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Kira Carsen - Companion story bug?


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Okay let's clear this up one last time, all simple like.


If you have done the Defector quest, AND got the THREE Kira companion conversations that follow, but now do not have any more conversations with her then you're not bugged, and you just need to....





You will get more conversations after it. So, do that before you make another post claiming that you're bugged when you really aren't.






Also: the "talk on the ship" icon over your companion portrait when they don't have a actual conversation is a UI BUG that effect's all companions of all classes and has no effect on the game at all.



thank you for this solid piece of advice i was looking for, cheers

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I'm sure BioWare has long since quit reading this thread, but this bug has really screwed up my game experience. I was set to go when early access kicked off (I pre-ordered on day one) and had several friends and a guild ready to level with. When I finished act 1 without any progress with Kira, I looked here and found out what the problem was, and the character has been on the shelf ever since.


I'm trying to catch up to my friends with my Consular, but by the time I do they'll be in their 40s at least. I've missed out on playing the character with friends, and when they finally fix this crap I'll be leveling solo, just like I'm leveling solo now. That sucks from a fun perspective, but since there are "social points" in the game, it sucks twice as much. I'll be at level 50, and might possibly have made it to soc. level 2, while the friends that I was planning to play the game with are all at the highest tier.


I guess the most frustrating aspect of this is a complete lack of any sense of urgency from BioWare. To them, apparently, this is a minor issue that can be fixed when they get around to it. To me, this has made my "main" character unplayable, which really means that my game is broken. I don't feel any need to demand a free month of game time, or free epics, or a pony... but I would like a bunch of social points for my Knight. I think that's fair, since the bug cost me the opportunity to play with my friends, and it has no impact on balance. I think that however many points it takes to get from Soc I to Soc II would be appropriate.

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Well... the problem is certainly discouraging.


Like many other here, I was hit by the bug a couple weeks ago and have since leveled my guardian to 48. In the process of doing so, I managed to bring my Synthweaving, Archaeology, and Underworld Trading to 400 and Kira's affection rating to the max (10k).


Still, I have yet to receive a single mission from her. Many of us were under the impression that the bug would only affect her companion quests and nothing more, but I find that she continues to fail crew skill missions, or bring back meager resources, as if she still had a low affection rating.


I've compared her results to other companions with much less affection and these others continue to bring in better results (I've considered their individual bonuses which do not apply to this test). Despite her affection at max, I feel the bug forces her to operate at the affection level she was during the time of the bug.


IMO, Kira was not a make or break with regard to the JK class story, but I certainly feel that there is a gap in it because of the inability to progress her story. It feels like she's just dropped out of the experience altogether. We need this issue resolved like Guardians need more dps.

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Okay let's clear this up one last time, all simple like.


If you have done the Defector quest, AND got the THREE Kira companion conversations that follow, but now do not have any more conversations with her then you're not bugged, and you just need to....





You will get more conversations after it. So, do that before you make another post claiming that you're bugged when you really aren't.






Also: the "talk on the ship" icon over your companion portrait when they don't have a actual conversation is a UI BUG that effect's all companions of all classes and has no effect on the game at all.


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i'm still curious for those that aren't affected by the glitch, where exactly are the romance dialogues focused in the main story? without spoiling anything (let's say by acts), if I go through act I for example, and just get it done, will she have any major dialogue differences romancing her versus not romancing her?
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Not to get anyone's hopes up, but...


Preliminary Test Server patch notes are available already, official 1.0.2 patch notes will come tomorrow morning. We’ll the official notes up tomorrow morning as soon as they become available.


So that seems to indicate that there will be changes not listed in the 1.0.2 PTS patch notes.

Edited by TirJin_Meteos
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Never thought I would say this, but now having 2 of my main companions bugged and maxed out affection, is really starting to chew at my motivation to play this game anymore.

Having companions and/being social with them, and learning their backstory etch etch, was my main reason for playing this game.


and ontop of that having ABSOLUTLY NO FEEDBACK on when we might get a fix, why its taking so long, when theres been reports of this bug since long before beta closed up.

And how this could go unfixed, when the class in question is the class THIS ENTIRE FRANCHISE is based upon, leaves my utterly awestruck


You dont send the brakes for a new Toyota Landcruiser in the mail 3 months after the car arrived on the lawn of ur customer!


I dont get AT ALL, how games is the only industry where its completely legitimate to relase broken and unfinished products, without anyone getting aany punishment for it at all.

Now I know word of mouth is gonna burry this game if they dont start fixing it, but that doesnt change the fact that its the guys who are the biggest fans that are getting "left out" here. as new chars created now wont gett this bugg, only the ppl who had a head start who preordered or was at it "hardcore" from day 1 are the ppl left with this bug.

Edited by Scralotos
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Holy crap thats a lot of pages to this thread. So instead of reading them all due to my lack of patience, I will simply just ask, Is there a way to get around the bug? I hear that if you flirt with her for the first time after killer her brother, that it will cause it to bug. However if flirting with her after ignoring the option to flirt with her the first time will allow it to not bug and you would be able to flirt with her after. Also is this bug fixed for newer players that have not yet completed ACT I ??
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Well it's nice to see Bioware isn't paying any attention to this thread. Probably shouldn't go start new ones in customer service or anything like that.


I feel the same way. I have petitioned three times asking for a non copy and paste reply from a CSR. Of course all I get is the exact same copy and paste reply I received from both the first and second response. Not only is my Kira 100% non-functional, my T7 also has the same "wants to talk to you but wont when you get to a cantina or ship" bug. So my only two companions (not counting C2 because hes a jerk) are broken. I refuse to continue playing the class quests because the dialog doesn't even make sense now as Kira responds to things that I have not experienced due to her bugs.

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I feel the same way. I have petitioned three times asking for a non copy and paste reply from a CSR. Of course all I get is the exact same copy and paste reply I received from both the first and second response. Not only is my Kira 100% non-functional, my T7 also has the same "wants to talk to you but wont when you get to a cantina or ship" bug. So my only two companions (not counting C2 because hes a jerk) are broken. I refuse to continue playing the class quests because the dialog doesn't even make sense now as Kira responds to things that I have not experienced due to her bugs.


Also: the "talk on the ship" icon over your companion portrait when they don't have a actual conversation is a UI BUG that effect's all companions of all classes and has no effect on the game at all.


Copy and pasted ftw.


Talk to your T7 outside of a cantina/ship, if he says he has "information to share" then I guess you have a weird bug, if he doesn't then it is the aforementioned UI bug that everyone gets.

Edited by SuperSair
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Holy crap thats a lot of pages to this thread. So instead of reading them all due to my lack of patience, I will simply just ask, Is there a way to get around the bug? I hear that if you flirt with her for the first time after killer her brother, that it will cause it to bug. However if flirting with her after ignoring the option to flirt with her the first time will allow it to not bug and you would be able to flirt with her after. Also is this bug fixed for newer players that have not yet completed ACT I ??

Yeah if you did the flirt pre December 27 you are bugged

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I lucked out and unknowingly avoided all the DS flirts. I'm in the situation where we can kiss etc etc. My concern and question is:


are there long term adverse effects or fall out from the council. Large hit of DS pts later in game for marrying her etc etc because your a Jedi? Is the council mad? Ok? DS pts? No DS pts? Just curious as I don't want to screw my ability to get light side items later in game. Any comments? Thanks!

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the more i think about this the worse it gets, my last few post i was explaining how this ruins the story for anyone planning to romance kira mainly because she becomes irrelevant if your already 50 and done acts 1-3. to experience her story you have to do it while also completing your story quest in order, otherwise shes going to be rehashing old content you already completed, shes going to be complaining about bad guys you already killed, ect, ect. i really dont see how they are going to remedy the major fail they have on they're hands here for people that went ahead and leveled to 50 and completed all 3 acts.
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I dont get AT ALL, how games is the only industry where its completely legitimate to relase broken and unfinished products, without anyone getting aany punishment for it at all.

Now I know word of mouth is gonna burry this game if they dont start fixing it, but that doesnt change the fact that its the guys who are the biggest fans that are getting "left out" here. as new chars created now wont gett this bugg, only the ppl who had a head start who preordered or was at it "hardcore" from day 1 are the ppl left with this bug.


do you know why its acceptable for the gaming industry (particularly on the MMO side) to do this? because the customer refuses to hold the publishers accountable. if this is such a major issue for you, /cancel_sub. i have a sent alt whos sitting on balmorra right now that hasnt moved in about 5 days. i'd like to play him because of the sheer difficulty in the class, as well as the playstyle difference with my main. its not a major showstopper for me. the show stopper is the support/feed back from the devs and mods (or lack there of).

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I volunteer to have my character reset to the point in time the bug happens!! The Quest the Defector!! Send me back!!! Critical data could be found by reseting the character quest :)


I am right there I wish i could do the class quest all over again so I can experience the story as a whole I feel like there is a huge whole in the story right now. Please reset our class quests :( I am 50 but I dont care I want it to be so!

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