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Red Sabers.....


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Reason behind my Jedi using a Red Lightsaber (yes, he's darkside but lets be honest, most of the Darkside options for Republic seem to be the sensible ones and in my mind he's doing what HE believes is right, not what choice has the glowing blue star next to it) because...


wait for it...




It's not his Lightsaber. His Lightsaber (blue) is in the hands of a Sith after their confrontation led to them both losing their Lightsabers mid-combat, then grabbing the closest one to them when the chance came which just happened to be the wrong one.


How do you feel now with there being a story behind a Jedi using a red blade?


I like it... for YOU... now what about the other 99 guys??

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This topic really shakes people up lol. Part of me really doesnt care. Yes there have a been a very few select Siths with non red blades, and even a few light side with red perhaps. But it was considered very uncommon. Its definitely not what we as a Star Wars audience have come to expect. And thats my biggest concern really, something so out of place it changes aspects or perceptions of the game. I am faintly reminded of thousands of force sensitives running through SWG in a time when there were supposed to be no more Jedi. That pretty much ruined SWG for me. I think I can live with the saber colors, but you can expect my Jugg to call you a pansy for using anything other than red lol. Edited by ghettogenius
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I like it... for YOU... now what about the other 99 guys??


1. The red crystal called to them while searching for their Lightsaber components.

2. They like red.

3. They don't like orange or yellow

4. They wish to mock the Sith (headed darkside with this one).

5. They collect the Lightsabers of their fallen foes (bit darkside, could simply be OCD though).

6. Red identifies with their passion to rid the Empire from the Galaxy (Darkside again D: )

7. ...


Alright, I got six options, the rest are just trolling you dude.

Edited by Darth-Rion
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Having a lot of Jedis with red lightsaber crystals might have never happened in any other recorded time period, it is however not impossible nor unthinkable and thus it does not really break lore.


Ironically, if the devs would have excluded red from being used as a Jedi, THAT would have broken lore, as we have already established that that option, while rare, was most certainly available to the Jedi.


But if you really care about this kind of thing, you should have rolled a RP or RP-PVP server

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If it fit the IP for most Jedi to have red, they'd have red... in other time periods, and in the films. They don't have red, hardly ever.... except now, in THIS game? Huh? And not because a wirter or GL said so... but because a bunch of goofy MMO players decided to make it so?


Well here is the reason I think it fits the IP. In "our" time, red was a common light saber color and it really was OK for both Jedi and Sith to use them. It really is a preference thing. But we did use them to such a point that by the time the movies come around in a couple of thousand years, red has become very rare. So only the most powerful, wicked and evil of Sith could get one. All the rest of the Jedi had to switch to the slightly lamer blues and greens due to the fact that was all that was left.


I just know that Obi-Wan Kenobi and Qui-Gon Jinn were just jealous of Darth Maul's saber when they saw that lovely red hue. And that was the real reason for that fight. They figured they could grab his saber and then they would be tooling around the galaxy with the sexiest saber color.

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This goes beyond the realm of exaggeration into blatant lie.




Literelly THOUSANDS of years of history have taken place and never does this happen except NOW... in THIS game? It's pure sillyness that people are still tryting to argue that this situation fits the lore of the game.

Edited by Spymaster
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While I don't particularly care what color someone wants for their lightsaber, the more annoying thing for me anyway is the number of dark jedi and light sith running around. It's far more immersion breaking and clearly doesn't fit the IP.


True... but to me it's the Lightsabers that make this problem so clear. I mean most times I wouldn't know if the guy is light or dark, but the saber is like a sign pointing right at him...


"This Jedi doesn't folow the code!!!"

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Yeah, that's what I'm doing. :rolleyes:


Oh? Youre saying youre not? So posting a thread about how annoying something in the game makes you has absolutely no intentions of wanting it changed? So basically, you claim to be saying "Red Sabers on Jedi annoys me, but its ok to leave it in game?" Is that right? :rolleyes:


Either way, your argument or "lore" is thin at best. Its NOT lore, not written, nor ever said in any of the movies, George Lucas himself has been quoted on both sides of the spectrum. Your argument isnt lore, its called cinematography, maybe color theory, which resulted in that circumstantial evidence you keep claiming as "lore." ACTUAL lore trumps that, and ACTUAL lore shows there is no alignment requirement for the crystal, ACTUAL lore shows a Jedi can make his lightsaber however he chooses and/or can use any color he regardless of what he is so long as he gets access to it ... ACTUAL lore, btw, which the game is currently breaking (adding yet more restrictions to an already excessively restricted game) thanks to people like you.


Thats all. Youre obviously here for some much needed attention to get into that argument again. Going around in circles just like you did all throughout pre-release so people will acknowledge your meager existence. Ill let someone else do that if they want to, im sure as hell not wasting my time on it any more than I already have, specially on you.

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So basically, you claim to be saying "Red Sabers on Jedi annoys me, but its ok to leave it in game?" Is that right? .


Yes. That's exactly right. Why can't I do that?


ACTUAL lore shows there is no alignment requirement for the crystal, ACTUAL lore shows a Jedi can make his lightsaber however he chooses and/or can use any color he regardless of what he is so long as he gets access to it ...


You don't seem to understand my arguement at all.


I never said there is a lore based color restriction. What I said was.... in lore, Jedi don't use red, other than in a few rare occasions, which means having this time period the ONLY time in which a large number of Jedi are seen using red sabers, doesn't fit the lore of the rest of Star Wars history.


All this other stuff you people keep bringing in here about color restrictions has nothing to do with what I'm saying. It's apples and oranges.


I'm not saying they CAN'T use red based on lore. I'm saying they DON'T.


Youre obviously here for some much needed attention to get into that argument again.


The sheer number of people who can't just post without trying to make it personal is astounding.

Edited by Spymaster
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Yes. That's exactly right. Why can't I do that?




You don't seem to understand my arguement at all.


I never said there is a lore based color restriction. What I said was.... in lore, Jedi don't use red, other than in a few rare occasions, which means having this time period the ONLY time in which a large number of Jedi are seen using red sabers, doesn't fit the lore of the rest of Star Wars history.


All this other stuff you people keep bringing in here about color restrictions has nothing to do with what I'm saying. It's apples and oranges.


I'm not saying they CAN'T use red based on lore. I'm saying they DON'T.




The sheer number of people who can't just post without trying to make it personal is astounding.


Do you understand that we make the lore in a way now? I mean in game now THEY are not NPC who run around with em , its people, with choices, like any other human being. They chose to make a red saber end of it.Its not out of place because we as players are part of the lore NOW , so saying that Oh you chose red saber , that's not how this universe works kinda seems lame in game, The alignment shouldn't affect color choice at all. everyone should be able to craft any color they wan't, because in lore that's what jedi/sith could do.

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Do you understand that we make the lore in a way now? I mean in game now THEY are not NPC who run around with em , its people, with choices, like any other human being. They chose to make a red saber end of it.Its not out of place because we as players are part of the lore NOW , so saying that Oh you chose red saber , that's not how this universe works kinda seems lame in game, The alignment shouldn't affect color choice at all. everyone should be able to craft any color they wan't, because in lore that's what jedi/sith could do.


A bunch of MMOs players deciding that red is cool for a Jedi being "lore" actually makes it worse.


I don't understand why people still don't get the differnce between a Jedi "can" use a red saber... and a Jedi "does" use one.


Sure, there's nothing saying he can't use one. But a large number of them doing so is out of place in this universe.

Edited by Spymaster
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