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Is this game really in trouble?


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THIS. I love this game and Ive been 50 for 2 months Ive not nearly run out of things to do even on this one character.


I really would like to know how many hrs u spend playing per day and what do you do at that time?

Edited by tegororn
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The game is fine , just do what everybody else does .

Pay when you enjoy it , quit when you don´t have fun .


don´t listen to anybody or anything , cause in the end it is the me meself and I generation.

They just need to unload frustration on others .

Cause they can´t handle there own frustrations .


So enjoy the game , it will last 4-7 years.

Cause 500k was the promised rate they keep the servers up .

And 500k is more then easily meet even with people leaving left and right .


So tell you what , as long you have fun and have fun people to hang around with .

Then who cares what others think , they are just sad lonely bunch who needs comfort of eachother .


So as in modern society , if entertainement > then annoyance , you are having fun .


Well said.

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Making mountains out of mole hills.........the summary of this forum.


Don't worry, the game is well received in general and has earned high reviews. The dismal forum environment is due to the WoW players who migrated over with their never-satisfied expectations.


Go check out the WoW forums now. You'd be blown away by their optimism......yet still it's the #1 MMO.


Don't let the forums get to you.


What you are getting are the people who were tired of WoW and wanted something new and different. All the problems that are present in that 7 year old game are in this brand new game.


BioWare you played it way to safe.

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I love this game and put my money where my mouth is and subbed for 6 months. I have a multitude of chars that I play on different days depending on my mood. I am loving the story and questing to death each world.. Meet good people and have fun.


I am not going to be ignorant and say there are not bugs of course there are. But there is nothing that breaks the game for me. My focus is not PvP like some.. Its not what I game for and I have no chars that have hit the 50 mark yet and really I am not in a rush too either. I like the updates so far especially the latest on the UI and I am looking forward to more content and improvements and like most playing who don't come on here complaining everyday I just play and enjoy it.


So is this game in trouble? I don't think it is. People always want to sink something that is good. I am not into playing in medieval fantasy times. I am into Star Wars... this game has it all for me.


The only time I think I will take a break is when another BioWare title comes out. Mass Effect 3, until then I am staying.


This is my opinion and there are always going to be others that disagree with me. I know I am having fun and not on here everyday bursting a blood vessel and complaining.

Edited by Seraphynn
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I dropped WoW years ago when they raised the level cap up from 70 and yet this game, the supposed "WoW-killer" is making me want to resub to WoW, something that I had convinced myself I would never do. I already have friends trying to talk me into it. It really makes me appreciate how a proper theme park MMO is done, with good, crisp gameplay and PvP which is the backbone of any good MMO, no exceptions.


WoW is supposed to be this game's main competitor but I'll take substance over style any day of the week.

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I dropped WoW years ago when they raised the level cap up from 70 and yet this game, the supposed "WoW-killer" is making me want to resub to WoW, something that I had convinced myself I would never do. I already have friends trying to talk me into it. It really makes me appreciate how a proper theme park MMO is done, with good, crisp gameplay and PvP which is the backbone of any good MMO, no exceptions.


WoW is supposed to be this game's main competitor but I'll take substance over style any day of the week.


It is the wow killer for me and 5 others people I know , so in essence it killed wow from my life .


That it brings wow back to your life , is your problem and you deal with it .

But I am having fun , sadly you do not , then cancel and move on .

Nobody cares what you say anymore , everybody has a opnion nobody wants to listen .

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It is the wow killer for me and 5 others people I know , so in essence it killed wow from my life .


That it brings wow back to your life , is your problem and you deal with it .

But I am having fun , sadly you do not , then cancel and move on .

Nobody cares what you say anymore , everybody has a opnion nobody wants to listen .


Well, my grammatically challenged friend, not only have I already cancelled, but your opinion is just as worthless as mine, just FYI.


I'm glad you're enjoying your kool aid, good for you sir.

Edited by Warcranium
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Well, my grammatically challenged friend, not only have I already cancelled, but your opinion is just as worthless as mine, just FYI.


I'm glad you're enjoying your kool aid, good for you sir.


Then good we both agree on something .

And playing the grammar line is sure sign of defeatisme , so join the other in wow .

You will fit right in .

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(i apologise in advance long post)


Im not a hater nor am i a fan boy! but this game has real potential but also has major issues.


Ive gamed at a very high lvl for over 16 years now and from what ive noticed the games haven't changed much but the player has. 6-8 years ago gamers were content to wait for things to be added into games, MMO genre community's were happy to wait for content/PvP/Bugs to be fixed ect as it was a golden age for such games where people didn't expect anything and new thing's added to games excited players. Now days gamers expect things NOW! and expect them 100% finished. The whole attitude of a MMO gamer these days is that like a 14 year old spoilt brat that shouts I WANT I WANT I WANT! and when they dont get their own way the toys are out the pram, they quit and they move on or back to the game they once played. The Company's that make MMO's are under massive stress to deliver a high grade product to appease both the casual and the hardcore gamers alike.


This is where Bioware are struggling. The game much like Age of Conan was released 3-6 months far to early, the game should never have been released in its current state. I played beta for 4 months and never lvled a char to over 25 the amount of lvl 50's was very very minor so the lvl50 bracket was never fully tested hence why there is no or very little lvl50 content.


Can you blame Bioware for this? well yes the should have stood up for themselves if a products not ready its not ready but the distributors and major funders of the game (EA in this case) add pressure on them to roll out into the shelves unfinished or not as games 'can be patched' due to the fact they want to see bankroll coming in.


The major fact here is that players of SWTOR are not receiving a suitable standard for what they are paying for and have paid out for, if you went for a meal and they brought you your dinner half cooked and said the manager just needed to get food out the kitchen you would send it back.


There are many problems with the game for me and the problem starts at level 50.


- PvE endgame content is poor in fact very poor, Normal/Hard/Nightmare you would expect maybe a few days on each boss to progress in normal then again on hard then again on Nightmare. But no Normal can be blitzed in about a hour each instance, Hardmode the same all they've done is bolstered the bosses HP annnnnnnnd same again with Nightmare although a few tries are needed for progression. PvE in other games used to be taxing and with 3 difficulty lvls this should have been the case in ToR.


- Dailys there is really nothing to be gained out of dailys in this game 3 bits of gear, a couple of speeders and a vast amount of credits which you also have nothing to spend on as there is no cash sink.


- PvP i dont like pvp but to get my worth out of the game i pvp to have something to do thats all there is to do. (a one sided story im sure there are pvper's out there that love the pvp side to it) all im saying is there is not much more to be done ingame apart from pvp.


- Loot tables, the loot tables of the PvE end game are HUGELY flawed you get the same loot for completing hardmode as you do for completing Nightmare? common there is something seriously wrong with that. As well as that you can get Columi gear from doing basic 'Hard Mode' flashpoints. The reward from raiding should be tenfold from that of doing Flashpoints as the effort put in to raiding is much much greater.


All these things are easy addressed and would be acceptable IF!!!!!! and this is the biggest point IF BIOWARE ACTUALLY COMMUNICATED WITH THE COMMUNITY! GAVE US STRAIGHT FORWARD INFORMATION! instead of giving us details that would be more at home in a Batman comic featuring the Riddler! and instead of the cloak and dagger bull you feed us at the moment just play it straight with us, trust me people have more respect and understand a hell of allot more if your just no nonsence straight answers rather than the way your treating customers now.


Like i said I do see potential in the game but there is only so much you can take before you have to say this isnt working and customers stop paying.

Edited by Katsushika
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Forums are always populated by those who have something to ***** about... it's the same for any MMO.


I'm loving this game, it will certainly see me over till the next MMO and it will most definitely ensure that I never return to WoW.

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Forums are always populated by those who have something to ***** about... it's the same for any MMO.


I'm loving this game, it will certainly see me over till the next MMO and it will most definitely ensure that I never return to WoW.


Im not having a go honest :)


But surely this game if its so great it shouldn't want to make you wait for or play the 'next MMO' this should be 'the!' MMO.


I think this is what people mean about what's wrong with the game, it was expected to be the next big MMO yet people are already seeing it as a stop gap until something else comes along. That for me speaks wonders.

Edited by Katsushika
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I have decided this going to be my last MMO , and weigh all the benefits and negativity .


And since future MMO not going to change the attitude of people .

Me Meself and I , I might as well play a MMO I truely enjoy doing .

And in this perspectief this MMO does not fail me , am having fun .


Even so much fun am doing my dailies , something no other MMO with there carrot on stick .

Could entice me to do them just for the purpose of fun .

Sorry killing mobs in this game is fun , when I finish my dailies always a chest waiting for me at the end :D

In my head it is like a mini quest or adventure ;)


So what more do I want , yeah sure I want all sever client issues fixed.

Bugs in operations and instances fixed .

More isntances and more content more story .

Definetly beter customer support , or more customer support service and options.

But I am sure those will come in due time .

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Why are these threads made?


Let me sum it up for you.


People who like SWTOR/ "fanboys" : This game is amazing, and Bioware has made profit from this game, its amazing, it will stay here forever, this game had the most successful launch of any mmo to date. *post some random link from blog about how SWTOR has made 1billion dollars*



People who like hate SWTOR/ "WoW people" : this game sucks, WoW is a lot better, this game is bleeding members, this game has lost Bioware/E.A millions of dollars the worst mmo ever, the worst launch ever, the worst gameplay/story/lvling experiencing ever, the majority of the people hate this game you loser fanboy *post some random link from a blog about how E.A/Bioware is losing money and SWTOR sucks*


There.. no one has to read anymore on this thread.



The facts are: No one knows but Bioware/E.A about the profits or subs in the game.


I would assume E.A/Bioware have a 1 year plan to dump as much into this game as they can.. If 6 months down the road things are looking up or down.. the last 6 months will determine how they are to salvage this game (f2p) to make their loses not so drastic or make an expansion because the game is success.


Everything else is assumptions, and opinions.


I like how one of the better posts in this thread is almost totally ignored so folks can argue about, like he said, assumptions and opinions. I so rarely post, and that would be why. Its like folks type so they can hear the click of their keyboards....

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I like how one of the better posts in this thread is almost totally ignored so folks can argue about, like he said, assumptions and opinions. I so rarely post, and that would be why. Its like folks type so they can hear the click of their keyboards....


And what does that have to do with enjoyment ?

Do you know you work as a slave for most part of your life , to just retire when you are old .

For some politician to make fun of you , while they spent your tax money on luxury .

So what is the big difference with a company providing you fun and enjoyment .


And earning there own profit ,sorry if you seek realisme , then realisme is just around the cornor.

And honestly , maybe you shouldn´t look for realisme online , but escapisme .

Cause it is because people look for realisme online , that turned online into this mess.

Edited by Drake_Hound
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This game is complete garbage. Anyone who thinks otherwise doesn't know what a good game actually is.


Blah blah blah opinions. I'm sure there is some idiot out there who thinks McDonald's is fine dining too, that doesn't mean he's right.


Well, oh genius of the internets, why don't you inform us of what excately a good game is then? Was it SWG? Is it WoW? Maybe you are in the EVE crowd? Free Realms? Hello Kitty Online? Please, use your vast knowledge of everything that is right online and enlighten us.


If your couldn't tell, I was being sarcastic. Your opinion, no matter how strongly you believe it, is yours. Mine is different. This game is fun for me, yes even at end game. I'm sorry you are not enjoying it but trying to force your opinion on others by insulting their intelligence is not going to change their mind. In fact, it usually only has the effect of making people want to ignore you.


Also, my idea of fine dining is somewhere I have to wear a suit and tie to enter and hand over one hundred dollars for the appitizer. Does that make my opinion right? Nope, sorry.

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This game is in trouble, no one done there research, EA took a loss on Warhammer thats why its free to play now,


on first release your gonna have huge playerbase but after a month of play and people see how much the game lags and delay from character models , and thousands of bugs , its gonna be going down hill in next couple months,


this is not a next gen game , its completey boring at end game , theres nothing new here, just old stuff people dont want to deal with anymore,


maybe these companys start releaseing finished games with new ideas,

but this game has no new ideas beside huttball,



Every mmo innovates in some areas...some it stays the same....dammit. Get your crap straight.

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Yes, this game is really in trouble. The new shiny feeling has worn off, and even the biggest fanboys are beginning to come out of denial. It's not polished. It's not innovative. It's not an MMO. It's buggy beyond belief. It's not FUN. The fact that they released the game in the state it's in is practically insulting.. and then, and THEN they want US to pay THEM $15 bucks a month to beta-test this piece of crap.


BioWare will get what they deserve.



that's what I said in my "why are you cancelling" section. Not a doom n gloomer, just not having any fun whatsoever. too many issues, may try again in 6 months.

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Most people who don't like the game have run out of subscription time ,the forums use to be much more negative than this, mostly the formula now is:


1. OP complains about something.


2. Overly defensive rabid fanboys shout them down.


3. one or two of the few remaining trolls get into it with them.


4. thread is derailed.



There are still one or two useful threads with nice people and such around (especially outside of general) but otherwise the place is turning into a circle jerk.


I only hope there aren't enough fanboys to make this thing profitable so the industry will learn it's lesson about WoW clones, EA will lose more money (because I bet on it) and bioware will learn to stick to what they're good at (if they're still good at it). And hopefully then it can become F2P which is where it really belongs on the market.

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I think SWTOR will carry on, but it will need big changes, 1.2 will be the first of them ( I hope ) but the customer service here is that poor most bugs wont get fixed and people will be angry for ages yet, I will be happy to see this game next year, but by then it will be F2P and have maby 10 servers at most.
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