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George Lucas Retires from Star Wars


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George Lucas is an artist. He has no obligation to answer to you. He really doesn't. He created the Star Wars universe, and he could do with it as he pleases. Who are you to feel so entitled? You don't like the first 3 movies, fine don't watch it. It really is that simple. If YOU had some sort of say in the making of the Star Wars universe, then sure you can cry and moan about what it has become. But fact is, you're really just a nobody compared to what Lucas has done. Troll me all you want, but he is an artist, an innovator, and as one, he does not have to answer to you, or anyone else really. Edited by MasterPerseus
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Although I didn't always like how certain productions were made or the storyline of them from Lucas, it was nevertheless entertaining and that is what counts. Even if there is some little continuity issue here or there, no one is perfect especially when dealing with the Star Wars Universe. I still thought all the movies were entertaining entirely. I was also pleased with how 1-3 turned out. I wasn't a big fan of pod racing and personally I think probably could have done something else but its not my story its Lucas' story, and if thats how he wanted it thats what we get. For some of you who claim because you paid for it, therefore its yours, got some very very deluded dreams of grandeur. I mean one could say the same about a child, gave birth raised it, and sent it out into the world, does that mean that child now and adult is the property of everyone or belongs to everyone? No, no matter how old they are they are still someones child/offspring and no on can take that away. No matter how much money you throw at it.


Instead of blowing a blood vessel and getting red in the face raging about Lucas or some little slip in one of the stories, sit back and just take the movie/book/show for what it is...... ENTERTAINMENT.


Plus... it's Fiction get over it.

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You know, years ago, a rumor started. I don't know where it started, or exactly when, but it was after ROTJ, and before EP1.


The arcane story goes, that the original manuscript, even if in rough draft, included 9 chapters- 9 movies worth of material.


Several years after ROTJ, Lucas vehemently denied this, and swore that he was done with everything Star Wars related, he was walking away from it...


Another few years, and guess what- out rolls EP1-3... 1/3 of the original "missing" part of the story!


Today, he's ranting again, similar to that rant then- so I surmise, he will get mad, then to prove to all of us what he intended all along, and set records straight, he WILL release EP 7-9.


To battle his predictability this time, perhaps he should put in Weird Al as Jorus Cbaoth or something... :) (I know my spelling is off, so what?)



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He was more pissed about "Red Tails" then anything. Has little to do about star wars, more about him being sick of the industry..


yup. he went around implying studios didn't want to pick up Red Tails due to some racial motivation. But the real reason none of the studios wanted it was because it's not a very good movie. To see him whine like a petulant child and throw the race card around is embarrassing to watch.

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I think by clearly saying something stupid like "han shot first" you're both trolling and telling us how very sad you are. If you have nothing productive to say, don't say anything at all.


This is a thread about Lucas' indignant whining because people don't appreciate all the chair-sitting time he put into the prequels. Nobody is saying anything productive here. Deal with it.


yup. he went around implying studios didn't want to pick up Red Tails due to some racial motivation. But the real reason none of the studios wanted it was because it's not a very good movie. To see him whine like a petulant child and throw the race card around is embarrassing to watch.


That's why he created LucasFilm in the first place. Couldn't handle mainstream Hollywood because people kept questioning his decisions, so he opened his own studio.


Mind you, this is the same guy that harassed Spielberg and Ford for over a decade until Spielberg said "Fine, we'll put your damn aliens in Indy 4."

Edited by PeepsMcJuggs
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George Lucas is an artist. He has no obligation to answer to you. He really doesn't. He created the Star Wars universe, and he could do with it as he pleases. Who are you to feel so entitled? You don't like the first 3 movies, fine don't watch it. It really is that simple. If YOU had some sort of say in the making of the Star Wars universe, then sure you can cry and moan about what it has become. But fact is, you're really just a nobody compared to what Lucas has done. Troll me all you want, but he is an artist, an innovator, and as one, he does not have to answer to you, or anyone else really.

Rabid fan defending can be sad to see sometimes. As you see Lucas as an artist, feel free to let the rest of us know what other films he's written and/or directed aside from the prequel films over the past 30 years. Take your time.

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I know you're probably being facetious,


I was. =)


but just shifting red and blue tints to the left and right wouldn't have a 3D effect at all. Certain objects would have to be masked out, their background replaced, then shifted. If it was this easy, every movie would be in 3D.


Sure, it's not as pretty as movies that are filmed in true 3D, but it's nowhere near as easy as you just described.


Watch the video here: http://geeknizer.com/how-imax-3d-movies-are-made-converting-2d-movies-to-3d/


It's a bit more involved than shifting a layer left and another right.


I know, but the point was that turning a 2D movie into a 3D movie often ends poorly.


Also, somebody was asking about plot holes earlier? Has anyone posted that review by Plinkett, yet? If you can get past the creepiness (which must have been added for humor), it's actually a pretty definitive breakdown of everything that was wrong with TPM. And, they go so far as to point out that they are basing nothing off of the EU, but merely comparing the Original Trilogy to the Prequels.


If nobody's posted the link yet, I'll go find it. I think someone messaged it to me on Facebook a while ago.


- Myk

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Found it. Posting here:




Watch both parts. Get past the creepy humor (or laugh your butt off, because it's SOOO over the top), and this is a pretty spot-on discourse on why it was so terrible.


Now, saying that, I know for a fact that most of the people clamoring about "It's GL's movie! He can do what he wants!" will purposefully not understand what's explained therein. I'll just remind everyone of something I hold to be true:


Ignorance is not stupidity. Ignorance is just a state of not knowing.


Willful ignorance is pure stupidity. Willful ignorance is refusing to understand or learn something because it might be opposed to your particular view.


- Myk

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Rabid fan defending can be sad to see sometimes. As you see Lucas as an artist, feel free to let the rest of us know what other films he's written and/or directed aside from the prequel films over the past 30 years. Take your time.


Howard the Duck.



Co-wrote the story, not the screenplay, and Spielberg was the dominant voice in those story-building sessions.

Edited by PeepsMcJuggs
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Found it. Posting here:




Watch both parts. Get past the creepy humor (or laugh your butt off, because it's SOOO over the top), and this is a pretty spot-on discourse on why it was so terrible.


- Myk


Watched it. Beyond the creepy humor (which is admittedly funny) it's a total hack job. Unfounded character assassination and quotes cherry-picked to deliberately misinform, pure speculation and opinion presented as fact, and a bias so obvious it might as well be flashing in neon....there is nothing legitimate about this as a "review" at all.

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Watched it. Beyond the creepy humor (which is admittedly funny) it's a total hack job. Unfounded character assassination and quotes cherry-picked to deliberately misinform, pure speculation and opinion presented as fact, and a bias so obvious it might as well be flashing in neon....there is nothing legitimate about this as a "review" at all.


:rolleyes: It's a review. Of course it's opinion-based, because that's what reviews are. What renders your hyperbolic dismissal of his review moot is the fact that most people that watch it agree with his opinion, which legitimizes his review.

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:rolleyes: It's a review. Of course it's opinion-based, because that's what reviews are. What renders your hyperbolic dismissal of his review moot is the fact that most people that watch it agree with his opinion, which legitimizes his review.


No it doesn't. Opinion is just that. Opinion. Doesn't matter how many disgruntled fanboys agree, that doesn't make it truth. And again, he couldn't just express his opinion without taking quotes and scenes out of context and completely misrepresenting what they were about in order to make a farcical "point."

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No it doesn't. Opinion is just that. Opinion. Doesn't matter how many disgruntled fanboys agree, that doesn't make it truth. And again, he couldn't just express his opinion without taking quotes and scenes out of context and completely misrepresenting what they were about in order to make a farcical "point."


Of course it's not truth. It's a review, which are opinion-based. I'm sorry, does he have to work for a local newspaper before that review becomes legitimate?


And you seem to have it backwards (as so many prequel defenders do): the disgruntled fanboys are the ones angrily dismissing his reviews as misrepresenting their beloved films.


And on the subject of misrepresentation, care to give examples, or do you prefer to stick with hyperbole?

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Of course it's not truth. It's a review, which are opinion-based. I'm sorry, does he have to work for a local newspaper before that review becomes legitimate?


And you seem to have it backwards (as so many prequel defenders do): the disgruntled fanboys are the ones angrily dismissing his reviews as misrepresenting their beloved films.


And on the subject of misrepresentation, care to give examples, or do you prefer to stick with hyperbole?


Off the top of my head: Lucas talking about the colorization of other people's films being used as an example of his alleged hypocrisy when he tweaks his own. Or when he freezes on McCallum stopping to think and voices over it to intimate how crap those who worked for Lucas allegedly thought his decisions were. If one watches that exact same scene on TPM extras you will see that McCallum was thinking through how to solve the problem, not planning his escape.


That's just off the top of my head.

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Off the top of my head: Lucas talking about the colorization of other people's films being used as an example of his alleged hypocrisy when he tweaks his own.


Oh, you mean like tweaking Empire Strikes Back, which Lucas has been quoted by Irvin Kershner as calling "Irvin's film," or tweaking Return of the Jedi, which was directed by Richard Marquand, and which Lucas has stated his only directorial involvement was advising on special effects? Is that the kind of tweaking of other people's films you're referring to?


Or when he freezes on McCallum stopping to think and voices over it to intimate how crap those who worked for Lucas allegedly thought his decisions were. If one watches that exact same scene on TPM extras you will see that McCallum was thinking through how to solve the problem, not planning his escape.


I've watched those same extras, and I'm sorry, but you're full of it. The exasperation was pretty damn evident on the set. Maybe he tweaked one specific image for spin, but it doesn't change the underlying fact that Lucas annoyed the crap out of his crew, and you can see them visibly swallowing their pride while trying to put up with his bs.

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Found it. Posting here:




Watch both parts. Get past the creepy humor (or laugh your butt off, because it's SOOO over the top), and this is a pretty spot-on discourse on why it was so terrible.


Now, saying that, I know for a fact that most of the people clamoring about "It's GL's movie! He can do what he wants!" will purposefully not understand what's explained therein. I'll just remind everyone of something I hold to be true:


Ignorance is not stupidity. Ignorance is just a state of not knowing.


Willful ignorance is pure stupidity. Willful ignorance is refusing to understand or learn something because it might be opposed to your particular view.


- Myk


I saw the review a while ago, and I found it hilarious. A little sad sometimes, but for the most part it was enjoyable.


However, I don't enjoy any of the Star Wars movies any less after watching that reveiw. I've known for years that people hate some of the movies for varied reasons. This is no different.

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He didn't write or direct it, hence having only the producer credit. I'm not sure that he'd really be proud of being associated with that film anyway, but then again...


Yeah, and I know I'm double-standarding it by highlighting a film where he was only one of the producers, but it cracks me up that that's the first film he suggested they make after he stepped down as head of Lucasfilm.


(And he's actually been quoted as saying he thinks people will look at it in a more positive light in restrospect :rolleyes: )

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Rabid fan defending can be sad to see sometimes. As you see Lucas as an artist, feel free to let the rest of us know what other films he's written and/or directed aside from the prequel films over the past 30 years. Take your time.



Erm, why does someone cease to be an artist if he stops creating new art?

I am not a huge SW fan, but i tend to agree. if it is his own universe he can do damn well anything with it. why should a writer change his book storyline? because of his audience? simply he should not. this may be the SW Lucas is imagining for him self. Participiate in this or let it be, but telling someone what his own concept should be is very rude imho.


I like EP 1-3 and fail to see any deeper plot holes or BS than in EP 4-6. (technical issues aside of course)

Many people disagree with me, sure, but why flame over opinions?


Oh and you who attacks someone for "fan defending" what have you contributed to the shaping of the SW universe in the last 30 years? :)

Or any lasting work of creativity or art?


No offense meant.

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