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Guide: How to bridge the PVP gear gap for fresh level 50s in less than 2 days


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My current char will reach 50 tomorrow. I was thinking of just re-spec'ing to healer for a while instead of spending all my resources on gear. I figure that a healer will always be be needed and as long as I'm not being targeted I will be almost as useful as someone with a crapload of expertise. Edited by MidichIorian
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Here is further thoughts on my previous post. I took my own situation and will try to explain what might be the case. I am going to compare CHAMPION CHEST ONLY and try to dumb down the numbers as much as possible to keep it simple. Since Willpower is my main stat, I will cater these thoughts with this in mind.


Here is the baseline assumptions:

Base HP= 10k

WP= 100

Damage I/O= 1k

Expertise= 0

+1 Expertise= .028% (This is a value that I have not really confirmed, but from all my research its about correct.)


Ok, so lets take this chest armor mod (which is locked):



ED= +29 or +290HP

WP= +30 or +300WP

EXP= +46~ +1.288% DMG I/O


So given the base stats your toon would be:

NEW HP: 10290

NEW WP: 400

NEW DMG I/O: ~1013(Given) or 987 (Taken)- This is a 26HP swing or +26HP Effective HP.


I consider my HP swing to be +316HP total and +300 DMG output



Here is a LVL 51 Purple Armor I have from dailies:



ED= +34

WP= +48



So from Base stats here is what it looks like:


NEW HP: 10340

NEW WP: 580


I consider the HP swing as 340. It's effective 24HP(340-316) is the difference between the two. Plus a +180 DMG(580-400) output from my main stat which also mutes the rewards offered in increased damage output that expertise has (the 24HP Effective difference is really much larger than this because given the same attack base the 1180 attack (due to +180WP) is being compared to the 1013 attack + minut damage mitigation, as stated above.( :confused: well not really.....)



So.... I propose, overall, the lvl 51 armor mod has more effective HP and better damage output than the CHAMP LVL 56 Armor mod.


I also propose that if I take the LVL 56 mods/enhancements (since there is no way to craft or win them outside of PvP or Ops, and there are NO expertise attached to them)out of the Champ Chest and put them into my Orange Chest, and live with the LvL 51 purple armor mod, I will have superior stats than the Champ Chest piece. I might suffer some from damage taken as I will not be able to handle attacks as well, but I have slightly more RAW HP and better attack power, so it outweighs the damage mitigation expertise provides.


For the same reasoning, new 50's: If you can't group for the LVL 51 mods/enha on the heroics, get the Cent piece for your main stat and remove the Mod/Enha and put them in your orange gear.





Here is more things I think might be the case.....


Multiply that over the 6 moddable pieces I own:


24HP EFF *6= +144HP over Champ Pieces



Same thing could be said for the BM stuff, but the swing is between LVL 51 and 58 is more profound (to a point), and the set bonus makes a tough choice. So I guess the moral of the story is get Cent/Champ/BM items (that can't be modded) if they are better than what you have....



This is all perception on my part, but if BW allow crafted mods/armor/enha of Champ lvl or better (Cent pieces are already outclassed if you have lvl 51 purples from dailies), then they will essentially stop all PvP gear being "required" for high level PvP (which would appease the QQ about the armor gap, but PO people who already have their BM gear). If they go that route, they should open the Armor slot on all PvP gear (then the BM's could stomach the change, as they could increase their rating in a similar manner, but keep the bonus).


Are they really going to do this?




Sorry so long guys and gals, but what do you think...



Has anyone else noticed a "lockout" of PvP effectiveness.. I was doing my little speal and noticed that I have 3.41% and it does not move regardless of the EXP amount....

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10 hours of game play aigh to much, SWTOR released the average time played was 4 hours so wouldnt take many people too long to reach such objectives. i think that the pvp aims for commondations is an important point many of my guild have advised me to do the same, gettin one 50 bag and havein 1000merc and 1000 wz. its good just to get an insight to what is avaiable at lvl 50 and what to aim for once you see them
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10 hours of game play aigh to much, SWTOR released the average time played was 4 hours so wouldnt take many people too long to reach such objectives. i think that the pvp aims for commondations is an important point many of my guild have advised me to do the same, gettin one 50 bag and havein 1000merc and 1000 wz. its good just to get an insight to what is avaiable at lvl 50 and what to aim for once you see them


... you don't have to play 10 hours in a row



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What a great guide. Immediately after reading this, I set about purchasing a champ bag, then maxxed out my merc comms.


When I hit 50, I was able to purchase a few items. I got into an epic Ilum battle that dropped my fps to 5 at times, and earned my daily and weekly. That gave me enough to purchase a piece of champ armor.


Thanks again for this guide!

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Great Guide. As a relatively new player this helps alot.


And yes I click with my mouse too. Normally end up with 6 to 8 medals on my vanguard and top 3 damage if I am spec'd assault, top 6 if I am spec'd shield.

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Buying gear is a waste of credits. Within 3 days easily you can have full Centurion armor and relics and have enough tokens for champion level weapons . that's not including any lucky drops you get from opening bags and Champion pieces. Spending 600K on items that you'll only use for a day or two is a waste of time and credits.
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This guide was pretty useless to me.


I hit 50 with my marauder last Saturday 2/25.


I had 6 champ bags waiting to be opened.


In just over 3 days (after completing the weeklies twice each and every daily since, along with lots more WZ to save up merc/wz comms for more champ bags, I was able to fully gear myself in cent pieces and a few champ pieces.


Today, a little over a week later, I have a few more champ pieces (both sabers and relics) with exactly 600 expertise.


Gearing yourself up for PvP in this game is very, very, very easy.

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Great information in this guide, unfortunately it came to late for me, but I'm linking to it in my youtube video for new level 50 PvP players.


I'm giving all credit to this portion to AndantePhist so hopefully you don't mind my refrencing it in my video.


Thanks for the info, I direct all my new level 50 guildies here.


Here is the video if you want to watch (it's still uploading as I post this):



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