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George Lucas Retires from Star Wars


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I understand what you're trying to say Myk-Ron, I just disagree on practically every level. To start, I think the Star Wars movies are better than the very vast majority of the EU. I know that practically every expansive fictitious franchise treats their EU as secondary to the main source, and singling Lucas out for what is standard procedure across the board is silly. Tying one's creative hands to a long and convoluted continuity that only a small fraction of people consume makes no sense. I know that everyone here has the ability to ignore what they don't like, and expending so much energy on anti-Lucas tirades is also silly. I also know that Lucas is far from the only artist to make tweaks and changes to his works after the fact. In movies and in music, directors cuts, different versions of the same song and remixes are very common. That you choose to limit your comparison to graphic arts is disingenuous. I also know that despite the anger coming from segments of hardcore fandom, Lucas' latest endeavors have been successful and don't actually point to any failure on his part.


This isn't a matter of misunderstanding. It's a matter of completely disagreeing.

Edited by Jmannseelo
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I feel like you're missing the point by putting the artistry up on a pedestal. We're not talking about some guy on a street corner painting a picture. We're talking about someone who's made a multimillion dollar franchise and licensed countless products and put his name on everything. Each and every time he did that he took responsibility for the result. Thus the franchise as a whole became more than his sole works and belongs, at least in part, to everyone who has contributed to it.


I'm not putting it up on a pedestal. All the guy wanted to do was make a movie his way. And that's what he did. He doesn't owe anyone anything.


I'm mainly talking about the movies here, not the franchise as a whole. I don't care about who came up with selling Obi Wan's Jedi braid or how much Karen Traviss loves Mandalorians.


At the end of the day, if Lucas wants to turn a Krayt Dragon yell into what sounds like Rob Halford on a bender, I don't care. Do I like it? No. But I'm not gonna pretend that Lucas owes me or anyone else anything just because they wanted to play in his sandbox.



The Phantom Menace looks like Best Picture of the Year compared to the last Indiana Jones movie. Aliens and UFO's, seriously?


I don't get it... what's wrong with UFOs and aliens? In the first movie you had a God box that literally melts people. In the second you have a guy that can pull out peoples' hearts while they still beat and the person still lives. And in the third, you have a dude that's been hanging out with a cup for centuries, and if you put water in that cup and pour it in an open wound, it'll heal right up.


But UFOs and aliens, that's just crazy!



Again, I use the painting analogy. I paint a lake, and it’s okay (I’m not the best painter in the world, but I get the job done). I then allow a bunch of other, more talented painters to add to my painting of a lake. So they do. They make a giant mural around my little lake, and their stuff is awesome. All the while, I’m getting credit for their work because the idea was mine to start with. People who may not have even looked at my lake otherwise are starting to really like the idea. Twenty years go by, and my lake is a little dot in the middle of a HUGE mural. Don’t you think the people who’ve been enjoying this awesome mural would be a little miffed if I went in and started drawing over parts of it? Yes, I can do it. It was my idea that started it. But, I’m not very good at painting, and I’m painting over some of the other artists’ work. Doesn’t that make me kind of a jerk?




One last analogy; Kid A has a bunch of Legos, and he builds a nice little house. He then lets a bunch of other kids build houses and whatnot around his house making a whole Lego town. People in the neighborhood stop by all the time to see the awesome town. Time goes by and Kid A is now upset because the town is awesome, but it’s not quite the way he would have done it had he built the whole thing himself. They’re his Legos, so he knocks over a bunch of the other kids’ buildings and puts his own stuff over the ruins. And, because he’s not as good at building, his new stuff kinda sucks. They’re his Legos, and he can do whatever he wants. But, an outsider would see that, and see a spoiled brat throwing a fit. He knocked over something beautiful and put something less awesome in its place. He can do that, but, it’s a dick move, and, eventually, nobody is going to want to play with him anymore.


I think people are more frustrated at the situation than anything else. There’s some really awesome stuff out here in the EU that people really like, but George can come back and draw over it with a big black sharpie whenever he feels like it even though he had no part in its creation aside from providing the starting point.k


The problem is, in your analogies, previous works are utterly destroyed with no hope of ever seeing them again. George changes canon? Big deal. You can still go back and read the book. Changing canon doesn't invalidate the worth of the writing or of the book. If they're still good, enjoyable pieces, who cares if they're non-canon.

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The cliff notes version of this thread is that Lucas doesn't really care for his fans and his fans don't really care for him. But they're both grabbing one end of the same teddy bear and are pretty much yanking it apart. They both have very valid arguments for why it's their teddy bear, or why the other one shouldn't have the teddy bear, but it doesn't really matter because the teddy bear is about to rip in two and cover the floor with stuffing.
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One problem with all this mess here... most everyone agrees Empire was the best of them all... Lucas had done just the story, he didnt direct he didnt do the screen play... just the story..... You actually have Irvin Kershner to thank for empire's directing, and Leigh Brackett and Lawrence Kasdan for the screenplay. Lucas put up a fifth of the dough and a story to go by for empire that is it....
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The cliff notes version of this thread is that Lucas doesn't really care for his fans and his fans don't really care for him. But they're both grabbing one end of the same teddy bear and are pretty much yanking it apart. They both have very valid arguments for why it's their teddy bear, or why the other one shouldn't have the teddy bear, but it doesn't really matter because the teddy bear is about to rip in two and cover the floor with stuffing.


Nah some of us are saying "Let Lucas play with the Teddy Bear; he bought it."



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Wouldn't be so hard on the guy, He did play a small part in making the original Star Wars and if it weren't for him I wouldn't have laughed my a** off watching Plinkett's reviews over and over again, RoTS is even a decent action movie IMO.


I wouldn't call him spoiled since he mostly walks around in a 2$ Shirt, 80's jeans and sneakers, Reason he can seem like jerk is because he's had to carry the burden of getting loved by many people during the years for something that he knows he didn't play a big part in.. It basically teared him phsycologically apart and he wanted to show us his true talent and made the abomination we know as the PT..


Nevertheless, I have some respect for him and I hope he has a good life.

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I loved all the movies. That doesnt mean I loved every part of them.


Ewoks are ****** - but got overdone with too much time spent with them and too much cuteness.


Han shot first so he could live, Greedo was a quick draw expert.


I hate Jar Jar because he was easily manipulated to sell out the republic.


Theres way more things I loved than dont.


I think GL reasons for retiring arent valid, or maybe oversensitive.


Comon back! Screw the haters.

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The cliff notes version of this thread is that Lucas doesn't really care for his fans and his fans don't really care for him. But they're both grabbing one end of the same teddy bear and are pretty much yanking it apart. They both have very valid arguments for why it's their teddy bear, or why the other one shouldn't have the teddy bear, but it doesn't really matter because the teddy bear is about to rip in two and cover the floor with stuffing.


Not really, no. The hardcore fans barely number enough to make a slight tug on the teddy bear, let alone rip it in two. There are more than enough casual fans to keep Star Wars afloat, with or without us.


A better analogy would be more like Lucas keeps doing what he wants with his teddy bear while the hardcore fans keep crying about how unfair it is and how much they hate him. :)

Edited by Jmannseelo
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Not really, no. The hardcore fans barely number enough to make a slight tug on the teddy bear, let alone rip it in two. There are more than enough casual fans to keep Star Wars afloat, with or without us.


A better analogy would be more like Lucas keeps doing what he wants with his teddy bear while the hardcore fans keep crying about how unfair it is and how much they hate him. :)


I'd prefer to think of it as a ball on a playground with Lucas being the kid that stops the game and says "It's my ball and I'm going home!"

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It is his franchise/creation/universe. He can do whatever he wants to it. He can have the Borg take over if that's his choice. (For those of you in Rio Linde, look it up!!) He is Star Wars' creator. He ALLOWS others to play in his universe (books, fan films, games, media..) To my knowledge (and I could be wrong...) he is the ONLY franchise creator that allows this without paying a licencing/franchise fee.


As for his retiring, he's deserved it. He put up with ALOT of Hollywood's BS for years. He was a black sheep for years. He is one of the few directors that told Holywood to go to hell and did things his way. He financed ALL of the Star Wars films (with the exception of A New Hope) and made a successful empire out of it. He raised 3 kids alone. He is going to retire from mainstream film making and "make little independent movies nobody likes for the rest of my life." He deserves to do what he wants. Although he's keeping the option open for a 5th Indiana Jones movie.

Edited by DoctorBeckett
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This is SAD!! He should make another star wars anyway and make it however he wants, last time I checked GEORGE LUCAS name was on it not anyone else's! You want to remember Star Wars the way it used to be then don't watch anything else he produce's. I truly hope George wake's up out his lil'slump with a F every single one of you that don't like it, attitude "It's MY MONEY" and makes another movie however he wants!!


Indeed, the fanatic hate by this Myk guy is sick

Don't hate him because you're not him Myk

He can do with his creation what the fk ever he wants

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Seriously what is wrong with you people. Do you not realize that the only reason you had the chance to see the original series, the only reason you got to play the KOTOR games, the only reason you are playing SWTOR, the only reason you are posting on this board is because of George Lucas. He created one of the greatest stories of all time and when he retires all you can say is "about time". I know he has done things that were unfavorable to the original fans (if some can still be called that) but he still made movies that were great or at least better than some of the crap out now.


I mean generation after generation loves Star Wars. My Dad loves it, I love it, and younger kids love it. I remember going to the theater to see the prequels and hearing parents tell their kids what it was like when they first saw Star Wars and now they get the same experience. I have even met people that hate Sci-fi movies but love Star Wars.


How can some of you call yourselves fans. Even if you dont like what has happened to the series or what is has become. You should have a lot of respect for the person that even gave it to you in the first place.

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Bottom line here, Its his party and he'll cry if he wants to. In my opinion he made Star Wars and he can view it how he wants and change it how he wants. At least he was open minded enough to allow the EU to exist as an alternate (Yes it IS alternate) cannon universe of Star Wars. Now would I appreciate it if they still circulated the original cuts of 4, 5, and 6? yes. But than again the only thing that bothered me about the "Final" cut, was the ending to 6 with Hayden Christensen as Anakin.
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I have nothing but respect for George Lucas.


It's not just anybody that can, no matter their luck or their genius or their creativity alone, do what he's done. It's not just anybody that can create a mythology and a piece of cultural art so impactful and so permeating that its absolutely homogenized its terms, its phrases and its concepts into everything from language to several varieties of artistic expression.


Did Mr. Lucas do it all and dream it all single-handedly? No. Star Wars became what it did on the backs and shoulders of many, and benefitted on the minds of many.


But, Mr. Lucas supplied the dream, and no small amount of his own expertise and acumen, dedication and determination along with it.


It is with pity that I regard all of the 'fans of Star Wars' that decide they hate, or cannot even find it in themselves to respectually acknowledge, Mr. Lucas as being what he is.


He is a man that had a dream, and he led, over decades, that dream into becoming one of the most singularly definitive expressions of modern mythology existent in these present times.


His dream and the execution of that dream on both his own and many others' parts have given to the human race iconic figures that are, at a glance, recognizable around the world.


The hiss-drone of an igniting lightsaber; a simple piece of audio; has become a sound that, with no forewarning or presaging, could easily be recognized throughout the majority of nations and cultures existing in the world today.


Mr. Lucas' dream changed not just the shape, nature and direction of his industry, but the human race.


If all you see when you look upon Mr. Lucas' works is the failure of his dream, still his and still an expression of himself, to be just as suited to now as it was in the late 70's and early 80's, I pity you.


I pity you in a fashion I pity few and rarely, because there is a man that changed the entire human race unto its vernacular, its languages and its very way of thinking; has embedded his words, his icons, his symbols and the artifacts of his dream so firmly into human consciousness that they have become modern day allegories to pantheonic, religious myths and fables.


And all you see is someone that put an annoying Gungan and pseudo sci-fi midichlorians and blinking ewoks into your...what exactly?


Does it tell you nothing, if it is hate you feel, how strongly you felt and feel still because of Mr. Lucas' dream?


Pause on that supposition of hatred. Peel back the 'nerdrage' about what he did to 'ruin the remasterings' and whatever else. Peel that back; peel it all back.


What's left?


Chances are, there's a little boy or little girl under there dreaming still of Jedi and Sith and beleaguered heroes and menacing, glossy black respirator masks, with the voice of James Earl Jones as the voice of Vader coldly echoing around the spark and crackle of clashing sabers.


It was you on that screen, mm? In so many ways, they were all you. Parts of you, things you could identify with, things that felt personal.


You wouldn't feel so betrayed or spiteful if something didn't dislodge you from that relationship. And you might be quite right in making a case for why things like Jar-Jar and 'Greedo shoots first' and the blinking ewoks and whatnot else punched holes in, more than the imagery, the feeling.


The worst Mr. Lucas can be reasonably accused of is being human.


The best he can be attributed with is the like of which very, very few humans in any generation can claim to have dreamed into being, and it has been a damned fine dream.


A dream of hope and heroes, heroism and good versus evil, of space and spaceships and laserwords and blasters that go pew-pew-pew even in the near-void of space just because it's -boring- if its silent.


There is an amazingly good chance I will never do anything to touch the human race in so singular and defining a way even if I spend the rest of my life attempting, with ever fiber of my being, breath in my body and moment of my time to trying to do so.


None of us will in all likelihood.


So please, let go of hating a man who's gravest error is being fallible and try to at least afford him some measure of respect.


It would, in fact, be a different world as we know it without what he's given to it.

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Best news I have heard in a long time. Lucas lost his way with the franchise. He didn't even research his own movies when making the new ones. All kinds of continuity issues. The Phantom Menace was the worst movie I have ever seen. To this day I can not watch it.


Yeah. Im sure that The Phantom Menace was worse than Blueberry for example.

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I'd prefer to think of it as a ball on a playground with Lucas being the kid that stops the game and says "It's my ball and I'm going home!"


That's one way of looking at it. An overly bitter way with an overwhelming and unfounded sense of entitlement, but it's certainly a way. Of course, when he "goes home" it's still to an audience of untold millions around the world who love and enjoy what he does, while the small fraction of haters stand outside screaming bloody murder.

Edited by Jmannseelo
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I have nothing but respect for George Lucas.


It's not just anybody that can, no matter their luck or their genius or their creativity alone, do what he's done. It's not just anybody that can create a mythology and a piece of cultural art so impactful and so permeating that its absolutely homogenized its terms, its phrases and its concepts into everything from language to several varieties of artistic expression.


Did Mr. Lucas do it all and dream it all single-handedly? No. Star Wars became what it did on the backs and shoulders of many, and benefitted on the minds of many.


But, Mr. Lucas supplied the dream, and no small amount of his own expertise and acumen, dedication and determination along with it.


It is with pity that I regard all of the 'fans of Star Wars' that decide they hate, or cannot even find it in themselves to respectually acknowledge, Mr. Lucas as being what he is.


He is a man that had a dream, and he led, over decades, that dream into becoming one of the most singularly definitive expressions of modern mythology existent in these present times.


His dream and the execution of that dream on both his own and many others' parts have given to the human race iconic figures that are, at a glance, recognizable around the world.


The hiss-drone of an igniting lightsaber; a simple piece of audio; has become a sound that, with no forewarning or presaging, could easily be recognized throughout the majority of nations and cultures existing in the world today.


Mr. Lucas' dream changed not just the shape, nature and direction of his industry, but the human race.


If all you see when you look upon Mr. Lucas' works is the failure of his dream, still his and still an expression of himself, to be just as suited to now as it was in the late 70's and early 80's, I pity you.


I pity you in a fashion I pity few and rarely, because there is a man that changed the entire human race unto its vernacular, its languages and its very way of thinking; has embedded his words, his icons, his symbols and the artifacts of his dream so firmly into human consciousness that they have become modern day allegories to pantheonic, religious myths and fables.


And all you see is someone that put an annoying Gungan and pseudo sci-fi midichlorians and blinking ewoks into your...what exactly?


Does it tell you nothing, if it is hate you feel, how strongly you felt and feel still because of Mr. Lucas' dream?


Pause on that supposition of hatred. Peel back the 'nerdrage' about what he did to 'ruin the remasterings' and whatever else. Peel that back; peel it all back.


What's left?


Chances are, there's a little boy or little girl under there dreaming still of Jedi and Sith and beleaguered heroes and menacing, glossy black respirator masks, with the voice of James Earl Jones as the voice of Vader coldly echoing around the spark and crackle of clashing sabers.


It was you on that screen, mm? In so many ways, they were all you. Parts of you, things you could identify with, things that felt personal.


You wouldn't feel so betrayed or spiteful if something didn't dislodge you from that relationship. And you might be quite right in making a case for why things like Jar-Jar and 'Greedo shoots first' and the blinking ewoks and whatnot else punched holes in, more than the imagery, the feeling.


The worst Mr. Lucas can be reasonably accused of is being human.


The best he can be attributed with is the like of which very, very few humans in any generation can claim to have dreamed into being, and it has been a damned fine dream.


A dream of hope and heroes, heroism and good versus evil, of space and spaceships and laserwords and blasters that go pew-pew-pew even in the near-void of space just because it's -boring- if its silent.


There is an amazingly good chance I will never do anything to touch the human race in so singular and defining a way even if I spend the rest of my life attempting, with ever fiber of my being, breath in my body and moment of my time to trying to do so.


None of us will in all likelihood.


So please, let go of hating a man who's gravest error is being fallible and try to at least afford him some measure of respect.


It would, in fact, be a different world as we know it without what he's given to it.


Very well said. Thank you.

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He left because of the amount of rediculous hate that he received for trivial things like jaja binks, which some butt hurt fanboys say "oh but mummy this ruined the entire saga!!!". Tough ****. Lucas made star wars what it is, plus he helped revolutionise the films industry in the sense of technology.


I seen the original movies when i was a kid, i loved them, i seen the prequels when i was around 10+ loved them to. I don't get all angry and rage online because i see a stupid character like jaja, heck, he really only has a main part in TPM, and yet people say it ruins an entire movie series? oh please. The only entire part of the star wars series that I said "meh" to was the strange romane bits of Attack of the Clones, some of the lines were random and spontaneously confusing, still i don't judge the other 5 because of a few scenes in one of the movies.


Ewoks, well ok whatever, adults and kids who were around from 70s-80s enjoyed the movie and yet 20 years later, here they are trolling on youtube "oh ewoks are silly and stupid", this is a fantasy universe, they are just made up creatures, does it really matter to you that much to curse and punch walls over it? no.


As for him owning star wars, well yes he does as he did make it, hell if i made something this famous i would say i own because sadly as great as humanity is, someone will go "no i actually own it" and there goes Lucas's legacy, it has happened and will continue to happen in industry, whether it be film or other. The guy makes the movies so he knows what he wants in them, fair enough, i ain't going to argue with that, and he has let people he worked with change parts of his movies, whether for better or worse, but what's done is done.


Overall that is why he quit.


Instead of hating on him, people should actually be respectful for what he created and done, and half the information on the internet is garbage anyway yet people mop it up like soy sauce (o_O)..


I'll look back years from now on all the movies and say "damn i'm glad all of them were made the way they were" I hold no grudges.

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If you want definitive proof that George Lucas is motivated by greed, than look no further than right here...




Read the top comments on that video...


This isn't even greed, a lot of movies are coming out for 3D, lion king, avatar, hell even bambi.


And then i must ask the question




Plus it's coming to IMAX near me so this is a bonus

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If you want definitive proof that George Lucas is motivated by greed, than look no further than right here...




If that's greed then please allow it to continue indefinitely. The Star Wars saga in 3-D, a bad thing? You have got to be joking. That is excellent and exiting news. Personally, I can't wait.


It never ceases to amaze me that so many so-called "fans" are the most cynical and hateful when it comes to the fictitious universe they claim to love. Small wonder that Lucas is getting fed up with it. With "fans" like these, who needs haters? Thank goodness for the casual viewers who actually appreciate and support what he does. They're better fans than most of the hardcore base and it is they who will keep new Star Wars developments viable. Mr Lucas, you are doing the right thing and many of us appreciate your efforts. Let the bitter pretenders disappear in a puff of EU nerdrage, and keep doing what you're doing. In time their endless whining will disappear while your legacy endures.

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