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Sorcs/Sage's make Huttball a joke


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In a map where everything is based on mobility, having the ability to just grab an ally and bring them to you is flat out broken in Huttball. That's it, really. The problem is really emphasized by the huge number of Sorc/Sages, making them usually the majority number in any match.


Basically, if you have a large number of them, and they're at least semi competent, you win. It's not just the pull, they also have more mobility then anyone, and great on the go survivability considering everything else. It is like they were designed literally to just win Huttballs.


The problem is too that no one ability of theirs is really OP and calling for a nerf, they just have everything anyone could ever want in their kit.

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In a map where everything is based on mobility, having the ability to just grab an ally and bring them to you is flat out broken in Huttball. That's it, really. The problem is really emphasized by the huge number of Sorc/Sages, making them usually the majority number in any match.


Basically, if you have a large number of them, and they're at least semi competent, you win. It's not just the pull, they also have more mobility then anyone, and great on the go survivability considering everything else. It is like they were designed literally to just win Huttballs.


The problem is too that no one ability of theirs is really OP and calling for a nerf, they just have everything anyone could ever want in their kit.


Uh, the same argument can be applied for ANY concentration of class in game.


And while the Sorc's have utility (the ones who spec, gear, play properly), so do other classes?

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Yes...focus on the Sage/Sorcs...they're pull is, hold on a sec. *Intercede's onto random bad teammate up top*.


What was I saying? Oh right..their pull is really..hold on a sec *force pushes enemy into endzone, Force Leaps onto pushed enemy and walks into endzone unhindered because of Unstoppable*..really lame.


Nerf that damn pull it is way out of line and is the sole reason you are losing huttballs.



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Its an issue of class stacking not the class itself. Sorcs are playing on offense while the powertechs/vanguards are the defence class designed to stop carriers from scoring. If clases were in balance that sorc would be pulled off the bridge by another powertech/vanguard.


The only ability i could call OP while in huttball is sin one that is making them immune to everything while still leting them carry the ball.

Edited by Rabbitofdoom
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eh, when I see a sage/sorc who is actually set up to pull (because it's a skill tree ability) I just watch and wait for them to pull the ball carrier.. then I snatch them right back with force pull on my shadow...(tank spec ability) Edited by tanshin
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A. If they had everything anyone could want I'd be playing one but since I'm not they're clearly missing something I want.


B. Yes pulling up their ball carrying friend is an annoyance, however SW/JKs and vanguards can jump to targets near the scoring zone to pretty much the same effect. That must be OP too based on the above logic.


Yes their force speed works well in huttball but that's easily countered by a charge or ranged cc.


Also a GOOD team in huttball controls the scoring lane not just the ball and passing is better than force speed. I play a sentinel and the buddy I play with most is a vanguard and just the two of us make a large difference in huttball due to our teamwork and passing. And when my whole team of 4 is on we control the scoring lane from the ball spawn to the scoring zone.


Basically it sound like you've faced some good sorc/sages who understand how to control the lane and position themselves to help score. Sorc/sages don't win games good players do. I have the hardest time trying to comprehend why ppl don't get this.

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Uh, the same argument can be applied for ANY concentration of class in game.


And while the Sorc's have utility (the ones who spec, gear, play properly), so do other classes?


Patently wrong.


Ops have ZERO utility. No gap closer, no gap opener, no leap, no rush, no dash, no push, no pull, no knockback. Mediocre CC. Mediocre heals if specced. Worst sustained damage in the game.


They had burst. Now they have nothing.

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Patently wrong.


Ops have ZERO utility. No gap closer, no gap opener, no leap, no rush, no dash, no push, no pull, no knockback. Mediocre CC. Mediocre heals if specced. Worst sustained damage in the game.


They had burst. Now they have nothing.


Ever try you know, making use of your stealth and sneaking into their endzone in preperation for a touchdown pass the other team never sees coming? :rolleyes:


Think outside the box people.

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Uh, the same argument can be applied for ANY concentration of class in game.


And while the Sorc's have utility (the ones who spec, gear, play properly), so do other classes?


I would like to see what Huttball would look like if every Sorc was exchanged for a MM sniper.

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Ever try you know, making use of your stealth and sneaking into their endzone in preperation for a touchdown pass the other team never sees coming? :rolleyes:


Think outside the box people.


OR, you could roll an Assassin, and do this AND have awesome utility.


(Watch out for that logic train, its going to run you over!)

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OR, you could roll an Assassin, and do this AND have awesome utility.


(Watch out for that logic train, its going to run you over!)


QQ my class isn't the exact same as another, unfair!


You're class will still have the highest burst in the game, assassins have never ripped my Jugg up near as much as an Op/Smugg.


All this complaining about sages/sorcs does make me laugh though. Everyone with a clue knows JK/SW are the true kings of Huttball movement.

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Its an issue of class stacking not the class itself. Sorcs are playing on offense while the powertechs/vanguards are the defence class designed to stop carriers from scoring. If clases were in balance that sorc would be pulled off the bridge by another powertech/vanguard.


The only ability i could call OP while in huttball is sin one that is making them immune to everything while still leting them carry the ball.


DPS is better for stopping the ball carrier as they can kill them quickly. Tanks can do their share by ccing especially if they have a pull or push. So long as they're not pushing the carrier to the goal line (sad but I've been pushed into the scoring zone more times than I can count).


Tanks are awesome carriers especially when they have a charge and a pocket healer. However no one should be carrying the ball for long anyway. PASSING wins games. I get really annoyed when I'm carrying and my whole team is behind me when they should be getting in front of me and prepping for a pass.


And what ability makes you immune to everything? JK and I assume SWs get a 99% damage absorb for 5 seconds at the cost of 50% of your present health but you can still be cc'd. I like to use mine when the resolve bar is white.

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Ever try you know, making use of your stealth and sneaking into their endzone in preperation for a touchdown pass the other team never sees coming? :rolleyes:


Think outside the box people.


Oh wow another smart person with good ideas on how to play your damn class. Props for not being a pvp downy like most ppl on the forums :) To all stealther's I love people who do this.

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In a map where everything is based on mobility, having the ability to just grab an ally and bring them to you is flat out broken in Huttball. That's it, really. The problem is really emphasized by the huge number of Sorc/Sages, making them usually the majority number in any match.


Basically, if you have a large number of them, and they're at least semi competent, you win. It's not just the pull, they also have more mobility then anyone, and great on the go survivability considering everything else. It is like they were designed literally to just win Huttballs.


The problem is too that no one ability of theirs is really OP and calling for a nerf, they just have everything anyone could ever want in their kit.


I am suprised there arent more fustian harangues over guardians/jugs -- force leap, force push, force leap...yatta yatta into the endzone. Guess they are an underplayed class.

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DPS is better for stopping the ball carrier as they can kill them quickly. Tanks can do their share by ccing especially if they have a pull or push. So long as they're not pushing the carrier to the goal line (sad but I've been pushed into the scoring zone more times than I can count).


Tanks are awesome carriers especially when they have a charge and a pocket healer. However no one should be carrying the ball for long anyway. PASSING wins games. I get really annoyed when I'm carrying and my whole team is behind me when they should be getting in front of me and prepping for a pass.


And what ability makes you immune to everything? JK and I assume SWs get a 99% damage absorb for 5 seconds at the cost of 50% of your present health but you can still be cc'd. I like to use mine when the resolve bar is white.


The 99% reduction is for Mara/Sents only. It is insanely annoying as anyone with a brain will get to the last flame jet, wait for a full resolve bar, hit break free, undying rage, and you can literally walk through the flame jet all the way to the endzone as people watch helplessly to stop it.

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DPS is better for stopping the ball carrier as they can kill them quickly. Tanks can do their share by ccing especially if they have a pull or push. So long as they're not pushing the carrier to the goal line (sad but I've been pushed into the scoring zone more times than I can count).



I have done this and facepalmed myself several times. Thing is, push is really wonky and its hard to line the angles up -- even then, I think there has to be a random factor in the direction of the push. Lets face it, a guard/jug isnt gonna kill anyone before the last fire pit, so its about the only trick left.

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I've seen 3 Sorcs do this repeatedly:


1 Sorc bubbles himself, force speed, and runs through acid to get the ball.


Other two Sorcs run left up the ramp on our side, forcespeeding through fire if they have to.


Other sorcs get to mid (left side) on ramp right as Sorc #1 gets ball.


1 Sorc pulls the ball carrier up to him on the ramp while the other force speeds further on ramp towards goal line. He then stops and force pulls the ball carrier again.


Ball carrier then force speeds into goal line.


Saw a 3 Sorc team do this 5 times in a row yesterday.

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The 99% reduction is for Mara/Sents only. It is insanely annoying as anyone with a brain will get to the last flame jet, wait for a full resolve bar, hit break free, undying rage, and you can literally walk through the flame jet all the way to the endzone as people watch helplessly to stop it.


Hmm so guardians dont get one? Poor tanks. However it wont save you from the least flame jet because even with a full resolve bar you can and will be slowed and it only last 5 seconds and really only should be used just prior to death as it takes 50% of your present HP. If you're still at the fire pit you won't make it.


I usually use it at the bottom of the ramp prior to that I use my defensive buffs and pots (hopefully heals too if I have a good healer) All the while I'm looking for someone close to the goal to charge. I play a sentinel which is an awesome pvp class btw.

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