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Light Side Vanity?


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EDIT This would not even break lore. There is an episode of Clone Wars animated series where a daughter of a strong force wilder, who was pure in the light side, had an angelic glow to her.


I made a post about this on the pre-release forums... as well as the post release forums (but pre-search function)


I really think they need to have vanity options for the light side. Why is it that the dark side gets a vanity bonus (that is optional) but light side does not?


Some arguments from the previous post were:

"Because in the lore of star-wars the darkside changed the appearance of the force user"

This is true...but they already breaking lore by letting non force wielders also have darkside appearances.


Some simple light aura (or glow), that is optional, would be great! Another argument against this was

"In SW lore the lightside just looked normal"


Yes, but in star wars lore I never saw jedi knights with bubble shields, or their force push having a visual effect, or when they leap having a blue glowing trail behind them, or when they pray having an aura around them.


It's a game that has many effects that don't sync up to lore.


So can we please balance this out and give light siders a vanity option?

Edited by Dragonexadon
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I really think they need to have vanity options for the light side. Why is it that the dark side gets a vanity bonus (that is optional) but light side does not?


No thanks. That's just not how it works in Star Wars. This isn't Fable, and doesn't need to be.

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If they added this, I would hope they would let you turn it off like they do the Dark Side option. But it should be a SEPARATE option because I like the Dark Side corruption (has precedent in lore) but I wouldn't want this for Light Side.


Sorry, just not that interested since they didn't do anything like that in the canon. But like I said, if I could turn it off, that would be ok.

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I really think they need to have vanity options for the light side. Why is it that the dark side gets a vanity bonus (that is optional) but light side does not?


Some arguments from the previous post were:

"Because in the lore of star-wars the darkside changed the appearance of the force user"

This is true...but they already breaking lore by letting non force wielders also have darkside appearances.


Some simple light aura (or glow), that is optional, would be great! Another argument against this was

"In SW lore the lightside just looked normal"


Yes, but in star wars lore I never saw jedi knights with bubble shields, or their force push having a visual effect, or when they leap having a blue glowing trail behind them, or when they pray having an aura around them.


It's a game that has many effects that don't sync up to lore.


So can we please balance this out and give light siders a vanity option?


'Vanity'? Err... okay...


I don't think you quite grasp what the 'Sith effects' are about?


Okay, ever heard of a little known novel called 'The Picture of Dorian Gray'?


well, that pretty much explains what's happening when you indulge too deeply with the, well, dark side of life (obviously the Force for SWTOR and Star Wars in general).


(And obviously Dorian had that 'corruption' transfered to his picture which in turn turned hideous... a benefit SWlers don't have)


So (for the sake of RPing) you have the option to show how deep in bed with the dark side you are or rather how you are progressing down that path.


On the other side, walking on the light side of the Force, well, I'm not really sure I've seen anything in SW where being in tune with the light side will make you look better... but hey, maybe you are thinking real life and how saints are depicted?


Anyways, you should remember that the Force is connecting everything in the SW universe, so why would choosing to walk on the dark side of the Force only effect force-wielders? Just because you are not trained in the knowledge of the Force doesn't protect you from leading a life of, well, 'being darkside-ish'...


But all of that aside: what would you actually like top see as effects for being in tune with the light side? You suggested 'light aura or glow'...


Well, the way I see it that might be better left to people who actually understand the Force... if you look at the Sith effects these are primarily signs of physical corruption... would you say that in turn being on the light side of the Force should remove such signs of 'corruption'? That would probably mean that over time scars would fade, the complexion would improve, maybe (to go with a typical western view) the character would have blond hair and blue eyes? Oh, yeah, and obviously other marks like tattoos would vanish as 'blemishes' would be 'healed' by the light side of the Force.


Seriously, how many people do you think choose scars, tattoos or a 'not so perfect' complexion because they think that there will be an option eventually that will remove those aspects again due to the character being in tune with the light side?


If I pick a scar, it's because I think it fits the character, and no, I (and most likely my character if he could argue for himself) would potentially not want to see those 'character marks' vanish... (okay, yes, it's an option... )


But think about it: how many people do you think would actually be fond of that option, to have their marks disappear?


Most would already create a 'clean' character in the first place.


So, I'm sorry, but I don't really see any reason why there should be a 'light side effects' option.

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'Vanity'? Err... okay...

Yes vanity, the main reason why it is in the game is nothing to do with your book, how evil corrupts, ect. It has to do with players enjoyment of their character, how they look, vanity. How mmos have worked since...oh I don't know...forever?


If it was really about the result of going evil...it would not be an option to turn off. It is purely cosmetic.


So (for the sake of RPing) you have the option to show how deep in bed with the dark side you are or rather how you are progressing down that path.

Saying the vanity option is there for the sake of RPing is not true. Can it be used for Rping? yes. I never saw anywhere where the devs said "This option is purely for the sake of RPing"


On the other side, walking on the light side of the Force, well, I'm not really sure I've seen anything in SW where being in tune with the light side will make you look better... but hey, maybe you are thinking real life and how saints are depicted?

If you read my original post you would see this has already been explained. There are already several effects that have no place in starwars...including


Jedi Auras when praying,

shield bubble effects on player,

force push effects,

All jedi denese graphics,

buff graphics,

taunt graphics,

gaurd graphics


ect, ect, ect.


Anyways, you should remember that the Force is connecting everything in the SW universe, so why would choosing to walk on the dark side of the Force only effect force-wielders? Just because you are not trained in the knowledge of the Force doesn't protect you from leading a life of, well, 'being darkside-ish'...

Only those who used the darkside of the force were corrupted by the force. And, in the SWuniverse, being evil is different than using the dark side of the force


For example: characters like jabba the hut was evil but was not visually corrupt by the force. Anakin became visually corrupt by the force as he started to wield the dark side. Thus this argument does not hold true.


But all of that aside: what would you actually like top see as effects for being in tune with the light side? You suggested 'light aura or glow'...


Well, the way I see it that might be better left to people who actually understand the Force...

I understand the force fine. However by stating that doing evil deeds can corrupt non-force-wielder's visual appearance shows me that you may not understand the force in lore.


The game breaks away from lore already with the force. NOTE: the jedi praying causing an AURA around them. Thus it is sticking with the visuals of the game that the force can be seen as an aura.


if you look at the Sith effects these are primarily signs of physical corruption... would you say that in turn being on the light side of the Force should remove such signs of 'corruption'? That would probably mean that over time scars would fade, the complexion would improve, maybe (to go with a typical western view) the character would have blond hair and blue eyes? Oh, yeah, and obviously other marks like tattoos would vanish as 'blemishes' would be 'healed' by the light side of the Force.

To be frank, this is just putting words in my mouth.


Seriously, how many people do you think choose scars, tattoos or a 'not so perfect' complexion because they think that there will be an option eventually that will remove those aspects again due to the character being in tune with the light side?

I am not even sure what you are asking here. People have the option to turn off the corruption of the darkside while performing darkside actions in the game.


It would be the same way for the light side. I also never talked about scars


If I pick a scar, it's because I think it fits the character, and no, I (and most likely my character if he could argue for himself) would potentially not want to see those 'character marks' vanish... (okay, yes, it's an option... )


1) it's an option (as you stated)

2) I never said anything about scars


But think about it: how many people do you think would actually be fond of that option, to have their marks disappear?

Never said anything about having scars disappear


Most would already create a 'clean' character in the first place.


So, I'm sorry, but I don't really see any reason why there should be a 'light side effects' option.


1/2 of your argument was nothing to do with what I was stating.

Edited by Dragonexadon
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Yes vanity, the main reason why it is in the game is nothing to do with your book, how evil corrupts, ect. It has to do with players enjoyment of their character, how they look, vanity. How mmos have worked since...oh I don't know...forever?


If it was really about the result of going evil...it would not be an option to turn off. It is purely cosmetic.


Saying the vanity option is there for the sake of RPing is not true. Can it be used for Rping? yes. I never saw anywhere where the devs said "This option is purely for the sake of RPing"


If you read my original post you would see this has already been explained. There are already several effects that have no place in starwars...including


Jedi Auras when praying,

shield bubble effects on player,

force push effects,

All jedi denese graphics,

buff graphics,

taunt graphics,

gaurd graphics


ect, ect, ect.


Only those who used the darkside of the force were corrupted by the force. And, in the SWuniverse, being evil is different than using the dark side of the force


For example: characters like jabba the hut was evil but was not visually corrupt by the force. Anakin became visually corrupt by the force as he started to wield the dark side. Thus this argument does not hold true.



I understand the force fine. However by stating that doing evil deeds can corrupt non-force-wielder's visual appearance shows me that you may not understand the force in lore.


The game breaks away from lore already with the force. NOTE: the jedi praying causing an AURA around them. Thus it is sticking with the visuals of the game that the force can be seen as an aura.


To be frank, this is just putting words in my mouth.


I am not even sure what you are asking here. People have the option to turn off the corruption of the darkside while performing darkside actions in the game.


It would be the same way for the light side. I also never talked about scars



1) it's an option (as you stated)

2) I never said anything about scars


Never said anything about having scars disappear


1/2 of your argument was nothing to do with what I was stating.


So you claim that you understand the Force... I have to troll you on that one and say that obviously you don't!


Again, the Force is connecting everything in the SW universe (with very minor exceptions) otherwise all the non-force-wielding Miraluka would be completely blind and the force-wielding ones would only see very little.


Therefore everyone who gives in to anger, passion, aggression, amoral behavior, etc. will connect (more) with the dark side of the Force, no matter if he wields the Force or not.


In short: USING the dark side of the Force isn't the corrupting factor, it's giving into what makes the dark side of the Force.


You may want to think sin and virtue on that one: you don't have to be a satanist in order to give in to sin but of course a satanist will tell you that it empowers him, just as a priest will tell you that staying virtuous brings him closer to God i.e. empowers him.


Anyways, onto your effects: of course there are 'spell effects' in SWTOR... it's fairly normal that games are not holding back on that end. I mean it's a simple point to sell a game: groovy effects are something that makes people go 'wow!', just going 'we have this great looking landscape' is not really attracting too many gamers...


So yes, SWTOR has stepped away from a 'non-effect' setting you see in the movies. But simply for the sake of showing that a game mechanic has been triggered.


Have you played any non-forcewielding classes in SWTOR? Guess what: A Smuggler does actually have a 'spell effect' when he activates his Luck (which not only shows on him but on companions as well). Tell me how often you have seen Han Solo sport some 'aura' or similar 'thing' in the SW movies?


So please, keep 'spell effects' and 'signs of Sith corruption' separate!


So, in people in tune with the dark side we see obvious signs of corruption (if you activate the option) does that mean that all people/all force-wielders should have 'angelic' effects if they are more in tune with the light side?


BS! Just as dark side effects show primarily just the physical corruption, light side effects would primarily show the 'de-corruption' of the body.


You saying 'but I never mentioned scars' shows that you fail to grasp basics: before a person not understanding the Force would start to glow, (s)he would show signs of anything 'disfiguring' vanishing, and that would include scars, potentially tattoos, potentially depending on how a race defines 'beauty'.


This may as well include a color change as e.g. with Twi'leks certain skin colors are considers more beautiful.


I hope you understand that just going 'oh, he is in tune with the light side, let's make him glow (a bit)' just doesn't fit as a counterpart to the Sith effects!

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So you claim that you understand the Force... I have to troll you on that one and say that obviously you don't!


Again, the Force is connecting everything in the SW universe (with very minor exceptions) otherwise all the non-force-wielding Miraluka would be completely blind and the force-wielding ones would only see very little.

using the force to see is still ... wielding the force. Some races are more force sensitive than others. There is no example in lore of someone who was just "evil" that became corrupted by the dark side of the force (visually). They had to wield the dark side of the force. If I don't understand it than please provide an example


Therefore everyone who gives in to anger, passion, aggression, amoral behavior, etc. will connect (more) with the dark side of the Force, no matter if he wields the Force or not.


In short: USING the dark side of the Force isn't the corrupting factor, it's giving into what makes the dark side of the Force.

If that were true then why was no one else visually corrupt by the force ? There was never a bounty hunter, a trooper, corrupt senator who was effect by the dark side. Yet they were all equally as evil.


You may want to think sin and virtue on that one: you don't have to be a satanist in order to give in to sin but of course a satanist will tell you that it empowers him, just as a priest will tell you that staying virtuous brings him closer to God i.e. empowers him.

nothing to do with what we are talking about


Anyways, onto your effects: of course there are 'spell effects' in SWTOR... it's fairly normal that games are not holding back on that end. I mean it's a simple point to sell a game: groovy effects are something that makes people go 'wow!', just going 'we have this great looking landscape' is not really attracting too many gamers...

correct, so this is why light side effects would be good. glad you agree


Tell me how often you have seen Han Solo sport some 'aura' or similar 'thing' in the SW movies?

This argument counters your own argument. I could say how often do you see bobba fett, or any of the clones corrupted by the force. You never do.


So please, keep 'spell effects' and 'signs of Sith corruption' separate!

When you can provide example of non force wielders having "sith corruption"



BS! Just as dark side effects show primarily just the physical corruption, light side effects would primarily show the 'de-corruption' of the body.

it's a game, you can pretty much have it do anything,

You saying 'but I never mentioned scars' shows that you fail to grasp basics: before a person not understanding the Force would start to glow, (s)he would show signs of anything 'disfiguring' vanishing, and that would include scars, potentially tattoos, potentially depending on how a race defines 'beauty'.

Nothing to do with "grasping the force". It's a game effect. The main reason why I was giving you the visual effect example. There are many things that don't 1/1 with lore in this game


This may as well include a color change as e.g. with Twi'leks certain skin colors are considers more beautiful.


I hope you understand that just going 'oh, he is in tune with the light side, let's make him glow (a bit)' just doesn't fit as a counterpart to the Sith effects!

the fact that you don't earn scars in the game (you pick them in character creation) makes that option not valid IMHO. It is all about in game vanity. having corruption for all characters doe snot fit in star wars lore. But I am cool with it because it adds a vanity option and reason to go darkside


why would you think players , of the light side, would not some equal reward?

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Let the lightsiders have their glowy skin so they can look like those wannabe 'twilight' vampires.


Waaaahhahahaaaaaaa!!! cough, cough, no evil here, nothing to see


Can just picture that:


Darth X: Hey, let's have a party tonight. May need to get a disco ball though.


Darth Y: No problem, I'll just snatch us a Lightsider


using the force to see is still ... wielding the force. Some races are more force sensitive than others.


Well, I think it's maybe a bit more of a question of instinct vs trained skill/choice.


As far as I'm aware a newborn Miraluka will not have to be trained to use the Force to see, it just can. And this act in itself really doesn't turn/tune it more to either the light or the dark side.


But if said Miraluka were to try to use the Force as X ray vision to oggle some girl nude, well, it may be a good step towards actively learning to use the Force.


Now, should that already be considered a step towards the dark side of the Force? In our western civilization I'd say yes. In the SW universe... well...


There is no example in lore of someone who was just "evil" that became corrupted by the dark side of the force (visually). They had to wield the dark side of the force. If I don't understand it than please provide an example


If that were true then why was no one else visually corrupt by the force ? There was never a bounty hunter, a trooper, corrupt senator who was effect by the dark side. Yet they were all equally as evil.


Wow, maybe there is one thing that should be addressed: 'being in tune with the dark side' shouldn't be read as being 'evil' IMO, more as amoral, lacking virtue, selfish, etc.


Remember these lines?


"A Jedi's strength flows from the Force. But beware of the dark side. Anger...fear...aggression. The dark side of the Force are they. Easily they flow, quick to join you in a fight. If once you start down the dark path, forever will it dominate your destiny, consume you it will, as it did Obi-Wan's apprentice."


Yes, maybe it seem to suggest that you need to be able to use the Force. But I'd rather think that everybody in SW is in touch with the Force and can instinctively attract its energy.


So, if for example someone were to give another person a calm, controlled, impassionate slap, this would not be fuelled by the dark side of the Force but simply by his own power. If on the other hand the same person were to give in to anger, rage and start beating the other guy senseless, yes, his strikes would most likely be getting (even if just to a miniscule degree) a boost from the dark side.


The important difference now is that this normal person just lets the energy of the dark side flow into him by instinct, while someone trained in the Force actually is able to use, to shape, to pull it.


That's why both Sith and Jedi need the training.


And in turn: "Is the dark side stronger?" "No...no...no. Quicker, easier, more seductive."


By, instead of controlling your dark side, you give in to it, you become much more in tune with part of the Force, the dark side of it.


Which leads to your point about corrupt senators, etc.


Most people (both in RL and in the SW universe) will not constantly give in to the 'dark side' - even somebody who constantly kills people (soldier or not) will potentially, eventually grow cold regards the taking of life. At which point it stops being an amoral action and becomes a routine. He grows impassionate towards the act.


Now remember that bit about 'anger...fear...aggression'?


I'll feed you another bit: "But how am I to know the good side from the bad?" "You will know. When you are calm, at peace. Passive. A Jedi uses the Force for knowledge and defense, never for attack."


As odd as it may sound but that coldblooded killer maybe be more in tune with the light side than Joe Average. Of course, we may assume that he has no Force related training and therefore will not be able to use it. But he will find a certain serenity in his 'work'.


But, let's say, if a Trooper were to start killing kids for his own pleasure, well, yeah, he would tune more into the dark side than your normal John and Jane StarWars (or RL)


A soldier is trained to fight the enemy and survive, so to a certain degree killing people (or rather 'the Enemy') and taking whatever is available (as far as food, medicine, etc. goes) will not really be an 'evil' act to him... but if he were to endanger the people he is supposed to protect by withholding food/medicine and leaving them to starve/die, for the fear of not being able to make it himself otherwise, that is where on a rational level it should bring him into a moral conflict but that is superseeded by his emotion. Which again would open him to the path of the dark side.


A corrupt senator will take money or other favors, something he most likely will never consider as 'bad' as killing someone for personal gain; but give him a sexslave he can control and torture, there is a fair chance (if it is his 'thing') that the dark side would give him a bit of extra Force vigor.


BUT(!) at what point would such corruption become apparent?


Well, persistance is the key word here: The Trooper may show a bit of a 'ratty' side when hording the food, the senator will probably show a beastly side when, well, 'having fun', but none of these moments will last long enough to actually be more than a temporary effect.


But assume that said senator were to spend each hour outside the senate at some orgy, well, aside from the physical exhaustion he would probably start looking for the next kick, the next level, the next release... and as a result would slowly drift along the path of the dark side.


Again words to remember: "If once you start down the dark path ... consume you it will"


The thing is that most likely most people will never go that far down the path of the Dark Side for severe effects to show.


But leave that hording soldier 'out there' and eventually he will become more beast than man, think Lord of the Flies.


But, again, under normal circumstances it's rather likely that the actions will become apparent before extreme Sith effects start to show.


And at that point think poor guy being taken in by a Jedi healer to get sorted out.


Please note that I'm skipping your Bounty Hunter on purpose: catching people is his job, not much different than being a cop. But if he were to enjoy toying, torturing his victim, hunting it, playing cat and mouse with it, well, hello dark side my old friend... ;)


Right, some final words (yeah!):


In theory there is nothing wrong with having 'Jedi effects' (to go with Sith effects) or 'Light Side effects' (if you prefer 'Dark Side effects) the question is just what?


As I said before, looking at the Sith effects I see primarily a physical corruption.


Being in tune with the light side would then mean (IMO) to have physical 'corruption' removed.


Which brings us back to a simple why?


If I want to have an 'angelic' character I will make him so at creation.


I will not set out with the idea of making a horrible gimp and have him find redemption (and obviously better looks) thru the game.


(though, no doubt other people may like that idea)


If that is what you consider a 'reward', okay, fine... I'd just think there won't be many people going for that option.


Giving the character some form of, well, 'glow' effect instead... okay... IF he has reached max level on Light Side!


But what 'reward' are you going to give him before that? Maybe just a hint of a glow? That sparkle to his teeth? :confused:

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I cut out a lot of what you said because it is more so theory about how light side / dark side works and ignores my basic point that


"You never see non force wielders have dark side corruption yet you do in this game, thus having light side vanity options is not far-fetched. It already breaks lore to have non force wilders have dark side corruption"



Which brings us back to a simple why?


If I want to have an 'angelic' character I will make him so at creation.

With what options do you have to do so at the character creation screen? I saw none.

Simpel answer it balances the vanity options for both sides.




I will not set out with the idea of making a horrible gimp and have him find redemption (and obviously better looks) thru the game.

Why? If you go from normal to corrupt...logic would state you would also go from normal to angelic.


If that is what you consider a 'reward', okay, fine... I'd just think there won't be many people going for that option.

of course it is a reward. What else would you call the darkside options? You can turn it off...so it is not a punishment.


The option is there if you think the dark-side corruption looks cool. Thus you are rewarded by going down the dark side with a cool vanity effect on your character.



Giving the character some form of, well, 'glow' effect instead... okay... IF he has reached max level on Light Side!


But what 'reward' are you going to give him before that? Maybe just a hint of a glow? That sparkle to his teeth? :confused:

no, a simple aura. a title, something to balance it for both sides


Also, for the record, being pure in the light side does have an angelic effect. It is in G canon. If you ever watched the clone wars animated series Anakin goes to this artificial planet where a father has two children that are the most power beings in the light side and dark side (besides Anakin himself)


The pure light side being was angelic and glowed. The pure darkside being had fiery red eyes and was rather evil looking.


So saying it is not in the SW universe is not a valid argument anymore.

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A light-side vanity effect might help even out the server populations a bit (maybe not). I don't know about a glow though. Perhaps their robe bustle could grow and grow until they look like they have the butt of an african elephant!


But maybe something small like a little bit of a glow on the eyes (just a little bit) to give that shiny eye effect (ref: men who stare at goats). Or maybe a few exclusive social skills?


Anyway I'm a bit surprised they didn't pursue this a little further.

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A light-side vanity effect might help even out the server populations a bit (maybe not). I don't know about a glow though. Perhaps their robe bustle could grow and grow until they look like they have the butt of an african elephant!


But maybe something small like a little bit of a glow on the eyes (just a little bit) to give that shiny eye effect (ref: men who stare at goats). Or maybe a few exclusive social skills?


Anyway I'm a bit surprised they didn't pursue this a little further.


Agreed, a simple eye glow would be awesome, I am sure most light side users would love this.


I also think that is why most people don't like this option...just like the majority are Empire...I would bet the majority are also darkside.

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It seems like your main argument in favor of light side appearance change is that there are other things in the game that also break canon. So, you ask, how is it any different than having shields around your character, etc?


Well for one, this wouldn't break canon to serve any functional gameplay mechanic. If you put a shield around a player, it's so that that player and everyone else can see that the character will take less damage. What purpose would a halo over their head, or a blue glow, or whatever vanity you're looking for actually serve? It would be entirely cosmetic, just to show the world that you have light side points.


So if it's not actually functioning as a gameplay-enhancing mechanic, it would only be included because some people think it would be cool, despite how it makes no sense in the Star Wars universe. By that logic, it would make just as much sense to allow players to wear blue jeans and a novelty t-shirt because that's what I think would be cool. It doesn't make any canonical sense either, but I want everyone to know that while my character is laid back, he at least bothered to put on pants today. Neither case currently exists in the star wars universe, so you'd be breaking the lore just as much for each.


Just take your orange lightsaber and Pure title and be happy :)


EDIT: Also, I don't know that they are breaking lore at all by corrupting non-Force users. Have you ever seen a Grand Moff that didn't look pale as a ghost and evil as all hell?

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It seems like your main argument in favor of light side appearance change is that there are other things in the game that also break canon. So, you ask, how is it any different than having shields around your character, etc?
It turns out it does not break canon at all. So You can throw that argument out the window now. I forgot about the episode in clone wars I mention in my above post


Well for one, this wouldn't break canon to serve any functional gameplay mechanic.

Going darkside is as much of a gameplay mechanic as going light side. They should balance it. Plus it is not breaking canon as I stated above.


What purpose would a halo over their head, or a blue glow, or whatever vanity you're looking for actually serve? It would be entirely cosmetic, just to show the world that you have light side points.
...as is the dark side version?


So if it's not actually functioning as a gameplay-enhancing mechanic, it would only be included because some people think it would be cool, despite how it makes no sense in the Star Wars

it makes sense in starwars, it is G level canon. It was just rare. Much like it is rare to see dark side corrupted characters (visually corrupted). There was an episode in the Animtated series where a father had a son and a daughter. One was pure with the light side, the other pure with the dark side.


The light side daughter was angelic , glowing, and very powerful. The darkside son has his own corruption look as well. It is G Canon.


EDIT: Also, I don't know that they are breaking lore at all by corrupting non-Force users. Have you ever seen a Grand Moff that didn't look pale as a ghost and evil as all hell?

It's not breaking lore. So all that is null

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You just broke my post up into different parts and had the same response for everything. It's G level canon so nothing I said counts.


As you said, even though it is technically canon according to the animated series (lol), it is still rare. As this is an MMO, and it seems you want to add a feature that would be available for every single character in the game, I don't think "rare" exactly fits. That was BW's argument for keeping the purple saber as a dark side option. Yep, Mace Windu sure had one. But that was just because SLJ is a ****** and can do whatever he wants in movies, so from a canon perspective, it is also "rare". Just because you can find one example where something happens in canon (and in this case, throughout the actual films) doesn't mean that it would be canonical to give that to millions of players.


Now, on to your other point about the dark side also being cosmetic. I agree that light side vanity would serve as little purpose as dark side vanity does from a gameplay perspective. However, dark side corruption is extremely prevalent throughout every medium of the SW universe. It makes a ton of sense to include that in the game, and without it the game wouldn't feel as authentic. It's practically a requirement. The same can't be said about LS appearance changes. How long have you been having this conversation before even YOU realized that it was somewhere in the universe?

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You just broke my post up into different parts and had the same response for everything. It's G level canon so nothing I said counts.


As you said, even though it is technically canon according to the animated series (lol), it is still rare. As this is an MMO, and it seems you want to add a feature that would be available for every single character in the game,

Everyone has the same voice...and every jedi knight / counselor in the game becomes the 'best the council has ever seen'. As far as lore goes this story does happen...but it is not by millions of players.


Thus it is safe to assume that each class represents ONE character in lore and thus it is still rare in theory as you are only roeplaying one instance of a person in lore.


Also I was not trying to be rude, but your arguments were all based on it not being lore and it is. The animated series is really well done by the way. You might laugh at it because it is "Animated" but the graphics are beautiful and the stories are very well done. It is G canon regardless if you laugh at it or not


I don't think "rare" exactly fits. That was BW's argument for keeping the purple saber as a dark side option. Yep, Mace Windu sure had one. But that was just because SLJ is a ****** and can do whatever he wants in movies, so from a canon perspective, it is also "rare". Just because you can find one example where something happens in canon (and in this case, throughout the actual films) doesn't mean that it would be canonical to give that to millions of players.


Light side has their own sabers to counter the colors that darkside players only get. I am just asking for something that balances it out. Also there are many color sabers that don't fit canon at all...like a yellow black one? A green black one?


Now, on to your other point about the dark side also being cosmetic. I agree that light side vanity would serve as little purpose as dark side vanity does from a gameplay perspective. However, dark side corruption is extremely prevalent throughout every medium of the SW universe. It makes a ton of sense to include that in the game, and without it the game wouldn't feel as authentic. It's practically a requirement. The same can't be said about LS appearance changes. How long have you been having this conversation before even YOU realized that it was somewhere in the universe?

In the movies there were only two characters that were ever effected by the darkside visually. It is not as common as you might think.


(Those two being Anakin and the Emperor) and when you include the animated series you have 3 characters visually corrupt by the darkside (the dark son) and 1 character that was angelic with the light side.


So it does not seem very common at all when you put it in perspective with all the characters of the story that only 4 total (from G canon) had any visual changes from the force.


Things that may seem common to you are just because they stand out. Like the force...when you watch the movies Luke hardly ever uses the force. Yet the force was a very strong aspect of 4 , 5, and 6

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Sith corruption is not a vanity bonus, it's a pain in the rear.


You can turn it off, thus it is a bonus. If someone did not like it...they would turn it off. If they enjoyed it they would keep it on. Something you enjoy is a bonus seeing as the counter option has no such option at all.


Thus a bonus option

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"You never see non force wielders have dark side corruption yet you do in this game, thus having light side vanity options is not far-fetched. It already breaks lore to have non force wilders have dark side corruption"


This is a really silly point.


"One thing breaks with lore, therefore it's OK for everything to break with lore?"

Edited by imtrick
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Tell you what. I'm not against people having fun with stuff, but you need to adjust your argument.


Even if you can try to justify it as being rare or what have you, arguing over canon makes both of us look like snobbish star wars dorks. Which, while probably true, just makes the argument seem desperate.


Don't worry about canon, don't worry about balance. Just focus on "Hey, I think this would be cool and it would enhance my enjoyment of the game." Nobody can argue with you on that and you won't alienate people with your canon debate. May find yourself with more support.

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Tell you what. I'm not against people having fun with stuff, but you need to adjust your argument.


Even if you can try to justify it as being rare or what have you, arguing over canon makes both of us look like snobbish star wars dorks. Which, while probably true, just makes the argument seem desperate.


Don't worry about canon, don't worry about balance. Just focus on "Hey, I think this would be cool and it would enhance my enjoyment of the game." Nobody can argue with you on that and you won't alienate people with your canon debate. May find yourself with more support.


Believe it or not it's not that easy. My first post (before they shut down the old forums) had ''I think it would be cool if"


And everyone threw canon in my face as to why it would not be cool. That is why I changed the structure of this post.


I believe the real reason though is the majority of people answering are darkside and would not want to see a light side version of a bonus vanity effect they received. This is clearly a guess though.

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