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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Sorceror/Sage are seriously OP


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A glass cannon DPS or healer.


Why can these classes take it to the face from our BEST melee DPS classes and merely bubble/heal thru the damage as they nuke that person down.


I seriously doubt any other class can beat either of these two 1 vs 1 - and if you say "well my blah blah uber pvp skills beat this class" then guess what, you played against a sucky Sorceror or Sage so deflate your head bubble.


My wife plays a Sage, I play a guardian. Even being unfamiliar with the class, I went into level 50 warzones and was getting top 5 DPS, top 5 healing and medals up the ying. This is w/out PvP gear. I would seriously LOL while melee guys hit me and I bubbled and nuked them in their face.


Seriously, I've played caster DPS in just about every MMO out there and these classes are over the top OP. If they aren't brought into reality I doubt this game will last.


OR they might as well change the name to Star Wars, Sith Sorcerors VS Jedi Sage. Because noone wants to be facerolled over and over by classes this out of line.


This isnt against sorcerors, I'm saying that BOTH classes are OP.


My wifes toon is a Telekinetics spec SAGE.


Honestly, it is FUN to play either class, (I was sorceror in BETA).


No class in the game has the mobility, survivability, CC, and DPS of either of these classes.


And I'm sorry, but alternating spells is very simple and tanks can only interupt at best every other one, so I either heal myself or I nuke the crap out of them.


Shield/Stun/Slow are at my disposal almost non stop, and if that don't work I have AoE knock back.


I feel like a kid in a candy store playing this class - last time I had this much power was when I was Dark Jedi Knight pre-patch in Star Wars Galaxies, the other time was when I played a smite cleric in DAOC.


BTW - both of those really fun classes eventually got brought into reality.

Edited by Axethales
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A glass cannon DPS or healer.


Why can these classes take it to the face from our BEST melee DPS classes and merely bubble/heal thru the damage as they nuke that person down.


I seriously doubt any other class can beat either of these two 1 vs 1 - and if you say "well my blah blah uber pvp skills beat this class" then guess what, you played against a sucky Sorceror or Sage so deflate your head bubble.


My wife plays a Sage, I play a guardian. Even being unfamiliar with the class, I went into level 50 warzones and was getting top 5 DPS, top 5 healing and medals up the ying. This is w/out PvP gear. I would seriously LOL while melee guys hit me and I bubbled and nuked them in their face.


Seriously, I've played caster DPS in just about every MMO out there and these classes are over the top OP. If they aren't brought into reality I doubt this game will last.


OR they might as well change the name to Star Wars, Sith Sorcerors VS Jedi Sage. Because noone wants to be facerolled over and over by classes this out of line.


Did anyone said falcon gang?


Oh sry wrong MMO.

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every good troll on these forums knows the two magic phrases:


If they aren't brought into reality I doubt this game will last.


you got one! now just make this one your own:


OR they might as well change the name to Star Wars, Sith Sorcerors VS Jedi Sage.



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My wife plays a Sage, I play a guardian. Even being unfamiliar with the class, I went into level 50 warzones and was getting top 5 DPS, top 5 healing and medals up the ying. This is w/out PvP gear. I would seriously LOL while melee guys hit me and I bubbled and nuked them in their face.


SS and or video would make this believable. :cool:

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Ah! So the Operative gets the nerf bat and the first thing I see this morning is Sorc crying. I believe I said this would be the second class against the wall after Operatives. Glad to see I called it since even pre-nerf a sorc with even half a brain could negate an Operatives 'broken' opener with their 'broken' bubble shield.


Personally I'd rather all the classes keep their 'broken' abilities as most of them negate each other. If we keep nerfing everything every class has, PvE will suffer while PvP becomes Toon Town. I guess catering to the lowest common denominator in an MMO is cost-effective.


Oh, and after Sorcerer/Sages you can look forward to a huge Bounty Hunter/Trooper nerf if you're a betting man. Mark my words, it's coming.

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Even being unfamiliar with the class, I went into level 50 warzones and was getting top 5 DPS, top 5 healing and medals up the ying.


OMG OMG! You got in the top 5 damage and healing in a team of 8?! Alright, after all those partly even very well formulated arguments about people thinking Sorcs are OP, your facts just totally convinced me!


Playing my poorly geared level 15 Merc which even has empty gear slots I still can get even Top 3 damage AND healing and still enough medals. Same with my Trooper and my Operative anyway. Really, your argumentation is very thin and flawed.

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This is not news. Sorc/Sage has been ridiculous since launch and also in beta. BW hasn't addressed them yet, but I assume they will. The face that they recently buffed the Guardian is evidence of this. Sage/Sorc will get what's coming to them, just avoid PvP in the meantime be the important tanking commodity in PvE.
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A glass cannon DPS


You lost me here. Nothing glassy about them.

You know what is a glass cannon class? Sniper/gunslinger.

Contrary to popular belif(which mostly means sorc self delusion) the class is nowhere near glassy or squishy with their default set of CC and survivability tools that ANY ranged is envious of.

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A glass cannon DPS or healer.


Why can these classes take it to the face from our BEST melee DPS classes and merely bubble/heal thru the damage as they nuke that person down.


I seriously doubt any other class can beat either of these two 1 vs 1 - and if you say "well my blah blah uber pvp skills beat this class" then guess what, you played against a sucky Sorceror or Sage so deflate your head bubble.


My wife plays a Sage, I play a guardian. Even being unfamiliar with the class, I went into level 50 warzones and was getting top 5 DPS, top 5 healing and medals up the ying. This is w/out PvP gear. I would seriously LOL while melee guys hit me and I bubbled and nuked them in their face.


Seriously, I've played caster DPS in just about every MMO out there and these classes are over the top OP. If they aren't brought into reality I doubt this game will last.


OR they might as well change the name to Star Wars, Sith Sorcerors VS Jedi Sage. Because noone wants to be facerolled over and over by classes this out of line.


They are my favorite prey man, i burn them out, or more precisely, i BLEED em /debuff/interrupt em dead with annimara.

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I am a lvl 50 sage with some pvp gear. If I let a melee in range of me I almost always lose. I get stunned, slowed, interrupted, cc'd crit for 8k, crit for 6k= dead.


I am the glassiest of glass muskets (not cannon) My damage has very little burst. It is just consistent, persistent damage. Most of it is small. My highest crits are about 3k. I usually hit for around 1k-2.5k depending on the skill. This is hardly overpowered.


My shield only guards about 2.5k, or in other words- one hit.


We are so easily counered, that if you dont counter them you deserve to die.

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A glass cannon DPS or healer.


Why can these classes take it to the face from our BEST melee DPS classes and merely bubble/heal thru the damage as they nuke that person down.


I seriously doubt any other class can beat either of these two 1 vs 1 - and if you say "well my blah blah uber pvp skills beat this class" then guess what, you played against a sucky Sorceror or Sage so deflate your head bubble.


My wife plays a Sage, I play a guardian. Even being unfamiliar with the class, I went into level 50 warzones and was getting top 5 DPS, top 5 healing and medals up the ying. This is w/out PvP gear. I would seriously LOL while melee guys hit me and I bubbled and nuked them in their face.


Seriously, I've played caster DPS in just about every MMO out there and these classes are over the top OP. If they aren't brought into reality I doubt this game will last.


OR they might as well change the name to Star Wars, Sith Sorcerors VS Jedi Sage. Because noone wants to be facerolled over and over by classes this out of line.


Top 5? Out of 16 people? Usually there's like 7 out of 8 DPSes in each group, soo... Top 5 is not really that good.


You think sage can pwn everyone in 1v1? Try beating a commando. Or a well played marauder. Bubble? What bubble? It can absorb up to 3k dmg (more or less). They hit you for 5k flat. You have 20s cooldown on your bubble. They have GCD. Go figure.


I play sage. In 9 out of 10 scenarios I get top dmg. I can do 750k on voidstar assuming it lasts full time. I still get tossed around like a b***h. When ganged by two melees I disappear right after my AoE root is gone. There's no way to heal me, because even though I have 530 expertise I have no armor mitigation compared to all other classes.


Glass cannon. That's what I am and I accept that fact. It doesn't make me OP. If you really roll everyone, that means they are just crappy and you could roll them with any other class out there. Just wait till you get a good juggernout/guardian in the opposing team, who knows how to exploit grip on you and you'll go down without even doting anybody.


I am a lvl 50 sage with some pvp gear. If I let a melee in range of me I almost always lose. I get stunned, slowed, interrupted, cc'd crit for 8k, crit for 6k= dead.


I am the glassiest of glass muskets (not cannon) My damage has very little burst. It is just consistent, persistent damage. Most of it is small. My highest crits are about 3k. I usually hit for around 1k-2.5k depending on the skill. This is hardly overpowered.


My shield only guards about 2.5k, or in other words- one hit.


We are so easily counered, that if you dont counter them you deserve to die.


Build? Try hybrid. Awesome burst. 4k+ crits on AoEs. Almost all debuffs you can get. Never go below 90% force. ;)




Edited by Kalantris
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I love the fact that they CAN bubble, heal AND DPS down a DPS counterpart.


All on their own. Like the DPS guy is just standing there eating this, oh interupt? Nah I don't bother with that, Stuns? Nah they are for chumps, Line of Sight? Who wants to run away when I am so awesome. Knockbacks? why would I want to knock them back, then I would have to chase them!!


l2p issue and I hate it when people say that, because htey use it in every bloody example....on my server Sith are 6 to 1 in ilum...l2p gah.....but in this instance it really does apply.

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Yeah I'm sure the 20% reduction from cover, the medium armor and the 25% reduction shield all contribute to the glassiness :rolleyes:


What 20% reduction from cover? Cover gives only avoidance against white ranged attacks. You know which class uses white ranged attacks as their primary source of dmg? SNIPER and GUNSLINGER! Yay! And medium armor what? You really thing that 20% mitigation is better then bubbles, speed boost on demand, unrestricted AoE knockback or ranged stun?

I would also love to know what 25% reduction shield I have, I really would love to. Unless you talk about the AoE 20% reduction buff that is active ONLY if you are in cover for whooping 15 second on 3 minute cooldown. Want to compare that to sorc bubble? Get a clue, scrub :rolleyes:

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What 20% reduction from cover? Cover gives only avoidance against white ranged attacks. You know which class uses white ranged attacks as their primary source of dmg? SNIPER and GUNSLINGER! Yay! And medium armor what? You really thing that 20% mitigation is better then bubbles, speed boost on demand, unrestricted AoE knockback or ranged stun?

I would also love to know what 25% reduction shield I have, I really would love to. Unless you talk about the AoE 20% reduction buff that is active ONLY if you are in cover for whooping 15 second on 3 minute cooldown. Want to compare that to sorc bubble? Get a clue, scrub :rolleyes:


How about a 20s debuff immunity? How about jedi/sith can't jump to you? How about highly superior damage? How about 15% more mitigation from armor?


Bubbles? 2,5k or 3k if speced on 17s CD (at best, with 2 healer set items!). That's an instant heal on a 20s CD. Awesome. Really.


Speed boost on what exactly? Demand? 2s speed boost on a 30s CD (20s if speced). How's that in any way superior? Even if speced it has higher CD than a charge or jump, so?


Unrestricted AoE knockback? 30s CD is unrestricted? It also charges 3/4 of the resolve bar. Not worth it unless speced for root.


Ranged stun? 2s stun, really? On a 60s CD? Charging 60% of your resolve bar? You can boost it up to 4s and cut the CD to 40s but that's it.


So that's it? You think a couple of toys, that can save your life from time to time are superior to your 4,5k uninterruptable guaranteed crits? Bahahaha. Nice. Newsflash: Sage can't beat a slinger in 1v1 without breaking LoS. No. Freaking. Way. Assuming they're equally skilled and geared ofcourse.




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My wife plays a Sage, I play a guardian. Even being unfamiliar with the class, I went into level 50 warzones and was getting top 5 DPS, top 5 healing and medals up the ying. This is w/out PvP gear. I would seriously LOL while melee guys hit me and I bubbled and nuked them in their face.

Show me a vid where you tank ANY melee dps level 50 in PvP gear and kill them turret style, and I will pay your sub and your wife's for a year.


The melee need to use his spells and be active.


Puting a toddler to play your friend's account melee character is not allowed.

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**** what about the vanish the almost insures stealth players survival ?


Thread is about sorcs. We slightly got it offtopic to compare it with slinger that some inexperienced player is insisting they have superior tools and survivability to sorc.


None of them have stealth nor is a steal class, so where did your comment even came from?

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Dont forget the immunity to Interrupts and the immunity to CC for 20seconds..


Or the 30m immobilize


Its immunity to pushbacks, you can still be interrupted. CC immunity works if you don't move. Definitely being jumped by melee as a ranges most squishy class in game will help you if you stand still for 20 secs. Hunker down is helpful if you are bursting squishy from range, its suicide in melee unless you have heavy support or opponent is undergeared/low on hp.


Do you people even PVP or just do daily win to get some exp to get to 50 faster?

The lack of understanding of how competitive pvp goes is astonishing in you.

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thats why almost all classes have an interupt ablity... sure you can't do it at range as much but heck, if anything stun them knock them down.


i have had to be in melee range with my BH just so i could use the interupt, generally it turns into a who can stop and heal dps faster.

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