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Best Companion for High Level DPS Commando


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Apologizing upfront if this was already posted, but I blame it on the lack of a forum search function :)


I found a post about the best companion for a combat medic commando (healer), but I'm 100% Gunnery / DPS commando. I'm level 46 right now and I'm cruising out my final days in PvE (I'm mostly PvE).


The old motto is "if it aint broke, don't fix it". So far I made it this far using my lovely wife Elara Dorne and her great healing abilities (ok, role playing a bit there LOL). Also our guild has access to level 400 armstech and armortechs, so I'm usually at the max at what I can use equipment wise (at least player made).


Long story short in general people say I should be using a tank like Vik or M1-4X. Like I said I deal pretty good damage at lvl 46 right now. I've tested both M1-4X and Elara, and it seems to be moot. After a standard PvE battle, M1-4X is dead and I'm alive. Seems like the battle goes faster. With Elara the battle takes a little longer and I'M basically the tank, but Elara heals the hell out of me. Once again I'm all DPS so my healing is crap for a companion tank. But then, I'm not a tank spec but act like it and have the healer heal me.



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Personally I've only been using Elara. I just do not see the point in taking tank companion. Sure its a bit added dps but then again i would have to heal the companion on though fights and still it probably would die sometimes. On later levels i killed stuff pretty fast with gunnery commando and Elara made life very easy. with heals/freezing cc she has. Also healing companion was a big bonus when playing on pvp server and getting jumped by random people. Tested out the robot tank companion but really didn't feel like i want to play with that. Probably gonna gear him up soon anyways but Elara has always been my choice without any regrets.
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If you can manage to keep 4X geared and remember to use your cryo nade on gold targets to keep him from getting beat down to fast he is great. I leveled as assault spec and grabbed 4X as soon as i hit 21. Only problem i have with 4X is that he is useless in a PVP situation.
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Stick with Elara. Not only is she the best, but once you hit 50 if you intend to do dailies she becomes a great asset for Heroic 2+ groups. You can pair up with another tank, DPS, or healer with her out and mow down the quests pretty handily.


She's also the best choice to make sure you finish single daily quests the fastest.



At 50 I decked out 4X (And I mean really decked him out, top of the line mods and everything), and went Combat Medic to try things out. It took at least 5 times as long to kill anything.

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If you can manage to keep 4X geared and remember to use your cryo nade on gold targets to keep him from getting beat down to fast he is great. I leveled as assault spec and grabbed 4X as soon as i hit 21. Only problem i have with 4X is that he is useless in a PVP situation.


elara on the other hand rocks in pvp encounters, i recently got ambushed by a sith sorcerer on hoth while i had just aggroed a gold, i quickly shot with a concussive round on the gold and went for the sorcerer, he sent his DPS companion on me (at least i think it was dps) and not only did elara heal me through the companion's damage, but helped me heal through the sorcerer's lighting while i chipped away at his health, soon enough she had killed his companion and with a well-timed stun and recharge cells we dominated the sith, i ended up with 70% health.

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  • 2 years later...

I play gunnery Commando. I was so happy when i meet 4X for the first time. He was looking powerful and all. But when i got him and i tried first missions on Tattooine i was very, very, very sad. he is just a piece of junk, NOT big Havoc kickass:(

So i went back to Aric. Together we do so much damage that there is no need to heal, even with elites. We even killed Champ twice.

I used Elara once. At first Heroic on Tattooine. She died very fast when attacked by elites. she does not so much dmg and generaly i don't like her character. Maybe i try normal missions with her again, but i like Jorgan very much and i recomend using him all the time if you are Commando ( even gunnery has a little healing- so no need for Dorne).

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I play gunnery Commando. I was so happy when i meet 4X for the first time. He was looking powerful and all. But when i got him and i tried first missions on Tattooine i was very, very, very sad. he is just a piece of junk, NOT big Havoc kickass:(

So i went back to Aric. Together we do so much damage that there is no need to heal, even with elites. We even killed Champ twice.

I used Elara once. At first Heroic on Tattooine. She died very fast when attacked by elites. she does not so much dmg and generaly i don't like her character. Maybe i try normal missions with her again, but i like Jorgan very much and i recomend using him all the time if you are Commando ( even gunnery has a little healing- so no need for Dorne).


While this is a necro, I dont mind because it brought up a good discussion that is useful for newer players.


However, I'd suggest going with Aric as a high level DPS commando. This is because once you get to high levels, its typically good to have off-spec gear, which Aric is the perfect off-spec gear dump. Similar to Blizz for powertechs, Treek for vanguards, Lord Scourge for Guardians, Xalek for Assassins, Gus for Scoundrels, Dr Lokin for Operatives and Broonmark for Guardians, Commandos are able to put any gear they have that isn't useful for their current spec onto Aric Jorgan, and watch as they run around with 2 sets of very high level gear - so high that other companions will never hope to reach those levels unless you have an alt and legacy-bind gear.


Also, Forex, while he isn't that tough when you first get him, has "Tank Companion Syndrome". This means that he needs to be in Blue+ gear to be able to do any tanking, or he won't be able to hold threat or do decent damage or take decent damage. This is most noticable in the Jedi Knight storyline, especially if you try to finish it at level and use green gear on your forced companion.

Edited by TACeMossie
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Elara is the best. She does decent DPS and can keep you alive through attacks that dear brave Forex would melt in the face of.

Even if you kill slightly faster with Forex or Tanno out, they're pretty beat by the end of the fight, meaning that if you accidentally chain-pull, you're toast. I've been in situations where I'll be soloing a H2+ during leveling and pull adds, and the combination of CC and Dorne's healing allows me to survive those crises none the worse for wear.

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I would say Treek is the best companion for pretty much everyone. She can Heal or Tank, and heals you while tanking, also best of all, SHE DOESN'T BREAK CC. Which means you can use every and all abilities with her, and not worry about her breaking the CC you applied to the Elite while you take out the Strong and Normal/Weak Mobs around it. Edited by SuperGrunt
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  • 2 weeks later...
As a lvl 55 Gunnery Commando I do all the lvl 50 daylies (Ilum, Sec. X....) with Aric.

There is absolutely no need for Elara. You´ll be much faster with Aric.

Oricon though I´ll switch to her.


Well, yeah. If you're +5 to things they won't damage you much and you might as well DPS them even faster. I think the concern is more with even level enemies. :sul_wink:

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  • 1 month later...
  • 1 month later...

I've experimented with several companions but pretty much exclusively use Elara Dorne.


The AI and threat generation for tank companions just isn't good enough in the game to keep using them at high levels, unless you spend inordinate amount of time/money to get them geared just as well as you and even then, the AI in fights with mechanics can be very annoying.


Treek in healing stance is also not a bad option, but I can't stand the CONSTANT babbling and just want to lock her on the ship after 5 minutes.


I have no problem soloing Heroic 2s and even some Heroic 4s with healer comps. Most of my problems come from using tank comps that can't hold aggro. All of the tank comps could honestly use a buff to their aggro charts.

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I've had a lot of success in the late game with HK-51. I don't think any of my other companions have seen the light of day since I got him. Geared out his DPS is great, and has solid survivability.
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All companions will be great if you are both properly geared for what your plans are. I mean, If both of you are in Dread Master gear or mods, you are going to dish out a can of whoop a**.


You will see when you can start to gear your companions with either hand me downs, Commendation Gear, or actual Ops drops. I can currently solo the Oricon Heroic Weeklies with my most well geared characters and companions.

Edited by Lorica
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Elara all the way, or at least until they fix Yuun and his damned Force damage-boosted abilities back into Tech. Then I'll start to use him more. Have used Arc running dailies (using my older DPS gear, or for a time, my Vanguard's DPS gear), he does very good damage and it looks cool to have two Commando-style guys blowing stuff up.


Back to Elara: I used Treek for the longer time after a hit 55, but noticed that in the same gear, Elara's heals Crit more, and had slightly better numbers (about a 3-5% advantage), so my Vanguard and Commando went back to Elara, and most of my other character are using their original healers.

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I've had a lot of success in the late game with HK-51. I don't think any of my other companions have seen the light of day since I got him. Geared out his DPS is great, and has solid survivability.


I came here to say this. I can solo A LOT of content with HK as we burn everything down so fast.

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Which gear you guys using on HK? High end purple from CZ schematics, or moddable armor? If the later, which armorings? My commando used her hubby Aric to level, and only later switched to Elara. Oricon H solo needs strategic thinking more than top notch gear IMO with a healer comp. Recently tested Treek, and am somewhat underwhelmed, though. Granted, I can still improve her gear a lot. Still, I do consider going back to HK, but do not really want to invest massive amounts of money. My cybertech has the schems from CZ, so I consider testing those. But your wisdom would be very welcome.
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  • 5 weeks later...
Having your companion tanking makes positioning for ae's cake. Also, it means your abilities don't get interupted, be they dps or heals. It can buy you a lot of time in a tough situation, too, since a decemtly geared Treek will hold aggro off you until she drops, then you can kite. But, she won't drop very often. Also, even in tank stance, she still heals some. It's really easy-mode Commando. Edited by laughingbuddha
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Which gear you guys using on HK? High end purple from CZ schematics, or moddable armor? If the later, which armorings? My commando used her hubby Aric to level, and only later switched to Elara. Oricon H solo needs strategic thinking more than top notch gear IMO with a healer comp. Recently tested Treek, and am somewhat underwhelmed, though. Granted, I can still improve her gear a lot. Still, I do consider going back to HK, but do not really want to invest massive amounts of money. My cybertech has the schems from CZ, so I consider testing those. But your wisdom would be very welcome.


I know its almost a month late, but I use the shells he came with and Ultimate Comms for the mods/enhancements, while using crafted 28 armorings for the armor. With a legacy mainhand/offhand of the 180 variety and everything augmented, oricon became a joke

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