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Double-bladed lightsaber why must we use this?


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Is there a significant lore reason that shadow's have to use a double bladed lightsaber? I realize that it's a manner of distinguishing the class but I don't understand why they couldn't provide me the option of using a single lightsaber (the quintessential Jedi weapon of choice) and still use my class abilities. Was this perhaps an animation issue? Edited by RhandomAccess
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Is there a significant lore reason that shadow's have to use a double bladed lightsaber? I realize that it's a manner of distinguishing the class but I don't understand why they couldn't provide me the option of using a single lightsaber (the quintessential Jedi weapon of choice) and still use my class abilities. Was this perhaps an animation issue?


no its not an animation issue. Jedi shadows are specialized assassins who use double bladed light sabers to slay their foes. If you prefer 1 handers go sage.

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I think it would be nice to have the option to use a single lightsaber without being absolutely terribad. The damage is already gimped enough with single-saber stats alone; a tradeoff for the lack of 'class identification'.


I'm just glad Techniques can remain active after switching weapons. Otherwise single-saber would be even less useful than it already isn't.

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no its not an animation issue. Jedi shadows are specialized assassins who use double bladed light sabers to slay their foes. If you prefer 1 handers go sage.


Yes, it is an animation issue. Dev-confirmed from before launch.


The other option is doing 3 times the animation work for each Force User, and five times it for the tech users.

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Yes, it is an animation issue. Dev-confirmed from before launch.


The other option is doing 3 times the animation work for each Force User, and five times it for the tech users.


I'd be quite well willing to see rehashed animations if it meant more options. There's not a great deal of variety that I can see anyway.

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...The damage is already gimped enough with single-saber stats alone...


Perhaps I'm mistaken, but wouldn't a single-bladed lightsaber have the same damage as a double-bladed lightsaber provided they had the same hilt?

Edited by Meifeng
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I think the double bladed lightsaber looks pretty cool and so do the animations. I don't know why you wouldn't want to use it. If you want single bladed melee go Jedi Guardian. Whamo problem solved.


Because guardians don't have anything near the same gameplay.


@Post before this: Now that I think about it, I've forgotten how I came to that conclusion. I should double-check that bit.

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The double bladed lightsaber looks cool, but the vast majority of our animations look like utter crap. Our Companions get better animations than we do. I would kill for some of the sweet moves that Kira or Nadia have. I prefer watching them fight, to watching my own character fight.
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Except that Shadows aren't assassins. They are keepers of secret knowledge and the internal police of the Jedi Order.





They sound like an elite task force to me. Their job description makes them seem like they not only do what you say but also destroy anything sith related. This also means assassinations are a part of the job.


An excerpt :


Often engaged in information-gathering roles, Shadows were always sure to obtain all possible data on their target before making a decisive blow against them. Due to their missions, Jedi Shadows were often noted for being loners with a black-and-white perception of the world around them. This could manifest itself as paranoia, wherein they saw signs of the dark side in everything—including their own comrades. As such, they were often deployed cautiously and only in times after a great conflict. Shadows did not hesitate in their duty and were willing to betray those that they considered evil, but they often practiced restraint as they recognized that their definition of such foes did not always match those of the Council. Some among their rank believed that more aggressive actions were needed in order to destroy the followers of the dark side.



Based on this, it is clear that as far as the story is concerned we are consulars. My theory on the whole AC system instead of creating 8 individual classes was to save money and time. Have the Base class be the story and the AC's provide the gameplay. They would only have to hire 4 voice actors and write 4 stories.

Edited by StainedLotus
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Based on this, it is clear that as far as the story is concerned we are consulars. My theory on the whole AC system instead of creating 8 individual classes was to save money and time. Have the Base class be the story and the AC's provide the gameplay. They would only have to hire 4 voice actors and write 4 stories.



Yeah, I agree on this one. Shame tho, I would like to have seen more "shadow" types of missions. Maybe, neutralizing key enemy targets or something to that effect.


Also, I never really liked the double bladed lightsaber. I don't hate it, but I really like the look of the guardian, with his single bladed saber at his hip.


At the very least give us a reason to use alternate weapons. I've seen some decent electrostaves and vibroblades in the game, but with so many weapon-specific skills, there is no point in using them.

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I Really hope someday shadows will have the option to use single blade ligtsabers without loosing the whole double bladed saber abilities.

Perhaps in the future, devs will actually hear us and do something.

To be honest i never seen a single Jedi with a double bladed lightsaber on any movie at all.

Double bladed light sabers were always a sith weapon.

Thats my humble opinion though.


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I Really hope someday shadows will have the option to use single blade ligtsabers without loosing the whole double bladed saber abilities.

Perhaps in the future, devs will actually hear us and do something.

To be honest i never seen a single Jedi with a double bladed lightsaber on any movie at all.

Double bladed light sabers were always a sith weapon.

Thats my humble opinion though.



It's not a Sith specific weapon, at least if you go through and look at the EU. Just because it's not in the movies doesn't mean it can't be either. You have to remember that in the movies and even more so in the original trilogy you are looking at a much diminished Jedi order too.

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The double bladed lightsaber looks cool, but the vast majority of our animations look like utter crap. Our Companions get better animations than we do. I would kill for some of the sweet moves that Kira or Nadia have. I prefer watching them fight, to watching my own character fight.


I flagged this up over a year ago on the forums. I just got blasted by fanboys. "be grateful they are making the game" they bleated.

Lightsabres are the single most iconic weapon in movie history, the look and feel of the combat should have been the number one priority...but....90% of the animations are very, very poor. The assassin/shadow should have been a whirling dervish of coolness.

They could have given jedi/sith different styles of animations. But they didn't .


End result is, I prefer the gun classes the most. They have done something wrong if going on pure aesthetics alone people don't play a class-especially when it was brought up during development OVER and OVER again.....:)

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In the mid "naughties" a game called World of Warcraft launched, this game both revolutionized and then ultimately stagnated the MMO market. This game popularized (and then standardized) the fixed useage of weapon types to archtypes.


It lowered the average age of MMO gamers from late 20's to teens. This in turn changed the community to a more selfish, gear dependent and generally itemized one.


As a result of this, the focus changed from community to loot and as a result of that, you lost the concept of revolutionary sandbox style MMOs.

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The damage is already gimped enough with single-saber stats alone; a tradeoff for the lack of 'class identification'.


This is WoW-think. DBLS may be a two handed weapon, but you can still place a focus/shield in your offhand. DBLS + Offhand is stat equivalent to two LS. Your argument here is invalid.

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This is WoW-think. DBLS may be a two handed weapon, but you can still place a focus/shield in your offhand. DBLS + Offhand is stat equivalent to two LS. Your argument here is invalid.


Not sure I see how it's WoW-think, but that still leaves us with a Double-Bladed lightsaber versus one single-bladed saber, not two.

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Personally, I thought I would never touch a double-bladed lightsaber. I was determined to have the classic single saber. However, the desire to play Shadow won out. I am glad I decided to roll the Shadow because now I love the double-bladed saber.


Haha, I agree with this. I really disliked double-bladed sabers... once you get Voltaic Slash/Clairvoyant Strike it all changes. I really quite like mine now.

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