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Sorcerer Nerf....


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LOL. Tell this to the battlemaster Sorc's on my server. Give me a break.


They are all hybrid specced and they are all impossible to kill 1v1 if you are melee.


Charge/Leap/Knock them down... guess what you popped their shield and your stunned and they run away. You charge again/vanish and reopen/whatever, they lightning stun you and run away. You trinket and catch up, guess what WHIRLWINDED... they run away. If you catch up again (not likely)... haha.... AOE knockback. If you are possibly still alive (doubtful) from using every freakin cooldown and potion in your book.... and catch up again.... guess what... THEIR SHIELD IS BACK UP.


You have no burst.... you don't need burst when you can constantly snare/knockback/cc/sprint and do damage while not getting hit back.


So like...where is your CC in all that? It's as if you were just charging another player and pressing your anytimer. Everytime I get charged, I am CCed for more than half of the TTK.

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So like...where is your CC in all that? It's as if you were just charging another player and pressing your anytimer. Everytime I get charged, I am CCed for more than half of the TTK.


Maybe you missed the part where Hidden Strike/Shoot First gives full resolve bar... I CAN'T CC THEM FOR 8 SECONDS and I do Cripple them (slow them).


Yes I know getting to level 50 is tough. But really.


Edit: I'd like to add... what kind of CC do you think a Marauder/any other melee class have? If your getting CC'd you are clearly getting attacked by more than 1 person. But I'm pretty sure all you see on your screen is big number's and a melee brute touching you at night right.

Edited by zizzefex
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LOL. Tell this to the battlemaster Sorc's on my server. Give me a break.


They are all hybrid specced and they are all impossible to kill 1v1 if you are melee.


Charge/Leap/Knock them down... guess what you popped their shield and your stunned and they run away. You charge again/vanish and reopen/whatever, they lightning stun you and run away. You trinket and catch up, guess what WHIRLWINDED... they run away. If you catch up again (not likely)... haha.... AOE knockback. If you are possibly still alive (doubtful) from using every freakin cooldown and potion in your book.... and catch up again.... guess what... THEIR SHIELD IS BACK UP.


You have no burst.... you don't need burst when you can constantly snare/knockback/cc/sprint and do damage while not getting hit back.


They know what they do and think it can persist,WRONG people are on to them and this is not balance,a cowardly class they are.

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Also lag favors mobile classes (melee) 100% of the time vs classes that stand still and cast


I have to disagree with you here.

Melees always have to be facing the target , if a melee lags and you move one bit in that time, the attack will not start, while the casters have auto turn.

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I love the bads calling sorcerers op.




Their Hybrid build sucks... also claiming "Oh they can't be beat 1v1" doesn't validate your claim... It absolutely destroys your claim because it shows your basing EVERYTHING based on 1v1...



Sorry but their DPS sucks... Their Sustained damage is high but their Burst is non-existant.


The thing is all of you know this.. you are just such bad worthless players you are hoping that some dev will listen to your pathetic cries of nerf.

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I really wish people would stop citing lack of burst and resolve as balancing points.




1. Sustained damage is still good, you just can't ROFLCOPTER kills like a grav/tracer spammer. If you cannot kill well with sustained damage on reasonably balanced teams YOU ARE A BAD PLAYER. It's only on teams that are badly stacked and your team is getting owned that sustained damage really stops being useful and good. Yes burst does have an easier time getting kills when your on the horribly losing side.



2. Resolve is horribly broken. It simply does not perform consistantly. I have suffered several CC's during the duration of resolve almost as many times as it's stopped them. I have also suffered far in excess of the CC's supposedly allowed before resolve kicks in at all.


This also all ignores that snares/roots can be completely and totally deadly in PVP and also win objective battles, yet are completely unaffected by resolve.


Sorc/sage has access to every CC in the book, most of it is ranged, and almost all of it is easy to use. They even have redundant CC's (IE multiple of the same types). Is it any wonder they get alot of mileage out of resolve being broken in multiple ways?

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People keep saying Sorcs/Sages have "good" sustained dps and I have to wonder why. Just because the class has bad burst, doesn't mean that it has good sustained damage.


Sustained damage =/= mediocre burst


Nobody deals less damage over a minute than Sorcs/Sages. And yes, that's sustained damage and no it's not looking at high totals on the scoreboard where high combat uptime and AoEs inflate the damage figures.


Just fyi. The oh so feared hybrid build relies on procs, which are triggered by abilities that have cast times. When Sorcs/Sages kite somebody, all they can throw at you, if they want to keep distance is Affliction/Weaken Mind (awful damage), Project/Shock (6s CD, medium damage), Force Slow (12s CD, terrible damage). It will take like 30s to die from those 3 abilities.

Edited by Payneintherear
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An interesting question is if Bioware starts listening to forums to make changes, and according to ops, it is sorc complaints alone that has their nerf incoming, I wonder how they'll decide to nerf sorcs.


Half the posts I read claim they are super op because they are cannot be killed 1v1...


About 40% of posts say sorcs are no trouble 1v1, and that isn't the issue, but it's how strong they are in groups, and a warzone is pvp in a group...


10% say sorcs really aren't that bad, but people should learn 2 play...


Percentages are made up, like many of the arguments.


One of my favorites, I rerolled a sorc and at level 15 it's dominating wz's like nothing else ever has....even other toons 30 levels higher...


I wonder if Bioware cries and thinks "Really, is this what we've gotten ourselves into?".



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Sorry but their DPS sucks... Their Sustained damage is high but their Burst is non-existant.


Their sustained damage is the weakest of the 3 ranged classes (which is more of a pve issue really)

Edited by Adzzy
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About 40% of posts say sorcs are no trouble 1v1, and that isn't the issue, but it's how strong they are in groups, and a warzone is pvp in a group...

Becouse 40% of players playing this game are Sorcs. And if we did not reached this number yet, we soon will.

Edited by Aweus
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So the OP says that the healing he gets from his dps is enough to keep him alive , but in his build he has none of the talents that increase the healing or that adds it to all periodic damage. That leaves just deathfield, which in his spec he doesn't even talent it to increase the healing and it only affects 3 targets and its on a 15 sec cooldown.




Death Field


Cooldown: 15 seconds

Force: 50

Range: 30m

Creates a death field at the target location, dealing 1002 - 1066 point internal damage and stealing 76 health from up to 3 targets within an 8-meter radius.

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Becouse 40% of players playing this game are Sorcs. And if we did not reached this number yet, we soon will.



Oh, I see. The sorcs are complaining that they're too strong in groups...that makes much more sense now.


So the 10% saying learn to play must be the super elite other ac's who have somehow learned to kill the immortal sorcs...


Nevertheless, I agree, 40% may be sorcs soon. Enjoy pvp in 1-49, and I'll enjoy once you get 50 :-)

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Sustained damage is no where near as good as Burst no matter how mediocre. Sustain DPS is terrible for PvP because it requires the player to button mash everything they have to do no tangible damage. It is the easiest form of damage to heal because "LOL HEALERS ARE BUILT TO HEAL AGAINST SUSTAINED DAMAGE BECAUSE THAT IS THE PRIMARY DAMAGE SOURCE OF PVE!".



Again, you guys are those classic bads that jump on someone who is obviously getting healed and get demolished by said duo because you are two dumb to kill the healer.



BTW, Sorcerers have 1 stun, 1 KB which roots if specced, and if they are Madness they get a dot that does a 2 second root that has a 9 second cooldown.... Now if you want to be all about "OH YEAH THEY HAVE WHIRLWIND!" they have a single target hold that breaks on damage.


Immortal Juggernauts have 3 stuns, one single target KB that refreshes their charge, and an AoE 6 second hold. So.. uhh... the class that has the most CC goes to the Immortal Specced Jug.

Edited by Venilator
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Sustained damage is no where near as good as Burst no matter how mediocre. Sustain DPS is terrible for PvP because it requires the player to button mash everything they have to do no tangible damage. It is the easiest form of damage to heal because "LOL HEALERS ARE BUILT TO HEAL AGAINST SUSTAINED DAMAGE BECAUSE THAT IS THE PRIMARY DAMAGE SOURCE OF PVE!".



Again, you guys are those classic bads that jump on someone who is obviously getting healed and get demolished by said duo because you are two dumb to kill the healer.

I enjoy shooting a healer for the entire warzone duration and end up with like 400k damage done. Yet the healer never really died. You can bring down one healer all right with two people, sure. But consider that while I bring two damage dealers they may bring two healers. This makes things infinitely more complicated.

Edited by Aweus
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I enjoy shooting a healer for the entire warzone duration and end up with like 400k damage done. Yet the healer never really died. You can bring down one healer all right with two people, sure. But consider that while I bring two damage dealers they may bring two healers. This makes things infinitely more complicated.



OMG are you this PVP inept? A healer is supposed to take the DPS of one player. How else do you think he/she is going to keep their group alive if they can't even heal themselves against ONE PLAYER'S dps? Welcome to PvP in an MMO where Healers are designed to be focus fired because they realize ORGANIZED players will take their entire team and ASSIST train healers all day and night.


PROVE more that you just solo pug please. PvP is not designed around idiot pug groups that run around spreading out their DPS ON everyone. It is made for organized player groups that coordinate their attacks on other players.



Here is an example of Organized play... 1 tank, 5 dps, 2 healers... Guess what? The opposing sides healer is going to get hit by 6 players whom are going to be healed by those two healers...

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OMG are you this PVP inept? A healer is supposed to take the DPS of one player. How else do you think he/she is going to keep their group alive if they can't even heal themselves against ONE PLAYER'S dps? Welcome to PvP in an MMO where Healers are designed to be focus fired because they realize ORGANIZED players will take their entire team and ASSIST train healers all day and night.


PROVE more that you just solo pug please. PvP is not designed around idiot pug groups that run around spreading out their DPS ON everyone. It is made for organized player groups that coordinate their attacks on other players.



Here is an example of Organized play... 1 tank, 5 dps, 2 healers... Guess what? The opposing sides healer is going to get hit by 6 players whom are going to be healed by those two healers...

I never said I want one DPS to be able to take down healer. I was merely replying to a guy who instructs me to shoot a healer to win and if this does not work, bring more dps. If I bring more DPS they bring more healers. Life is not that simple.


Organized what? Vast majority of players play warzones in PUG. Even the best PvP-ers on my server often queue solo becouse their team is not always online. I know you can steamroll a PUG with a premade. I join a premade occasionaly and then we win pretty much with everyone apart from one certain Empire premade on our server which is quite tough. But that does not prove anything about class balance either.

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LOL. Tell this to the battlemaster Sorc's on my server. Give me a break.


They are all hybrid specced and they are all impossible to kill 1v1 if you are melee.


Charge/Leap/Knock them down... guess what you popped their shield and your stunned and they run away. You charge again/vanish and reopen/whatever, they lightning stun you and run away. You trinket and catch up, guess what WHIRLWINDED... they run away. If you catch up again (not likely)... haha.... AOE knockback. If you are possibly still alive (doubtful) from using every freakin cooldown and potion in your book.... and catch up again.... guess what... THEIR SHIELD IS BACK UP.


You have no burst.... you don't need burst when you can constantly snare/knockback/cc/sprint and do damage while not getting hit back.


You are judging this based on YOUR encounters with a sorc, therefore, personal ability comes into play. Just because you can't beat them solo doesn't mean it's impossible. Also, it's called rock, paper, scissors. Warriors are paper to the sorcs scissors as it has been in a lot of mmos that include a warrior and Mage archetype. Lastly if it's a bm geared person then yeah, it's gonna be a tough fight no matter the class.

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It's really amusing seeing all these scoundrels/operatives crying that they won't be able to INSTANT kill sorcerers any more. ;)


Why do you think you should even be able to? Are you under the impression that after you pick out a target, there is NOTHING that anyone could do to fight you off or survive? What, is an operative supposed to be an instant kill, no matter what, for a sorcerer? I don't get where you guys are coming from.


And then you got ops who cry that a fully crowd control specced sorc can kite you?! You serious? A sorcerer does not instantly die to you and they can run away? Oh noes!!! ;)


As a sorc, I will agree that certain HYBRID spec can give you very high levels of crowd control but I never liked hybrid specs and I will never recommend to a guildie to run one. I feel that not going full tree is a self handicap. If anything is done, move the CC talents higher up in the tree so they can't be all used in a hybrid spec. Sorc trees on their own are very balanced, some are even lacking and could use some love.

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I enjoy shooting a healer for the entire warzone duration and end up with like 400k damage done. Yet the healer never really died. You can bring down one healer all right with two people, sure. But consider that while I bring two damage dealers they may bring two healers. This makes things infinitely more complicated.


Healers are pretty much taken down only by certain specs and/or group coordination. Over the years healers have gotten more and more to attract players to actually play them and in all honesty they are stronger than other classes.


That being said burst damage might not be enough to take out a healer and is negated by guard. Teamwork is needed in either case, burst or otherwise, to take out the healer. Since currently you cannot stop their healing outside of a full stun.

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I look at all the screenies and hear all about how Sorcs are OP because they can put up high damage and decent healing numbers. . . but I have a very good question.




Why are -all- of the screenshots of the "insane" damage and "insane heals" that the sorcs do on Voidstar. And why is it that usually in those pictures that the sorcerers are losing those games?



I mean if they are that OP shouldn't they be able to make their team win because their damage output and healing ability is so much higher than everyone in the WZ?




From my personal experience they aren't a problem, they deal high damage if they are left alone which all classes should. 1 on 1 maybe i'm just not seeing the OP CC and OP Damaging abilities. Normally they'll end up killing me with the DoT after they die. They don't have that high burst damage, and their AoE's aren't that powerful.




This is one of those problems that don't exist. In my opinion at least. The ones that do:



Snipers and Gunslingers need to have a slightly less steep learning curve



Ops and Scoundrels got hit a bit too hard, they should have some way to be efficient without just bursting down and praying for a kill, and then running away when it fails



Grav Round/Tracer Missile needs to be replaced with something a bit more complex. No disrespect but they have the easiest rotation ever (Maybe tied with the Sorcs, but I found the rotation ridiculously easy when I played)

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Ops and Scoundrels got hit a bit too hard, they should have some way to be efficient without just bursting down and praying for a kill, and then running away when it fails


Pretty much invalidated your opinion for me right there. Maybe you shouldn't expect to jack someone up 1 on 1 hands down in PVP anymore?


I hear there is this miraculous thing called teamwork that can increase your presence in WZ's 10 fold. You still do very high and hard to predict burst damage. Help your team murder the healers instead of expecting to do it solo, and to any class with CC break down.



Oh, and use Hidden Strike or Shoot First on weakened opponents and immediately re-stealth. With good target selection your like a mobile version of Darwinism sometimes :).

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