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Delays are gone!


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Low FPS indicate you probably don't meet system requirement or are overdue for a fresh ghost installation and computer clean up... It has nothing to do with delay, or unresponsiveness issue that has been documented. Sry?


Wow...you got a good look at my computer system did ya? My computer well exceeds the requirements as does my top of the line Nvidia card. The fps problem is well documented as a major problem and DOES affect abilites.


The problem lies with the crap engine that BW used for SWTOR which can't even run the game well at the lowest settings. This game is not graphically taxing - it's just very poorly optimized atm.


If they can eventually fix the problem - I'll resub, but I'm not playing the game in this state and neither are a lot of people based on the number of posts on the subject.

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Wow...you got a good look at my computer system did ya? My computer well exceeds the requirements as does my top of the line Nvidia card. The fps problem is well documented as a major problem and DOES affect abilites.


The problem lies with the crap engine that BW used for SWTOR which can't even run the game well at the lowest settings. This game is not graphically taxing - it's just very poorly optimized atm.


If they can eventually fix the problem - I'll resub, but I'm not playing the game in this state and neither are a lot of people based on the number of posts on the subject.


The thread for FPS issues is ------------> way.


This thread has nothing to do with your "turrible" FPS.


Go there and post your specs... or do you own an eMachine?

Edited by jHats
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The problem lies with the crap engine that BW used for SWTOR which can't even run the game well at the lowest settings. This game is not graphically taxing - it's just very poorly optimized atm.


If they can eventually fix the problem - I'll resub, but I'm not playing the game in this state and neither are a lot of people based on the number of posts on the subject.




I run the game on all HIGH settings and it looks GREAT, runs GREAT. No FPS problems at all.

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In WoW you can MOUNT without your mount even being present. TOR does it right. People keep crying about this. Its not bugged or broken or delayed. When you click mount, YOUR MOUNT SHOULD BE 100% VISIBLE when you decide to take off.


Are you going to start driving down your road 1/2 a second early with your car in the garage and you not even in the seat yet?


The mounting is working as intended. Just because something is done in another game , doesnt make it right / wrong here. Give it a rest.


Im not sure what is wrong or what is right for you, however when im casting "mount" i see my char stand in the "mount" pose there is also some flash lights which show me that im mounted and cast bar is gone right in the same time im pressing forward - i do not have Cancelled or Interrupted announcemt in cast bar, (you know it stays for a good 0.5 sec if you interrupted any cast manualy by stepping forward?) but im instead just instant dismount after pressing forward - it's feel WRONG for me.

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As you guys have noticed (and probably read in the patch notes), one major part of our series of ability delay improvements was patched onto the live servers with the maintenance last night (patch 1.1.0b). We decided that the improvements seen with this fix were significant enough for us to roll this patch out as quickly as possible instead of waiting for the next scheduled patch.


Your feedback from the servers so far indicates that this change has had dramatic, positive impact on combat gameplay.


That said, we're not done improving combat responsiveness!


  • As mentioned in my blog a few days ago, there are some additional fixes currently on our public test server as part of patch 1.1.1, which will roll out as soon as we're satisfied with that patch.
  • We've heard your mixed feedback regarding the new cooldown animation that was part of patch 1.1, and we have improvements to the readability of that UI coming down the pipe.
  • We're looking into improving the accuracy of cast bars. Their behavior should already be significantly improved with today's patch, but we believe there is still room to improve.
  • We're also working on improvements to the responsiveness of individual ability animations, including faction specific timing differences and issues where shortening an ability activation time does not properly shorten it's animation.

Again, thank you for your constructive feedback on this issue, it has been vital to us in identifying and resolving this situation.





please make a statement on faction balance problems in ilum, and how you are going to fix it. Empire-favoring designs need to be fixed. :mad:

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The mounting delay is not fixed, just add another half second to the damn cast bar and be done with it.


Edit: it does seem a little tighter, however I should never see the mount appear then dissapear as i start to move, and this is still happening. I get when I move too fast and it cancels the cast, but why does the cast bar finish, the mount appears as I start to move, then it dissapears again?


Easy fix: add .2 sec or so to the cast bar.

Edited by DragnHntr
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Im not sure what is wrong or what is right for you, however when im casting "mount" i see my char stand in the "mount" pose there is also some flash lights which show me that im mounted and cast bar is gone right in the same time im pressing forward - i do not have Cancelled or Interrupted announcemt in cast bar, (you know it stays for a good 0.5 sec if you interrupted any cast manualy by stepping forward?) but im instead just instant dismount after pressing forward - it's feel WRONG for me.


Again. Players are arguing over having to wait .5 seconds to fully mount.


Its mind boggling and bad information. No matter what they do, the mounting up .5 second delay might not ever change.


Using something that isnt even a problem here as a "check if fixed" solution is terrible because 100% of players are going to have this issue still.

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Define "ton" and NO..it's not.


I have a 3 year old card atm running at 60 fps in most areas except Ilum when its crowded I get about 15....I'm waiting on the Kepler series to release next month before upgrading (the 770/780 are 1.5x/2x better performance than a 590 based on leaked benchmarks).


My friend has a 590 and gets 100 fps in surround (3 screens, 5760x1080 resolution).


So if you do have a top of the line Nvidia card, you may have memory issues, perhaps you got a high clock speed card but with low VRAM? Or your CPU is bottlenecking your GPU.


Either way something in the way you have your PC setup is the problem.


I also have a friend with a 470 who gets 80-100 FPS at 1920x1080....


All of us play maxed. So if you have a top of the line card, you should be getting at least 60 FPS.

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I have a 3 year old card atm running at 60 fps in most areas except Ilum when its crowded I get about 15....I'm waiting on the Kepler series to release next month before upgrading (the 770/780 are 1.5x/2x better performance than a 590 based on leaked benchmarks).


My friend has a 590 and gets 100 fps in surround (3 screens, 5760x1080 resolution).


So if you do have a top of the line Nvidia card, you may have memory issues, perhaps you got a high clock speed card but with low VRAM? Or your CPU is bottlenecking your GPU.


Either way something in the way you have your PC setup is the problem.


I also have a friend with a 470 who gets 80-100 FPS at 1920x1080....


All of us play maxed. So if you have a top of the line card, you should be getting at least 60 FPS.



I actually got this from a site and it fixed my buddies FPS issues, i've never had any myself:



A real gem I know of is how to fix the bad performance. It seems the graphics options are glitched in some way but can be fixed by doing the following.


•Set your graphic options to the preset High (yes high) and click apply.

•Set your graphic options to the preset Low and uncheck Bloom, Conversation Depth of Field (optional) and turn shadows off, click apply.

•Witness the glory of the hypnotoad.

•After applying this you can change textures back to medium or high.

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Again. Players are arguing over having to wait .5 seconds to fully mount.


Its mind boggling and bad information. No matter what they do, the mounting up .5 second delay might not ever change.


Using something that isnt even a problem here as a "check if fixed" solution is terrible because 100% of players are going to have this issue still.


Im using mount as a very simple example of having Client and Server in different (not synchronised) state which is in his worst case cause one part of so famous "Ability delay". here is my example Sniper also if you missed previous post:


- Bind mouse wheel down to one quick slot

- Put in this slot Crouch

- Put in this slot in Crouch page Snipe

- Now target mob and do mouse wheel down (not a single one but like you just scrolling page so it will register a few scroll actions, one for Crouch one for casting Snipe)


In a result you will enter in Crouch and start casting Snipe (also you will have a red text "Not Ready Yet"), your charapter will animate a casting snipe, you will have a cast bar but at the end nothing happens :) nothing fire\no damage\mob will NOT aggroing you.


This shows that client and server state are not synchronised in proper way. Client think you are in Crouch and able to use Snipe and this is TRUE and Ok, since 1 scroll action enter Crouch (not on GCD) second scroll action - cast Snipe (you can't do it in another way since Crouching and Snipe in same quick slot but Snipe exist only in Crouch sub-tab).


BUT Server for some reason think you are trying to use Snipe before Crouch (remember both action use almost instantly maybe even with time difference lower than ping, but maybe higher also. not sure), anyway Server think you use Snipe first and then Crouch, this is WHY you see red text "Not Ready Yet".



PS and yes i have read a new post from Georg about so this is not a final fix AFTER i did my posting, my bad :)

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I stopped right there. You could have the best post in the world and the cure to Cancer and/or AIDS and I wouldn't even know.


In WoW you can MOUNT without your mount even being present. TOR does it right. People keep crying about this. Its not bugged or broken or delayed. When you click mount, YOUR MOUNT SHOULD BE 100% VISIBLE when you decide to take off.


Are you going to start driving down your road 1/2 a second early with your car in the garage and you not even in the seat yet?


The mounting is working as intended. Just because something is done in another game , doesnt make it right / wrong here. Give it a rest.



The only reason why you can start riding your mount before casting your mount is finished is because blizzard recognized the flaw in trying to trying to dictate to clients what the servers want with an iron fist.


Blizzard introduced a "grace period" with casting and animations because of client to server lag, which still goes on today 7 years later. They understood that having to wait until 100% of both the server telling the client "Ok youre done!" and "No....your spell hasnt rendered yet." was a bs idea and created unnecessary delay and a reduction in productivity in high end pve and pvp (lol@highendpvp).


So blizzard made it so that so long as the spell/ability is "almost" done...it will finish without the player needing to "see it to the end" and thus they can move onto other character inputs immediately. This also means that while you can often end up "sprinting" at 100% or "swimming" at 310% before the mount fully renders and starts animating....its still a much better policy than "Interrupted.....interrupted...failed....interrupted" or spending an extra .5 - 2 seconds waiting to make sure the cast went off correctly with no interruptions.



In neither case of 'Blizzard did it this way' vs 'Bioware did it that way' is there a "correct way" of it being done, just an "acceptable based on performance" , and Bioware is still working on the growing pains of its system.

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The mounting delay is not fixed, just add another half second to the damn cast bar and be done with it.


Edit: it does seem a little tighter, however I should never see the mount appear then dissapear as i start to move, and this is still happening. I get when I move too fast and it cancels the cast, but why does the cast bar finish, the mount appears as I start to move, then it dissapears again?


Easy fix: add .2 sec or so to the cast bar.


This, appearing and disappearing.


If it has already appeared, why disappear again? Conclusion: Need fix.

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This is a different issue than ability lag and is not an accurate means of determining the efficacy of any changes that were made.


There has indeed been a huge improvement to ability delay and a decent improvement to performance on fleet and planets.


It may not be noticeable to you but it has been very detectable to many many players.


As has been stated time and time before, the issue impacts different people in different ways which makes perfect sense considering no two computers are ever configured exactly the same way.


Anyone who uses a speeder mount test to determine if the real problem still exists never understood the real problem to begin with...


The problem of responsiveness is much improved. The whole speeder thing is dumb and unrelated to the combat issues.

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the difference is huge. pvp is a lot of fun now. pve wasnt a big issue before now its just marvelous. yes you still can dismount after cast bar already ended. how do people continue to ***** upon this matter escapes me - it doesnt really hinders playtime in anyway, at least its very easy to adapt to it.


thumbs up Bioware, you just showed everyone you know what you are doing.

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Anyone who uses a speeder mount test to determine if the real problem still exists never understood the real problem to begin with...


The problem of responsiveness is much improved. The whole speeder thing is dumb and unrelated to the combat issues.


Exactly, that was never a responsiveness issue. Its Animation related.

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the difference is huge. Pvp is a lot of fun now. Pve wasnt a big issue before now its just marvelous. Yes you still can dismount after cast bar already ended. How do people continue to ***** upon this matter escapes me - it doesnt really hinders playtime in anyway, at least its very easy to adapt to it.


Thumbs up bioware, you just showed everyone you know what you are doing.



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Anyone who uses a speeder mount test to determine if the real problem still exists never understood the real problem to begin with...


The problem of responsiveness is much improved. The whole speeder thing is dumb and unrelated to the combat issues.


Combat is better, it has been getting better with every patch, however the speeder issue falls under the category of ability delay, and currently it is the biggest irritation left IMO. It isnt a "test" of any sort of system, since ability delay is actually a lot of little issues compounded.


It just happens to be the first and easiest thing to test, it is still dismounting people when it shouldnt, and it should probably be fixed. Ya know, because it is irritating and happens on a regular basis.

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