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How can you not run SWTOR on max?


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LOL. Some people are way cheap. I can't comprehend it either. PLUS they are the ones that keep game graphics on MMO's five generations behind. Bcuz mmos are supposed to have a graphics that a major audience can handle. If everyone had great gaming computers we would see MMOs with crysis graphics.


OMG my computer would blow up if they had that. You know there was one game that demanded some graphic crunching cards. It was'nt that great but it was called Age of Conan. It was a really beautiful game but the only reason to get it was for the nudity. Seriously.


The funny thing is that game ran better for me than on SWTOR so I don't know what gives.

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This makes no sense there must be some optimization problems somewhere.


I run Skyrim at max (only x4 aliasing though), 50 / 60 FPS.


SWTOR ? 20-ish FPS, not even in max, no aliasing at all. And with blurry textures.


AMD + ATI, deadly combo on this game. They better be working on making the engine better :/ ...

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This guy in this guild I used to be in used to give me grief for not having the best computer. I bought it back in June for $600, it runs decently but it's only an i3 550 so no it's not the best thing around. I would get 40-70 fps in SWTOR with everything on mediumish in the last beta, but occasionally I would have problems. He would say, "oh if you pre-build the kind of computer I have, 8 cores, two nVidia 560 SLI GPUs, 16 gigs of RAM, you wouldn't have problems with your frames dipping. Sucks to be you." Thing is, he lived with his parents, didn't pay rent, didn't even have to buy food, all given to him by his parents, and then wonders why people with other responsiblities can't afford the best computers around.




Are you that type of person, OP?

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oh my god this made me LOL hard!


also for all of you people saying blahblah bigger priorities blahblah i am 20 have 2 children don't work neither does my partner live at home with my parents and still managed to buy a machine that cost 2500$ if you are the age of 13-16 then i understand but even then i don't see why your parents woudn't get you a machine that wasn't from 1720 for christmas or something



you have no right to speak. You live with your parents (u pay rent,ok) im sure your parents dont make u pay a full mortgage payment (theres many other bills that go with living on your own than just rent). u and your partner don't work and you have 2 kids, yet your priorities are to buy a $2500 computer and play video games while your parents support you vs. looking for a job? tell me, how are your priorities straight? dont say you live at home because your parents want to see their grandkids, thats not an excuse. When i was 18 i had a kid and wasnt working and played video games all day long. guess what, i had to grow up fast. I went and got a job (any job i could at the time) my partner got a job as well and we moved out asap. We moved about 3 miles away from my parents so they could still see their grandson when they wanted to. Sounds like your being selfish. You live for your kids now, not just yourself anymore. you need to be a good role-model for your kids. sure, you have every right to play video games once your priorites are straight IMO. but $2500 could have gone into moving expenses, food, college funds for your kids and many other uses. also where did you get the $2500 if i may ask if u and your partner dont work? this is all my own opinions i may add. feel free to comment.

Edited by mainogre
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Most people buy their computers without intentions of gaming, then later want to play games.


Like me.


Default HP's and Dell's come with integrated graphics and about 2g Ram and Single core processors. They cant run games.


Upgrading can be a hassle for people who dont know how to do it.

Its quite simple, but a lot of people fear messing around inside their computers.

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I just can't comprehend how in this day and age where i could buy a laptop for like 200-300 that could run the game on max settings that people still have computer from 1990 that get low fps still on low settings? i know everyone doesn't have money but somewhere within the 20 year span of having your computer surely saving 1 dollar a day could afford enough for a computer not still on DOS



Edit: Some one of you people don't seem to get what i am trying to say , i am talking about people who seemingly must have 10+ year old computers because because even computers 3-4 years old could run this game fine and ram is so extremely cheap nowdays my friend bought 16 gig of ram for 120 dollars , so buying 2-3 more gig isn't going to make you starve if you have the 59.99$ to buy this game and then 15$ sub i dont see how you don't seem to have the money to upgrade your computer out of the stone age


Edit: If you are gaming on a laptop in the first place what is wrong with you??


My question is why you care so much how other people are playing a game? Are they forcing you to play on their laptop? No? Then get a life.

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OMG my computer would blow up if they had that. You know there was one game that demanded some graphic crunching cards. It was'nt that great but it was called Age of Conan. It was a really beautiful game but the only reason to get it was for the nudity. Seriously.


The funny thing is that game ran better for me than on SWTOR so I don't know what gives.


Age of conans graphics are still exceptionally good to this day and now has Dirext X 11 it's hardware issues on their end but people are too stupid to get that lol

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The lack of intelligence makes me laugh. It's just like the book smart vs street smart deal. Some of you have no clue how MMO's actually work.


I hate to burst your nerdrage bubble, but video cards and mother boards aren't the only reason lower graphics are better for the MMO as a whole. The key factor is network latency. When you play a FPS the software knows exactly what textures are going to be needed. So it gathers them and has them ready to be applied. In an MMO the software doesn't know what armor, weapons, and other visual variables the other characters might be wearing. Therefore an MMO goes back and forth between the harddrive and video card pretty much "on demand." A new person zones in and the harddrive has to fetch the texture files. The bigger the texture the longer it takes to load. The longer the textures take the more lag you see on the screen. No one likes lag so the easiest way to combat that is to lower the polygons and textures sizes.


So yeah, a faster PC will be able to gather, draw, and skin the graphics faster but the monkey wrench is the network, the other lag. You can have the fastest PC in the world but if the network connection is slow that super fast hard drive and ultra powerful video card won't be told what it needs to do. Without knowing what needs to be drawn, it can't.


So its a two way street. Don't just blame people's outdated PC's, blame their slow internet too. And if you are in America like me, our average connection speed is much lower than the rest of the world. We're like 27th fastest.. So blame Verizon, Comcast, Time Warner, Cox, ect for wanting to milk you for every penny and not keep up with the rest of the internet.


There are so many more variables in an MMO that a developer picking "middle of the road" graphics is the best business practice they could choose.


If any of you played SWG, you could see the lag coming in the character creation. There is a reason that what people would call "cartoony" games (WoW, etc.) can function lag-free in fairly congested zones. The servers must output a character's appearance when it enters a zone, and the simpler it is, the quicker the network can get the packets together and out to the clients. SWG had SO much diversity in the individual characters that it lagged constantly in higher-traffic areas (There were other server-side issues, but I am making the point about simpler character design here). The other main issue was brought up by another poster, and that is the difference in the way that Nvidia and ATI/AMD GPUs handle the video traffic. I run a 6970, and have issues with several engines out there now, including this one. In fact, got a warning on the first day that an ATI card was not guaranteed to run correctly or at all with SW-ToR.

Oh well... I'll still be logging in and enjoying the story line and immersion... even if I do ctd once in awhile :)

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when you consider what people spend on fast food alone ... those same people can buy two brand new nice gaming systems or a really nice laptop each year.


figure it out .. even at one fast food meal at 6 dollars a day that's 1560 dollars a year NOT including weekends.


[i know people that eat fast food at least twice a day every day of the week ( no, you don't HAVE to eat fast food to survive)]


there is NO excuse for using a pc that is 4 years or older .. NONE!!!!

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My question is why you care so much how other people are playing a game? Are they forcing you to play on their laptop? No? Then get a life.


people people are complaining theyre getting stuttering fps on low settings and i am wondering how its possible you have that type of computer in this day and age

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If any of you played SWG, you could see the lag coming in the character creation. There is a reason that what people would call "cartoony" games (WoW, etc.) can function lag-free in fairly congested zones. The servers must output a character's appearance when it enters a zone, and the simpler it is, the quicker the network can get the packets together and out to the clients. SWG had SO much diversity in the individual characters that it lagged constantly in higher-traffic areas (There were other server-side issues, but I am making the point about simpler character design here). The other main issue was brought up by another poster, and that is the difference in the way that Nvidia and ATI/AMD GPUs handle the video traffic. I run a 6970, and have issues with several engines out there now, including this one. In fact, got a warning on the first day that an ATI card was not guaranteed to run correctly or at all with SW-ToR.

Oh well... I'll still be logging in and enjoying the story line and immersion... even if I do ctd once in awhile :)


Rift has problems with Nvidea. Its just the nature of the beast.

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when you consider what people spend on fast food alone ... Those same people can buy two brand new nice gaming systems or a really nice laptop each year.


Figure it out .. Even at one fast food meal at 6 dollars a day that's 1560 dollars a year not including weekends.


[i know people that eat fast food at least twice a day every day of the week ( no, you don't have to eat fast food to survive)]


there is no excuse for using a pc that is 4 years or older .. None!!!!



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I have a modern computer I suppose.. but it is just hard to have good graphics.. I can't change the graphics card because it is a single unit comp*.. (That means it has the moniter and everything else in one unit) I am just hoping to be able to play in low graphics. It's a HP TouchSmart300, not the best of my spending...:( Edited by PraisedColts
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people people are complaining theyre getting stuttering fps on low settings and i am wondering how its possible you have that type of computer in this day and age


Weren't you the guy bragging earlier about being on welfare, living at home with his parents? LOL...yeahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh.

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Not everyone pops in a new motherboard and cpu with the newest latest greatest video card every other week like some?


I'm quite sure those that really want to get in and run higher settings will surely upgrade their hardware someday, lol.

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people people are complaining theyre getting stuttering fps on low settings and i am wondering how its possible you have that type of computer in this day and age


What you are missing is that they could have a decent computer and still be having issues.

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My computer is a pre-made dell. $800 at Best Buy. Finance that over 18 months with no interest and you pay about $45 a month. Can't finance because of your bad credit? Suck less at life.


LOL, it sounds like you pretty much suck at life.

Edited by Stugotz
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I don't need an excuse. I have a reason. My 4 year old computer runs this game on max. ;)


exactly how i was before i got my new computer my computer was 5 year olds , ran all the latest games and even like crysis 2 on high fine , my computer wasnt that great even when it was built but lasted me for a very long time before it died , i would still have it and can assure you it would run swtor on max FINE

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You can not play this game on max settings with a laptop ... sorry you just can't...


I have a pretty damned new laptop; $2k+ and the game runs like crap... even if I lower the resolution from 1920 x 1080 down to half that.


My main rig has absolutely no problem playing the game at max settings on my 2560 x 1600 30" monitor but it's a beast...


OP stated you could get a $200 laptop and run on max settings, that's absolute rubbish.

Edited by MortisMortavius
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