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Sorc in PvP


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I have an idea for really good pvp,


lets make the highest dps classes also healers, and make them the hardest to kill because they are the only ones who mitigate anything.


Then we will make their heals good enough to outheal anyones damage even though they are dps spec AND give them an invuln shield that cools down before it breaks.


DPS sorc have only two heals, one for 2.5k that casts for 2.5 seconds and one that heals for like 1.5k and is casted for 1.5 second...


DPS sorc cannot outheal DPS class

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they are the only class that gets it all at the same time though.


plus then some.



Force Speed alone is putting them so far ahead of everyone else in terms of ground coverage in every warzone map. Not even talking about how ridiculously difficult it is to kill them. While it is a perfectly fine tool for the Assassin and Shadow melee classes, an already more than powerful ranged class with a 30sec CD in-combat sprint? Really?


the worst thing is, this AC is BY FAR the most popular which is a separate issue that is aggravated a lot by the fact that it is also by far the easiest AC out of all 8 AC's to play at least moderately well thanks to being a ranged class with a truly ridiculous and flexible arsenal of abilities, easy to execute damage - possibly the easiest in the game, except for maybe Mercs - and superior CC.

There is no situation where a sorc/sage can not work at 100% potential. The class is just too good in any and all respects. there is no denying.





it is actually sad people self-sabotage like that.


Because it makes it too easy for trolls like you to dismiss absolutely justified concerns.


While true, saps and (offensive)pull are not part of the vast amount of diverse abilities they can choose from, this does not really detract from the fact that the class is massively overpowered, regardless. Not the brute force, Operative-kind-of-way three shotting you out of stealth. But in a far worse way that cannot easily be fixed by adjusting a couple of numbers...


You have realized that you have 41 skill points, and that everything you listed one character just cannot have??

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Im not going to say any 1 class is OP or not, however stop to look at what is relevent.


1) Most of the IMP side is playing a Sorcerer. There has to be a reason doesnt there? Every game is the same. The strongest class gets found and the "herd" follows suit and play's said class. This case it is the Inquisitor. Is it OP, no idea.


2) Watch the end game stats. I dont see any other class with the ability to do 2-300k dmg and still do 150k heals. Thats a lot of healing for a class that is not spec'd into heals. I can understand if a class is Heal spec'd, since our guild leader is a Heals Sage and he can do up to 700k heals as a Battlemaster. However his dmg is almost nill.


I play a Commando in a very reputable guild on Canderous Ordo and for the most part dont really have to many issues until you see 3-4 Inquisitors in a single warzone. At that point its just over. You simply cannot do enough dmg to take them down.


Again, common sense will tell you there is a reason Most of the game plays an Inquisitor. Is it OP ? Is it the strongest class for PvP??

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I really like all the BS i am reading on this thread. Like the guy who said he gravity rounds sorcs to death. What a freaking joke, like any good sorcerer will just stand there and let you do that. They will CC you and wait for you to break it you will CC them back they will break it root you and force speed away. A lot of people on this thread don't want to admit that sorcerers are overpowered as hell. They all claim interrupt is the way to beat a sorcerer but interrupt does crap to them because its also on a cool down. Lets say you interrupt force lightning they then will proceed to CC you, after you break it your interrupt is still in cool down. You can CC them back but they will just break and by then 4 seconds have gone by while they can push you away root you and force lightning you to death or dash off to heal.

People who say sorcerers do crap damage are also just lying out of their teeth. Force Lightning is elemental so it ignores armor and shields so you will take the full damage of it coming in and it hits hard and also semi stuns you with that shock effect. The only class that truly stand a chance vs a sorcerer in a 1v1 situation is the operative and the mirror. Anybody else saying they own sorcerers all the time are either lying or playing vs terrible ones. It was just a terrible idea of Bioware to give that class everything. Other classes need to go into specific trees to gain stuff sorcerers get through regular class skill advancement.

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Im not going to say any 1 class is OP or not, however stop to look at what is relevent.


1) Most of the IMP side is playing a Sorcerer. There has to be a reason doesnt there? Every game is the same. The strongest class gets found and the "herd" follows suit and play's said class. This case it is the Inquisitor. Is it OP, no idea.


2) Watch the end game stats. I dont see any other class with the ability to do 2-300k dmg and still do 150k heals. Thats a lot of healing for a class that is not spec'd into heals. I can understand if a class is Heal spec'd, since our guild leader is a Heals Sage and he can do up to 700k heals as a Battlemaster. However his dmg is almost nill.


I play a Commando in a very reputable guild on Canderous Ordo and for the most part dont really have to many issues until you see 3-4 Inquisitors in a single warzone. At that point its just over. You simply cannot do enough dmg to take them down.


Again, common sense will tell you there is a reason Most of the game plays an Inquisitor. Is it OP ? Is it the strongest class for PvP??


No they arent. There are more sorcs than anything else for two simple reasons. A) Warrior story sucks, B) SI story is awesome.

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I really like all the BS i am reading on this thread. Like the guy who said he gravity rounds sorcs to death. What a freaking joke, like any good sorcerer will just stand there and let you do that. They will CC you and wait for you to break it you will CC them back they will break it root you and force speed away. A lot of people on this thread don't want to admit that sorcerers are overpowered as hell. They all claim interrupt is the way to beat a sorcerer but interrupt does crap to them because its also on a cool down. Lets say you interrupt force lightning they then will proceed to CC you, after you break it your interrupt is still in cool down. You can CC them back but they will just break and by then 4 seconds have gone by while they can push you away root you and force lightning you to death or dash off to heal.

People who say sorcerers do crap damage are also just lying out of their teeth. Force Lightning is elemental so it ignores armor and shields so you will take the full damage of it coming in and it hits hard and also semi stuns you with that shock effect. The only class that truly stand a chance vs a sorcerer in a 1v1 situation is the operative and the mirror. Anybody else saying they own sorcerers all the time are either lying or playing vs terrible ones. It was just a terrible idea of Bioware to give that class everything. Other classes need to go into specific trees to gain stuff sorcerers get through regular class skill advancement.


Well then I must be godly? I am rolling a BH PT AP specced and I roftomp most if not all sorcs that I see 1v1. Every class has its percs if u think ur class is "underpowered" maybe ur not good enough for it. We have a beautiful mindless one button spam class for u :)


PS: force speed is 2 seconds speed increase that is cc-able how is that OP???

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But they also have...












What about this is balanced?


you need to play a sorce before spouting drivel, and learn that caps lock does not equate to intelligence.


Your little wall of text is so full of...well, as full of **** as you are.

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I have 1 interrupt, they have 4 heals.


Im a vanguard dude i cant do the damage to break the shield.


Unless of course the only class designed to beat a sorc/sage is a operative/scoundrel.


We have 2 heals as DPS Madness/Lightning one is a 1.5 sec cast and normally crits for 2k~ and normal hits are around 1,2k-1,6k the other is a 2.5 sec cast time and heals for 2,2k and crits for 4,2k.

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50% reduction to stun

20% reduction to armor penetration to all attacks

20% reduction to opener


yeah just minor changes to our only feasible pvp tree


Bc 6k 6k 6k...dead is real fair. worse class in game is op. Hit 1 button much?

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I really like all the BS i am reading on this thread. Like the guy who said he gravity rounds sorcs to death. What a freaking joke, like any good sorcerer will just stand there and let you do that. They will CC you and wait for you to break it you will CC them back they will break it root you and force speed away. A lot of people on this thread don't want to admit that sorcerers are overpowered as hell. They all claim interrupt is the way to beat a sorcerer but interrupt does crap to them because its also on a cool down. Lets say you interrupt force lightning they then will proceed to CC you, after you break it your interrupt is still in cool down. You can CC them back but they will just break and by then 4 seconds have gone by while they can push you away root you and force lightning you to death or dash off to heal.

People who say sorcerers do crap damage are also just lying out of their teeth. Force Lightning is elemental so it ignores armor and shields so you will take the full damage of it coming in and it hits hard and also semi stuns you with that shock effect. The only class that truly stand a chance vs a sorcerer in a 1v1 situation is the operative and the mirror. Anybody else saying they own sorcerers all the time are either lying or playing vs terrible ones. It was just a terrible idea of Bioware to give that class everything. Other classes need to go into specific trees to gain stuff sorcerers get through regular class skill advancement.


First off you are biased. second, you remove any cred with this statement:


"You can CC them back but they will just break and by then 4 seconds have gone by while they can push you away root you and force lightning you to death or dash off to heal."


What root do i have? must have missed something in the tree, i may have to get my reading glasses and relook my trees. Force lightning "looks" impressive, it is the same as any main damage type of any class, fully gear dependant, minus the burst as there is none, though it is purple, this may unsettle you.


dash off and heal? you must really suck. When people tell you on this thread they tear through sorces, they are not lying, yes i have fun destroying my fair share but it also happens that i get my butt handed to me on a regular basis, i still get my licks in though and i dont ***** about it, if sorces get "adjusted" then i will learn to play around that, after all, the game is for entertainment.........not thinking you are actually acomplishing something, or is that why you are so upset? because the game means more to you than real life itself? thats sad stuff.

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Bc 6k 6k 6k...dead is real fair. worse class in game is op. Hit 1 button much?


Im gonna be complete honest with you. This cannot happen any more in the since patch 1.1

BTW im an operative full champion gear level 56 valor. No illum farmed points.



As of now the BEST i can hope for is 5.2k, 3.2k, 3.2k.


And thats the best, popping all my relics/stims etc.


If i sneak up on you and have all my cooldowns ready, i should have a huge advantage over you, plain in simple


Now say i pull of my 5.2k, 3.2k, 3.2k. If you are a crap player, you will probably panic and proceed to get your *** beat.


Now if you are a good player, at the point of taking 11k damage, you will pop your bubble, stun me. If my escape is up ill bust your stun, and then you will snare me, force speed off. then you will heal back up to 70% or so and shoot me with the lightening and take me down to 30% befor ei can even get to you with lightening and whatver other crap you shoot at me.


Once i finally get into melee range you will pop your knockback and then finish me off as i try to get back into melee range.


Now with our nerfs ill be hitting you for more like 4.2k, 2.4, 2.4. And if you are a good sorc will will totally dominate me. AND THIS IS POPPING EVERYTHING I HAVE STIM / RELIC wise. Without them i dont even stand a chance. And the above number are only IF i crit on every hit. With 39% crit thats not gonna happen every time.



And if you wanna talk about fair, how do you think us operatives feel when all we do is get knocked/pulled/pushed off bridges and into fire AND U INSTANT KILL US. Oh that isnt OP at all. Gimme a fcking break. At least i deal with it instead of whining like 90% of the sorcs out there about how they got killed by some lucky crits.

Edited by -Rinzler-
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Is that why i alays kill em with my commando ?


That's only because the 1 hit wonders (aka commando and mercenaries) are somewhat overpowered as well.


Trace missile needs its damage reduced by 20%, have a 10 second cooldown or have its energy cost increased is all.


Knowing Bioware however they will also nerf railshot and make them wear medium armor.

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First off you are biased. second, you remove any cred with this statement:


"You can CC them back but they will just break and by then 4 seconds have gone by while they can push you away root you and force lightning you to death or dash off to heal."


What root do i have? must have missed something in the tree, i may have to get my reading glasses and relook my trees. Force lightning "looks" impressive, it is the same as any main damage type of any class, fully gear dependant, minus the burst as there is none, though it is purple, this may unsettle you.


dash off and heal? you must really suck. When people tell you on this thread they tear through sorces, they are not lying, yes i have fun destroying my fair share but it also happens that i get my butt handed to me on a regular basis, i still get my licks in though and i dont ***** about it, if sorces get "adjusted" then i will learn to play around that, after all, the game is for entertainment.........not thinking you are actually acomplishing something, or is that why you are so upset? because the game means more to you than real life itself? thats sad stuff.


Where in my post did you see anything about the game meaning more than life to me? Are you simple? Go away anything and everything you post is invalidated by posting stupid crap like that. You can't really deny anything i say so you resort to attacking me? How old are you 12? What a joke.

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If i sneak up on you and have all my cooldowns ready, i should have a huge advantage over you, plain in simple.

Why ?


Where is the skill in this ?


Sneak up is unavoidable, try to make you burn cooldown while you are stealthed is impossible.


Why you should have a huge advantage over other players doing 0 skill unavoidable actions ?


I don't see it so "plain and simple" really. What you are saying is "hey, I am a skilled player because I hit 'select' on the IA and in the 'Operative' advanced class. Now I should have a huge advantage over all of you".


Do you really belive this or it's just trolling ?

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2) Watch the end game stats. I dont see any other class with the ability to do 2-300k dmg and still do 150k heals. Thats a lot of healing for a class that is not spec'd into heals. I can understand if a class is Heal spec'd, since our guild leader is a Heals Sage and he can do up to 700k heals as a Battlemaster. However his dmg is almost nill.


I play a Commando in a very reputable guild on Canderous Ordo and for the most part dont really have to many issues until you see 3-4 Inquisitors in a single warzone. At that point its just over. You simply cannot do enough dmg to take them down.


Again, common sense will tell you there is a reason Most of the game plays an Inquisitor. Is it OP ? Is it the strongest class for PvP??


A Scoundrel guildie did a 400k dmg and 75k+ heal on last night's WZ. Just because you play with the baddies, doesn't mean that everyone is. If as a commando you cannot down an Inq then maybe you should try to bind more skills other than Grav Round.


We can also say the same about your class. If we see 3-4 Comms/mercs in a single warzone, it's pretty much over?? Rocket launchers and heavy armors + HEAL? We're all toast before we even reach the line.


As a sorc I lost some 1v1, won some 1v1. Won vs this marauder, lost against that one. Lost against this merc, won against the next one.


Problem is just people need to admit that the opponents might be better players than you rather than QQing about how OP these classes are. Even with scoundrels, post-patch 1.1, I still think that they shouldn't be nurfed as bad as the incoming 1.1.1 because with the buff stacking nurf, we can actually stand a chance of surviving that initial blows.

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Why ?


Where is the skill in this ?


Sneak up is unavoidable, try to make you burn cooldown while you are stealthed is impossible.


Why you should have a huge advantage over other players doing 0 skill unavoidable actions ?


I don't see it so "plain and simple" really. What you are saying is "hey, I am a skilled player because I hit 'select' on the IA and in the 'Operative' advanced class. Now I should have a huge advantage over all of you".


Do you really belive this or it's just trolling ?


Because you have a huge advantage when you catch us out of stealth, which is how it currently is, and how is should be.


Example, im trying to grab the huttball as it spawns, im unstealthed. You are up on top of the catwalk force lightening me. I have no way to get to you. And if i do manage to get lucky and hit an airlift to you location, i wont even be at 20% health before i even get to you at all.


What skill did you have there?



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Rage specced sith juggernaut (and the republic version) would like to have a word with you. I tear sorcerers that overgear me apart one on one.


This. I have crappy gear on my sorceres, 4 champion peaces, all offset tho, and I get destroyed by juggernaut / guardian. Also, dps sorcerer has 2 heal, one short that does't really heal and a long one that is really long.

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For all those sorcs who still suck at pvp and say they can't outheal a melee while chain cc'ing them.


Sorc - http://knotor.com/skills#AgcAExVyeomSmqq6ydLbSWJ5iZOZq7K6y9oA


Sage - http://knotor.com/skills#AgEAExVyeomSmqq6ydLbSWJ5iZOZq7K6y9oA


You can switch some talents points if you want.


That way you get.


- PBAoE blind on your shields (even if it's on another players, being able to make melee blind bombs).

- Procs from instant dot to get 50% cast time reduction on the channel (insane damage).

- Channel procs instants. You use them on Crushing Darkness / Mind Crush and Chain Lighting/Telekinetic Wave, insane burst with 50% channel cast + instant.

- Your knockback roots.

- 20s cd on your sprint.

- Instant mezz with stun if broken.


If you can't heal yourself even being DPS specced with all the CC you can get, you just suck.

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I have 1 interrupt, they have 4 heals.


Im a vanguard dude i cant do the damage to break the shield.


Unless of course the only class designed to beat a sorc/sage is a operative/scoundrel.

Hold on a sec. I though you were QQ'ing about dps sorcs... Since when did they get 4 heals?

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For all those sorcs who still suck at pvp and say they can't outheal a melee while chain cc'ing them.


Sorc - http://knotor.com/skills#AgcAExVyeomSmqq6ydLbSWJ5iZOZq7K6y9oA


Sage - http://knotor.com/skills#AgEAExVyeomSmqq6ydLbSWJ5iZOZq7K6y9oA


You can switch some talents points if you want.


That way you get.


- PBAoE blind on your shields (even if it's on another players, being able to make melee blind bombs).

- Procs from instant dot to get 50% cast time reduction on the channel (insane damage).

- Channel procs instants. You use them on Crushing Darkness / Mind Crush and Chain Lighting/Telekinetic Wave, insane burst with 50% channel cast + instant.

- Your knockback roots.

- 20s cd on your sprint.

- Instant mezz with stun if broken.


If you can't heal yourself even being DPS specced with all the CC you can get, you just suck.


What a crap build ... less theorycrafting ... more qqing please.


What good is a sorc that cannot heal, nor dps (protip: most of your dps comes from 25+ points)? Hey at least he can escape right? Hey everyone I'm a sorc that just wasted a warzone spot because I think I'm a tank :rolleyes:



Posts like this show a fundamental misunderstanding of how swtor pvp works.

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