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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Sorceror/Sage are seriously OP


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This isnt against sorcerors, I'm saying that BOTH classes are OP.


My wifes toon is a Telekinetics spec SAGE.


Honestly, it is FUN to play either class, (I was sorceror in BETA).


No class in the game has the mobility, survivability, CC, and DPS of either of these classes.


And I'm sorry, but alternating spells is very simple and tanks can only interupt at best every other one, so I either heal myself or I nuke the crap out of them.


Shield/Stun/Slow are at my disposal almost non stop, and if that don't work I have AoE knock back.


I feel like a kid in a candy store playing this class - last time I had this much power was when I was Dark Jedi Knight pre-patch in Star Wars Galaxies, the other time was when I played a smite cleric in DAOC.


BTW - both of those really fun classes eventually got brought into reality.


Telolkinetics is hilarious. Hang on, don't move, I'm casting a 3 second spell, stop moving, why are you leaving my range???? DAMN IT!!!!

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I'm assault spec. Though I'm thinking of going into tactics to get the riot strike cooldown reduced. And hold the line just seems godlike as well cause when the entire other team is just doing force lightning, I hate being slowed down by 50%.


And my rotation is:


Incendiary round

High impact bolt

Sticky grenade (dont have assault plastique yet)

hammer shot

ion pulse




It's just such a tough time trying to interrupt their heals when they have two, and force lightning which has no cooldown


Like I said, Assault Specialist is a very good spec. High DPS and you do more damage to burning targets. Most people forget that they can cleanse fire (Commandos and Scoundrels can remove negative tech) but Sages cannot. Keep high DoT on someone and they die fairly quickly. I've found that most of the shared trees are really the best in the game.

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If they weren't OP every WZ wouldn't feature 5 of them. Literally... 5/8 almost always guaranteed to be a sorc.


Just being over-represented does not automatically make them overpowered.


Most people just picked them because of the class design period. I mean, who wouldn't want to both shoot lightning and wield a light saber?

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Telolkinetics is hilarious. Hang on, don't move, I'm casting a 3 second spell, stop moving, why are you leaving my range???? DAMN IT!!!!




I guess you never saw a spell called disturbance.


Maybe play your class more, before you make ignorant comments.


You can spam disturbance with zero interupt and hit for 1k+ then knock them back/stun to get off the longer more deadly spell.


I'm not even a sage and know this... my god. I have about 2-3 hours /played on her toon and figured this out.

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Like I said, Assault Specialist is a very good spec. High DPS and you do more damage to burning targets. Most people forget that they can cleanse fire (Commandos and Scoundrels can remove negative tech) but Sages cannot. Keep high DoT on someone and they die fairly quickly. I've found that most of the shared trees are really the best in the game.


ya, like every other class I can easily deal with. I know people complain about BH, but i have no problem with them.


I would really like to see the movement slow down gone from force lightning though. God does that drive me nuts as a vanguard lol

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Just being over-represented does not automatically make them overpowered.


Most people just picked them because of the class design period. I mean, who wouldn't want to both shoot lightning and wield a light saber?


This, people rolled them for their lore, not because they are some kind of fotm. Don't believe me? Play republic and tell me how many sages there are. Not nearly a quarter as many as sorcs. Because shooting lightning is cool.

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A glass cannon DPS or healer.


Why can these classes take it to the face from our BEST melee DPS classes and merely bubble/heal thru the damage as they nuke that person down.


I seriously doubt any other class can beat either of these two 1 vs 1 - and if you say "well my blah blah uber pvp skills beat this class" then guess what, you played against a sucky Sorceror or Sage so deflate your head bubble.


My wife plays a Sage, I play a guardian. Even being unfamiliar with the class, I went into level 50 warzones and was getting top 5 DPS, top 5 healing and medals up the ying. This is w/out PvP gear. I would seriously LOL while melee guys hit me and I bubbled and nuked them in their face.


Seriously, I've played caster DPS in just about every MMO out there and these classes are over the top OP. If they aren't brought into reality I doubt this game will last.


OR they might as well change the name to Star Wars, Sith Sorcerors VS Jedi Sage. Because noone wants to be facerolled over and over by classes this out of line.


This isnt against sorcerors, I'm saying that BOTH classes are OP.


My wifes toon is a Telekinetics spec SAGE.


Honestly, it is FUN to play either class, (I was sorceror in BETA).


No class in the game has the mobility, survivability, CC, and DPS of either of these classes.


And I'm sorry, but alternating spells is very simple and tanks can only interupt at best every other one, so I either heal myself or I nuke the crap out of them.


Shield/Stun/Slow are at my disposal almost non stop, and if that don't work I have AoE knock back.


I feel like a kid in a candy store playing this class - last time I had this much power was when I was Dark Jedi Knight pre-patch in Star Wars Galaxies, the other time was when I played a smite cleric in DAOC.


BTW - both of those really fun classes eventually got brought into reality.



Naither my merc nor my sniper have any trouble blowing up a sorc/sage. That's been my experience. Honestly though my experience has been pretty balanced in pvp, no matter what classs I have tried, I feel like my wins and my losses have been pretty fair, and that no inherent game imbalance contributed to either.

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So this is the next class that every one is going to jump on the "needs to be nerf'd

" bandwagon? OPs got nerfed way too hard and now it looks like this is the next group to get it. Next is going to be troopers/bh then the warrior/knight, then we will probably get something equal to a "cmbat upgrade" that will be the final nail in the coffin. DEV"S stop listening to the qq'ers

Edited by Killomend
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This, people rolled them for their lore, not because they are some kind of fotm. Don't believe me? Play republic and tell me how many sages there are. Not nearly a quarter as many as sorcs. Because shooting lightning is cool.


I've noticed that as well. Counting myself, it's likely to only see 2 Sages in a warzone. And more often than not, Sage's on Republic (my server at least) are heal specced. Not saying that's a bad thing or good thing, just tossing out some info.


I actually really like not having lightning though. My rocks make it way easier for me to free cast in the back and not be noticed. What the Empire doesn't know is that they got gimped with no sneakiness ;)

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So this is the next class that every one is going to jump on the "needs to be nerf'd

" bandwagon? OPs got nerfed way too hard and now it looks like this is the next group to get it. Next is going to be troopers/bh then the warrior/knight, then we will probably get something equal to a "cmbat upgrade" that will be the final nail in the coffin. DEV"S stop listening to the qq'ers


only nerf they actually need is the movement slowdown with force lightning

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I guess you never saw a spell called disturbance.


Maybe play your class more, before you make ignorant comments.


You can spam disturbance with zero interupt and hit for 1k+ then knock them back/stun to get off the longer more deadly spell.


I'm not even a sage and know this... my god. I have about 2-3 hours /played on her toon and figured this out.




O noes..Its casting disturbance




It hurts so much, the 1k's are so deadly




Yea your going to knock them back..then CC to fill their resolve bar..then wonder why their in melee range and your slowed.



.TK tree is crap. Compared to any other ranged tree for DPS.



Disturbance can be interrupted or LoS'ed


Here lets play a game


Put the abilities in order of most deadly to laughable



Grav Round.


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Ah! So the Operative gets the nerf bat and the first thing I see this morning is Sorc crying. I believe I said this would be the second class against the wall after Operatives. Glad to see I called it since even pre-nerf a sorc with even half a brain could negate an Operatives 'broken' opener with their 'broken' bubble shield.


Personally I'd rather all the classes keep their 'broken' abilities as most of them negate each other. If we keep nerfing everything every class has, PvE will suffer while PvP becomes Toon Town. I guess catering to the lowest common denominator in an MMO is cost-effective.


Oh, and after Sorcerer/Sages you can look forward to a huge Bounty Hunter/Trooper nerf if you're a betting man. Mark my words, it's coming.


You think you're some kind of genius for stating the obvious?



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A glass cannon DPS or healer.


Why can these classes take it to the face from our BEST melee DPS classes and merely bubble/heal thru the damage as they nuke that person down.



You must not have played this class very much. There is no way you could stand in one spot, take melee damage, bubble, nuke people down AND heal through it! that's just crazy! once we are caught we die in about 1-2 GCD. How much damage does the bubble absorb? i dont know exactly but it cant be more than 3k damage, it can absorb ONE big attack at best.


Sorcs/sages are easy to counter, use a stun or a silence and we go down quick, and if you cant DPS through are weak shield... gear up.

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You must not have played this class very much. There is no way you could stand in one spot, take melee damage, bubble, nuke people down AND heal through it! that's just crazy! once we are caught we die in about 1-2 GCD. How much damage does the bubble absorb? i dont know exactly but it cant be more than 3k damage, it can absorb ONE big attack at best.


Sorcs/sages are easy to counter, use a stun or a silence and we go down quick, and if you cant DPS through are weak shield... gear up.


its really not that easy to silence a sorc....you silence one heal, and they have another heal instead.


You silence force lightning, no worries, no cooldown.

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I guess you never saw a spell called disturbance.


Maybe play your class more, before you make ignorant comments.


You can spam disturbance with zero interupt and hit for 1k+ then knock them back/stun to get off the longer more deadly spell.


I'm not even a sage and know this... my god. I have about 2-3 hours /played on her toon and figured this out.


First: LMFAO


Second: Disturbance does maaaaaaybe 1400 on a crit with a 1.4 second cast time. Why am I going to sit there for 17 seconds trying to get someone down with a skill that does so little damage? Maybe you should look into a class before opening your mouth.


Teleknietics, the middle skill tree for the sage is NOTHING BUT CAST TIMES. Telekinetic wave, 3 second cast time. Turbulence, 2 second cast time. FFS there's even a skill you have to spec into that SPEEDS UP YOUR CAST TIMES.


Disturbance has a cast time, so it can be interrupted, got no clue what you're talking about there. People can see a DPS sage, it's quite obvious from the flailing of the arms in the air. If you've only got 2-3 hours /played then you wouldn't know this. Push back a knight/warrior they leap to you. Push back a BH/Trooper they freeze you. So not really sure what you're talking about with such a little /played.


Disturbance is ridiculous and is only used to gain the proc that allows your telekinetic wave to be cast instantly. Otherwise, no one would use it.


Maybe play your class more, before you make ignorant comments.

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A glass cannon DPS or healer.


Why can these classes take it to the face from our BEST melee DPS classes and merely bubble/heal thru the damage as they nuke that person down.


I seriously doubt any other class can beat either of these two 1 vs 1 - and if you say "well my blah blah uber pvp skills beat this class" then guess what, you played against a sucky Sorceror or Sage so deflate your head bubble.


My wife plays a Sage, I play a guardian. Even being unfamiliar with the class, I went into level 50 warzones and was getting top 5 DPS, top 5 healing and medals up the ying. This is w/out PvP gear. I would seriously LOL while melee guys hit me and I bubbled and nuked them in their face.


Seriously, I've played caster DPS in just about every MMO out there and these classes are over the top OP. If they aren't brought into reality I doubt this game will last.


OR they might as well change the name to Star Wars, Sith Sorcerors VS Jedi Sage. Because noone wants to be facerolled over and over by classes this out of line.


This isnt against sorcerors, I'm saying that BOTH classes are OP.


My wifes toon is a Telekinetics spec SAGE.


Honestly, it is FUN to play either class, (I was sorceror in BETA).


No class in the game has the mobility, survivability, CC, and DPS of either of these classes.


And I'm sorry, but alternating spells is very simple and tanks can only interupt at best every other one, so I either heal myself or I nuke the crap out of them.


Shield/Stun/Slow are at my disposal almost non stop, and if that don't work I have AoE knock back.


I feel like a kid in a candy store playing this class - last time I had this much power was when I was Dark Jedi Knight pre-patch in Star Wars Galaxies, the other time was when I played a smite cleric in DAOC.


BTW - both of those really fun classes eventually got brought into reality.


im surpised no1 here has notcied one weird thing with wot he says bout his guardian and top 5 stufdf. how can a guardian get in the top 5 healing lol??


now onto wot i have seen in pvp i have 50 commando and a few others im currently leveling up a shadow and done alot of pvp it is now lvl 19 and since bout lvl 13 i can get top of the leaderboard with medals on a good game usually 8-9 medals. i have raked up around 120k damage per warzone sometimes less if i die more often coz no heals. and i have fairly easily 1v1 a sorc and sage. there not that hard to kill really 1-2 hits takes away there shield for 20 seconds leveling 20 seconds to kill them or save ur stun for a second before they can repop it. stunn them for 4 secs and that should easily kil them.


sorcs and sages can do great damage sure but the bubble isnt that much of a problem in pvp as alot of people make it out to be. it doesnt absorb that much damage and if specced right u should fairly easily kill them before they can reuse there shield if u time things properly.


the thing i find most annoying has nothing to do with sages/sorcs more like the powertech/vanguards pull skil i cant count how many times i have been pulling into the acid and stunned or the fire and stunned in huttball.


every class now is i think relativly balanced for there rolls. guards are primarily tanks so there dps is not gonna match that of a sentinal/commando/sage and the others. i find it weird that now operatives have had there nerf some people look to place blame on class inbalance when they cannt 1v1 kill a certain class. rather than think maybe my spec is wrong or maybe my rotation. or just perhaps im not playing the right class for 1v1ing certain classes. there are classes both my commando and shadow cant solo (operatives/scoundrels) being on such exaple and sometimes commandos and mercanarys. but also u will fairly opten find u cant 1v1 in warzones maybe ilum (not been there yet for open world pvp) when ur in an ops group because ull find more often than not people tend to interfer to help there own kills total. i think bw should leave things as there are for awhile and properly evaluate which classes and wot skills are performing above wot they should be doing. and if theres good balance as it is leave things as there are and study them each patch to see if things get altered.


also wot this op has said seems rather irrelevent as he said himself he has no pvp gear and yet he doesnt mention the likelyhood of the gear of the sorcs/sages he was up agaainst. if ur not geared with expertise in pvp 1v1 against a sorc/sage that has full cent/champ or battlemaster pvp gear ofc u wont solo him/her as his damage is increased and damaged recived lowered by a % im not quite sure of. perhaps he should have posted more info for his overpowered claims were made because without knowing weather the sages/sorcs he tried 1v1 were geared and there exertise rating compared to his would suggest that he was outgeared and that would be the answer to his claims not op

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to many people play the class... it wont be nerfed... they dont wanna risk losing subs in those big numbers...


And tbh what is a sorc without his CC and Mobility ?

Thats right a Light armor wearing free kill...


Either moblity+cc or medium/heavy armor.



The only reason you see sorc high on damage done in warzones is AOE.

Has nothing to do with burst damage cuz thats actually really low.


Funny to see 5 players running after a other player that just runs circles in friendly AoE fire and all the 5 nabcakes follow him in..... rly l2p.

Edited by Crysicko
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its really not that easy to silence a sorc....you silence one heal, and they have another heal instead.


You silence force lightning, no worries, no cooldown.


Heals?!?! what are you talking about, the 3sec cats thats heals for about 2k? or the 2.5 sec cast that heals for 1.5k? if you cant DPS through those crappy heals, then L2P. Any DPS spec sorc/sage that tries to heal/tank through any DPS will die before the first heal is cast. Seriously, roll a sage/sorc and try it you will die every time.


If you have ever witnessed a sorc/sage surviving any amount of DPS focus, then they had a pocket healer AND guard on them.




(and for the record LoSing and running away when necessary don't count as survivability. Thats just good strategy)

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