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10 Good
  1. Problem is the game does one thing well and only the one thing. Singleplayer storyline. The rest is complete garbage compared to other titles. People always compare it to WoW vanilla, but people forget competition back then wasnt as big as it is now. If WoW came out today with better graphics and the same functions as it had in vanilla they would be laughed out of the market. Its not about when games came out, its about how far the market has come. Star wars is a nice little game that you can have some fun with, but as you reach 50 it becomes *********** terrible. Mostly its because of server imbalance and the terrible pvp at when you hit 50. I had fun leveling up but after that I sat 2 weeks and grinded in WZ's. First I was cannonfodder then after 1½ week I had like 80% champion and I became the bully in the warzone. This is where it starts to annoy me because at no time was there any skills involved during my playsessions. But back to my point WoW has defined the MMO market because they have a huge share of customers in that market. It dosnt matter if you dont think WoW is the greatest game because it is and this is reflected by the many people that play it. Bioware thought they could make a singleplayer MMO and charge people monthly. Its cool this is a business strategy likely devised in a EA boardroom, and most likely they have earned on the idea. Problem is that while they are earning money they are destroying their own reputation.
  2. PvP in this game is hello kitty scale. Its so easy that you might aswell be playing tetris or something.
  3. The game should have had real space combat simulation instead of rails on shooters. I am talking the ability to choose your own ship (fighter class ) customize it like now and the ability to fly to any part of the game manually. This is one huge step that could have redeemed the game alittle.
  4. what did you expect with the developers from mythic. In warhammer it was also pure luck if you got the gear in the beginning. Fire everyone who ever worked for mythic and come up with something new.
  5. well I play a sage and I would really like bioware to redesign the class. Right now I look like a teletubbi with a poopjacket on.
  6. **** what about the vanish the almost insures stealth players survival ?
  7. A really big problem right now with SWtor is that republic in so few numbers. People are saying that republic side is designed worse, that the story is bad. The really big thing bioware has to consider is how they are gonna rectify this problem and fast. Also this is the time because this is the moment where people run out of gametime if they havent purchased any more then what came with game. My own speculation is that this game will hold 300k subs and steadily decline because of server balance.
  8. Yes melee is not so good on its own in this game. BUT! When you combine a healer with a tank something magical happens, they form a symbiosis of pure destruction. ( if played correctly )
  9. You did not leave because of the nerf. You left because you cant "handle" to be on even playing field. FoTM is your game bye bye mister imperial you wont be missed.
  10. 1 . Reroll republic or end your subscription 2 . Yes think how great it is getting facestomped every day because there 10 sith for every 1 of you. 3. You wanna hear my problem I started about 15 days later then everyone else by the time I got to 50 I was fighting imperials in full champion. THAT WAS TOTALLY FUN!
  11. Better armor for jedi's, it feels like you are walking around in a poop jacket with a teletubbi helmet on. Taking away same faction hutball would also motivate players to roll more republic. Ofcourse some would quit but at this rate they need to salvage server balance. Finally make imperials ugly, like give them pink shirts that they have to wear because its a pvp armor. And blue lightsabers nothing else ^^ ohh no my red lightsaber where did it go!
  12. While I do agree this wont go well over with imperials, just think of how many would switch to republic and you will gain at least a little server balance.
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