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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Premades.. Seriously?


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Yeah, I'm not having fun anymore since hitting 50. Its all geared premade vs pug.


But is is funny that those who are in regular premades tell you to L2P and get yourself a premade. But then, they also don't want a premade only queue. So which is it? They want everyone to just find a premade somehow, yet they don't want to have to always face premades either. Who'd be left?


But whatever...this game does not have as many subscribers as WoW and if they don't address something that is very unfun for most of the people, the game is guaranteed to fail and end up free to play, and then die off slowly.


If they wanted the game to be one where you shouldnt' really pvp unless you have a dedicated group, then advertise it as so, and I woulda known and passed on it.

Edited by Seurot
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yeap and if frogs had wings they wouldnt bump their ***** on the ground when they jump.


Not exactly sure what you're implying here. You couldn't possibly be trying to say that voice communication has nothing to do with premades being able to communicate better than pugs. That certainly wouldn't be one of the reasons why premades predominantly roflstomp pugs now would it?

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Agreed. Punish players for having/making friends!


Premade vs premade is pretty much the norm in warcraft. If you're playing with friends and coordinating, why not have a challenging match where you're playing against another team of coordinated friends?

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I find premades more effcient and the overall game play is more enjoyable and i get to match up with my friends


But if you didnt realise thats generally what the Imps were doing for quite some time but with 50's just suck it up and learn to group up its an MMO cooperation is part of the game learn to play ffs


Even a Premade can be messed up with a bad selection of extras 4 players you can queue with for Warzones so 6 other players are random so its still luck of the draw and also don't forget skill of the players.

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I don't know if anyone has told you yet but the point of competitive PVP in online games these days is not to cultivate skill and find a challenge. People are much more entertained by roflstomping and that's the norm and they'll fight tooth and nail to keep it that way.

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Ignorant response, what if you want to play premade but only vs other premades, what if you actually prefer playing on equal footing than vs random pugs!


Also there are times I want to tryhard and others I want to play more laid back, there is no reason not to have options for both modes!


I wouldn't consider roflstomping anyone a "good match" honestly that kind of game is just boring.


What I got from that was..


'There are times I want to win and others I want to lose, there is no reason not to have the option of both'


BTW they have already announced that ladders are in the process of coming to the game. It is just not the time for them yet. Remember when people kept complaining about the 50 bracket? Well they got it and now the same people are complaining that the 50 bracket is too slow and the Q times are too long. Now imagine them adding another bracket for different ladder groups... or promenades on their own bracket. Non of you would ever play. The game needs to mature to a healthy number of lvl 50s before any of that can be achieved. PERIOD

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Yeah, I'm not having fun anymore since hitting 50. Its all geared premade vs pug.


But is is funny that those who are in regular premades tell you to L2P and get yourself a premade. But then, they also don't want a premade only queue. So which is it?

I already answered this:



So in conclusion...


The same type of player who joins a Pre-Made, is often the same type who is terrified of playing against
Pre-mades; weak, inferior, and sub-standard. (like it matters; it's only a video game)


They make any excuse that comes to mind, when truthfully, there is none. There could easily be a cross-server Pre-Made-only system in place. The rest would be PUGs vs PUGs. But (at least) some of those who form Pre-Mades will wail and gnash their teeth against it.


Because they are those who needed to make a Pre-Made in the first place.



PvPers who also made Pre-Mades WANT to fight other Pre-Mades. The pretenders don't.


They were weak 1 on 1, weak in PUGs, and know they'll be weak in Pre-Made vs Pre-Made.



So basically, the only problem here, is that sucky players who run to pre-mades, then do all they can to make sure they never have to face another pre-made. They have a hard enough time against PUGs.


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Those against the idea of a Pre-made Bracket are so for only one reason: they fear having to play against other pre-mades.


(In your next WZ, isolate someone in a pre-made, see how "good" they are on their own in 1 on 1 combat, and you'll quickly figure out why they want to farm PUGs)




What they do one on one, unless they have a 25 level advantage or 4 of thier friends around is RUN like babies. I dont have a lot of time to play so i pug alot, hence lose a lot, but i alwys fight to death and never ever run, its so coward like. Before they moved the 50s i was shocked at how many 50s who fled. They are definately a cowardly bunch, and again they are 'premaking' themsleves so they get the fast easy valor. They do not want to have to actually PLAY vs another premade.

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Do the PvP community a favor and match them only against other premades.


Getting roflstomp faceroll'd with a pub team of 7 fresh 50s in lvl 40 PvE gear by a group of guildies in vent with full battlemaster isn't really my idea of fun.


This is a bad idea because I play with my wife. We are both casual gamers just like any other pugs. But since I would like to warzone in the same warzone with just my wife then we need to be put into queues with only 4 man elite ventrillo teams? Yeah.. might as well just quit the game if that happens.

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Correct. There is no way they can implement a separation without doing cross server warzones first. I hate fighting premades with a frothing at the mouth, loathy passion, and even I don't want a separation without cross server first.


Premades from the same faction like a battleground. Why not?


Any one arguing against premades pitted against premades just wants to farm PUGS. Bio know that and the majority of its customers are 'casuals'.

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This is a bad idea because I play with my wife. We are both casual gamers just like any other pugs. But since I would like to warzone in the same warzone with just my wife then we need to be put into queues with only 4 man elite ventrillo teams? Yeah.. might as well just quit the game if that happens.


They are talking about full groups not you and your wife. And if you quit from a simple change like that well you were bound to give up that easily sooner or later anyway.

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agreed 100% op


they ruin pvp for casual pvpers such as myself. I define casual as someone who doesnt eat breath and **** pvp. Believe it or not not everyone wants every warzone match to be so stressful that you're about to have a heart attack, or so lopsided because of premades that you lose 0 to 300+ on alderaan.

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So what would be the condition to separate people into a premade queue? The moment they group with one other person? Or when it's a full group of 4. AFAIK you can't queue a warzone with a group of 8 to truly classify it as a premade.


they would need to add a valor ranked system



so you would be more likely to join players of your rank and if there is not enough players it would put you with the closest to your rank.



sound fair enough ?

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they would need to add a valor ranked system



so you would be more likely to join players of your rank and if there is not enough players it would put you with the closest to your rank.



sound fair enough ?

Ehhh valor rank doesn't have much effect, it should be based on your expertise rating - I have a valor 46 char with only 2 pieces of champion gear, I have seen valor 20s with full set..

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Creat your own premade.


It's not that hard, I do it everyday.


I watch for people in the WZ that seem to be good players and /tell Wanna group for PvP?


It usually takes me 10 minutes to get a full premade together and we roflstomp the pugs and have some really fun matches against the other premades.


Yes, there are some premades that seem unbeatable but that is going to happen.


It's to a point now where as soon as I log in I have 3-4 people asking me if I want to premade with them(I am a healer and sought out for premades.)

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ts3 and Ventrilo are Thirparty tools. Why are they are ok, if speedhack and co are no ok? They give wortly "Unfair advantage to ones vs others whoare not using it".


Ban for tools that are not in game - and thats all :)

Problem solved. Yes you are allowed to join as team vs pug but WITHOUT THIRTPARTY TOOLS:

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Why not cater to both sides of the argument?


Have 3 queues:


Premade queue - only premades may queue here (4 man groups at the present time)


Mixed queue - both individuals and premades may queue here, add valor bonuses to individual queue-ers and valor penalties to premade groups.


Individual queue - only individuals may queue here.




Please note, both the premade queue and individual queue offer no valor bonuses or penalties.

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