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  1. well for low population just bring up a way to pay for a server transfer.bioware makes money and the costumer gets what he wants out of a dead server. for imbalance its not much it can be done other than for pvp, do a cross server pvp for warzone and that should bring up queus on low pop 50's. and for ilum make it a 2 hour open world pvp zone. for the weekly and daily for ilum keep it the way it is. but make it to where crates are scattered all over ilum to compensate the low population servers and that can be picked up during those 2 hour waiting time till ilum starts but also make em rare but not so rare that will help many people complete their weekly without rushing it.
  2. well im very disappointed with my selection with the server im right now which is kaibur crystal. this place is deserted i reached 50 thinking of enjoying endgame content but not many people have reach that yet is more of a layback server. ilum now is worthless no one shows up there and when they do is a stay back from our crates or ill call my opposite faction buddies to Slaugther you.
  3. How many have called in sick to work to take advantage of the situation regarding Ilum pvp Zone. This is hilarious of whats happening in ilum.
  4. Time to cancel Subscriptions. But i wont i manage to geared my toon on champion gear.So im fine
  5. Btw this is what happens when you take your time on the story mode this game provides and not powerlevel your way to 50. you end up in a disadvantage from the start and then you get hit with fixes that will only hurt those who are still enjoying the game.
  6. All this screenshots and vids show how well geared some are and how defeseless others are. This Zone is very unbalaance now. they shoul roll back on this zone and find fixes. for the moment let it be fair for those and for others let it be easy gear farming.
  7. Well its unfair cause some of us already took advantage of the zone. While their others who are still entering this zone thinking "Oh sweet pvp zone lets rip em apart". just to find out their going against champion and battlemaster geared pvp'ers. Who took advantage of this crap.Like myself
  8. EASY FIX MAKE ANOTHER Weekly and Daily that will give you credit for dying a horrible Death. Problem Solve.
  9. cant say much im geaerd. Just givin heads up on whats gonna happen on low server populated zones like mine which ilum is a deserted ice world. and with a few people in ilum will drive this to happen. also it cant be a deal with opposite faction. you can just have a buddy log on the opposite side and trade off kills. Like i said this zone is a pure fail right now, no matter how much bioware tries to fix they will just make it worst.
  10. Before i go datacron hunting. Here's a nice solution that will backfire on Bioware. Make a deal with the opposite side on general chat. To were each other take turns on killing each other and compplete the quest. see very simple solution and it will show how fail bioware did to this zone.
  11. Well time to go for Datacron hunting. Have Fun on Ilum.
  12. Bioware Want ilum to work as intended get rid of it and make it a Cross-server pvp Zone and also a little more creativity on objectives, like the post before mine are correct theirs gonna be a zerg kill fest right now. or for my server which republic dominant their just standing in the mid waiting ,waiting,waiting,and more waiting,and more waiting to have at least an empire character show up to kill and scare em off and let the waiting continue.Also forgot to mention their characters who havent reach or even still dont know how ilum used to work that progression pvp wise their struggling to ccatch up to some of us and will eventually scare em off from pvp. Just heads up of how your failness is pushing this zone to other players.
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