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Update Away From WoW


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storyline in mmo's isnt top priority, bioware screwed up big their.


It hasn't been but, there is no rule saying that has to be the case. The story focus is actually one of the things I like specifically about SWTOR. I think alot of people have grown accustomed to playing MMOs a certain way and, more so than many others, SWTOR earns the moniker of being an MMORPG.


The biggest obstacle the game seems to face is people not understanding that not all gamers are going to want the same things so, MMOs can do things their own way and still serve a sizeable market. People need to get over trying to make SWTOR into the game they wanted it to be or the game they used to play and just enjoy SWTOR for what is and trying to offer. Lots of us bought the game knowing what it was and enjoy it as such. Fix the bugs, maybe add some features that don't change it's character but, mostly stop pushing to change the game so many are happy and content with.

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And yet you have people here asking for an appearance tab. So to some here, not me btw, that 'gimmick' would be a welcome change.


Boom, this.


I played WoW from launch through the first couple of months of Cata. I re-upped a month or so ago to make a figureprint of my character now that I was done for good, and played around with transmoging. Simply put, it was one of the nicest things they could have done. Not enough to bring be back to be sure, but I sincerely raged at the fact that I couldn't have used it when I was actually playing.


Big games like this need to make character customization a priority.

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@PlastikmanNL Sorry about that, I must have transposed some wording along the way because that's how I took it.


I don't see the excitement of character customization. I personally agree that it is just a gimmick but I'm not going to bash those who want it, I just feel that there are more important things to focus on atm such as the Legacy tab actually doing something or graphical bugs/glitches. I haven't tried to duplicate it since patch but the shadows while on a mount thing was getting on my nerves (shadow would trail and eventually disappear)

Edited by pokher
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Boom, this.


I played WoW from launch through the first couple of months of Cata. I re-upped a month or so ago to make a figureprint of my character now that I was done for good, and played around with transmoging. Simply put, it was one of the nicest things they could have done. Not enough to bring be back to be sure, but I sincerely raged at the fact that I couldn't have used it when I was actually playing.


Big games like this need to make character customization a priority.


The Devs are making all epic gear mods removable and able to be put in any orange gear you want, and they will retain their set bonuses.


This was outlined in a developer post last week.


Hence, you can wear whatever you want and just switch in the epic mods.

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It hasn't been but, there is no rule saying that has to be the case. The story focus is actually one of the things I like specifically about SWTOR. I think alot of people have grown accustomed to playing MMOs a certain way and, more so than many others, SWTOR earns the moniker of being an MMORPG.



The story in SWOTR is also nothing special, it basicly comes down to kill this / capture that / destroy those, if you actually took the time to read the quests in other games "mmos" you'd realise the story's nothing special in this game. The voiceacting is a plus that I'll give you.

Furthermore the choices you make are barely noticeable during the game, and the fact that you basicly need to go all light or all dark doesnt benefit things either. For a game based on "story" I can't help but feeling they also missed the bullseye on that one also.


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I played WoW once and never liked it. The only other MMORPG I played was Star Wars Galaxies and to be honest, I miss that game. This is nothing like it, nor did I expect it to be. SWG was more of a sandbox universe and this is the reason I liked it. Unfortunately this game feels bland without the ability to decorate anything.


Sure BIOWARE should follow the line of a MMO that failed hard.


I tend to think poeple seeing SWTOR as a clone of WoW did not played many different MMO.


Sure SWG was probably one of the fartes MMO compared to WoW since it was more of a resource based game then a RPG.

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The Devs are making all epic gear mods removable and able to be put in any orange gear you want, and they will retain their set bonuses.


This was outlined in a developer post last week.


Hence, you can wear whatever you want and just switch in the epic mods.


I know. I'm super happy about that.


I just think it's funny that people seize upon things like this that are in WoW (not to mention several other games) as "gimmicks" just because... they're in WoW. It's just good design.

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The story in SWOTR is also nothing special, it basicly comes down to kill this / capture that / destroy those, if you actually took the time to read the quests in other games "mmos" you'd realise the story's nothing special in this game. The voiceacting is a plus that I'll give you.

Furthermore the choices you make are barely noticeable during the game, and the fact that you basicly need to go all light or all dark doesnt benefit things either. For a game based on "story" I can't help but feeling they also missed the bullseye on that one also.



I think you were expecting a 1000hours gameplay KOTOR3.

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Why am I playing an MMORPG that plays in a similar fashion to this other MMORPG!


There, I made the original post easier to read.


And to elaborate...


Why am I playing a fighting game that plays in a similar fashion to these other fighting games!


Why am I playing a tennis game that plays in a similar fashion to this other tennis game!


I think you get the idea.

Edited by Hahkil
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You mean like WoW has recently introduced transmog which means you can wear one piece and still display a different one, allowing you to create any cool look you want? yeah


Yeah, that should be implemented ASAP, after all it only took WOW 7 years to do it.

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I know. I'm super happy about that.


I just think it's funny that people seize upon things like this that are in WoW (not to mention several other games) as "gimmicks" just because... they're in WoW. It's just good design.


I think the complaints with Blizzard stem from this:


They slow play features. They could have put in something like transmog YEARS ago, people have BEGGED for a feature like this for years, and it seems that whenever a new MMO is about to hit, Blizzard dumps out some feature other games have had for years.


It feels like they intentionally hold back simple systems to use as tools against other MMOs, and while that makes perfect business sense it does kind of piss on your customer base.


I loved Blizzard's early games, right up to about WC3, but I feel the company's entire attitude has changed and that the quality of their games has gone in a direction less appealing to me.

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I also feel the lack of an autoattack does make PvP a lot more skillbased than in WoW.
Ssshhh don't tell WoW players that with MoP all classes get auto-attack removed as they move to a priority based combat system. This is to put it more inline with the Pandas also not having an auto-attack as well as trying to get rid of standard rotations. They are trying to avoid the reality so the the world doesn't implode.
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People need to get over trying to make SWTOR into the game they wanted it to be or the game they used to play and just enjoy SWTOR for what is and trying to offer. Lots of us bought the game knowing what it was and enjoy it as such. Fix the bugs, maybe add some features that don't change it's character but, mostly stop pushing to change the game so many are happy and content with.


Bioware built their fandom in part by being a developer that welcomed players playing games the way they wanted to play them. In times past they NEVER presumed to tell a player how he should play one of their games.


NEVER would a Bioware employee tell a player something like "Please don't play Baldur's Gate 1 on Baldur's Gate 2's engine. That's not how we wrote the game and that's not how we intended you to play it. Thread closed." They embraced the modding community. Heck, once upon a time their own devs wrote FREE mods for players looking for increased difficulty and story options to BG2/ToB. They provided the toolset for NWN and listened to fans about the type of features (mounts and flowing capes for example) they wanted included when premium modules were added.


Obviously the fans can't mod the content of TOR, but it would not have been inconsistent with the approach that had first made Bioware great if they actively embraced the community regarding changes and features that they thought could make the game BETTER rather than keep it the same because a portion of the fandom is "happy and content."


It's great that so many people are "happy and content" with the way things are, but how many of them would REALLY be less "happy and content" if some things were different? How many are "happy and content" because they're determined to be "happy and content" with anything and everythign Bioware does? There was one dude on the Marauder forums who said he was (to paraphrase) "happy and content" that he died frequently because he never knew what to expect on any pull, so please don't change anything Bioware. REALLY?


Bioware did not become one of the most highly-regarded game developers in the world by patting themselves on the back because a lot of customers were "happy and content" with the games they released. The notion that Bioware should not strive to make their games more appealing to a wider range of players goes against everything they once stood for. Will every idea offered on the forums make for a better game? Of course not. But some of them will. People are not doing Bioware any favors by shutting up everybody who would like to see something changed and driving them out of the community. They're embarrassing the company they're trying to protect.



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You mean like WoW has recently introduced transmog which means you can wear one piece and still display a different one, allowing you to create any cool look you want? yeah

I wonder what game they got the idea of special looks fro... Oh, right.


It's like how in MoP they will let you change the color of your spells. I wonder where they got th... Oh, right.

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Ssshhh don't tell WoW players that with MoP all classes get auto-attack removed as they move to a priority based combat system. This is to put it more inline with the Pandas also not having an auto-attack as well as trying to get rid of standard rotations. They are trying to avoid the reality so the the world doesn't implode.


I think you just pointed out the only aspect of MoP I find good.


I guess there had to be one nugget of corn in that poop sea.

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I don't get it... this game feels nothing like WoW (good in some ways; bad in others).


It looks nothing like it (SWToR is far inferior.. maybe if they ever enable high res textures it will look better),




I play both on the highest settings, and SWTOR looks far prettier than WoW ever could.

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The story in SWOTR is also nothing special, it basicly comes down to kill this / capture that / destroy those, if you actually took the time to read the quests in other games "mmos" you'd realise the story's nothing special in this game. The voiceacting is a plus that I'll give you.

Furthermore the choices you make are barely noticeable during the game, and the fact that you basicly need to go all light or all dark doesnt benefit things either. For a game based on "story" I can't help but feeling they also missed the bullseye on that one also.



I see the overall story, including it's voiced delivery as way beyond what I have been reading the other games I have played. Many have commented about feeling bad having to make certain plot choices and it's largely because you are that much more engaged. Personally, emotional response is more akin to actually feeling a bit of shame as opposed to in other games where I'd think, "lol, they really handed me an evil choice this time."


I haven't replayed any of the class stories so I can't truly say what changes based on my choices. I am sure it does not radically change the plot and where it finally ends but, I compare notes with friends enough to know that my choices bring about subtle twists and do help to design how I RP my character. The character that comes out of the process bears his history in how looks, reacts and functions.


On top of that, they build in some drawbacks to various choices. It's not just pick the best gear and appearance tab it to what is pretty or choose the optimal PvP build and I'll just dual spec over to another optimal PvE build. You make choices and, more than in many games, those choices stick. To this end, they also force the numbers and crunch of the system into view less than other games. Limting the UI and eschewing adds-ons being part of that intentional design.


To my eye, they are adding MMO elements to KOTOR so you can share fully developed chartacters with other similarly crafted ones not just bench racing and meausring our combat avis against adventures boiled down to their barebones and other esport minded participants. Yes, there is some opportunity for that type of gaming and tons of WoW and other MMOm holdovers only to happy to make the game into that but, it's the core of the game that developers made their goal to deliver.


There is a very good MMORPG here of it's own design if you take your time to play it as it was designed. For my money, fix the actual bugs and leave the e-sport and convenience features for the other games that embrace them.

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You mean like WoW has recently introduced transmog which means you can wear one piece and still display a different one, allowing you to create any cool look you want? yeah


LOL you mean wearing old gear because their artistic team is terrible at making new stuff that looks decent? YA THATS INNOVATION THERE BUDDY

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