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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Why would you ever want to be republic?


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Me, and my guild started as Empire. We had several arguments for it. For example, I'm always playing "good" character, I wanted to try to play a "bad character" and I made a Imperial Agent. Really love the story line, btw.


But then my guild get tired of the Empire, and we decided to re-roll Republic. I must confess that, even if I really enjoyed my IA, I prefer to be Republic. I was getting sick of all the killing, the Sith madness, and the hardcore moral dilemna. It's interesting, yes, indeed, but well..I'm a carebear IRL, so ....yeah...I feel more comfortable with my super sweet Consular! ;)

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The path of control is a harder path to take.

Giving into your inhibitions is as easy as belching, it's just natural and shows signs of a weak mind.


Controlling one's self and fighting that uphill battle displays willpower and commitment. ;)


That's why I chose the republic, they are fighting those who lack the ability to focus and control their basic desires. Basically, evolve. :cool:


One could argue that some Sith also use control.


We shape our emotions into weapons.


We forge uncontrolled rage and hate into a tool.


Some Sith surely just let their emotions flow, but some of us restrict the flow like a thumb on a garden hose, turning a soft flow into a hardened jet.

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LOOOOOOOOOL... mirror.... sigh...


Try to battle cloak to avoid taking damage from "Shock" like they do for "Project" and let me know how that whole "mirror" thing is working out...


You do realize that a Jedi Sage's Force Armor is instant cast whereas a Sith Sorcerer's Static Barrier is not, right? This same animation difference can be seen between Project and Shock, yet the latter is the one getting all the attention.


Either way, it's a nice tradeoff. If my Project costs my team a match, then our team as a whole, failed.


I don't blame one thing for shortcomings, I blame everything ... especially in a Team based atmosphere.

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LOOOOOOOOOL... mirror.... sigh...


Try to battle cloak to avoid taking damage from "Shock" like they do for "Project" and let me know how that whole "mirror" thing is working out...


The animations are different. The classes are built to mirror each other functionally.

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Well, the only reason I rolled republic is the trooper class. I just love my commando with the cool-looking armor and that big gun.


I also thought that the IMP side would be full of kids who think that being a sith and throwing lightning at everything that moves is cool.


The Republic seemed to be the underdog and I love playing an outnumbered faction. The communities are always better in the "weaker" factions. Or at least that is my oppinion.

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I am aware that the empire have been dealt the better hand in terms of receiving better looking gear and a more fleshed out storyline. Despite bioware claiming you are mirror classes, you are also undeniably better at pvp and i refuse to believe that its just you have "better players". I play republic because i always preferred the jedi motives for fighting, they fight only to defend themselves and protect others, the sith fight for personal gain and have no care for the damage and destruction they cause and often even kill each other, i mean ***, its a war so why thin your numbers even more?


I believe in time bioware will aid republic players because if it becomes a one sided game (which it pretty much almost is now) then more and more people will unsub and bioware have a big bill that needs paying off so they need republic players to keep the game balanced and to keep subsribers paying.

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For shorter WZ queues. That's the only reason I rolled Republic.

But no, the classes are exactly the same, don't listen to the nabs QQing about empire being favoured, it's total BS.


lol ok keep telling yourself that.


another blatent dev favorism of imps i found the other day.



KTD of warrior of shadow took over alderaan imp spaceport and while wiping the floor with imps who tried to evict us we had to deal with lvl 50 heroic guards inside the spaceport.


after we left we realized that at OUR spaceport on alderaan, there was a turret at the door and 1 lvl 37 elite guard....lol are you fing kidding me?


that is SO blatent

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One could argue that some Sith also use control.


We shape our emotions into weapons.


We forge uncontrolled rage and hate into a tool.


Some Sith surely just let their emotions flow, but some of us restrict the flow like a thumb on a garden hose, turning a soft flow into a hardened jet.


So in this analogy, do the Jedi turn off the water and beat you with the hose? cause i think that would hurt more.

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Obvious troll is obvious.


Republic classes are mirror images of Empire classes, just with different animations.


Not entirely true but for the most part yes!


One difference I know of is Jedi Sage and Sith Inquisitor is with the spells Project and Shock. Empires spell is instant and ours takes the time for the animation to finish to hit. Just one more reason for playing Republic, being the underdog is a lot more fun!


This may have been already mentioned so sorry if it has, I just got in and didn't read the whole thread.

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I have been and am staying republic. While I am annoyed by the horrid armor design and the lack of british voiceover, i still prefer the Republic's look upon things, and the fact that I prefer playing the faction with the lowest numbers.


Also I actually enjoy the story of my consular, the whole diplomacy focus i find interesting.


The only reason I would ever get a imperial toon is to go through the IA storyline, which seems amazing.

Oh and the fact that the empire have much cooler outfits and well... british > american accent any imo.

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I obviously have never tried republic and have been playing empire from to get go, but just looking at the classes, republic sounds underpowered and weak If you ask me,

Can anyone reinforce the republic ? I've never played them what's it like ?


Because my character is more than a set of stats. Why would you play a role playing game if all you care about is seeing numbers?

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Picked republic for the trooper, description sounded awesome, and I liked the look of the armor/guns. Really wish they'd mirror us and the BH's though, I don't care which ones mechanics is done correctly, as long as they're the same.
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