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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

I guess im not a founder?


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Ive been beta testing this game since July, put alot of feedback trying to help Bioware/EA make a great game we can all enjoy.

I bought the collectors edition of the game on my sons account and I own 2 other accounts.

I would assume that would make me a founding member , I put alot of spare time into testing, finding bugs and giving my opinion.

But from what I have read and this breaks my heart .....Founding members are noticed by Bioware by resubbing.


Couldnt a different title be thought of?

Anything but founder?



As a Bioware fanboy and as a EA fanboy I refuse to resub.

I have this thing in my brain that goese off , it triggers when I feel I am being taken advantage of.

Before they announced the founder title I would have resubbed for a year , but not now , never again with these two companies.

Dont slap people in the face Bioware.

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Serious? You wont resub over a title. Why should NON resubbers get a title they'll NEVER see?


Beta testers got the privilage of BETA testing thats all you'll ever get for Beta Testing.


Trolls won't be missed.


BTW if you beta tested I'm a huge tall Wookie with Red Fur...Your join date is this year.

Edited by Kindara
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First off, it's not "resub" as you haven't paid any subscription fee in the first place.


Second, I agree that simply subscribing within 2 or 3 months (I forgot the time limit they set) should not give you a "founder" title. Pre-orders should have been given this title, with early subscribers getting something else.


Lastly, the thing that caused you to decide against subscribing was that they decided to hand out this title? Really? Troll?

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You're upset because your definition of a founder for Bioware's game is different from Bioware's definition.


Your definition: Anyone who buys the game is a founder.


Their definition: The first people who subscribe to the game are founders.


IMO a silly thing to get upset about, but it's Bioware's game. They make the rules.

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Yes it's just a ploy to get you to resub, this title should have been given to everyone who was actually a founder (i.e. everyone who bought the game and played on release).


What do you like about the game or Bioware?

Edited by Skoobie
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You're upset because your definition of a founder for Bioware's game is different from Bioware's definition.


Your definition: Anyone who buys the game is a founder.


Their definition: The first people who subscribe to the game are founders.


IMO a silly thing to get upset about, but it's Bioware's game. They make the rules.


There definition needs work.


I pre-ordered a CE, due to the various preorder fiascos I was pretty sure I wasn't going to get it until after the new year. I was on vacation at launch (scheduled long before release date was announced). I didn't want to miss any play time during my time off, so even though I knew I was getting a CE, I also ordered a digital standard edition...in affect I paid $60 for a month of game time.


Due to their narrow definition I don't qualify as a founder even though I paid 4x what someone else who qualifies as a founder paid.


I'm a bit bitter about that, and it's just one more thing that makes me think "screw Bioware".

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As a Bioware fanboy and as a EA fanboy I refuse to resub.


Oh, that's really sad. You refuse to support the game, and won't get a title. My heart bleeds for you for the title you wouldn't get anyway, since you won't be playing.


Dont slap people in the face Bioware.


Tip: Never call something a slap in the face if it's not an actual slap in the face. It just makes you sound like a self-entitled baby. It's flamebait. Every time.


And no, you don't get stuff for quitting. Life's like that.

Edited by Pink_Saber
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Due to their narrow definition I don't qualify as a founder even though I paid 4x what someone else who qualifies as a founder paid.


I'm a bit bitter about that, and it's just one more thing that makes me think "screw Bioware".


What makes you think you don't qualify? Before you start threatening to screw people, maybe you should wait until you have even the slightest reason to be upset, because I don't see one here.


If you're subbing sometime between last week and March, you qualify.

Edited by Pink_Saber
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What makes you think you don't qualify? Before you start threatening to screw people, maybe you should wait until you have even the slightest reason to be upset, because I don't see one here.


As of now I haven't recieved the title, based on their requirements I won't. I won't be billed or use a timecard. I've already canceled, but would like the title in case I ever come back, if they improve the game to a level that makes me want to play it again.

Edited by Conundrum-NSA
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As of now I haven't recieved the title, based on their requirements I won't. I won't be billed or use a timecard. I've already canceled, but would like the title in case I ever come back, if they improve the game to a level that makes me want to play it again.


Oh, you cancelled? Then no, you don't get it.


Why do all these people expect gifts for quitting? Is this what they're teaching kids these days?

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There definition needs work.


I pre-ordered a CE, due to the various preorder fiascos I was pretty sure I wasn't going to get it until after the new year. I was on vacation at launch (scheduled long before release date was announced). I didn't want to miss any play time during my time off, so even though I knew I was getting a CE, I also ordered a digital standard edition...in affect I paid $60 for a month of game time.


Due to their narrow definition I don't qualify as a founder even though I paid 4x what someone else who qualifies as a founder paid.


I'm a bit bitter about that, and it's just one more thing that makes me think "screw Bioware".


Hey, I think it's weird, too.


But it is what it is. Bioware sees this as a long term game, so they are considering the people who subscribe during the first 3 months as founders.


Besides, you have so many other dislikes about this game, a title isn't really going to effect your thought's one way or another. At this point, you're just looking for excuses to dislike Bioware/ the game.


As other's have said, you're upset about a title you weren't going to use anyway?

Edited by Skoobie
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Oh, you cancelled? Then no, you don't get it.


Why do all these people expect gifts for quitting? Is this what they're teaching kids these days?


Cancelling in no way negates anything in my post.


Apparently they aren't teaching you any logic, the minute I said I canceled, you launched into drooling fanboy mode.

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Hey, I think it's weird, too.


But it is what it is. Bioware sees this as a long term game, so they are considering the people who subscribe during the first 3 months as founders.


Besides, you have so many other dislikes about this game, a title isn't really going to effect your thought's one way or another. At this point, you're just looking for excuses to dislike Bioware/ the game.


I have lots of reason to dislike EA/BW, there is still a (small) chance they can change things enough to make me want to play again in the future.


I'm no longer a Blizzard fanboy, but I enjoy WoW enough right now.

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