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Happy and Satisfied


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I mostly agree. I am happy and satisfied with the game as a product and how they handled the release to so many customers. They definitely need to clean up some bugs and seem to have most of them identified making progress with a reasonable pace.


As for some of the "absent" features I don't want too many beyond the ones they have mentioned as upcoming (customizable ship interiors, more guild/legacy features, more moddable custom gear and returning color matching). Others (appearance tabs, dual speccing, greatly reducing travel times and add-ons)I could flatly do without and feel would change the character of the game and orient it toward a different style of play than the game I reseached and bought.

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Im with the OP. I am addicted and loving this game. I hate WoW and Rift. This is a beautiful casual mmo...IT IS! But seriously I am underwhelmed in many departments, I realize it could probably have benefited greatly from another 6-12 months of development time. Honestly I would rather have it now than later and will support it until it is what I want it to be.

Haters need to face facts, they are optimizing the engine and game play at a rapid rate.

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Yeah I've been really satisfied also.


Sure it's very similar game play to lots of other MMOs, but there are enough differences for it to feel fresh for me. The graphics and design alone put it so far ahead of any MMO I've played.


I have 1 level 50 Sage and I'm working on my level 23 gunslinger.

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I realize it could probably have benefited greatly from another 6-12 months of development time.


Part of me wonders if more time really would have done it. I think some of the issues weren't likely to crop until the game was fully stressed with the huge numbers of players, many of which are looking for ways to exploit they system for profit or advantage.


Many testers were playing for their own reasons other than purely to test and report. many wanted early playtime while others wanted to begin plotting and learning exploits early. By the time they got to the large scale testing when more would be revealed, you can't really change release dates and put it back under wraps for another few months.

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Been looking ‘round this forum and read various thoughts and comments from other people about the game, and thought after a month of play it was time to add my own tuppence;


Fact is folks – I’m enjoying it.


I’ve rolled four toons; a Smuggler, Jedi Knight, Bounty Hunter & Sith Warrior.


just FOUR toons ?


how about nine ?


and two of them are smugglers, 2 jedi knights.


And… I’m enjoying playing them all. Finished Act 1 on my Smugglers story (no spoilers folks, so read on without worries) – and… well, I enjoyed it. It was satisfying, it was fun. Can’t wait to see how Act 2 plays out. The same can be said of my other toons as well.


indeed, the smuggler story seems to be the best story among all - best written, best dialogue, best humor, best realism, most engaging, best voice acting.


in fact it surpasses most of the 'stories' that are found in any given mmo.


i expect they make a similarly good smuggler story in the expansion.

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just FOUR toons ?


how about nine ?


and two of them are smugglers, 2 jedi knights.

Guess I shouldn't mention I created 18 characters? Only 3 are still level 1.



Yea I've always had an alt problem. When WoW told me I couldn't make any more characters on the account I realized something was wrong. I'm just glad I didn't hit 20 characters yet.

Edited by DarthKhaos
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swtor is a great casual game I am happy you are enjoying it. To me the fact that you have many characters that are not 50 yet tells me you are taking your time and having fun.


The problem with SWTOR though is that it claims to be a MMO and it charges a monthly fee. Because of this players have certain expectations. SWTOR right now is a very good single player game, it is not a very good MMO. The endgame is loaded with bugs, if you aren't in your 40's you havent seen most of them. If you expect people to pay monthly then you need to deliver on promises, pvp is a mess and endgame pve is loaded with bugs. I know they are working on them, I am sure they are doing their best. Until these things are resolved they are going to hear about it from the community and rightfully so.


I am still here and I am patiently paying and waiting. I won't be around forever though if the game doesn't improve.

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Until these things are resolved they are going to hear about it from the community and rightfully so.


What Bioware hears, however, doesn't need to be the equivalent of a 4 year old told to eat his brussel sprouts incoherently shrieking at the top of its lungs while blubbering irrational babytalk nonsense. When the pantwetters figure that out, we'll all be able to have perfectly normal conversations about bugs and issues, disappointments and good points. Until then, they're going to be pretty much just a source of irritation and frustration and the reason these forums suck.

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The leveling experience is solid. Arguably the best out there.


However, the game does start to unravel a bit at end game. Especially when concerning pvp. Doesn't mean it's a bad game, just means there's more work to be done still.

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Been looking ‘round this forum and read various thoughts and comments from other people about the game, and thought after a month of play it was time to add my own tuppence;


Fact is folks – I’m enjoying it.


I’ve rolled four toons; a Smuggler, Jedi Knight, Bounty Hunter & Sith Warrior. And… I’m enjoying playing them all. Finished Act 1 on my Smugglers story (no spoilers folks, so read on without worries) – and… well, I enjoyed it. It was satisfying, it was fun. Can’t wait to see how Act 2 plays out. The same can be said of my other toons as well.


Ok, yes – there have been problems with the game – some have been fixed, some are still waiting to be fixed. Things aren’t perfect, and the idea that things would be perfect from the start… yeah, I guess I’m too much of a realist to believe that would be the case. But you know, I’m seeing the bods at BW move at a decent pace to sort things out. (I know not everyone will agree with that, and I guess you’re all entitled to your own opinion as much as I am on the service we’re getting, but to be honest; sorting code out in a game like this takes time. Yes, in a perfect world no game would be released unless every aspect of it had been tested and checked – but we don’t live in a perfect world, we live in a world where a parent company can set a release date and the workers have to abide by it – that, and frankly – there are bigger issues in the world than a game, chill people, continually moaning isn’t the answer.)


Anyway, where was I? Rambling now doubt, lol – since 17 December 2011 (when my EGA started) I’ve been playing – almost every day (hummm, I may be slightly addicted), and having a blast. I’m in a decent guild, have made a new batch of friends as a result and am having lots of fun. And that, at the end of the day, is what it’s all about.


I’m looking forward to seeing what BW add in the future, to seeing how the class storylines expand and grow, and how the game evolves.


So basically; thank you BioWare, keep up the good work :)















I’m willing to bet real money that someone will come along and flame this :rolleyes: – make accusations of me being some sort of rabid BW/SW fan… meh, that’s up to them and there conscious. Flame all you will, you won’t change how I feel, and I won’t bother engaging :D


It is a good game.Not sure it will be the game for me.I do have 8 chrs and working my way up.Still they had some good stuff during the Beta that got nerf as well as after.If this continues I not sure I will stay on.I have a hard time getting started but once I am going I do have fun.My highest is 42 Smuggler.Now wasn't Tats final class battle fun...lol..I even got out of their without getting killed.Anyhow if you are enjoying it more power to you.It is a good game.

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Very happy and very satisfied.


Having lurked around the development of SWTOR for the last three years or so I feel I've managed to keep my expectations in check and they have been met on the technical side of the game and exceeded by the story element.


While not enjoying PvP play I'm looking forward to tackling some of the PvE content such as flashpoints and operations. And although my current situation allows me to pour a considerable amount of time into the game I can't see any of my fellow guildies having a 50th level character for at least another month or two.


The levelling experience is possibly the most enjoyable gaming experience i've had in a long time. So much so that having got my Bounty Hunter upto 50 i've jumped straight back into alt mode with all 8 slots on my server full already.


I'm hoping some of my concerns over the static nature of the GTN will fade as the game population matures and more players get their characters upto 50. At the moment I see most seem to have focused on PvP play to get gear rather than tacking a more natural route, and this on a PvE server.


All in all the best gaming investment i've made in a long time. Glad I can afford the 25p a day subscription cause I plan to be here for a long time ;)

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What Bioware hears, however, doesn't need to be the equivalent of a 4 year old told to eat his brussel sprouts incoherently shrieking at the top of its lungs while blubbering irrational babytalk nonsense. When the pantwetters figure that out, we'll all be able to have perfectly normal conversations about bugs and issues, disappointments and good points. Until then, they're going to be pretty much just a source of irritation and frustration and the reason these forums suck.

~wipes tear~ I love you pixelated person!


I got on each faction a Tank a healer a pvper and a dps. Soooo sweet...

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