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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Are we seriously going to get absolutely no word on faction imbalance or low pops?


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Why would they comment on an issue that is 100% player made? It isn't their fault that people like Empire more than Republic (though some of it is certainly due to the crappy looking gear).


My guess is that very, very little of the imbalance is due to gear. Those of us who were around before launch saw the imbalance coming in the guilds that were formed, before anyone even knew what the gear would look like. People just like playing the bad guys.

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My guess is that very, very little of the imbalance is due to gear. Those of us who were around before launch saw the imbalance coming in the guilds that were formed, before anyone even knew what the gear would look like. People just like playing the bad guys.


Exactly. There's not much BW can do about that.


Maybe if BW made rolling alts more fun I would play my consular but as of now I won't be putting myself through the level grind anytime soon. Can't even send credits or crafting items to my republic alt unless I use the neutral market.


No thanks.

Edited by Aisar
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Solutions I've seen in the past on other games.


1) Temporary faction lock. ie. Once a faction ratio is say 2:1 lock the heavy side till its evened out.


2) Provide incentives to roll on the under pop faction. ie. Increased XP, More Drops, More Money, etc...


3) Combine Servers ie. Faction A (high) Faction B (low) with a server that is opposite that Faction A (low) Faction B (high). Granted this one is very very unlikely in the current state of SWTOR. Personally I blame Darth Maul for this imbalance. :cool:


Anyway, just throwing out some ideas.


A ton of people will QQ over a faction lock, regardless of how long it lasts. Same thing with incentives. People will proclaim BW favoritism towards a particular faction. Server combining or merging won't achieve that much because the numbers fluctuate so often. There will always be another one sided server out there.


All ideas possible will either inhibit player choice which is a definite "no-no" or promote blatant faction favoritism. It doesn't matter that the root reason was to promote balance, it would really turn players off regardless.

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I really don't know what would fix it. There are instances I have never done. Talked to my two boys that play and same with them one is lvl50 the other 30 something. Server show'd very heavy and YOU pick the time they could never get a group. Though this falls under LFG but also low pop's.


Love the game or dislike really means nothing. Its things like this that just kill it. And then you enter a ticket and the only answer after 4 days is.. use the social window.. LMAO.. go for it.. you find EVERY DAY you look only ONE - THREE people thats it.


And we all know most people that play and have these kind of problems or none never post.

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I would love to see way higher pop on all servers. Problem is, too many people on fleet kills performance. But the planets feel so empty with 20-80 ppl only. Seriously, the planets are big enough for hundreds of players to co-exist. I wish there were more people around.


I wish the Server pop cap could be raised,

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I was not disappointed that Empire are more numerous, I thought that one side or the other would be. The whole Guild Deployment thing was actually a really good attempt to understand the imbalance early and try to even it out, at least for those that knew what guild they would be in at launch.


However, for World PvP there is no way the makers of Warhammer should have not designed some way to help control the imbalance at the point of World PvP. I know this is counter-intuitive to "Open" World PvP, but my hope was they would get creative on this, and the stark imbalance we saw in Ilum seems to prove you can't just let people do what they want to.. I started a whole thread on it in the pre-release forums. There were many ideas:


1) Have a whole large planetary instance, e.g. Ilum, population controlled so that the ratio of allegiances would be no more than 1:1.4 (or something around that). This would be best if there is more than one planet of this kind.


2) Spawn NPCs for the underpopulated side.


3) Use the bolstering buff for the underpopulated side (with some suggestions to improve on WoW's version of that in Wintergrasp).

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The only fool here is you.


It worked fine in Aion. Yes, there was some griping in the beginning but overall servers were way more balanced.


Granted that game failed in several other areas.


Far as that goes though it went fine after the initial issues some people had with it.


I don't pay a subscription fee so I am allowed to play the game on your terms......


It would not fix the imbalance issue because it would only make paying customers into the nonpaying non customer type. I will choose canceling my subscription over being forced and or mandated by the development staff to play or make a faction gender or class I do not want to 100 percent of the time every time.

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I've noticed that there's low population on the EU servers in general, not just the PvP servers. Certainly a merge of servers should be in order to get some proper poulations? I pretty much assumed that would be in the plans by now, we have no word on this?


Or at the least free transfer so we can initiate a community migration to certain servers or something.

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I don't pay a subscription fee so I am allowed to play the game on your terms......


It would not fix the imbalance issue because it would only make paying customers into the nonpaying non customer type. I will choose canceling my subscription over being forced and or mandated by the development staff to play or make a faction gender or class I do not want to 100 percent of the time every time.


What are you even talking about?


First off I said initially so that trying to do it now is simply a waste.


Secondly, even if they would have you have no idea if it would have even affected your server or faction choice.


Thirdly, I was just remarking on the point that it is too late and all they can do at this point is 'fess up to it. When asked what they could have done is the only reason I even brought that up.


Lastly, I'm over it. As many are doing I rerolled Imperial myself so I can enjoy the game as it is intended. Just a shame that it is going to be this imbalanced on some servers.


...and if you don't think this imbalance is going to chase off some customers as well you're kidding yourself.

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Are we seriously going to have to listen to people whine and complain that "OMG, Issue Y has not been addressed immediately after my post" while Bioware has been very busy listening and addressing Issue X instead? Blah blah blah "bleeding subscriptions"....what is this, 90210 or Survivor? The melodram pouring off you people is think and rancid.


Faction imbalance / server population is the biggest issue facing ToR. Ability Delay didn't even factor into the equation. This WILL kill the game.

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Faction imbalance / server population is the biggest issue facing ToR. Ability Delay didn't even factor into the equation. This WILL kill the game.


Trying to control faction imbalance will kill the game. If at any time I try to roll a new toon on the server that has all my friends on it, and am told I can't, I am gone. If I am going to be forced to make new friends, I will do it on another game where I won't have to worry about stuff like that.

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Trying to control faction imbalance will kill the game. If at any time I try to roll a new toon on the server that has all my friends on it, and am told I can't, I am gone. If I am going to be forced to make new friends, I will do it on another game where I won't have to worry about stuff like that.


I don't believe you for a second.

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Server imbalance is nowhere near the top of the heap of what even a minority consider a problem. People roll on servers they like and go with the flow.


Why would you expect balance? Fix the problem by rolling toons on the other side. It's what I did and it is fun to see both sides of the fence on the same server 8)


That is very easy to say when you are not playing on an empty server.

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There is no good solution to faction imbalance. The best way to address it is simply "entice" people to roll Republic by making it a better experience.


Don't make anymore faction neutral PvPs. Huttball forever.

Put caps on world PvP zones for each faction.

Offer one-way faction transfers and server-transfers.

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What do you want them to say exactly?


BW - "Hey everyone, just in case you didn't know, the imperials are kinda more fun to play and that's why more people are there. Soo....um...yea, that's it."


Look for BW to give incentives to play Republic in the future, like cooler races. There's really no quick solution to the problem.

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Do you have any statistics to show how large this imbalance is? Whether or not it affects all servers? If it's trending one way or another, and has that trend changed at all in the time that the game has been out? Edited by Teksiis
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Do you have any statistics to show how large this imbalance is? Whether or not it affects all servers? If it's trending one way or another, and has that trend changed at all in the time that the game has been out?


The original guild program had a 2:1 imbalance favoring Empire on non-RP servers. It seems to have stuck. Most people on both sides are reporting a 2:1 imbalance favoring Empire on Ilum.

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faction imbalance is working as intended. :rolleyes:


Honestly nothing I can think of that the developers could do to solve the problem that would not involve a large segment of players getting more upset then just leaving it as is.


The Faction imbalance problem is a player created problem not a developer problem. Only player can effectively solve it by choosing to roll the lower populated faction.

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well for low population just bring up a way to pay for a server transfer.bioware makes money and the costumer gets what he wants out of a dead server.


for imbalance its not much it can be done other than for pvp, do a cross server pvp for warzone and that should bring up queus on low pop 50's.


and for ilum make it a 2 hour open world pvp zone.


for the weekly and daily for ilum keep it the way it is. but make it to where crates are scattered all over ilum to compensate the low population servers and that can be picked up during those 2 hour waiting time till ilum starts but also make em rare but not so rare that will help many people complete their weekly without rushing it.

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EASY TO FIX.... BW needs to take a page from Mythic on this. Faction imbalance was reduced greatly by offering credit and exp bonus to playing the underdog faction on a server. When the imbalance was fixed the bonus was removed. BW please look into this quick!!!!! Im on a PvP server and watching swarms of 50's imps with nothing to do but farm level 30s gets old fast and not enough republic to lend support. Edited by Nanfoodle
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