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Remove Commendation Limit so new 50's can compete


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Having a 50 OP and a full set of pvp gear, I can see its not fun 3shotting ungeared new fifties. They still have to work for the gear pre 50 but at least once they get to the fifty matches we can all have some fun and competiton.


I don't think they should have access to battlemaster gear and probably not Champion gear. But, at the very least give them access to cent gear before 50.

Edited by JBGames
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They just need to put in a starter PvP set that you can buy from PvP vendor that has a little expertise on it to move you up from PvE gear that is quite easy for new 50s to get. Problem solved.


They had that, it got ninja removed in a patch. They should return it so we see less QQ about expertise.

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If the comm cap is removed, you will see a lot of AFK BOTS in the warzones so no.


Seriously I think the OP likes to AFK bot. The commendation cap is there so that you can't bot for 1 whole day and get lots of items like it is in WoW.


So they accepted the bots in their game but they decided to limit them only at 1k?ok then,if they cannot implement a decent system for afk/bot then keep the limit and make centurion coms tradeable with wz ones

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It doesnt really make sense - I can buy lvl 20 gear from lvl 10 - I can buy lvl 40 gear as well - but lvl 50 gear? I have to wait until I am 50 to buy that.....lame - I spend the time PvPing whey can I not get rewards for it? Heck give us mods we can buy with the coms - something - as it is I just keep buying the lvl 44 bags to get some stims and some cash from the green I get
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OH NO YOU HAVE TO WORK FOR GEAR! this is insane!....ok enough sarcasm...


so what your saying is that to make it so people who have been 50 for a while don't rock a freash 50 you want no commendation limit? how dumb..... sounds like you just want your gear handed to you and not really have to work it. And no grinding a lot of commendations while lvling is not working for your gear, that is having gear handed to you as you hit max lvl. There always be someone better geared then you. You either deal with it or work towards tha t better gear...not ask for handouts...


Exactly. And you can be useful in any warzone naked .. play the objectives instead of going after medals.


Failing that .. turn up die a lot and repeat...mmos are grind and effort,

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^ This.


I'm level 50, Rank 51, 'cause I leveled primarily through PvP from 13-50. (I dinged Rank 50 at the same exact time I dinged level 50).


I've got...2 pieces of champ gear (legs and boots).


If I put in the PvP time, why shouldn't I be able to get the PvP equipment?


If you leveled to rank 50 valor when you hit 50 then at 50 you should be able to buy 5 champion bags, not to mention completing the 2 dailys and weeklys for another 8 bags. so in your 13 bags you only managed to get 2 pieces of gear? you have really bad luck.

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Weeks? You're doing it wrong, valor sixty is two weeks... max. It is a bad idea, would encourage people farming in lowbie brackets. We did it the hard way, you should too.


Besides, I like an easy 5k damage medal every now and again.


Uhm which hard way do you mean? Trading on Ilum or roflstomping level 15s/20s (for the Gear that is)

Edited by Twor
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This just seems greedy to me. Does someone who levels doing PvE get instant epic gear once he dings? No, of course not, that would take out all the fun of gearing. What you guys are suggesting would mean that the questers would only be severely gimping themselves, as the champ gear is amazing even for early PvE. You guys are already getting exp, money, and commendations (to the cap). And more than that, you don't need lots of champion gear to be viable even at 50s. Sure you'll be at a disadvantage, but at least you'll have the fun of seeing yourself slowly improving until you start melting faces again. It took me something like a week to get my gear to that point, and I was not even unusually lucky with the bags with around 20% droprate on those champs as expected. Use auction house and maybe do a few hardmodes. May not be expertise gear, but it's still good gear. If you want to level to 50 doing nothing but pvp, you're free to do so, but there is no reason you should be rewarded for it even further.
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This just seems greedy to me. Does someone who levels doing PvE get instant epic gear once he dings? No, of course not, that would take out all the fun of gearing. What you guys are suggesting would mean that the questers would only be severely gimping themselves, as the champ gear is amazing even for early PvE. You guys are already getting exp, money, and commendations (to the cap). And more than that, you don't need lots of champion gear to be viable even at 50s. Sure you'll be at a disadvantage, but at least you'll have the fun of seeing yourself slowly improving until you start melting faces again. It took me something like a week to get my gear to that point, and I was not even unusually lucky with the bags with around 20% droprate on those champs as expected. Use auction house and maybe do a few hardmodes. May not be expertise gear, but it's still good gear. If you want to level to 50 doing nothing but pvp, you're free to do so, but there is no reason you should be rewarded for it even further.


In fairness PVE gear is actually easier to get. Your getting guaranteed progress and it doesn't take all that long. PVP you might open 11 bags straight and get 3 commendations. For those same 11 bags and jack diddly how many flashpoints could you have done with guaranteed rewards?


Especially now if your republic trying to do ANYTHING in ilumn without being swarmed by 5:1 odds.

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  • 4 weeks later...
Removing the limit sounds radical. However I think it's good idea to raise the bar a bit and see what happens. I mean, fresh 50's with maybe 4-5 Champion gears IF they worked for it through their journey to 50? Yeah, that sounds more than reasonable.
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No one wants to work for their gear anymore, they just want to whine and complain until BW throws free gear at them, you shouldn`t be able to compete with people who have been 50 for a long time, THAT`S THE POINT OF GEARING UP. You get stronger, you feel stronger, until you`re all equal.


You don`t just hit 50, get full champion gear, and YAY I`M A HAPPY PLAYER.

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This just seems greedy to me. Does someone who levels doing PvE get instant epic gear once he dings? No, of course not, that would take out all the fun of gearing.


You mean other than buying PVE epics off the GTN?


You mean other than running a raid with guild the day you ding and come out with 3 pieces of Columni gear?


You mean other than running HM FP the second you hit 50 and get full epics within the week?


Are you trying to say that PvE gear takes longer to get than PvP gear? No, of course not, that would take out all the fun of gearing. ;)

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OH NO YOU HAVE TO WORK FOR GEAR! this is insane!....ok enough sarcasm...


so what your saying is that to make it so people who have been 50 for a while don't rock a freash 50 you want no commendation limit? how dumb..... sounds like you just want your gear handed to you and not really have to work it. And no grinding a lot of commendations while lvling is not working for your gear, that is having gear handed to you as you hit max lvl. There always be someone better geared then you. You either deal with it or work towards tha t better gear...not ask for handouts...


Kinda like how most 50's who claim they had to "work hard" for their gear now, got to enjoy all the exploits for easy valor in illium and enjoyed the days of pubstomping levels 10's in wz's... yeah really tough.. not to mention the pre nerf to champ bags. Had it real hard.

Edited by Nalidash
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You're suggesting that PvP gear be made more readily accessible when it is already so much easier to obtain than PvE gear. You can't ding 50 and automatically get all Columi gear, let alone Tionese. And it really encourages grinding levels through warzones as opposed to leveling in the 'proper' manner.
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This is not a good idea. You should not be able to earn all your end game gear without being max level. Should you get columi and rakata pieces out of leveling FPs? no. Same thing applies. As it is when you hit 50 you can have max comms and a bag. That is 6 bags right off the bat. That is enough for 2-3 pieces of gear a minute after you got max level. That is more than enough.
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