for many gamers. I think they should just have gear-giving slot machines for those people so that I can enjoy pvp without them.


I know it is, that's why it works so well. But maybe devs are getting just a bit too focused on that particular bit of 'fun'? I hope. Either that, or frankly, we gamers are quite stupid, since we're basically paying money to work in a game for in game items that have no value whatsoever in the real world. I mean, if we're not having fun actually getting the items, I do wonder what is wrong with us?

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I know it is, that's why it works so well. But maybe devs are getting just a bit too focused on that particular bit of 'fun'? I hope. Either that, or frankly, we gamers are quite stupid, since we're basically paying money to work in a game for in game items that have no value whatsoever in the real world. I mean, if we're not having fun actually getting the items, I do wonder what is wrong with us?


Look up the term "Skinner Box" on the wiki. It's an interesting question that you pose.

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It's funny because no one really gives credit to Bioware for the bolster system, it really is a nice system that accomplishes a lot of good for the PvP game as a whole. It's a good implementation of a smart design.


Then you hit level 50 and it does seem like they hastily threw some stuff together with duct tape and glue and called it a day.


But like I said, PvP is still fun and I'm not going to rage over the minutia of gear.

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The point of MMO PvP is to desensitize you to the mind-numbing effect of grinding until you actually believe that getting better gear not only makes you better at PvP, but also is the ultimate form of reward.


If you want real PvP you have to strip all of the RPG aspects out of it and make it my skill bar versus your skill bar.


See you in GW2! Btw, my skill bar is way bigger than yours!

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My skill bar brings all the girls to the yard... damn right it's better than yours. I could teach you but I'd have to charge.


Yeah, so anyway I am having lots of fun doing PvP. I do WZs all the time and go out to illum. Is there imbalance? Sure there is. Makes it feel like more of an accomplishment when you overcome the imbalance and win. I would like to see the Sith side play something other than a sorc or a BH. Seriously I think 1 in 2 people in the entire game play one of those 2 classes. I also understand why, people want to shoot lightning out of their fingertips or fly around shooting rockets. It is just annoying.


My gripes with the PvP are much smaller than most peoples.

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