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I tried.


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I really did. I liked this game when it launched, and I like the game so much, I'm extremely upset about what bioware is making me do.


Lets take a step back here. This game beta'd with alot of bugs. These bugs were not addressed for launch. In bioware i trusted. I continued to say that bioware would sort the bugs out. In bioware i trusted.


I should not have trusted bioware. Bioware has now established a track record of *breaking the game more* instead of addressing bugs. The issue where some social gear doesn't register mods inside of it? Its still there. Accounts dissapearing? Still going on. Wierd server limbo where you get crashed out or booted from instacnes and can not join or create new ones regardless of resetting world instances from your character bar?


Still not addressed.


Instead of addressing these *major flaws* the company continues to release content that breaks the game even more. The illum issue is simply the last straw. How could you not have known this was going to happen, bioware? everyone knows that the empire greatly outnumbers the republic, in most servers at a level of 5-1 or greater. Any kind of logical standpoint would register that world pvp bonuses would have ended with the spawn-camping nightmere that you have just "resolved."


Roll back the pvp rewards? Nope. Not gonna do that. Instead, you're going to player action a few accounts? What? You're going to ban people for playing your broken game? Its not their fault you screwed the pooch with 1.1.


I'm sorry bioware, But i can't pay for this game anymore. When you get your collective excriment together, i may come back, but I doubt that day will ever come.



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Roll back the pvp rewards? Nope. Not gonna do that. Instead, you're going to player action a few accounts? What? You're going to ban people for playing your broken game? Its not their fault you screwed the pooch with 1.1.



It seems your complaint boils down to this... and rally, if you thought all the legitimate players should be penalized because a relative handful of people got awards you didn't, then... well, I'm glad you're not running things around here.

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The game is a month old. Don't be so ADD, and give it time. I don't know of any game, especially one as complicated and huge as this, that is perfect. Perfection takes a lot of time, a lot of manpower, a lot of coding and a lot of overnighters with cases of Red Bull.


Been there. Done that. Once you've done it too, you'll understand.

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They could easilly look at the massive valor spikes and address valor rollbacks for those players. Its not exactly hard to see who got 350k valor in a space of 2 hours, is it?


Everyone who gained disproportionate amount of valor due to the 1.1 mishandling should have the disproportionate amount removed. Its not that its sour grapes because i 'didnt get it" i simply could not get it, because My faction was being camped at their spawn point, not for legitimate reasons, but because the other faction outnumbered mine at a ratio of 5 to 1.



I'm not saying penalise people who got a legitimate amount of valor, but some dude spikes hundreds of thousands of points? that guy gets a rollback.. and there's alot of those guys....

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They could easilly look at the massive valor spikes and address valor rollbacks for those players. Its not exactly hard to see who got 350k valor in a space of 2 hours, is it?


They've said that this is exactly what they're doing (or have done already). So now I have no idea what you're ranting about.

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The game is a month old. Don't be so ADD, and give it time. I don't know of any game, especially one as complicated and huge as this, that is perfect. Perfection takes a lot of time, a lot of manpower, a lot of coding and a lot of overnighters with cases of Red Bull.


Been there. Done that. Once you've done it too, you'll understand.


There's a difference between perfect and working.

Also, its about a track record. This game has not improved since launch, it has, quite simply, gotten worse. There are more bugs and more massive gaping balance issues. The game has gotten worse in the first thirty days.

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They could easilly look at the massive valor spikes and address valor rollbacks for those players. Its not exactly hard to see who got 350k valor in a space of 2 hours, is it?


That's because this was impossible to do, even under the most rediculously imbalanced factions.


*Clears throat*

QUICKLY NOW, TIME TO SUMMON MY SWORD OF ONE THOUSAND TRUTHS (Aka...Hyperbole, first weapon of internet forum crusaders)




Can I have your stuff?

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Brand new MMOs are going to have tons of bugs regardless of how much beta testing happens. At some point they just need to release it. If you can not tolerate bugs, then no one is forcing you to play a brand new MMO. Come back in a year maybe? I am personally glad they released it as is. I can deal with the bugs for now, and I am enjoying the game a ton.
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Brand new MMOs are going to have tons of bugs regardless of how much beta testing happens. At some point they just need to release it. If you can not tolerate bugs, then no one is forcing you to play a brand new MMO. Come back in a year maybe? I am personally glad they released it as is. I can deal with the bugs for now, and I am enjoying the game a ton.


My point isnt that there's bugs, my point, succinctly, is this:


There are bugs that make it to where alot of people can't even play the game, and instead of making the game run smoother, bioware continues to introduce more problems. The game is getting less stable with each patch.


This is not good.

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If anyone remembers WoW's release, it was rough too.


I'd love to comment on issues in game, but I can't even seem to patch it. :rolleyes:


In fairness WoWs release only dealt with one system as well. There was no PvP implemented so balancing was different for them.. With the larger number of variables they have to account as well as high expectations from SWTOR I'd just say, give it time.

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My point isnt that there's bugs, my point, succinctly, is this:


There are bugs that make it to where alot of people can't even play the game, and instead of making the game run smoother, bioware continues to introduce more problems. The game is getting less stable with each patch.


This is not good.


I have not seen things get less stable after each patch. Sure the Ilum mess happened, but other than that things improved after every patch. I am on one of the more populated servers and everyone I interact with is having a great time. Sure our HM and OPs groups run into some annoying bugs (entire ops group fell dead over and over last night). It really hindered us from advancing past the glitched room but we worked around it and made it through. I could list 10 major glitches, but let's be real about game breaking. Not being able to advance past a room in an ops is not game breaking. To some people it is (not saying you are one of them this is just an example).

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I'm sorry but your entire complaint is basically a knee-jerk reaction.


You are correct that there are some issues still. But if you read the patch notes there are a lot of issues that have been fixed.


It takes time to fix problems. Not every bug can be addressed in a single patch. There are standards for trouble-shooting problems and testing fixes before they can be patched in. Just because the fix you think is the largest priority doesn't mean they aren't going to address the issue, it just means the fix isn't ready yet.


BioWare has access to a lot more data than we do as players. They know better than any of us which bugs are affecting the most players. Just because you are experiencing a bug doesn't mean everyone else is, and it takes a lot of time and work and cooperation between players and BioWare to determine the scope of a bug and how many are affected.


These endless complaint threads do nothing to help BioWare though. It's good to discuss the bugs you are experiencing, but it should be done in a manner where you are helping each other and BioWare recreate the bug. If you can help recreate the bug in a consistent manner, then it becomes much easier for BioWare to address the issue. Simply creating a thread on the forums and saying, "This is broken. Fix it." is not constructive. Even if you define what is broken you aren't being as helpful as you think unless you can clearly explain what actions lead up to the undesired effect it has upon game play.


Complaining for the sake of complaining is no different than trolling though.

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There's a difference between perfect and working.

Also, its about a track record. This game has not improved since launch, it has, quite simply, gotten worse. There are more bugs and more massive gaping balance issues. The game has gotten worse in the first thirty days.


This game is still an infant.


MMORPGs that have been around for years still have a full time crew fixing issues and applying patches and balancing classes and adding content. I recently stopped playing Guild Wars (needed something new after 5 years) and played a bit of Rift then found myself on SW. Even though GW is 5 years old, they're still balancing, though now most of the crew is focues on Guild Wars 2. Rift has patches sometimes a few times a week and it's been out for more than a year. MMORPGs that are this size, will take months (plural) not a single month to work out all the kinks... sometimes a fix will make things worse. Sometimes it will make it better.


For people who require perfection right from the start, it's better to wait a year, or at least six months.

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I have not seen things get less stable after each patch. Sure the Ilum mess happened, but other than that things improved after every patch. I am on one of the more populated servers and everyone I interact with is having a great time. Sure our HM and OPs groups run into some annoying bugs (entire ops group fell dead over and over last night). It really hindered us from advancing past the glitched room but we worked around it and made it through. I could list 10 major glitches, but let's be real about game breaking. Not being able to advance past a room in an ops is not game breaking. To some people it is (not saying you are one of them this is just an example).


The ops and hard mode bugs were pretty bad, but that's not what i'm talking about here. I'm talking about specific bugs that i and my guildmates continue to experience as game-breaking.


Here's three particularly egregious problems on the top of my head:

"Instance limbo" is what we call it, but sometimes if you share quests wrong or something and your group is on different parts of the flashpoint portal, you get a broken instacne. sometimes this isnt a big deal, and a quick re-share/refresh is fine, but other times, its a huge problem, and you can't enter any instances for a day or more. That day's shot. you can't play. Broken game.


People's accounts dissappearing: a few members of our guild have had their main simply deleted, and bioware has no apparent system to fix the problem. one of the guys has (finally) gotten his character back, but four people in my guild alone have had this happen to them. Losing your character for weeks: that month's shot. Broken game. Were they hacked or did the game throw up on them? I highly doubt this many people i know were hacked in the first month of gameplay, but, even if we give bioware the benfiet of the doubt, more than a week and a half to restore the character is kind of inexcusable.


Patch Limbo: yeah you know what this is, its been reported several times, and it's still happening. Game's patching, can't launch it. can't reset the patch, you're stuck in patch limbo and can't enter the game. Broken game.


I haven't heard of any marked improvment to either of these. i still experiance instance limbo, and people are still waiting for their characters to come back. I realise not everone has encountered bugs like this, but, my personal experiance is: game breaking bugs, and illum debackle is the bioware response.


yeah yeah i know, seperate development teams, but frankly, when stuff is fundamentally broken, shift rescources towards the bug stompers. adding new features while the base features are busted isn't going to help matters.

Edited by artilleryshell
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These endless complaint threads do nothing to help BioWare though. It's good to discuss the bugs you are experiencing, but it should be done in a manner where you are helping each other and BioWare recreate the bug. If you can help recreate the bug in a consistent manner, then it becomes much easier for BioWare to address the issue. Simply creating a thread on the forums and saying, "This is broken. Fix it." is not constructive. Even if you define what is broken you aren't being as helpful as you think unless you can clearly explain what actions lead up to the undesired effect it has upon game play.


Complaining for the sake of complaining is no different than trolling though.


You think i haven't spent time with their ticket system? Would you like me to go into what a fundamental failure that is? I tried this the nice way, now, bioware needs to reassess its priorities. Stop with new features and content until you *fix the game* :)

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Rant more, RANT MORE.


Seriously, what is it with these self-entitled fancyboys? You play the game and have fun, or you don't play the game and play something else.


Jeez some people make it seems like they tried hard for some kind of test and failed. Please grow up or disarm the guy that's holding the gun to your head and forces you to play this game.



You don't get it. I like the game and would like it to be fixed. I really, really like the game, and the fact its broken is a huge disappointment.

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We do appreciate feedback, both positive and negative. However, we do ask that that feedback is constructive. Allison's thread goes into more detail about what we're looking for in feedback and how to make sure your feedback is constructive and helpful. Please take a moment to read through that sticky which can be found here: http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?t=141421


Thank you for understanding and helping us make sure that the forums are as constructive and helpful as possible!

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