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This is why we compare to 7 year old wow.


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Not to mention handing out gear ridiculously easy for little to no effort whatsoever..


I'm not interested in the "what's better" debat but you can't honestly give SW:TOR a point on this. I've been "rained" gear since the get go here.

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That has no meaning at all though.


It could have meant a week after a month after 6 months after, a year after or a year+.


Shortly thereafter holds no water here sorry.



If you spent a DAY in software development in your life you'd know that it takes TIME to flesh out and implement new features. If you can't be patient, that's cool. But never buy an MMO at launch again in your life. You're not cut out for it.


There are TONS of things wrong with this game that need to get fixed.


-Ability Delay

-Low FPS Performance Issues


-Broken quests

-Broken Ops

-PvP balancing needs


This is going to take priority over adding 7 years of WoW fluff to the game. It's like some of you forgot "meeting stones" and how much trial and error it took Blizzard to get things right for their game.


BW has a roadmap. Fixes will come. Updates will come. Features will come. Screaming "NOW NOW NOW NOW!" isn't going to alter that timetable, I promise you.


They're working on ability delay, that's a good thing and brings us closer to "soon".


If you can't be patient, move on and play something you actually enjoy.

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The reason I post like that is because "fanboys" are so eager to shoot anyone down that bad mouths the game in anyway or disagrees and thinks the game is pure honey and couldn't have been better and anything they add is just icing on the cake.


And people like me that think with their 7 years on this game should have adopted what current mmo's have AS they were developing the game as you said.


The problem is the game didn't even have some of the most basic features at launch.... sure they had a bit more content then all the mmo's launched 7 years ago but mechanic wise.... well you get what I am saying.


If people weren't shooting down everyone that has a negative opinion I probably wouldn't post like I do. But what happens when you slap a person over and over for speaking..... they slap back and tell you to shut up.


What do you want this to become, another World of Warcraft? This is specifically why Old Republic doesn't have the same features as WoW at launch. To avoid the mistakes WoW did.


The community of WoW grew complacent upon such features. They want more because they are impatient for achievements. Clearly, if they can't wait, the game is not for them.

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Because bioware themselves do and tried to hit their mark.


"The other challenge was to live up to and push beyond the expectations that MMO games like World of WarCraft have created. Players aren't going to understand if you don't have industry standard features. It's been a big challenge making sure that we can put in all of those features into our game at game launch or shortly thereafter. Whenever you're building a game from scratch, which is the case with Star Wars: The Old Republic, we're not building off of some existing Bioware engine. We had to build a large engine, which is always a challenge. "


From James himself.


Now to focus on something very interesting here:

Players aren't going to understand if you don't have industry standard features. It's been a big challenge making sure that we can put in all of those features into our game at game launch or shortly thereafter.


So all you fanboys here saying we shouldn't be comparing, we shouldn't expect industry standard features that 90% of mmo's have, have offically been snuffed by bioware themselves as they know that they are industry standard features and that they need them.


Many of those features come from big mmo's like wow whether you want to admit it or not.


I wont list the missing features this mmo failed to add in.


Just thought it funny this came out of his mouth in a interview.


And now you know why people QQ on the forums all day because we dont understand the hindsight in not having the majority of those features that have been in mmo's for over 10 years lol.


If you are that upset with the game, why are you still here? Are you still able to post after canceling your sub? Or did you renew? and if you renewed and you really feel the way you do above why did you renew?


Just wondering...

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If you are that upset with the game, why are you still here? Are you still able to post after canceling your sub? Or did you renew? and if you renewed and you really feel the way you do above why did you renew?


Just wondering...


What's it matter, they are paying to play the game, perhaps in hopes it gets better. It doesn't matter why they renewed, they are paying to play so they have a right to their opinions, just like you do.

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a MMO, without a LFG tools, is deemed to fail.

(yea i know this debate is old) just my personal view.



Exactly. I would much rather queue up in tool with other folks looking for the same heroic or fp groups that I am. I'm tired of spamming general lfg for heroics and not getting a single response with 50+ people in the zone. I guess they are afraid of grouping.

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If you are that upset with the game, why are you still here? Are you still able to post after canceling your sub? Or did you renew? and if you renewed and you really feel the way you do above why did you renew?


Just wondering...


I dont know why people associate complaints with hate.


I dont hate swtor.


I just think they should have added in some standard features and im irritated they didn't and im irritated that anyone that thinks that is shot down by people that dont think that. Theres no reason for it, its ignorant really.


Oh you dont like the game as much as I do and posted its problems in general discussion!!! well your a troll and blah blah blah..... i mean really lol.


I like swtor I wouldn't be here if I didn't I wouldn't post complaints if I didn't. People often dont realize that when people are complaining about something its not becuase they dont like it its because they like it but want certain things fixed that they notice in game that makes their experience not so great.... things like LFD maybe... anyone that menchons that is automatically trolled and bashed to death and told they are part of the I want it and want it now crowd..... even tho that person may be having a horrible experience getting groups and is wanting bioware to help them find groups easier so they can play the game like everyone else is.

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I really enjoy the game. I want to say that first. I think they did a good job overall.


But here are industry standard features that I feel are needed pretty badly:


1) Appearance tab.


2) Dual Spec


3) A PvP loot system that isn't based on pure, miserable, random luck.


4) More than three warzones.


5) Cross server warzones.


6) Server forums

Edited by Muckbeast
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there are two ways to get the features people want implemented into the game.


one is to come to the board and complain, which the developers will eventually ignore because they'll get tired of reading it


the second is to not re-subscribe, which will get the investors attention who will then force the developers to fix the game if they want to keep their jobs.


money talks, complaining gets ignored.



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Exactly. I would much rather queue up in tool with other folks looking for the same heroic or fp groups that I am. I'm tired of spamming general lfg for heroics and not getting a single response with 50+ people in the zone. I guess they are afraid of grouping.


I actually think this would prevent people from leaving the Station. Laziness at its core.

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Because bioware themselves do and tried to hit their mark.


"The other challenge was to live up to and push beyond the expectations that MMO games like World of WarCraft have created. Players aren't going to understand if you don't have industry standard features. It's been a big challenge making sure that we can put in all of those features into our game at game launch or shortly thereafter. Whenever you're building a game from scratch, which is the case with Star Wars: The Old Republic, we're not building off of some existing Bioware engine. We had to build a large engine, which is always a challenge. "


From James himself.


Now to focus on something very interesting here:

Players aren't going to understand if you don't have industry standard features. It's been a big challenge making sure that we can put in all of those features into our game at game launch or shortly thereafter.


So all you fanboys here saying we shouldn't be comparing, we shouldn't expect industry standard features that 90% of mmo's have, have offically been snuffed by bioware themselves as they know that they are industry standard features and that they need them.


Many of those features come from big mmo's like wow whether you want to admit it or not.


I wont list the missing features this mmo failed to add in.


Just thought it funny this came out of his mouth in a interview.


And now you know why people QQ on the forums all day because we dont understand the hindsight in not having the majority of those features that have been in mmo's for over 10 years lol.


He's acknowledging that the game needs stuff like the LFG tool and whatnot,


"It's been a big challenge making sure that we can put in all of those features into our game at game launch or shortly thereafter."


So basically he is saying that they will add those industry standard features in eventually, so why complain?

Edited by Meluna
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I actually think this would prevent people from leaving the Station. Laziness at its core.


with some good codeing, you can queue galaxy wide.

so you not have to hang around a station looking at a floor.

and can fix a lot of those anoying bugs that exist within the game

Edited by abishe
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there are two ways to get the features people want implemented into the game.


one is to come to the board and complain, which the developers will eventually ignore because they'll get tired of reading it


the second is to not re-subscribe, which will get the investors attention who will then force the developers to fix the game if they want to keep their jobs.


money talks, complaining gets ignored.




I get reports from our community on what the tops concerns within the community are so I can see what is the community really worried about or upset about at any given moment. We also do surveys within the game. We get players to talk about the game and explain what they like and what they don't like. -James Ohlen


I doubt "money" and "complaining" are mutually exclusive.

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Damn your too good for me!!


No, what he was pointing out is that they didn't "build an engine from the ground up". They used the hero engine which is an engine designed for building MMOs. Sure, they had to build their "world" but they didn't build a new engine.

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