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This is why we compare to 7 year old wow.


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For those of you that can't see past the miniscule bugs in this BRAND NEW game that they built from the ground up, I expect you to go away and play your WoW. It's a point to the makers of this achievement in gaming that it is more playable NOW than WoW is. Go backk to Stormwind or Orgrimmar and just stand there and queue for stuff all day unless you're farming/grinding for something.


I still don't see the point in you people having to convince us that WoW is better than this game, because it's not anywhere near the calibre that this game is.


If you don't like it, leave. How hard is that?

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You do know that WoW went 4ish years without one right?


Of course, most of us know that. And, in those 4 years (although granted, I wasn't a player for all those years), I can count the number of times I ran a dungeon at an appropriate level on 1 hand. (well save for the end game of course)


A week after the LFD went live I ran more instances than my entire MMO carreer (at appropriate level). I admit, I was smitten


I've had some good luck in SW:TOR and rode the early rush some but getting a non-guild group has been a non-starter for a week now (on my server/faction)

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If you spent a DAY in software development in your life you'd know that it takes TIME to flesh out and implement new features. If you can't be patient, that's cool. But never buy an MMO at launch again in your life. You're not cut out for it.


There are TONS of things wrong with this game that need to get fixed.


-Ability Delay

-Low FPS Performance Issues


-Broken quests

-Broken Ops

-PvP balancing needs


This is going to take priority over adding 7 years of WoW fluff to the game. It's like some of you forgot "meeting stones" and how much trial and error it took Blizzard to get things right for their game.


BW has a roadmap. Fixes will come. Updates will come. Features will come. Screaming "NOW NOW NOW NOW!" isn't going to alter that timetable, I promise you.


They're working on ability delay, that's a good thing and brings us closer to "soon".


If you can't be patient, move on and play something you actually enjoy.


But a lot of these features should have been fleshed out and done at release. and now people expect them to added quickly. And rightfully so imo.

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For those of you that can't see past the miniscule bugs in this BRAND NEW game that they built from the ground up, I expect you to go away and play your WoW. It's a point to the makers of this achievement in gaming that it is more playable NOW than WoW is. Go backk to Stormwind or Orgrimmar and just stand there and queue for stuff all day unless you're farming/grinding for something.


I still don't see the point in you people having to convince us that WoW is better than this game, because it's not anywhere near the calibre that this game is.


If you don't like it, leave. How hard is that?


If you don't like it, keep your mouth shut and don't even THINK about reporting any of those miniscule bugs you may find.


If you don't like it, try to persuade a large portion of subscribers to unsub so you can kill the game.


If you don't like it... wait, now I'm all confused. Are you a "fanboy" or a "hater"? Damn, now I can't remember lol

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All I can say is those that compare SW:tOR to 7 year old WoW shouldn't. Maybe 3 or 4 year WoW or how ever old it was when they started development on SW:tOR. Reason being if you try to continuously implement the newest features/technology before release you get what happened to the last Duke Nukem game: development purgatory.
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The golden rules for making an MMO.


1) If your going to compete with the 800 lb gorilla in the room you better have at least an 850lb gorilla.

2) Don't make a gorilla. This requires some faith in the investor area that most people will like your new peacock.

Edited by DDNitz
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The golden rules for making an MMO.


1) If your going to compete with the 800 lb gorilla in the room you better have at least an 850lb gorilla.

2) Don't make a gorilla. This requires some faith in the investor area that most people with like your new peacock.


Exactly right: do it first, or do it best. Which one did BW do?

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But a lot of these features should have been fleshed out and done at release. and now people expect them to added quickly. And rightfully so imo.


You people need to broaden your scope and actually realize how truley huge this game is. What will you be saying if they fix all your complaints in the next six months? I know youi people will just find something else to complain about.


Whatever the reasons are that you must convince us, and yourself, to go back to WoW, it's all you. It's easy to quit, just don't play and put your account on hold. I did it after five years of playing (and the announcement of Pandas, quit that day.)

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Because the comparison should really be made to EQ2 which is where WoW got everything from and EQ/EQ2 continues to eclipse WoW and pretty much every other MMO that's been out for some time in pretty much every aspect. Edited by Asuka
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Because the comparison should really be made to EQ2 which is where WoW got everything from and EQ/EQ2 continues to eclipse WoW and pretty much every other MMO that's been out for some time in pretty much every aspect.


Except for subscriptions and profit... but that's not important.

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All I can say is those that compare SW:tOR to 7 year old WoW shouldn't. Maybe 3 or 4 year WoW or how ever old it was when they started development on SW:tOR. Reason being if you try to continuously implement the newest features/technology before release you get what happened to the last Duke Nukem game: development purgatory.


Here's one lol. BLIND. Did you not read what BW wrote themselves? I think you better go back and read the original post and let it sink in for some time.


And thats what we have with the current talent trees. Talent trees from wow 2 years ago. Not saying thats a bad thing just saying.

Edited by lordgracy
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If people weren't shooting down everyone that has a negative opinion I probably wouldn't post like I do. But what happens when you slap a person over and over for speaking..... they slap back and tell you to shut up.


Are you kidding me? What forum are you looking at? Over half the posts on the first page of the General Forum is some kind of "this sucks" topic. In fact, I was hoping that after the first sub due passed it would be alleviated but somehow it got worse.

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Because bioware themselves do and tried to hit their mark.


"The other challenge was to live up to and push beyond the expectations that MMO games like World of WarCraft have created. Players aren't going to understand if you don't have industry standard features. It's been a big challenge making sure that we can put in all of those features into our game at game launch or shortly thereafter. Whenever you're building a game from scratch, which is the case with Star Wars: The Old Republic, we're not building off of some existing Bioware engine. We had to build a large engine, which is always a challenge. "


From James himself.


Now to focus on something very interesting here:

Players aren't going to understand if you don't have industry standard features. It's been a big challenge making sure that we can put in all of those features into our game at game launch or shortly thereafter.


So all you fanboys here saying we shouldn't be comparing, we shouldn't expect industry standard features that 90% of mmo's have, have offically been snuffed by bioware themselves as they know that they are industry standard features and that they need them.


Many of those features come from big mmo's like wow whether you want to admit it or not.


I wont list the missing features this mmo failed to add in.


Just thought it funny this came out of his mouth in a interview.


And now you know why people QQ on the forums all day because we dont understand the hindsight in not having the majority of those features that have been in mmo's for over 10 years lol.


did you notice the Or shortly thereafter bit?

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did you notice the Or shortly thereafter bit?


Does not cut it in a sub based game.


if it was F2P then fine, take all the time they need. But people pay for this, so I think they have a right to press for the quality product they were promised.

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I'm not interested in the "what's better" debat but you can't honestly give SW:TOR a point on this. I've been "rained" gear since the get go here.


Agreed, I don't need a ton of skill to get gear in SWTOR, BUT.... I do need to at least move around. I literally went into an LFR in WoW and watched Netflix on my other monitor.


First time I did it I got vote kicked, second time no one cared, and I did it 3 more times after that. Does it make me a good guy? No, but it proved a point before I unsubbed.

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Are you kidding me? What forum are you looking at? Over half the posts on the first page of the General Forum is some kind of "this sucks" topic. In fact, I was hoping that after the first sub due passed it would be alleviated but somehow it got worse.


Well maybe its because people are dissatisfied with the game! lol. I mean comon.... oh wait you mean because people are unhappy and being vocal about it you get to flame them .... got it say no more I understand now.


And it got worse because the game has real issues that people like you refuse to acknowledge or just want to put all your eggs in biowares basket and hope they fix all the issues and the forums will be some happy cheery fanboy place of swtor worship...

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If you spent a DAY in software development in your life you'd know that it takes TIME to flesh out and implement new features. If you can't be patient, that's cool. But never buy an MMO at launch again in your life. You're not cut out for it.


There are TONS of things wrong with this game that need to get fixed.


-Ability Delay

-Low FPS Performance Issues


-Broken quests

-Broken Ops

-PvP balancing needs


This is going to take priority over adding 7 years of WoW fluff to the game. It's like some of you forgot "meeting stones" and how much trial and error it took Blizzard to get things right for their game.

All of those things should have been handled in BETA testing, not after the game went live. BW's QA is bad or the developers aren't listening. Slicing pre-nerf and Ilum 1.1 should never have made it out the door.


BW has a roadmap. Fixes will come. Updates will come. Features will come. Screaming "NOW NOW NOW NOW!" isn't going to alter that timetable, I promise you.


They're working on ability delay, that's a good thing and brings us closer to "soon".


If you can't be patient, move on and play something you actually enjoy.

Most of the features being requested are the types of things all MMOs need to have to compete in today's market. A good LFG tool; a properly sortable GTN and a resizable/customizable UI should have been in this game at release. Trion figured out how to implement those at Rift's launch and they are a much smaller studio with a much smaller budget.

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Agreed, I don't need a ton of skill to get gear in SWTOR, BUT.... I do need to at least move around. I literally went into an LFR in WoW and watched Netflix on my other monitor.


First time I did it I got vote kicked, second time no one cared, and I did it 3 more times after that. Does it make me a good guy? No, but it proved a point before I unsubbed.

It proved that you could be carried by other players. You couldn't just stand there and complete a heroic dungeon when nobody outgeared the content. Once people outgear everything in SWTOR, they'll be able to carry you through dungeons too.


Stop being a tool and have a real discussion.

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