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This is why we compare to 7 year old wow.


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im so so tired of this crying..why dont u guys post solutions instead of screaming fix it...what exactly where u expecting when u bought this game?..perfection?..if so i have an easy fix solution..i call it reading


yer ill get fan boi whatever blah blah...the fact is all of these bugs..and EVERY BUG in the game was available to read before u bought it..the tinternet is a wonderfull thing use it before u buy next time


its called buying a pig in a poke...and its ur fault for buying not there fault for sellling..if i cud sell u sumthing that wasnt working up to ur expectations..damn right id sell u it..its ur expectations not mine....maybe google what hype means...then google what ur buying..it really isnt hard

Edited by iainmckenna
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im so so tired of this crying..why dont u guys post solutions instead of screaming fix it...what exactly where u expecting when u bought this game?..perfection?


As beta testers our job is to point out the bugs only. If you want us to post the fixes too you gotta throw us something extra.

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I think its ok to compare SWTOR to WOW. Yes WOW has been out for years. But its kinda like a couple raising one kid than having another. The parents know what mistakes they may have made rasing the first kid the first few years. When the second kid comes around its easier cause they have lived and learned. It's the same with WOW and SWTOR. Bioware had 7 years of WOW to look at and make right for themselves. As well as another Star Wars MMO a lot of us loved to death. No excuse for what we got.
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By the logic of comparing a brand new game to a game that's been out for 7+ years? Yeah, they might as well.



Basically if we're going to keep nitpicking every MMO to come out in this same manner, then developers actually should not even bother to make them anymore. We might as well just be happy with WoW and forget that new MMOs can actually be made. Because that's essentially what we ( the MMO genre community as a whole) are doing anyway.


Exactly. I happen to love both games for what they offer, but it does seem like there's a lot of people that would only be happy if every company just licensed WoW from blizzard and redid the artwork...Star WoW anybody?

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Industry standards have no meaning to me whether a game is fun or not. I play plenty of games that don't have the "current mmo standards". It doesn't make all those other games bad. I don't want all games to be exactly the same.


It doesn't make me blind to feel satisfied with what I got. I see no reason to nitpick on customization. Since I got the game as a gift I've paid like 15bucks for 120 hours of content so far. So yeah I won't be complaining about industry standards. I just don't care.

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so u pointed out all these bugs..then went and bought the game without checking if theyve been fixed?..whos the chump?




the fact is this..u as a consu,er have an abligation to check what u aree buying..if u feel uve been ripped off..then u ar the chump...it is all on the internet for u to check...it is ur fault for buying a game that u pointed out was bugged....what do u expect me to say...seriously....


this car has no brake...yer..do u want to buy..yer ill buy..hang on this car has no braaak....CRASH

Edited by iainmckenna
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yes shadow but that is the whole point....it cud very well mean never..but u still bought it


so who is the mug


makes me giggle when ppl try to blame the other party for buying sumthing they havent checked


and swtor will improove..it is 5 weeks old..get a grip

Edited by iainmckenna
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yes shadow but that is the whole point....it cud very well mean never..but u still bought it


so who is the mug


makes me giggle when ppl try to blame the other party for buying sumthing they havent checked


and swtor will improove..it is 5 weeks old..get a grip


You'd make a wonderful poster boy for e/j forum rules.

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Players aren't going to understand if you don't have industry standard features. It's been a big challenge making sure that we can put in all of those features into our game at game launch or shortly thereafter.


That's the most disgusting thing I've ever heard


Seriously I just threw up a little

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Uhm wow at release today would be hated by the same ignorant crud heads that make these posts. To compare them is a farce. I mean for gods sake 10 man ubrs was wows end game content at one point for 3 months. Then you had to regrind it when they released Mc ony for the dark iron fire resist gear. I wont even try to open your eyes to how pointless pvp was the first year.
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i bought this game expecting it not to be like wow after 7 years but much like vanilla was when it was released. raw, needing a lot of polish but with great potential. I wanted to be in on the ground floor hopefully for something great so here i am.


so going in with that mentality i have not been disappointed. I have my first 50 and halfway to another.


When you compare this game a month in to wow a month in which is how Im judging it, its not even close. this game blows it out of the water 100 times.


so Im sticking with star wars for now. see where it is in 6 months. if the content and the polish is lacking ill consider maybe trying something else.



btw one thing it is seriously lacking right now is DEEP WATER. where are the lakes, the oceans, the rivers? I want to go swimming. seriously hasnt anyone noticed theres not one area where you can swim in this game?

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Honestly, the only thing I have to say about SWTOR negatively is that they really need to optimize this engine, and improve everyones performance in game. Do that, and a lot of the crying would cease for the time being. The ability delay problem was mostly fixed in a maintenance just like that. They addressed the problem and attempted fixes in less than a week, which ended up working. At least on my end they have. Most other companys would of made us wait, test it on the PTR, etc etc. So I'm glad BW just took the initiative and realized this sort of thing cant wait, and it needs to go out immediately.


But really my only complaint is UI features need to be improved upon, and the engine needs to be optimized. Do those two things, and I'll be a happy player.

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i bought this game expecting it not to be like wow after 7 years but much like vanilla was when it was released. raw, needing a lot of polish but with great potential. I wanted to be in on the ground floor hopefully for something great so here i am.


/signed, I expected it to be no better than a game released 7 years ago.


Just like I will pre-order Resident Evil 6, knowing full well that it will be no better/slightly worse than Resident Evil 4.


Because I'm an idiot.

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I love this game - no doubt about it, I'll stick around for years given that new content is released in a timely fashion and bugs are somehow adressed quickly. But the game did launch a bit early with some of the key features from other MMO's simply not there.


The way I see it, they got the framework for any future content and features set up, so I'll /popcorn, have fun ingame and see what happens.


I'll not even touch the LS/DS abilities, companion AI/behavior/kill system, choices that changes the world (at least for yourself - phasing ftw) and some of the other hype stuff they talked about since announcement.

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Because bioware themselves do and tried to hit their mark.


"The other challenge was to live up to and push beyond the expectations that MMO games like World of WarCraft have created. Players aren't going to understand if you don't have industry standard features. It's been a big challenge making sure that we can put in all of those features into our game at game launch or shortly thereafter. Whenever you're building a game from scratch, which is the case with Star Wars: The Old Republic, we're not building off of some existing Bioware engine. We had to build a large engine, which is always a challenge. "


From James himself.


Now to focus on something very interesting here:

Players aren't going to understand if you don't have industry standard features. It's been a big challenge making sure that we can put in all of those features into our game at game launch or shortly thereafter.


So all you fanboys here saying we shouldn't be comparing, we shouldn't expect industry standard features that 90% of mmo's have, have offically been snuffed by bioware themselves as they know that they are industry standard features and that they need them.


Many of those features come from big mmo's like wow whether you want to admit it or not.


I wont list the missing features this mmo failed to add in.


Just thought it funny this came out of his mouth in a interview.


And now you know why people QQ on the forums all day because we dont understand the hindsight in not having the majority of those features that have been in mmo's for over 10 years lol.


So , if im getting you right.. you expect this game to have the exact same features as the game you're currently coming from (i assume)? And even if you don't it's still ridiculous. The fact that they actually said they were going for something new should make you realize that they might not add all the things that may or may not have failed other games.... Even if it worked for a game as WoW for example , it might not suit this game.... deal with it or leave.

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/signed, I expected it to be no better than a game released 7 years ago.


Just like I will pre-order Resident Evil 6, knowing full well that it will be no better/slightly worse than Resident Evil 4.


Because I'm an idiot.


Single player games are nowhere near the complexity of MMO's, terrible comparison.


If you can't handle an MMO at launch, and all that entails (bugs, needing polish, lacking features etc) then stop buying them at launch and wait for a trial before deciding.


Also, you keep saying you "care about this game and want it to succeed" and yet all you seem to be doing is crying about spilled milk. Launch is already come and gone, no matter how much you complain that it launched without x feature it won't change that fact. If you truly care, then look to the future, make suggestions, stop insulting people and be constructive.

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