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  1. Great information in this guide, unfortunately it came to late for me, but I'm linking to it in my youtube video for new level 50 PvP players. I'm giving all credit to this portion to AndantePhist so hopefully you don't mind my refrencing it in my video. Thanks for the info, I direct all my new level 50 guildies here. Here is the video if you want to watch (it's still uploading as I post this):
  2. My understanding is it's intentional. I don't think it should be, unless the shield prevents 100% of all damage, but it is. If you have a shileded opponent its best to focus somewhere else until the shield falls. If you don't have that option save them for when the shield is down, and hopefully you'll have 30 fury by then so you can dot him up and make them all crit.
  3. I started recording footage of my PVP time so I could go back and review the film and hopefully see where I was making mistakes an learn from them. Since I had the footage and some software I figured I'd throw a quick video up on youtube. The first video covers my progression from Gladiator to Champion, while the second (which should be finished uploading by the time you read this) is all footage as a Champion. Disclaimer, I'm not the end-all-be-all Marauder, I still have a lot to learn and a long way to go, but I love the class and I have a ton of fun PVP'ing with it. Feedback is welcome even if it is negative. You won't see any monster crits, my gear is good for a champion but I'm not a BM so I don't have any of that gear yet. First: You can grab the second one in my channel on youtube they are the only two videos there. FYI i'm still not a battlemaster, I refuse to go to Ilum so I'm grinding through warzones I'm Valor rank 58 currently.
  4. You are a moron. I kill people who outgear me on a regular basis. Marauder is a skill class, yes gear helps, yes you need to have pvp gear so you get the extra damage output and extra damage resistance, but gear does not win fights. I drop people in BM gear frequently and I'm only mostly Champ geared. Learn to play.
  5. Please fix this, currently we have the worst tab targeting I have ever seen in a game. The suggestions made are great I have one to add, find a way to reduce the lag, I have tabed to a target and when it didnt target tabbed again only to see it flash on the target I wanted and snap to another target as I hit my charge. I have a very high speed connection and a very fast gaming rig so we are dealing with an issue on the server or with the latency on the network.
  6. The simple fact is Bioware should remove the temptation by giving you a 20 minute deserter debuff. As far as why you should stay? Because you contributed to the situation that finds you loosing so badly.
  7. Learn to play. I go up against equally or better geared opponents all the time and take them down. You need to be able to use your interrupts and understand when to stealth and get out. Anni spec has good survivability and frequently I take on opponents with twice my health and come out of the fight with no net health loss thanks to berserk's health regen. It was not always easy but if you work at it, and get over the early beatings you take wile you learn, the class is brutal.
  8. I'm with the vast majority here, we should have the option for hood up armor. I just hit level 50, although I have not yet finished my story-line quests let alone delved into any endgame content. I made it all the way through Voss so far. I've done every quest, every herioc, and almost every Flashpoint along the way, and the very best i could come up with is a combination of red and black armor with a skirt, a cape, and a shark fin for a helmet. The gear matches so that is good, but I look like the Emperor's guard, not only are the guard not Dark Lord's of the Sith but they are not even force sensitive according to cannon, so why would you make us look like that? I did not select Mara for apperance, but honestly I assumed I would not have to worry about it, when you think of sith you think of black robes and hoods. Sure there are masks, most of which are worn....under hoods. That being said, the original Sith, Darth Vader, had a mask and a cape, so I can almost see where they are going, but we should at least have the option. Remember Vader wore the mask becuse he had to, before he was melted and roasted he wore a black robe with the hood up. Personally I think they should just add an item slot for "robe" Give the robes no stats, and make their only use asthetic. You can wear one if you want a hood or leave it off if you dont. For the robe you should get a hood up or hood down option and that should be it. If you can layer a cape behind armor, you can layer a robe over armor as well. I'd be fine with armor that has a hood, as long as its black or at least dark in color, but a robe option would be nice as well, then you can wear regular armor and just toss a robe on when you want that "hood up don't eff with me or I'll cut you in half" look. Give me my robe, it's the one that says Bad Mother F***er on it.
  9. Nothing will happen it is now functioning as intended. The problem was not lowbies making big money, the problem was people taking a gathering skill and profiting without doing any gathering. I still make plenty of profit slicing, not nearly what it use to be, but plenty. I'd rather take a pay cut then deal with a broken, massively inflated economy.
  10. Are you level 10? I've never gathered a node with less than 150 in it, and in Nar Shadda my average was 300 credits per node with nodes all over the place. I play on a server with a que so its always fully populated and there are still TONS of nodes to gather. If you are doing your leveling exclusively though flashpoints that's fine, but you should not exepct to make money with professions if you level that way.
  11. I agree, thats either a lie or just very poor mission choice. I'm making about 1.5k profit an hour running level 3 and 4 slicing missions, keeping my companions constatnly out on missions. I'm making about 2.5k profit an hour from gathering nodes as I quest. It's not broken, you just have to work at it.
  12. This is an understandable complaint, it should have been fixed a long time ago, but frankly it would not have had as big an effect on the micro economy of beta, when compared with the macro economy of the actual release. The complaint should be that it was not fixed before release, at the same time you have to realize the problem was magnified a thousand fold when the game went live and the few who were making insane profits become the many, and every day were trending towards the majority. The author is correct, this would have broken the economy. And that is coming from someone who was making good money selling synthweave greens at horribly inflated prices.
  13. It is a gathering profession because you are supposed to make your profit from gathering nodes, NOT from running missions. Any profit from running missions should be very minimal at best. I dropped UT for slicing the night before the nerf, I kept slicing becuase I have made plenty of credits by just gathering from footlockers, lockboxes, etc while I am out in the world questing. Why do slicers think they should be able to make profit by just sending their crews on missions, when everyone else has to send the crews on misssions, then either use the returns to craft or manage inventory on the GTN in order to be able to profit. Don't tell me it detracts from your enjoyment of the game, if you are killing anything while you are "enjoying the game" then you are making enough to pay for your repair bills, everything else, cool gear, mounts, etc is a luxury that you are meant to have to work for. If poeple spent half the time gathering nodes that they do whining on the forums they would be millionares.
  14. Thats not unusual. For example, engineering in WoW allowed you to build 2 levels of flying mounts that could be sold, but only used by other engineers of the appropriate level and engineering skill (so no one bought them becuase everyone that was able to use them made their own). This is not WoW I know but it stands to reason and should be expected that it will be compared against it's competitors like everything else in the world. It is meant as an Item to distinguish you, something you have that most others cannot and will not, enjoy it for what it is, a mount that very few others will have. It's a reward for your profession. Also, if you read up on the item you are going to craft it will tell you it's BoP so you don't fall into that trap again. Eventually WoW would let you build the Mechanohog (chopper for Alliance), which was an epic mount that you could sell and anyone could use. It cost and insane amount of gold to build, but in turn returned an insane amount of profits. It took exalted in 3 factions and 12k gold worth of purchase only mats (you could raid once a week for 1% chance at a few of them), on top of 3k worth of gathered mats to build. I sold them for 25 to 18k depending on the economy at the time, I bet I sold 25 or so total. I mention that so you will understand that Bioware will likely allow you to build mounts for others eventually, but it will probably not be as simple as buying a schematic and crafting the item from mats you can gather. It will probably require many hours and hundreds of thousands credits (if not millions who knows when the economy stabilizes), to build. But in return the profits from selling them to the few who can afford it will be worth it.
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