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Is this game really in trouble?


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LoL @ they don't make $60 a game. Yeah, they only make $5 and the rest disappears in a hole.


If you're so smart, why dont you enlighten instead of being a pr*ck?


Even if they only make $30 a game, that is still $60Million and a pretty good return for only one month.




Another way to look at it is to say publishers such as Activision and Electronic Arts receive $45 after retailers take a $15 cut. Publishers turn around and pay a $7 licensing fee to console manufacturers such as Microsoft, Sony and Nintendo. The cost of making, packaging and shipping game discs to stores carves up another $4. Finally, not all games sell, so the expense of returning unsold inventory eats up another $7.


That leaves publishers with about $27 per disc sold for development, marketing and other expenses. These are, of course, back-of-the-envelope averages. Each of these numbers can vary. For instance, a publisher could negotiate a smaller licensing fee with console manufacturers. And by deploying the Goldilocks method of inventory (not too much, not too little), they can also minimize returns. Tinkering with the margins in these ways lets companies tune their bottom lines

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I'm enjoying this game on my main alt atm lvling him up, weird that im having more fun with my BH than SI on dromund kaas the 3rd time around (including beta) I actually think it has to do with the fact that i dont have to worry about dieing so much as you do with the SI, squishy as hell lol.And tanks are very self sufficient, good for immersive solo play on the main story line, with my SI definitely on the last story-line quest, wasnt soloable at some parts at all unless i got lke 3 lvls above the npcs. I usually got my friend to help me though. anyway I hope it succeeds its gotten great reviews now up to the management update 2.0 sounds promising if it doesnt include as much bugs as patch 1 did.
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Opinions are like arseholes. Everybody has one, and they (usually) all stink.


That article is no exception. I'm having a blast with the game, have a 50, and I've been playing quite often. Not bored at all. I only get slightly discouraged with faction imbalances, but that happens with every game, so it's no big deal.



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I've been busy playing TOR, and enjoying it despite its flaws. It isn't perfect, but I enjoy it, so that is all that matters.


However, I keep seeing people insult, sometimes downright lie, about the game. It's getting to the point where its depressing, because I feel like this game I'm quickly falling in love with might disappear.


I mean, is there -anyone- out there that enjoys this game? It doesn't look like it from what I'm seeing... and that sucks.


I see the potential in this game, I remember countless other MMOs which had faults, and became something great. Right now, TOR's going to hold my interest for years as is, I don't want to think what it'll do my social life after some more patching and features.


Legacy system looks awesome, especially for role players like myself. I don't even know the point of this post, really. I guess its to say I've watched good games die because people these days are so full of hate and malice for anything they find the slightest fault in. It has gotten to the point where if someone likes the game on these boards, they get insulted, and verbally soul-punched for even mentioning the game is fun or they enjoy it.





Haven't a clue. I'd guess it's pretty much fine; people like me are still here complaining away up one side and down the other.


It's when the complaining stops that you really want to start looking for a new game.


Complaining takes care. Lots of complaining and lots of people complaining about lots of stuff? Lots of people care.


Yeah, some threaten to rage quit. Some even do. They'll probably be back in a few months, if they actually do it. To see if it's improved, to try to get something out of the release price they dropped on the game if nothing else, so on, so forth.


But yeah, don't worry because of all the complaining. Gaming culture, insofar as I'm aware, is very quick to complain and very prone to saying nothing about that which is regarded as just fine.


Worry when the complaining stops.

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Is this game in trouble of dying? Absolutely not. People seem to think initial investment is what determines whether or not the game will live or die, but that is not the case -- rather, it's how profitable it is after launch. If they only make a decent amount of money from this game, then it will stay afloat. Look at SWG, 6 years and it had so few people in comparison to this.


Remember how many people were saying that there would be a Mass Exodus? And they used this http://www.mmo-junkies.net/statistics/ to make it seem like they were correct? Well, will you look at that? Apparently, servers are MORE active since the 20th. So there was really no Mass Exodus. How about another site? http://www.xfire.com/games/swtor/Star_Wars_The_Old_Republic/


Neither of the sites I brought up should be taken as the word of God (one of them doesn't at all measure ACTUAL population, but rather server stress, which is decent for guessing but it's not solid). But this game is not experiencing a drop like AOC, Rift, or Warhammer experienced, which you can see here: http://users.telenet.be/mmodata/Charts/Subs-2.png


Now, that does not mean that this game is not in trouble. It has a lot to do before it's in enough shape to compete with WoW head on. Luckily for us, it being new and it being Star Wars will carry it for a time; hopefully it will stay strong long enough for them to make this game an MMO that will keep people subbing for a long time. I'm just saying that doomsayers (e.g. "HEY GUYZ, GAME GUNNA GO F2P IN 6 MONTHS!" or "GAME IS R TEH DED ALREDDY TROLOLOL") are not exactly correct. Long term this game may fail, but right at this moment, we're not in too much trouble.

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Actually, the only people I know who bash this game didn't play it past a free beta weekend, and then compared it to swg....and somehow swg was better? (forum members don't count because I don't know them)



P.S. SWG did have better space combat, I'll give it that...but the rest? meh, guess it just goes to show that not everyone likes the same things (I am looking at you TOR-haters that think your opinion is fact).

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Aion in the US is still around despite all the terrible decisions that were made by NCwest with faction imbalance, server merges and free unrestricted character transfers. So im pretty sure this game will be ok for a good while. I'm just hoping they get on the ball and start making the republic more attractive because im kinda getting tired of seeing nothing but different shades of brown for almost everything...
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Yes the game is really in trouble. Financiers are running scared and there's been articles posted about it and how experts have lowered the game's expectations for growth drastically.


Like this one?




Or this one?



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Yes the game is really in trouble. Financiers are running scared and there's been articles posted about it and how experts have lowered the game's expectations for growth drastically.


So you're still at it I see. It is always interesting to see how dedicated some people are to a specific game's "demise".

Edited by ChipHazard
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The game is great so far. If they keep this up it will be enjoyable for a long time to come. I have come over from Star Trek Online which I lost interest because the content stopped while they focused on making it F2P. I am optimistic that this game will not make that mistake with all that is invested in it. I love the quests and story lines. I am hoping they continue to hire more voiceover actors and add more planets to explore in the near future (would love to see Dantooine, Yavin, Endor, etc). I am more PvE and not PvP so I hope the content will continue in that area. However, I know PvP is important to players and I hope they continue to tweak and improve this area as well.
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Game wont be another Tabula Rasa - which was the most expensive mmorpg before swtor and died within months, no worry. :)


This is star wars #1. #2 they sold 2.2 million physical boxes not including digital copies. I dont think they have anything to worry about.

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