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Guide: How to bridge the PVP gear gap for fresh level 50s in less than 2 days


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This post is misleading and not good for beginners. You don't need to spend money on anything. Within 4 days of doing dailies, you will have mods/enhancements/armorings better than you can craft.


Just go do dailies. If you waited until 50 to PvP, you can wait 4 extra days.

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I had thought that it was kinda obvious the only difference in orange items is the appearance, your saying not to buy the more expensive orange stuff, I totally see your point in that these are more expensive items for essentially a shell that can be upgraded, but if you see a piece with three good mods in it while your leveling, check the price of those individual mods, you might save money buying the item.


Why even bother buying anything? you can get alot of orange items for valour earned through warzones while leveling, I've got lower leveled pvp sets on my companions because of spare valour, first set is 20, first orange weapon (apart from starter) is 14 from the pvp vendor, then just use your planet commendations for the mods eachtime you fly to the next place, theres really no excuse for not having at least some good gear on a toon at any level.


That just leaves getting someone to craft you the good stuff unless your like me and are quite vain about how your toon looks and are hording different empty, orange jackets etc haha

Edited by Ealthan
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This post is misleading and not good for beginners. You don't need to spend money on anything. Within 4 days of doing dailies, you will have mods/enhancements/armorings better than you can craft.


Just go do dailies. If you waited until 50 to PvP, you can wait 4 extra days.


In 4 days of doing dailies you will also have 1 million+ creds...

Edited by AndantePhist
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It's a great guide on how to gear up at 50, and really what everybody should be doing, but sad to say, this does very little to close the gear gap. I say this from experience. I spent the first week @50 modding all my gear the Artifact 49-52 mods, enhancements, armoring, and hilt from the dailies, along with some equivalent Artifact belt, bracer, and off-hand drops from hardmodes. I was still getting facerolled by those who had Battlemaster gear. Expertise just makes too much of a difference in PvP. The only PvE gear I have seen make you even near competitive with Battlemaster Gear is the people in near full Columni.
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Good job man, nice thread for the community. Wish we could funnel more of the less informed players onto specific forum threads.













ps. Andante I remember the name clearly PvP days in the warzones when it had much to do with how many 50's we had on our side. Thought you were shadow though. Same guy ?

Edited by Stovokor
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It's a great guide on how to gear up at 50, and really what everybody should be doing, but sad to say, this does very little to close the gear gap. I say this from experience. I spent the first week @50 modding all my gear the Artifact 49-52 mods, enhancements, armoring, and hilt from the dailies, along with some equivalent Artifact belt, bracer, and off-hand drops from hardmodes. I was still getting facerolled by those who had Battlemaster gear. Expertise just makes too much of a difference in PvP. The only PvE gear I have seen make you even near competitive with Battlemaster Gear is the people in near full Columni.


Another thing you have to take into account is your class, some classes scale much better with gear than others (sentinels/marauders come into mind), while others need very little gear to feel powerful (Vanguards/Powertechs, for example)


I helped my friend gear up with what I provided from the guide on this Vanguard, we've played dozens of warzones, and he basically told me that there was no time where he felt like he was useless even though at this time of the game, most players we are cent/champ/BM geared, and my friend had ZERO expertise.


So class also plays an important factor, however with my guide, it should give EVERY class enough offensive power to be a threat to full pvp geared players.


Being able to be a treat to fully geared pvp players is a world apart from the frustrating experience people are experiencing where they feel like they can do NOTHING against pvp geared players.


I knew my limits when I didn't have my pvp gear, as a focus guardian, I simply tried to harm the other team as much as I could before I died, and I generally was satisfied with that.

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You can also have a full set of Expertise gear as early as level 45 by following this guide, but it mostly applies to people leveling through PVP.


Still get the Orange gear as it suggests, but as you PVP, use your Warzone commendations to buy the level 46 PVP weapons. These will cost you 580 Warzone Comms each, but they contain Enhancements with 25 Expertise which can be removed and used as early as level 45.


Depending on your class you can have as many as 9 different Orange items equipped at once, that's a maximum possible Expertise of 225 at level 45 from your Orange gear alone. It will cost you 5220 Warzone Commendations to achieve this, but that should be no problem at all if you're leveling through PVP.


My Sorc is level 25 and just now hit Valor 10 (haven't PVP'd on her much) and I already have 2/8 (Gunslinger and Merc are the only classes I know of that can get 9 items due to no Sentinel Orange Bracers) so it's very manageable while leveling to have a set ready at 45.

Edited by Tenthletter
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You can also have a full set of Expertise gear as early as level 45 by following this guide, but it mostly applies to people leveling through PVP.


Still get the Orange gear as it suggests, but as you PVP, use your Warzone commendations to buy the level 46 PVP weapons. These will cost you 580 Warzone Comms each, but they contain Enhancements with 25 Expertise which can be removed and used as early as level 45.


Depending on your class you can have as many as 9 different Orange items equipped at once, that's a maximum possible Expertise of 225 at level 45 from your Orange gear alone. It will cost you 5220 Warzone Commendations to achieve this, but that should be no problem at all if you're leveling through PVP.


My Sorc is level 25 and just now hit Valor 10 (haven't PVP'd on her much) and I already have 2/8 (Gunslinger and Merc are the only classes I know of that can get 9 items due to no Sentinel Orange Bracers) so it's very manageable while leveling to have a set ready at 45.


This would be good EXCEPT level 49 epic mods > lvl 45 blue mod with expertise.


People need to stop worshiping expertise as if it is a god stat...


Why would I recommend an inferior mod that is harder to obtain when they can just pay a cybertech 40-50k instantly for something clearly better (maybe not so clearly for those dead set on thinking its worth sacrificing 50 stat points for 25 expertise)

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If 50 stat points>25 expertise in pvp then what exactly is the point of expertise gear? LOL someone said earlier that Time spent in game should = power in game in an MMO and the pvp qqers dont get that. If experise gear is less than pve gear(read:MODS) IN PVP then I guess bioware doesnt get that either.
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If 50 stat points>25 expertise in pvp then what exactly is the point of expertise gear? LOL someone said earlier that Time spent in game should = power in game in an MMO and the pvp qqers dont get that. If experise gear is less than pve gear(read:MODS) IN PVP then I guess bioware doesnt get that either.


no... sigh


50 stat points > 25 expertise in the sense that a lvl 49 epic mod is superior than a lvl 45 BLUE expertise mod.


Also the reason why pvp gear is good is because they have more TOTAL stat points(when expertise is included) than their PVE equivalent.


Also the reason why people think centurion is a side grade to orange gear with epic 50/49 mods is because even though centurion has more total stat points than orange gear, a lot of the stats are wasted because they are not used in pvp like accuracy, whereas orange gear, you can place emphasize on the stats that makes your class most effective.


Alternatively you can optimize centurion gear to be better than orange gear by taking out the mods with useless stats like accuracy and swap for more efficient mods that benefits your class more...


...I think I'm going way over the heads of most people in the forums and am just wasting my time. Please tell me it ain't so...

Edited by AndantePhist
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I highly reccomend all players get biochem. Free stims 100-120 primary stat 40 power, reusable, 4k healing med pacs on 1.30 cd and 450-550 power adrenals 3 mins cd. Having biochem gives you a massive edge over those who dont.


True but they are making all the good bio chem goodies useable by everyone next patch, so there really isn't a point in going biochem now.

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True but they are making all the good bio chem goodies useable by everyone next patch, so there really isn't a point in going biochem now.


Yes but there reusable by biochems, so can affordably be used by players in warzones. As you stated most players only have what like 600k, so do not want to be spending credz on stims adrenals and med pacs, its the reusable side of biochem which makes it a must have for all pvpers.

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No i see what you are saying. Just tired of all the grind for gear is unfair qq in a game you arent meant to play for 6 weeks. I like your tips for fresh 50 alot and I wasnt trying to put down your guide at all. just made a new sig so all i have to do is /posted to all the qq out there.
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Yes but there reusable by biochems, so can affordably be used by players in warzones. As you stated most players only have what like 600k, so do not want to be spending credz on stims adrenals and med pacs, its the reusable side of biochem which makes it a must have for all pvpers.


No there will be new recipes that is reusable that will be useable by everyone.


They are the extotech medpacks and energized stims. They will be on par with rakata versions since the rakata versions will be nerfed.


So yeah... no reason to go biochem if the changes are going to go through.

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This would be good EXCEPT level 49 epic mods > lvl 45 blue mod with expertise.


People need to stop worshiping expertise as if it is a god stat...


Why would I recommend an inferior mod that is harder to obtain when they can just pay a cybertech 40-50k instantly for something clearly better (maybe not so clearly for those dead set on thinking its worth sacrificing 50 stat points for 25 expertise)


Because they're not inferior and for someone leveling through PVP (which I said in my original post) they're actually easier to obtain. You're selling Expertise short at low levels, and you're not sacrificing primary stat points (Str, Wis), you're sacrificing secondary stat points.


Expertise IS a God stat until you hit diminishing returns (around 400-500). Here, take my level 45 Blue Enhancements and your recommended 49 Purple Enhancements. Remember, this is Enhancements ONLY, not Armoring or Mods, as those will be the same.


Assuming 8 Orange items and all other gear/mods are identical you have the following:


8x 45 Blue Expertise

16 Endurance = 0 End

25 Expertise = +200 Expertise or 5%

23 Power = +184 Power


8x 49 Purple Crit/Surge

30 Endurance = +14 End or 1400 Health

15 Critical = +120 Critical or 5.3%

39 Surge = +312 Surge or 2.4%


Now, assume a typical level 50 geared this way has 25% Crit Rate, and 80% Surge BEFORE taking these Enhancements into account. Pretty easy to get with everything else Purple. Now assume 1000 attacks at 1000 damage each before these enhancements are applied (to make the math easy).


Offensively we get the following:

Blue Expertise

Crit = 25%

Surge = 80%

Expertise = 5%

750 Base Attacks at 1050 damage = 787500

250 Crits at 1890 = 472500

Total Damage Over 1000 Attacks = 1260000 or 1260 Damage per Attack


Purple Crit/Surge

Crit = 30.3%

Surge = 82.4%

Expertise = 0

697 Base Attacks at 1000 damage = 697000

303 Crits at 1824 damage = 552672

Total Damage Over 1000 Attacks = 1249672 or 1249.672 per attack


The Blue Expertise Set does not Crit as often, but does Crit harder, and also does more sustained damage with normal attacks. It will do at least 1.008% more damage than the Epic Set. Note that I did not factor in the 184 Power from the Blue Set at all (because admittedly I don't know how) I only used Expertise, Crit and Surge. The Blue set, without even looking at the extra Power it gets, still does more damage.


Remember, Expertise and Power affect ALL attacks, where Crit increases Critical chance (does nothing if you have auto crit skills for example) and Surge only applies to successful Crits, it does nothing if you do not Critical hit.


Defensively we get:

Blue Set

5% Expertise, or 5% reduction to all damage


Purple Set

140 End, or 1400 Health


This is debatable, but personally I'd rather have the 5% reduction. Ask any tank, or any tank healer for that matter, if they'd rather heal a target with a larger, spikier health pool, or a smaller more evened out health pool and they'll all take the evened out pool.


Again, this is for Blue level 45 Expertise/Power Mods (ignoring the Power) versus Purple level 49 Crit/Surge mods. Make the Expertise mods Purple 49 and factor in the Power as well, and you see that Expertise clearly pulls FAR ahead.


Expertise also ignores Trauma, the self inflicted Mortal Strike healing reduction that everyone has in PVP. I admit that I do not know enough about the healing model in this game to comment on that end of the debate.


Like I said, I'm leveling my latest alt through PVP so I'll have the Blue 45s waiting for me for free. I wouldn't suggest someone already 50 try to farm them at all, especially with the changes to the Bags coming so soon. But for people leveling up, there's no reason not to get them. What else are you going to spend your Warzone Commendations on after you get the 1k Merc and Warzone Comms?

Edited by Tenthletter
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This post needs to be stickied because the OP knows how to play, not whine about gear and gets the job done, unlike most people on my thread who kept wanting skill based PvP, whatever that is. Edited by Zhaker
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39 Surge = +312 Surge or 2.4%



312 Surge = 2.4%




I know you are trying to help, but please recalculate with correct surge values (I think you missed adding in a zero there or something)... I assure you the epic mods pulls ahead by ALOT offensively.


Also most people solo queue meaning they will not have a dedicated healer, meaning 10% more hp is better than 5% damage reduction. And even with an dedicated healer 1400 hp (roughly 10% extra hp) is better than 5% damage reduction, I'll explain.


If you follow my guide you will have about 15k hp(probably a bit more), but with blue mods, you have 13.6k hp.


13.6k hp with 5% damage reduction means you have roughly 14.3ish effective hp, while epic mods you'll have 15k hp so 15k effective hp. In order to make up that 700ish effective health difference, a healer will have to heal you for on average of 13-14k of your hp on EVERY engagement... highly doubful.

Edited by AndantePhist
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