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10 Good
  1. My Assassin: Azaan My jugg: Du'an. It means Spirit or soul. So when I get the Darth title I''l be Darth Du'an which could be seen as representative of Dark Soul. My shadow: Amoun. One who is behind the shadows or of the shadows(something to that affect) My Knight: Anaru. Means great warrior.
  2. What chest, feet , and hands are your rocking?
  3. Why do people have a problem with the shoulder? There are plenty of male outfits that have a bare shoulder. They were obviously going for a Monk Look. It's just not one of the monk looks we wanted. Bioware needs to take a look at Ninjas and Cloak assassins for their next round of armor. There should be separate gear designs of the ACs as a matter of fact. The gear issue would probably be smaller if Shadows weren't forced to wear consular garb as canonically they are far from diplomats. Sentinels and Marauders should have more medium armor options and let he Guardians and Juggernauts stick to the heavy plated stuff.
  4. I think it looks cool ,actually. Very shaolin monk-ish. It's one step closer to a Satele Shan look. http://i.dailymail.co.uk/i/pix/2008/11/14/article-1085707-02772DFB000005DC-742_468x584.jpg I think we can all agree monks tend to be BAMFs.
  5. I use a shadow and a sin and what do is go full infiltration/deception but use combat stance/dark charge. Get my healer companion and be a god of the battlefield. Need to use shadow strike/maul? You have a bunch of stuns to rotate between. You can survive while doing less damage. Switch back to surging charge when you do flashpoints with a true tank.
  6. I am by no means an expert but I read all of this guides carefully and i experiment.I am only 41 so can't speak as a fully geared fifty but i prefer infiltration because i get to be more flashy . Another thing i do is Stance dance. I don't know how effective it is at 50 but in low level pvp I become quite effective at helping the team. Since I'm Infiltration, I'll pick off healers or lonesome ranged dpsers ad try to burn them. If help comes i switch to combat stance to provide an escape. If i see that something is being captured I go in as combat stance to distract the cluster or protect a healer while still being able to do some respectable damage. This requires massive meter management and changing stances is costly and you can be starved if done at the wrong time. I use Infiltration as my main spec and not eh kinetic build because infiltration is less dependent on shadow stance than kinetic is of combat stance
  7. Maybe i should rephrase my feelings on the look. The tattered hermit look is cool but its not my idea of what a shadow would be wearing. It is more more fitting for the sage: Think Dagobah system Yoda, St. Augustine, John the baptist, Siddhārtha Gautama Buddha and other hermits or monks. The Shadow is a more active individual who is sent in to essentially bring death to the dark side. They are supposedly the best of the best at combat and that attire isn't fitting for a combatant in my opinion. Take Rockysrevenge's Avatar for example. While it is tattered it still has a shadow like quality of being better suited for battle. The only jedi /sith i've seen fight fully robed was Yoda, Palpatine(neither of them really had a proper duel) and old man Kenobi(if you can call that a fight. Besides that he has removed his robe while in a serious duel) The robes has served more as over coats than anything else in the series.
  8. I say just give us a force aura similar to the meditate ability. It distinctive, makes us look like we are Jesus, Bruce Leeroy, Hercules who proved he was a true hero, and it looks like we have a ward of kinetic force around us.
  9. Yea my character is pretty much the first look which looks a lot better with body type 4, but the fact still remains pre - end game inquisitor gear >>>> consular gear. That Revan styled chess piece would make up for that as with that metallic helmet my character would be a ninja . Why do they treat us so? It would be simpler than creating new gear. All they would have to do is add it to republic loot table or place it in a vendor somewhere. Both pvp sets look horrid ...lol at overgrown peacock and hobo. Who designed those and said "That's some cool outfits right there". Dont even get me started on the raid gear. I could audition for a the role of being the next Disney princess.
  10. So i logged onto my sin and first thing i found on AC was the revan chess piece. he looks awesome. Why can the republic get this.
  11. http://www.dragoart.com/tuts/pics/5/8933/how-to-draw-rage-face,-rage-face-tutorial-drawing.jpg
  12. yea i meant to say Imp but when you think empire you think sith and then you are most likely dark side lol.
  13. you mean its a sith side option? hmmmmm my assassin that has been collecting dust looks better everyday lol. From the description it looks close enough to Revans. Its the ninja/monk look i wanted for my sin/shadow.
  14. The outfit Revan has is exactly how i want my shadow to look except without the helmet and with the hood. I though that was available to us and then i read the entire post sigh.
  15. Bioware obviously ran out of budget. Nearly every other MMO manages to at least have unique endgame gear for each of its class. Lets be real, the base class only serves as a way to not have to make 8 stories(requiring 8 more VOs meaning more resources given to story and not gasmeplay) and completely unique move sets for all the classes. So either Bioware ran out of resources or they were lazy. It could possibly be a combo of both.
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