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Kira Carsen - Companion story bug?


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By doing the neutral [flirt] option, am i still able to progress in the relationship with kira though? or does it stall my progress more? i mean as long as we end up together in the end thats fine.. reaaally want to see where this whole kira love interest plays out!


Nah, you'll get the whole romance stuff. Most of it doesn't start after Act I anyway.

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Im sorry if this has allready been asked.. Is the Kira questline connected with your progress in the main story? Or is it entirely based on affection?


Its start is connected with the main story. It'll begin right after the end of Act 1 (after Tatooine/Alderaan), after that, conversations appear depending on affection and there's additional dialogue during the main quest.

Edited by Abriael
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Rerolled around patch time, kept the original Knight. At level 26, not as big a loss as I feared. Had a little help from a friend who had rolled up a Consular (parallel story questing is fun!) and am currently at lvl 20. As for the bug when the crucial moment comes, according to the majority of accounts, I'm safe.


Now, I've mostly kept my peace when it comes to accusing BW of being insensitive to our cause, but I'll say this, as a man who avoided MMOs like the plague until this rolled around: I think BW are underestimating the importance of the bug, and should at this stage at the very least throw the afflicted ones a bone now that the root of the problem is fixed. If not an ETA, then something - anything - though I'm afraid the anger and frustration has festered for too long now for any token of appeasement to be taken the right way.


I must admit, being back on Taris at the moment of writing this, the journey has been a bitter pill to swallow, but I have been able to make better choices for my character. Then again, I was only level 26 when I became aware, so I might not be the most afflicted of us all. While I wish we didn't have to wait so long for even an ETA, I'll at least give them the benefit of the doubt and hope they'll come through in the end.


Hate to tell you but... unless you got help and finished Act 1 (thing that happens after alderaan/tatooine) at level 26, as I'm quite sure the most of the final bosses of the act aren't soloable before level 30, you weren't affected by the bug at all.


The bug happens ONLY during the quest "the defector" that you tackle after completing both tatooine and alderaan. It's now fixed for anyone that does it now, so if you didn't do it before the latest patch released on the 27th, you were safe without the need of rerolling.

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Hate to tell you but... unless you got help and finished Act 1 (thing that happens after alderaan/tatooine) at level 26, as I'm quite sure the most of the final bosses of the act aren't soloable before level 30, you weren't affected by the bug at all.


The bug happens ONLY during the quest "the defector" that you tackle after completing both tatooine and alderaan. It's now fixed for anyone that does it now, so if you didn't do it before the latest patch released on the 27th, you were safe without the need of rerolling.


The Defector happens BEFORE Tatooine & Alderaan, and right AFTER Nar Shaddaa.


So yeah, before Act I is over.


The bug is that after Kira talks to you when you click on the ship intercom, which happens AFTER talking to the Council of the events of The Defector, she doesn't have anymore quests available (on the ship), which she should.

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The Defector happens BEFORE Tatooine & Alderaan, and right AFTER Nar Shaddaa.


So yeah, before Act I is over.


The bug is that after Kira talks to you when you click on the ship intercom, which happens AFTER talking to the Council of the events of The Defector, she doesn't have anymore quests available (on the ship), which she should.


Doh, yeah my bad, I remembered badly.

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I agree with everyone that this is a major bug that Bioware should be more concerned about; this isn't some little glitch. I would't go so far as to call it a show stopper, although it is close. MMO's for the most part stick around for a long time (there are some exceptions) and I am sure Bioware will fix it in time. However, what really concerns me is that this current lack of dev communication will become the norm for all issues. This bug would be much easier to swallow if there were some sort of updates and reassurances from Bioware on a regular basis.
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Hi everyone, i have question about Kira. I didnt choose DS flirt with her so my story with her continued normaly. Did quest for her on Narshaada spoke with her about her past and gangs. And now i saw on torhead that new conversation should be on level 40 named New Moves. I am level 42 and have 10k affection with her and this dialog is not happening. So my question is when this will happen? Must i have some progress in class story? I am currently on Hoth. Thanks
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Apparently the bug has been fixed, according to the latest patch notes. I'm not sure whether this means they fixed the cause of the bug only, and left the pre-affected romances for a later date, or they fixed everything, the messed up romances included. Though I have a slight feeling it might be the former, if you haven't gotten a companion quest that you are sure you should have got.
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Apparently the bug has been fixed, according to the latest patch notes. I'm not sure whether this means they fixed the cause of the bug only, and left the pre-affected romances for a later date, or they fixed everything, the messed up romances included. Though I have a slight feeling it might be the former, if you haven't gotten a companion quest that you are sure you should have got.


Think you're a week late on that info, its already common knowledge that they've fixed the bug only for future knights.

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Apparently the bug has been fixed, according to the latest patch notes. I'm not sure whether this means they fixed the cause of the bug only, and left the pre-affected romances for a later date, or they fixed everything, the messed up romances included. Though I have a slight feeling it might be the former, if you haven't gotten a companion quest that you are sure you should have got.



the bug has been fixed for anyone who didnt DS flirt with her before the 27th. for the rest of us? we are stuck like chuck. wonder how many tickets i will submit today...

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Its start is connected with the main story. It'll begin right after the end of Act 1 (after Tatooine/Alderaan), after that, conversations appear depending on affection and there's additional dialogue during the main quest.


I think those conversation pieces throughout the main story are tied to your affection points. My affection with Kira was high and I got special dialog with her on the main quest. so if your affection is high, you can keep on the main quest line and still experience her romance related dialog.

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i cant remember if i did the dc flirt before the 27th, im pretty sure the last chat i had with kira was when i got the option of dobbing her in on being a sith child. that was about 10 lvls ago. Im just about to finish act1 ( i think ) gone to that uprades place which i assume is the end of act1. Hoping all the kira convos will appear after this or will i just lose them since act2 will start?
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ok i have a question. I don't remember when i did the DS flirt. it was right around the 27th. can't remember if it was before or after the patch though. Now my JK is currently level 30 with around 4500 AP. I have also read here that you don't get the defection mission till after tat and alderaan, however I did it before both. My current standing is I only finished the main missions on tatooine. still working on alderaan. The "companion wishes to speak with you" icon appears randomly and then disappears with me never getting the chance to speak with her, so I assume i got screwed over with the bug. Is the general concensus though, that I haven't missed anything yet until after I finish alderaan?


If that's the case, i'm gunna start a new class till they get the dang thing fixed. Since i don't want to miss anything. Though I must admit I really don't want to since I want to continue my mains story and see it through to the end... :(


Warning: Ranting and Raving below!


In regards to all those saying the bug isn't a big deal. That's great for you! But for us JK who are stuck with mostly droids as companions, it's our only option (That I know of so far) if we wish to get the full effect of the story. And I really don't see, considering romance options are major parts of pretty much every big bioware game, this has not been fixed yet. Especially when it was known about since july! Makes me mad I bothered to get the preorder to get early access. If I hadn't given them my money early I wouldn't have made it to that part till after the patch. I mean seriously, 5 months to fix a single, but LARGE problem does not seem too unreasonable to me. Granted I'm not a programmer, so I could be wrong, but if you really couldn't fix it in time, a warning as someone else mentioned saying something like "choose the DS flirt and your JK will be screwed" (and not in the good way) would have been nice!


Also for those saying just re-roll your JK. I do not have the ability to play enough to level my character to the same point in a couple days like a lot seem to. It took me over 2 weeks to get where my character is. and the thought of spending the next 2 weeks doing what I already just finished because BW decided fixing the bug for everyone was not a priority is enfuriating. That's like getting half way through a riveting and captivating 500 page novel and somebody saying "Oops. Error. You will now not be able to read all parts of this story unless you start over and re-read from the beginning." I challenge anyone to say that wouldn't piss you off!


Now for the disclaimers. I realize a game this size is going to have bugs, and that's both fine and acceptable. But for kriff's sake. Throw us a freakin' bone here. Even a rough guestimate when we might be able to continue our stories without this problem would be nice.


I also realise that not all bugs are the same and some require more work to fix than others. But they already fixed it for people who hadn't made the mistake of clicking the DS flirt option BW put in there. Is it really THAT much different to fix it for people who already clicked it that they can't even give us even a rough estimation on an eta? I mean really? I feel like we're waiting for the release date again.....don't really hear anything for a long, LONG time. :mad:


and as a quick recap....sad thing about this is, is i love most everything about the game. I really do. However, I enjoy exploring the romance options a lot as BW always makes them really fun to play. However, when your already stuck with mostly droids as companions (strike 1), and the really only romance option is now bugged by something they have known about for 5 months and still not fixed (strike 2), for god only knows how long, with no word when a fix might be coming out (strike 3)..... you people who don't care have to understand how we who do care might be a tad bit frustrated!


Rant over. Sorry all, had to get that off my chest as it's been buggin' (no pun intended) me for almost 2 weeks now. lol

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My affection with Kira is 2200 at level 24 and I haven't spoken to her on the ship in a good while... is it safe to assume she is bugged?


No, the bug occured after Nar Shaddaa, when you could do a DS Flirt option, after a quest called The Defector... Should be fixed for new Knights after the 27th, but you might want to avoid the Dark Side Flirt anyway, you can always use neutral Flirt options later on.


And to BioWare! Please, give us an answer soon!

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ok i have a question. I don't remember when i did the DS flirt. it was right around the 27th. can't remember if it was before or after the patch though. Now my JK is currently level 30 with around 4500 AP. I have also read here that you don't get the defection mission till after tat and alderaan, however I did it before both. My current standing is I only finished the main missions on tatooine. still working on alderaan. The "companion wishes to speak with you" icon appears randomly and then disappears with me never getting the chance to speak with her, so I assume i got screwed over with the bug. Is the general concensus though, that I haven't missed anything yet until after I finish alderaan?


If that's the case, i'm gunna start a new class till they get the dang thing fixed. Since i don't want to miss anything. Though I must admit I really don't want to since I want to continue my mains story and see it through to the end... :(


Warning: Ranting and Raving below!


In regards to all those saying the bug isn't a big deal. That's great for you! But for us JK who are stuck with mostly droids as companions, it's our only option (That I know of so far) if we wish to get the full effect of the story. And I really don't see, considering romance options are major parts of pretty much every big bioware game, this has not been fixed yet. Especially when it was known about since july! Makes me mad I bothered to get the preorder to get early access. If I hadn't given them my money early I wouldn't have made it to that part till after the patch. I mean seriously, 5 months to fix a single, but LARGE problem does not seem too unreasonable to me. Granted I'm not a programmer, so I could be wrong, but if you really couldn't fix it in time, a warning as someone else mentioned saying something like "choose the DS flirt and your JK will be screwed" (and not in the good way) would have been nice!


Also for those saying just re-roll your JK. I do not have the ability to play enough to level my character to the same point in a couple days like a lot seem to. It took me over 2 weeks to get where my character is. and the thought of spending the next 2 weeks doing what I already just finished because BW decided fixing the bug for everyone was not a priority is enfuriating. That's like getting half way through a riveting and captivating 500 page novel and somebody saying "Oops. Error. You will now not be able to read all parts of this story unless you start over and re-read from the beginning." I challenge anyone to say that wouldn't piss you off!


Now for the disclaimers. I realize a game this size is going to have bugs, and that's both fine and acceptable. But for kriff's sake. Throw us a freakin' bone here. Even a rough guestimate when we might be able to continue our stories without this problem would be nice.


I also realise that not all bugs are the same and some require more work to fix than others. But they already fixed it for people who hadn't made the mistake of clicking the DS flirt option BW put in there. Is it really THAT much different to fix it for people who already clicked it that they can't even give us even a rough estimation on an eta? I mean really? I feel like we're waiting for the release date again.....don't really hear anything for a long, LONG time. :mad:


and as a quick recap....sad thing about this is, is i love most everything about the game. I really do. However, I enjoy exploring the romance options a lot as BW always makes them really fun to play. However, when your already stuck with mostly droids as companions (strike 1), and the really only romance option is now bugged by something they have known about for 5 months and still not fixed (strike 2), for god only knows how long, with no word when a fix might be coming out (strike 3)..... you people who don't care have to understand how we who do care might be a tad bit frustrated!


Rant over. Sorry all, had to get that off my chest as it's been buggin' (no pun intended) me for almost 2 weeks now. lol


wait a minute, I don't think i've heard ONE person say it wasn't a big deal? well except maybe one troll in this topic, but you sound like it's a lot more than it actually is

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