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Turning off C2-N2's voice


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It might just be me, but I HATE going into my ship to have C2-N2 say something stupid!


It was amusing the first time it happened, but now, to have it every single time you run past him...it starts to grate. And to have him give the same stupid speech every time you send him on a task! Honestly, it grates the hell out of me!


Maybe we could fit a different voice box to him. Or just rip it out.

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Another Suggestion: please let us throw him out with an escape pod in deep space. With luck he might end up flying into a sun or black hole. With even more luck he will be "rescued" after a billion years and anoys whoever finds him. Trolling with patience!
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... i will not disappoint you. YEAH but you always do!!! now shut the front door!


Had a nice bounty hunter mission last night that was all intense and come back to the ship to hear some stupid remark just ruined the whole feeling

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Found a workaround... kinda. On my new toon, I never even talked to the droid to begin with. So he still has the quest-icon on top of his head. Now, whenever I run past, it only pops the cutscene which I cancel right away with esc. Annoying to do every time? Yeah, a bit. Less annoying than hearing his voice? Hell yeah.


Give us a mute for him already!

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He's C-3PO on TOR. How else are we supposed to get that Star Wars feeling without a pain in the *** droid? I feel very much in character hating him as a smuggler. :p


C3-P0 was cool and charismatic and quite fun. Both Imp and Rep butler droids are among most annoying things in the game.

Edited by Kid_Vertigo
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Since the droid is designed to make you roll your eyes when he speaks, I think he's doing a great job! Remember he's something like C3-P0, he has to drive us crazy.


I would like he's added more voice lines though. Something with quoting odds, etc. Just more variation would be better.


Edit: Ooops someone already mentioned the C3-P0 thing. But yeah. Just more lines would be good.

Edited by Raximillian
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I would be ok with him beeing a pain in the *** if everytime the other classes came back to their ships there was a wookie making a freaking long growl at them or maybe an astromech droid beeping for 30 seconds. Because seriously, I can't stand those anymore after watching the old trilogy in one sit


And to whoever said he was useful on missions, I used to think that too until I heard the bantha's ear speech for the 40th time.


Please, give him him a mute button D:

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Totally agree. It's supposedly MY ship... and MY droid... I should have the option to tell it to shut up and/or disconnect its voice circuits. Hell I'd even give up on it as a mission runner... just if I never had to listen to it again!
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He's C-3PO on TOR. How else are we supposed to get that Star Wars feeling without a pain in the *** droid? I feel very much in character hating him as a smuggler. :p


In Star Wars... intimidation worked just fine... how about the ability to threaten it with the junk pile if it doesn't S.T.F.U.

Edited by Dharst
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