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Ability delays fixed???


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I am reading all over the forums that ability delays have been fixed/improved. Has any one logged on their Sent to try out? I'm at work and won't be able to until tonight :(


Definitely improved. Cant wait to see what it looks like after 1.1.1 which is supposed to fix it more.

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I noticed an immense change in Warzones.


Abilities actually fire off almost every single time. They only time they don't is if you/your enemy is lagging badly and everyone is teleporting around.


It had definitely made this game a lot more enjoyable for me. If you want to really test it, try out a warzone if you did them before the patch, you will notice abilites work a lot better and even the animations seem to blend together for a smoother experience.

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Yeah I'd say it's like 80-90% fixed. Occasionally off GCD abilities won't go off and I had a Force Kick not go off vs. Ironfist in HM Esseles which sucked, but yeah for the most part it's waaaaaaaaay better than what it was before. I can actually Leap > Overload Saber > Zealous Strike reliably now.
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Well, they fixed something, but not the real issue at hand. I feel it won't "feel" right until they get rid of the delay between the GCD finishing another ability activating. Not even really sure what was fixed in this patch because the combat feels the same to me.
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There is an improvement, but it isn't finished yet. I want to snare someone BEFORE I get knocked back.


I DON'T want to press my snare buttons 3-4 times, act like I'm going to snare, and then just get knocked back without being able to catch back up to my target.




Ability delay is still the #1 issue.

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Hm I don't know.


I noticed a small improvement only to be honest.


When you're trying to hectically chain abilities together it still gets stuck and you feel delay and stuttering.


I'd say that this was fixed 20%, not 80%.



PS: Blade Storm and Zealous Strike still get cancelled sometimes, defensive cooldowns and Zen don't work instantly all the time either.

Edited by Vibeth
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Have to agree it's a huge improvement but not 100% just yet, Still problems with animations, occasional non firing of abilities but definately step in right direction.


Would have gave BW a +1 but it failed to trigger :p maybe after next patch :rolleyes:

Edited by Gobrot
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