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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Are we seriously going to get absolutely no word on faction imbalance or low pops?


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do you even realize the amount of qq if they had limited people from rolling with friends at launch? Surely you cannot be this obtuse.


Limiting your player base from a set of options would not have worked.


The amount of fool in your post is staggering.


The only fool here is you.


It worked fine in Aion. Yes, there was some griping in the beginning but overall servers were way more balanced.


Granted that game failed in several other areas.


Far as that goes though it went fine after the initial issues some people had with it.

Edited by GarbonzotheDude
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Are we seriously going to have to listen to people whine and complain that "OMG, Issue Y has not been addressed immediately after my post" while Bioware has been very busy listening and addressing Issue X instead? Blah blah blah "bleeding subscriptions"....what is this, 90210 or Survivor? The melodram pouring off you people is think and rancid.


Totally agree. I've had it up to here with these self-indulgent drama queens who think the world revolves around them.


This is how they act on a forum. Imagine the never-ending sobbing soap-opera drama they inflict on people in real life....

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Merge servers?




2 servers have 500 republic players and 1000 empire players. They merge.


Now you have one server with 1000 republic players and 2000 empire players. Well done!


Yes, because clearly, if server mergers were implemented, Bioware would just do it willy-nilly and pay no attention to that issue. Do you people even listen to yourselves speak?

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The only fool here is you.


It worked fine in Aion. Yes, there was some griping in the beginning but overall servers were way more balanced.


Granted that game failed in several other areas.


Far as that goes though it went fine after the initial issues people had with it.




The aion market and the swtor market are 2 completely different markets.


Not allowing people to roll with guilds they planned months and years in advance would have been a much bigger issue.


Go away now your points are foolish at best.

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The only fool here is you.


It worked fine in Aion. Yes, there was some griping in the beginning but overall servers were way more balanced.


Granted that game failed in several other areas.


Far as that goes though it went fine after the initial issues people had with it.


Because that game is doing so well....

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The only fool here is you.


It worked fine in Aion. Yes, there was some griping in the beginning but overall servers were way more balanced.


Granted that game failed in several other areas.


Far as that goes though it went fine after the initial issues some people had with it.


Totally disagree, that idea would not work. Players that couldn't play with their friends would have quit and it would not have fixed any faction balance.


Might be a good idea for players without guilds or friends, but that's about it.

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Merge servers?




2 servers have 500 republic players and 1000 empire players. They merge.


Now you have one server with 1000 republic players and 2000 empire players. Well done!


I would not merge servers to fix faction imbalance. It would be to fix low populations.

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Totally disagree, that idea would not work. Players that couldn't play with their friends would have quit and it would not have fixed any faction balance.


Might be a good idea for players without guilds or friends, but that's about it.


...and I'll say it again. Worked in that game not sure why it somehow would magically fail here.


Granted it would be better if a game that used it wouldn't have failed in so many other areas XD

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Balance happens on its own.


The game’s still young. Most people are still getting to 50.


The WZs help to balance populations.


When Empire players realize their queue for WZs are 10 time longer then Republic players, they’ll switch sides.

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...and I'll say it again. Worked in that game not sure why it somehow would magically fail here.


Granted it would be better if a game that used it wouldn't have failed in so many other areas XD


And that game did multiple servers merges and is now Free-2-Play in the next week. Stop citing a failing game.

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...and I'll say it again. Worked in that game not sure why it somehow would magically fail here.


Granted it would be better if a game that used it wouldn't have failed in so many other areas XD


actually aion at release didn't stop people from chreating anything. It was in 2010 when they limited character creation on some servers. So a year after release.


Your point again is moot.

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And that game did multiple servers merges and is now Free-2-Play in the next week. Stop citing a failing game.


Had nothing to do with how they handled their launch. That game actually did very well initially. But feel free to keep thinking so...


Anyways, moot at this point because as I said it is too late.

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Honestly if faction balance was THAT much of an issue for me, I'd roll in a new server.


But as is it's not a big deal for me so I'm cool where I'm at. It's not like I log in Tatooine and see 30 Republic or 30 Empire guys mopping the floor w/ my face...

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actually aion at release didn't stop people from chreating anything. It was in 2010 when they limited character creation on some servers. So a year after release.


Your point again is moot.


What are you talking about? They did it starting at their launch in the NA. I should know I was there.

Edited by GarbonzotheDude
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you have people complaining about low population on republic, so why dont you get your guild to switch over to republic, i for one will not because i like playing empire because of the lore/story associated with it Edited by Skodan
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Because they could have limited character creation in the beginning on servers relating to faction.


The only thing that would of done is make people roll characters on another server.


"What I can't make a Sith on this server? Well I'll find one I can make one on then."

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This is something that has been highlighted on major media outlets like IGN, Massively and Game Breaker TV. It is an enormous issue that is probably bleeding subscribers every single day. Why are not getting any word whatsoever on what is going to happen?


Every MMO has faction imbalance, even WoW.

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...and I'll say it again. Worked in that game not sure why it somehow would magically fail here.


Granted it would be better if a game that used it wouldn't have failed in so many other areas XD


Yet you avoided the issue of how people would feel if they aren't able to play with their friends or guildmates.


Instead of saying the same thing over and over again, flow with the conversation and keep up with the points. Try to answer them.


Otherwise you are just repeating the same thing over and over it's pointless.


So how do you think people would react if they weren't able to play with their friends? I wouldn't have resubbed.

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...and having people reroll because they can't get any group oriented things done or are getting facerolled in PvP is somehow much better? Really?


Yes, it is.


Faction imbalance is a player created issue. Everyone wants to be a bad boy.

When I realized how bad the faction imbalance was, I went ahead and re-rolled my planned trooper alt early. That then became my main account.


If they had forced me to do so, I would not have played. period.

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The people saying that this is a player created issue are slightly naive, and probably imperial, tho i wont go that far to accuse everyone of that. You can go on any review site out there and more often then not people will say the empire is better then republic in aesthetics, voice overs, story lines and playability (hell BH gets a healer as its first companion i mean come on).


To use just one example of many, the empire has by far the better armor models, consulars look like banana tree space nuns, while the inquisitors look far better to most people. Hell smugglers look like high school wrestlers for most of their lives, yet they have the advantage of being the only class with a hint of personality.


Many review sites agree with this and this was said alot pre and during launch, thus people went with this side since most found it more pleasing to play. Bioware is guilty of making republic too bland and there is more then enough people who will agree with this. And even if a lot of you dont, review sites do, and they are who people thinking about buying the game are listening to before they make their decisions.

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