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Is SWTOR getting you in trouble?


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My SO gave me the game for Xmas. He plays DCUO or some FPS or other, has no interest in TOR. The catch is, the only computer in the house now able to run TOR belongs to our son- so I either have to play when he's at school or else after he goes to bed.


The very few times the little apprentice has awakened in the middle of the night to find mom messing with his computer- not pretty. The last time he demanded I take taxis back and forth and back...and...forth...I quit after about ten minutes of that... :rolleyes:

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Nah man. Me and my girlfriend are good about giving each other time to do our own things.


And if when she really wants my attention she wears less clothing. No game addiction has yet to overcome every mans real addiction.


Except once you've been together a while that gets old...



I'm with you OP. But you are paying for getting married, big mistake if you ask me since your freedom is now gone forever..

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One of the reasons why I'm unsubbing :(


Tragedy, really. I can't seem to juggle SWTOR and real life duties/stuff.


I'm not saying I'm busier than anyone else, my heavens for those that are married and find time to enjoy the game, kudos to you!


Back in college I had alot of spare time so I was able to enjoy WoW. It got boring after three years so I stopped playing and I soon graduated college. Just got my first job and figured I'd try a new MMO but I'm having a hard time finding the balance. Plus it doesn't help that I get only about 5 hours of sleep due to this game :rolleyes:


Maybe down the road when I have a better grip of my schedule I'll return. Despite the bugs and flaws of the game, I see this game steadily improving for the next couple of months.

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This was pre SWTOR but I think it sort of fits. I have been a life long gamer and I am a woking proffessional. I had an ex-fience that always had a TON of hunny-do's around the house. I worked 50+ hours a week supporting her and her two kids (both of which I loved dearly). But the thing about it was that she refused to work. She wanted to be a "stay at home mom" which was fine. Except that she stayed at home and did absolutely nothing. No cooking, no cleaning, no grocery shopping ect. She drove the kids to school and in her off time she spent most of her time reading or with one of her friends. I got tired off feeling used, after all I worked my *** off to provide us with a house in the country on a huge parcel of land and bought her a car (brand new Dodge Magnum) and I STILL had to do the cooking and cleaning on top of it. Everytime I sat down to play a game I instantly had another hunny-do. I'm sure you can see where this is going. I got fed up with her **** so I sold "her" car which I actually owned, sold the house cuz it was way too big for a soon to be bachlor. Told her to take a hike and got a little appartment of my own. Now I have more money, more game time, and I have a cleaner place to live. I have learned the wisdom of taking time for myself and she learned the wisdom of finding a job (which must have been a traumatizing experience). The next woman that refuses to give me my time will get the boot too. This is my life and I work hard to have some quality in it. I will have my MMOs and my weekends clubbing. It might be selfish but I dont give a ****!
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That story made me giggle.


But no, I'm managing to get my things done. Though I was supposed to go to the bank yesterday and didn't. Granted, my roommate said he'd give me a ride then came in and said I have to walk instead. Not going to the bank wound up being because I didn't want to walk, not because I wanted to play SWTOR.

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I used to get into trouble back when I had 100 problems.


Now that I only have 99 problems my life is sweeter without a soul sucking passive aggressive boring she beast nagging me for time when she is obviously less interesting than a video game.

Edited by Valsdad
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So this past weekend I was supposed to do the following.


  • Replace a light switch
  • Clean out the basement
  • Fix a leaking sink


I didn't do any of them, mainly because of SWTOR. By 5 pm Sunday my wife got pretty mad at me and she demanded to know why I didn't get them done. I told her I would have but I was called on to destroy Republic artillery cannons to prep for an Imperial assault. After a couple second look of pure confusion, she stormed off.


So right now I'm perusing flowers.com. I thought it be interesting to hear from those who have pressing Real Life things that are just not getting done. Anyone else getting in trouble with wife/girlfriend/parents/school/work do to this unbelievable life sink that is SWTOR?


Hmmm. Well, since my husband and I BOTH play, it means neither of us get in trouble and nothing ever gets done.


It's pretty sad. One of us should be griping or making honey-do lists or SOMETHING.


At least your leaky sink has a PRAYER of one day getting fixed.


I'll never get those heavy boxes taken to the attic. But that's ok. I killed Lord Paladius.

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Haven't played in a few days and I really want to, but I've got a busy semester. With both class and work. Just don't have any long stretches of time where I can kick back and play and really enjoy the game.
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No wife agro here. She even brings me my breakfast, lunch and dinner so I don't have to stop playing. And, if she does need me for something, she'll always ask, "Are you at a stopping point?" .... so short of an out-right emergency (things that involve lots of water, fire or blood) ... Interruptions to game play by the wife are very rare.


Life is great with the right spouse. (I had a wrong one, once.)

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I get the feeling that my eventual move to Michigan in a few months to be with my boyfriend is going to gain me a lot of boyfriend aggro. xD We met on WoW and he used to love games, but I guess he's moved on to other things. If he catches me gaming much, I'm sure I'll get a talking to.


Hopefully followed by a spanking...

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